Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
At least 635 people have been killed in a nerve gas attack on Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, activists at the Local Coordinating Committees told Al Arabiya on Wednesday morning. Other news sources cited lower numbers of deaths. Hundreds of others were reported wounded in the attack on rebel-held areas of eastern Damascus.

According to Al Arabiya, the activists at the Syrian Revolutionary Command Council said Syrian fighter planes were flying over the area after the bombardment. They accused the forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad of using chemical agents.

The news coincides with a visit to Damascus by a United Nations team of chemical weapons experts.

Activists from the grassroots Local Coordination Committee initially reported at least 30 bodies had been brought to one field hospital in Kafr Batna neighborhood a few miles east of central Damascus.

Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack - Middle East - News - Israel National News


And who does the world constantly condemn?:doubt:

Syria is a pack of lies.
Libya was a pack of lies.
Iraq was a pack of lies.
Etc., etc...

Same lies over and over and over from the same lying sacks of shit.

[ame=]The Panama Deception - TRAILER - YouTube[/ame]

That sounds similar to what people said in 1939...

We know how that turned out:doubt:
And what does that have to do with what happened this morning?:eusa_eh:

Syria is a pack of lies.
Libya was a pack of lies.
Iraq was a pack of lies.
Etc., etc...

Same lies over and over and over from the same lying sacks of shit.

[ame=]The Panama Deception - TRAILER - YouTube[/ame]

That sounds similar to what people said in 1939...

We know how that turned out:doubt:

Nice dodge.

Governments lie ~ I. F. Stone :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Syria is a pack of lies.
I saw some disturbing footage this morning of Syrians lying in a hospital on the floor, motionless with pale faces. I sure hope this didn't happen, I can't imagine how horrible and painful it is to die of chemical poisoning
And there have also been reports of rebels using chemical weapons. Trusting any information coming out of a war zone is a questionable practice.

Syria is a pack of lies.
Libya was a pack of lies.
Iraq was a pack of lies.
Etc., etc...

Same lies over and over and over from the same lying sacks of shit.

[ame=]The Panama Deception - TRAILER - YouTube[/ame]
isn't there a conspiracy theory section for people like you ?
And what does that have to do with what happened this morning?:eusa_eh:

Syria is a pack of lies.
Libya was a pack of lies.
Iraq was a pack of lies.
Etc., etc...

Same lies over and over and over from the same lying sacks of shit.

[ame=]The Panama Deception - TRAILER - YouTube[/ame]
isn't there a conspiracy theory section for people like you ?

And there have also been reports of rebels using chemical weapons. Trusting any information coming out of a war zone is a questionable practice.

"Trusting any information coming out of a war zone... "

So WHERE does information about a war zone come from, if not from the war zone itself?

Your logic is lost to me, sorry.
I saw some disturbing footage this morning of Syrians lying in a hospital on the floor, motionless with pale faces. I sure hope this didn't happen, I can't imagine how horrible and painful it is to die of chemical poisoning

And Obama's red line, where is it?:eusa_whistle::eusa_eh:
I saw some disturbing footage this morning of Syrians lying in a hospital on the floor, motionless with pale faces. I sure hope this didn't happen, I can't imagine how horrible and painful it is to die of chemical poisoning

Some news sites are running this story, cautiously, but others are downplaying it or -- Fox News -- not running it at all.

We should be careful what we credit coming out of the Mideast: these people lie like carpets.

Remember that in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood kept moaning for days that thousands and thousands had been killed --- that was not true at all.

Note that the UN Commission to investigate chemical warfare incidents just got to Syria YESTERDAY ---- and magically, there's suddenly a big chemical attack to investigate? At the very least you have to wonder about the timing, as the Syrian government knew the UN commission was coming in, after all.

At any rate, the Syrian government is denying any use of chemical weapons. My guess is that either the rebels themselves killed a lot of people as a false flag operation because they are desperate and losing and badly need the USA to come in, or else it's a big fraud: people acting it out like a movie. We know they do that in Hezbollah areas and in the Gaza Strip -- they have proven examples of them carrying on and shrieking and pretending adults and babies are dead and then you see them walking around smiling later.

I don't think any outside parties should get involved in any of this, especially with people who get excited and lie constantly. Let them settle their internal fights themselves. Syria has no oil, so it simply does not matter to us.

Even if we did get involved, all we can do is give them weapons to kill yet MORE people! How does that help anything?
I saw some disturbing footage this morning of Syrians lying in a hospital on the floor, motionless with pale faces. I sure hope this didn't happen, I can't imagine how horrible and painful it is to die of chemical poisoning

Some news sites are running this story, cautiously, but others are downplaying it or -- Fox News -- not running it at all.

We should be careful what we credit coming out of the Mideast: these people lie like carpets.

Remember that in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood kept moaning for days that thousands and thousands had been killed --- that was not true at all.

Note that the UN Commission to investigate chemical warfare incidents just got to Syria YESTERDAY ---- and magically, there's suddenly a big chemical attack to investigate? At the very least you have to wonder about the timing, as the Syrian government knew the UN commission was coming in, after all.

At any rate, the Syrian government is denying any use of chemical weapons. My guess is that either the rebels themselves killed a lot of people as a false flag operation because they are desperate and losing and badly need the USA to come in, or else it's a big fraud: people acting it out like a movie. We know they do that in Hezbollah areas and in the Gaza Strip -- they have proven examples of them carrying on and shrieking and pretending adults and babies are dead and then you see them walking around smiling later.

I don't think any outside parties should get involved in any of this, especially with people who get excited and lie constantly. Let them settle their internal fights themselves. Syria has no oil, so it simply does not matter to us.

Even if we did get involved, all we can do is give them weapons to kill yet MORE people! How does that help anything?

Agreed. At the end of the day, the only ones who know the truth are the ones that are there.
And there have also been reports of rebels using chemical weapons. Trusting any information coming out of a war zone is a questionable practice.

"Trusting any information coming out of a war zone... "

So WHERE does information about a war zone come from, if not from the war zone itself?

Your logic is lost to me, sorry.

It can come from independent sources or from the liars who started the war.

I have heard from a half dozen different sources that the official version (from the MSM) is a load of crap.
I have heard from a half dozen different sources that the official version (from the MSM) is a load of crap.

Are you saying you do believe in a government gas attack, or you don't believe in a government gas attack? Sorry, it's not clear to me which you meant.

I am interested to see that the major news sources, incl. Reuters and BBC, are running this, but not with a big splash; they are backing off it, awaiting independent confirmation.

The rebels DID falsely accuse the government of a gas attack earlier, apparently. Our government didn't find it to be true and so it didn't trigger any "red line."
I saw some disturbing footage this morning of Syrians lying in a hospital on the floor, motionless with pale faces. I sure hope this didn't happen, I can't imagine how horrible and painful it is to die of chemical poisoning

toast pale is consistent with the kinds of poisons used by Sadaam et al----
--the ones that produce a parasympathetic overload-----
It is HORRENDOUS---------excessive salivation -----uncontrolled release of
bowel and bladder----muscles twitching-----choking on excessive secretions
in lungs --------progressing to convulsions-----the few survivors are messed
up forever which is why the stuff was banned----way back around world
war I----------but it is certainly still used Remember that all important
"LIE" ------W M D ?? it was no lie------nerve gas and ----its evil cousin
nitrogen mustard gas------is A BONAFIDE WMD (are there still
people out there who insist that Bush said "ATOM BOMB"???"

I never heard him say that Sadaam had an "atom bomb_----or however
our poor pres mispronounced NUCLEAR

Sadaam had lots of nerve gases and lots of nitrogen mustard gas------
LOTS OF PEOPLE DO------pig nasser used nitrogen mustard gas in
yemen----sometime around 1960-----also in support of the
noble arabist cause ---------Nitrogen mustard gas has a noble
history-------the great and famous and noble GRAND MUFTI
AL HUSSEINI got the recipe from his pal ADOLF ABU ALI----
it was invented in the same place as was invented the insecticdes
that were conveniently morphed into-----nerve gases

Simply family recipes------a whole noble cuisine (of course none of this
stuff ever happened)
Why is Syria being attacked by outsiders.

[ame=]Why The NWO Hates Syria - YouTube[/ame]

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