Syria: Trade in human organs by regime forces thrives

The shit of Al-Qaeda.

He is on ignore, he has been there for a few months. I don't desire to destroy any of my computers. My blood pressure is high enough from my pain.
He is not worth the time to answer, he talks nonsense.

I dealt with the Assad's for years. I've seen first hand what they do. Bushra is the smartest of the lot, except in her choice of a husband. Things would have been different had she not been passed over because of her gender. Not great, but she is more rational and has spoken out about some actions taken by her family and husband. She is still an Assad and has a sense of entitlement and power. Most of her life has been in the presidential palace.

I can see where you are coming from, Aris. At least you are acquainted with the Assads while the Little Boy only dreams about his lover and will never meet him. However, he is still wallowing in his own excrement as other readers will see, and this mentally sick Little Boy even wallows in it in response to a statement you made on another forum. It sound like he is going over the edge., and viewers will wonder why the weirdo made such a ridiculous statement. The staff in the nuthouse is getting mighty tired of cleaning him up. Maybe they will start sedating him.
She has a big filthy Al-Qaeda yap. She never met any member of the Assad family and has nothing in her Al-Qaeda caricature of a life to share with us than lies and just more lies. Like you, she is the shit of Al-Qaeda.

Mentally ill people have thoughts of their own which don't mesh with reality. It is quite obvious from your sticking up for your lover Assad that you would really like to meet him where he could personally thank you for trying to show him in a good light even though he is responsible for the deaths of so many Syrian civilians. No doubt Aris didn't think it an honor of meeting him knowing what type of person he was. Even though you will not admit it, you wish you had met with him and his family some time in your life. If, by chance, he is ousted, he might take up residence in Germany, and you could attempt to meet him then if you weren't afraid that the police would be harassing you (as you claimed they did) when you got out of the nut house on a pass.
Even though you Al-Qaeda piece of shit can´t know where your whore in Al-Qaeda aris2shit has been and whom her met, you are adopting her clearly evident lies. It is clear that if aris2shit ever has been to Syria, she was caught in the act with Al-Qaeda or Muslim Brotherhood and that it was the government that dealt with her when she was flushed away like a piece of shit.

Looks like the Little Shit is still jealous of Arus knowing the Assads, Poor Little Shit will never meet his idol in real life no matter how many hours he spends defending him and no matter how hours he gives up sleeping doing so. Tough luck, Little Shit. Perhaps it is you who should flush yourself away in the toilet.

I can imagine the Little Shit stomping his while having another one of his hissy fits. He really must disturb the other patient in the room below his.

Why would anyone be jealous? The younger boys were brats.
Iraqis sell organs to overcome poverty...

Iraqi families sell organs to overcome poverty
Tue, 19 Apr 2016 - Iraqi families turn to organ selling to overcome poverty
Om Hussein is a mother close to breaking point. Along with her husband and their four young children, she is struggling with poverty like millions of other Iraqis. Her husband, Ali, is unemployed. He is diabetic and has heart problems. She has been the breadwinner for the past nine years, eking out a living as a housemaid. But she is now exhausted, and can no longer work. "I am tired and we cannot make any money to pay for the rent, medicine, children's needs and food," Ms Hussein said at the family's temporary one bedroom home in eastern Baghdad. Their dilapidated house collapsed a few months ago, and they have survived thanks to the help of friends and relatives. Her husband added: "I worked at everything you could think of. As a butcher, a day labourer, a rubbish collector. I would not ask for money, but they would give it to us. I would not ask for food. "I would tell my son to collect waste bread from the street and we would eat it, but I never asked for food or money."


Om Hussein​

Facing such poverty, Ms Hussein was driven to make a huge sacrifice. "I decided to sell my kidney," she said. "I could no longer provide for my family. It was better than selling my body or living on charity." The couple approached an illegal trader to sell their kidneys, but initial tests proved their organs were not healthy enough for transplant. Disappointment followed, and the couple considered taking a desperate solution. "Because of our miserable conditions we even thought of selling our son's kidney," Ali said, angrily, while pointing at his nine-year-old son, Hussein. "We would do anything but beg. Why on earth were we in this position?" The family did not go that far, but they said just the thought of it left them heartbroken.

The organ trade

Grinding poverty has made the trafficking of kidneys and other organs a phenomenon in Baghdad. About 22.5% of Iraq's population of nearly 30 million people live in abject poverty, according to World Bank statistics from 2014. Gangs, offering up to $10,000 (£7,000) for a kidney, have increasingly targeted the country's poor, making it a new hub for the organ trade across the Middle East. "The phenomenon is so widespread that authorities are not capable of fighting it," said Firas al-Bayati, a human rights lawyer. "I have personally dealt over the past three months with 12 people who were arrested for selling their kidneys. And poverty was the reason behind their acts," he said. "Picture this scenario: an unemployed father who does not have any source of income to cater for his children. He sacrifices himself. I consider him a victim and I have to defend him."

In 2012, the government approved a new law in an attempt to combat the trafficking of humans and organs. Only relatives are allowed to donate their organs to one another and by mutual consent. Traffickers then usually forge the identity documents of both the buyer and the seller to prove they are related. Penalties vary from three years in prison to the death sentence and judges, al-Bayaty says, do not consider poverty as justification for the deals. "It is very easy to forge identity papers. But the government will soon introduce new biometric identity cards, which are impossible to counterfeit," he said.

Business gone wrong
Iraqis sell organs to overcome poverty...

Iraqi families sell organs to overcome poverty
Tue, 19 Apr 2016 - Iraqi families turn to organ selling to overcome poverty
Om Hussein is a mother close to breaking point. Along with her husband and their four young children, she is struggling with poverty like millions of other Iraqis. Her husband, Ali, is unemployed. He is diabetic and has heart problems. She has been the breadwinner for the past nine years, eking out a living as a housemaid. But she is now exhausted, and can no longer work. "I am tired and we cannot make any money to pay for the rent, medicine, children's needs and food," Ms Hussein said at the family's temporary one bedroom home in eastern Baghdad. Their dilapidated house collapsed a few months ago, and they have survived thanks to the help of friends and relatives. Her husband added: "I worked at everything you could think of. As a butcher, a day labourer, a rubbish collector. I would not ask for money, but they would give it to us. I would not ask for food. "I would tell my son to collect waste bread from the street and we would eat it, but I never asked for food or money."


Om Hussein​

Facing such poverty, Ms Hussein was driven to make a huge sacrifice. "I decided to sell my kidney," she said. "I could no longer provide for my family. It was better than selling my body or living on charity." The couple approached an illegal trader to sell their kidneys, but initial tests proved their organs were not healthy enough for transplant. Disappointment followed, and the couple considered taking a desperate solution. "Because of our miserable conditions we even thought of selling our son's kidney," Ali said, angrily, while pointing at his nine-year-old son, Hussein. "We would do anything but beg. Why on earth were we in this position?" The family did not go that far, but they said just the thought of it left them heartbroken.

The organ trade

Grinding poverty has made the trafficking of kidneys and other organs a phenomenon in Baghdad. About 22.5% of Iraq's population of nearly 30 million people live in abject poverty, according to World Bank statistics from 2014. Gangs, offering up to $10,000 (£7,000) for a kidney, have increasingly targeted the country's poor, making it a new hub for the organ trade across the Middle East. "The phenomenon is so widespread that authorities are not capable of fighting it," said Firas al-Bayati, a human rights lawyer. "I have personally dealt over the past three months with 12 people who were arrested for selling their kidneys. And poverty was the reason behind their acts," he said. "Picture this scenario: an unemployed father who does not have any source of income to cater for his children. He sacrifices himself. I consider him a victim and I have to defend him."

In 2012, the government approved a new law in an attempt to combat the trafficking of humans and organs. Only relatives are allowed to donate their organs to one another and by mutual consent. Traffickers then usually forge the identity documents of both the buyer and the seller to prove they are related. Penalties vary from three years in prison to the death sentence and judges, al-Bayaty says, do not consider poverty as justification for the deals. "It is very easy to forge identity papers. But the government will soon introduce new biometric identity cards, which are impossible to counterfeit," he said.

Business gone wrong

Not at all surprised

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