Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

What is a load of crap ? The alleged chemical attack today ?

Toast --- the actress is talented She is,, obviously,, someone's
eva braun She did manage to recite all that crap without laughing

But ---we should all be happy-----just think-----the real reason that
Syrians are running away from Syria in droves-----is "outsiders" are
killing them ------for the sake of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT????? ---
run by the rothschilds and the Klingons--------and rommulens?
At least 635 people have been killed in a nerve gas attack on Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, activists at the Local Coordinating Committees told Al Arabiya on Wednesday morning. Other news sources cited lower numbers of deaths. Hundreds of others were reported wounded in the attack on rebel-held areas of eastern Damascus.

According to Al Arabiya, the activists at the Syrian Revolutionary Command Council said Syrian fighter planes were flying over the area after the bombardment. They accused the forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad of using chemical agents.

The news coincides with a visit to Damascus by a United Nations team of chemical weapons experts.

Activists from the grassroots Local Coordination Committee initially reported at least 30 bodies had been brought to one field hospital in Kafr Batna neighborhood a few miles east of central Damascus.

Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack - Middle East - News - Israel National News


And who does the world constantly condemn?:doubt:

I hate to say it but nobody is going to do a damn thing about this.
-----just think-----the real reason that
Syrians are running away from Syria in droves-----is "outsiders" are
killing them ------for the sake of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT????? ---
run by the rothschilds and the Klingons--------and rommulens?

You forgot the Retilians......where I live a young African ate parts of a family friend and cut off his head (I guess he was a head hunter as well as a cannibal) and when satisfied with his meal he threw the arms and legs in a local church garbage can.

Which apparently startled the church janitor quite a lot. The African told police that he did this because the world was being invaded by reptile aliens from outer space.

Exactly how this Reptilian invasion connected with his eating people was really not clear to me from the article in the paper.....

It may not have been all that clear to him, either.
I hate to say it but nobody is going to do a damn thing about this.

Why do you think anyone should do anything?

Syria is a sovereign nation; if they want to gas each other, or pretend they are gassing each other, why not? Enjoy. They've been killing each other for many months, they obviously enjoy it, why should we spoil their fun?

Syrians are openly and explicitly our enemies. There is no reason we should save any of them: the government hates us, and the rebels hate us worse!!

The fewer Syrians the better. Let them carry on as they are and have a good time.

I expect they are lying about the gas, anyway. None of the news outlets seems to believe them. Read how carefully they report that the rebels CLAIM this and that.
I hate to say it but nobody is going to do a damn thing about this.

Why do you think anyone should do anything?

Syria is a sovereign nation; if they want to gas each other, or pretend they are gassing each other, why not? Enjoy. They've been killing each other for many months, they obviously enjoy it, why should we spoil their fun?

Syrians are openly and explicitly our enemies. There is no reason we should save any of them: the government hates us, and the rebels hate us worse!!

The fewer Syrians the better. Let them carry on as they are and have a good time.

I expect they are lying about the gas, anyway. None of the news outlets seems to believe them. Read how carefully they report that the rebels CLAIM this and that.

I think our Military is already busy enough as it is to get involved in Syria and I agree with you for the most part, we need to stay out.
I hate to say it but nobody is going to do a damn thing about this.

Why do you think anyone should do anything?

Syria is a sovereign nation; if they want to gas each other, or pretend they are gassing each other, why not? Enjoy. They've been killing each other for many months, they obviously enjoy it, why should we spoil their fun?

Syrians are openly and explicitly our enemies. There is no reason we should save any of them: the government hates us, and the rebels hate us worse!!

The fewer Syrians the better. Let them carry on as they are and have a good time.

I expect they are lying about the gas, anyway. None of the news outlets seems to believe them. Read how carefully they report that the rebels CLAIM this and that.

I think our Military is already busy enough as it is to get involved in Syria and I agree with you for the most part, we need to stay out.

why do cynical gravity? you OBVIOUSLY did not see the very
elucidating video that Mr Tin posted up------watch it----it includes
a cute actress ------it is all about OUTSIDERS KILLING SYRIANS
you OBVIOUSLY did not see the very
elucidating video that Mr Tin posted up------watch it----it includes
a cute actress ------it is all about OUTSIDERS KILLING SYRIANS

I never watch the Youtube propaganda.......

But hey, if it has a cute actress, maybe I should. [:)
"But the Russian foreign ministry noted that the reports had emerged just as the UN chemical weapons inspection team had arrived in Syria, saying that "this makes us think that we are once again dealing with a premeditated provocation" BBC News - Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks kill hundreds'

OH gee---now it is all cleared up------"ONCE AGAIN" when was the last time?
----"A PREMEDITATED PROVOCATION" just who are the premeditators? ---
and what is their motive? Russians "thinking" Thanks for the insight,
sherri dear.-----just what do the Russian thinkers say the provokers-----
are trying to provoke?
Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ was ‘planned provocation’ by rebels

"Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” says Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich.“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,”*Lukashevich said in a statement on Wednesday."* Russia suggests Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels ? RT News

nothing like idiot sophistry-------"it happened at the same time...." "who benefited?,,,,,,
THEY DID...." For those who do not know---first page of logic for dummies ---

For those who do not know --anyone can make chlorine bombs----all they
need is some bleach--------Chlorine bombs do not cause INCREASED SALIVATION
and MUSCLE TWITCHING and CONVULSIONS-----death is by asphyxiation----
children most vulnerable My guess is that trying to kill lots of people with
chlorine bombs ------would take lots and lots of bleach and lots and lots
of time and lots and lots of bombs its nasty but not at all efficient

but lets make sure that we accept the idea that Assad would not dream
of killing people ------he is so like his daddy. Anyone know where he is
hiding now?
The time for the U.S or Europe to have any say or influence in Syria is long gone all we can do now is wait for some faction to come out on top and try and deal with the aftermath.
This is a horrible event in Syria. Just awful.

What we must decide is....will The United States be the official "World Police" or not?

I personally don't like our military being thrown into every 3rd world shithole in the world that has a civil war. It's going to bankrupt us in time.

Let China or Russia go into Syria. Or France.

Or...although the right wing hates the UN, let the UN do it, but use mostly non-UN troops.

As many have said, we're broke. We can't afford to be World Police. Period.
The time for the U.S or Europe to have any say or influence in Syria is long gone all we can do now is wait for some faction to come out on top and try and deal with the aftermath.

Or we can do what we used to do...what we should have done to Saddam...dead from unknown causes....
Yeah, I've seen the videos. Definitely a Nerve Agent. Guess they have crossed that "red line", yet again.

They've called your bluff Barry.

What are going to do? Wait for it to just "go away" like the IRS, Bnghazi and the like? You Sir, are indeed, an empty suit.

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