Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ was ‘planned provocation’ by rebels

"Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” says Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich.“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,”*Lukashevich said in a statement on Wednesday."* Russia suggests Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels ? RT News

Comes to think about it, it is kind of weird, that happening when the inspectors are there and all.

If those rebels were indeed behind it, its just as much as sick as if done by Bashar's regime.

Which still begs the question, why is the words quiet concerning Syria?

So what if they don't have oil?:eek::doubt:

What are you suggesting and who are you suggesting to do it ?

those who put "red lines" and babbled about "unacceptable" and "awful" war, and those who warned and threatened, should do something about it. The UN, the Arab League. The freakin' uncle sam.

There are more than enough people do do something to save those babies in Syria.
Comes to think about it, it is kind of weird, that happening when the inspectors are there and all.

If those rebels were indeed behind it, its just as much as sick as if done by Bashar's regime.

Which still begs the question, why is the words quiet concerning Syria?

So what if they don't have oil?:eek::doubt:

What are you suggesting and who are you suggesting to do it ?

those who put "red lines" and babbled about "unacceptable" and "awful" war, and those who warned and threatened, should do something about it. The UN, the Arab League. The freakin' uncle sam.

There are more than enough people do do something to save those babies in Syria.

What do you want them to do ? ( no one listens to the UN )
What are you suggesting and who are you suggesting to do it ?

those who put "red lines" and babbled about "unacceptable" and "awful" war, and those who warned and threatened, should do something about it. The UN, the Arab League. The freakin' uncle sam.

There are more than enough people do do something to save those babies in Syria.

What do you want them to do ? ( no one listens to the UN )

Then what is the point of the UN still existing?
Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ was ‘planned provocation’ by rebels

"Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” says Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich.“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,”*Lukashevich said in a statement on Wednesday."* Russia suggests Syria ?chemical attack? was ?planned provocation? by rebels ? RT News

Comes to think about it, it is kind of weird, that happening when the inspectors are there and all.

If those rebels were indeed behind it, its just as much as sick as if done by Bashar's regime.

Which still begs the question, why is the words quiet concerning Syria?

So what if they don't have oil?:eek::doubt:

What are you suggesting and who are you suggesting to do it ?

frankly we are screwed...we have to sppt. the rebels and then deal with them later when they are in the open as AQ, ( not that there is a doubt now) BUT the larger Geo-politcal picture says, we oust Assad first.

and we are backed into to sptting the generals in Egypt. This is what comes of having no For. policy except seeing the US as a force for more bad than good. This is why he sppted Morsi despite being warned over and over and over by history ( ala the Sadat assassination) and folks how had experience with them. Its like knowing ahead of time hamas would run gaza...............

Now hes getting the Jimmy Carter lesson, that there are forces in the world that need to be watched and sat on, and not by speaking minus the threat of active sppt. vis a vis machinations now under way in iran, syria and egypt (as to the MB) . Hes put himself and us, in some pickle.
those who put "red lines" and babbled about "unacceptable" and "awful" war, and those who warned and threatened, should do something about it. The UN, the Arab League. The freakin' uncle sam.

There are more than enough people do do something to save those babies in Syria.

What do you want them to do ? ( no one listens to the UN )

Then what is the point of the UN still existing?

so we
[Which still begs the question, why is the words quiet concerning Syria?

So what if they don't have oil?:eek::doubt:

If they don't have oil, they don't matter anymore than the Congo matters. Millions have killed each other in the Congo: but who cares?

As long as Syria doesn't have oil, same deal.

Let them kill each other. They like to do it, and it's a free world. Let them alone to kill each other. The fewer Syrians, the better off the world.
"As many have said, we're broke. We can't afford to be World Police. Period."

Once you've made yourself "The world's police", people start seing you as one, and when keeping quiet, you don't look too good.

We're all there is for "world police," but we only care about countries that MATTER --- because they have oil, or are likely to touch off wider conflicts.

Syria doesn't matter unless their conflict spreads, such as to Turkey, Lebanon ---- worse, to Israel.

Let's wait and see if it spreads. If they just gas each other, good.

Not all conflicts MATTER. African wars, for instance. They are barbarian savages, and simply don't matter. Syria is close to that standard, and we can hope they'll fight each other to a standstill, with or without gas, before it spreads enough to matter.
Comes to think about it, it is kind of weird, that happening when the inspectors are there and all.

If those rebels were indeed behind it, its just as much as sick as if done by Bashar's regime.

Which still begs the question, why is the words quiet concerning Syria?

So what if they don't have oil?:eek::doubt:

What are you suggesting and who are you suggesting to do it ?

frankly we are screwed...we have to sppt. the rebels and then deal with them later when they are in the open as AQ, ( not that there is a doubt now) BUT the larger Geo-politcal picture says, we oust Assad first.

and we are backed into to sptting the generals in Egypt. This is what comes of having no For. policy except seeing the US as a force for more bad than good. This is why he sppted Morsi despite being warned over and over and over by history ( ala the Sadat assassination) and folks how had experience with them. Its like knowing ahead of time hamas would run gaza...............

Now hes getting the Jimmy Carter lesson, that there are forces in the world that need to be watched and sat on, and not by speaking minus the threat of active sppt. vis a vis machinations now under way in iran, syria and egypt (as to the MB) . Hes put himself and us, in some pickle.

Can't agree: we have to support the rightwing in the Mideast, as Saudi Arabia is doing. That would be Assad in Syria and the generals in Egypt. We've bought and paid for a lot of these rightists, and hopefully we'll now get value for money spent, considering how they are going into chaos.
Comes to think about it, it is kind of weird, that happening when the inspectors are there and all.

If those rebels were indeed behind it, its just as much as sick as if done by Bashar's regime.

Which still begs the question, why is the words quiet concerning Syria?

So what if they don't have oil?:eek::doubt:

What are you suggesting and who are you suggesting to do it ?

those who put "red lines" and babbled about "unacceptable" and "awful" war, and those who warned and threatened, should do something about it. The UN, the Arab League. The freakin' uncle sam.

There are more than enough people do do something to save those babies in Syria.

None of us know the truth about these recent alleged attacks, not the full story about how many were hurt or killed or how or who did it. So, action on unknown events like these seems to me nothing but utter foolishness.
What are you suggesting and who are you suggesting to do it ?

frankly we are screwed...we have to sppt. the rebels and then deal with them later when they are in the open as AQ, ( not that there is a doubt now) BUT the larger Geo-politcal picture says, we oust Assad first.

and we are backed into to sptting the generals in Egypt. This is what comes of having no For. policy except seeing the US as a force for more bad than good. This is why he sppted Morsi despite being warned over and over and over by history ( ala the Sadat assassination) and folks how had experience with them. Its like knowing ahead of time hamas would run gaza...............

Now hes getting the Jimmy Carter lesson, that there are forces in the world that need to be watched and sat on, and not by speaking minus the threat of active sppt. vis a vis machinations now under way in iran, syria and egypt (as to the MB) . Hes put himself and us, in some pickle.

Can't agree: we have to support the rightwing in the Mideast, as Saudi Arabia is doing. That would be Assad in Syria and the generals in Egypt. We've bought and paid for a lot of these rightists, and hopefully we'll now get value for money spent, considering how they are going into chaos.

I disagree, we have no business contributing to the bloodshed
Word is our Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, skipped the emergency Security Council meeting according to the fill in on Hannity tonight

"U.N. council says 'clarity' needed after alleged Syria attack"

My guess is that everyone is slowly realizing the absolute worst imaginable:

The rebels gassed their own, and are trying to pretend it was Assad so they can get American and European support, because they are about to lose and are desperate.

That would be one of world history's worst atrocities. But that's Syrians for you: it wouldn't surprise me.
So many children dead this time.... the chemical warheads hit at dawn while families were sleeping....I don't even want to post pictures ...just horrible :(

And Obama plays golf.
"As many have said, we're broke. We can't afford to be World Police. Period."

Once you've made yourself "The world's police", people start seing you as one, and when keeping quiet, you don't look too good.

We're all there is for "world police," but we only care about countries that MATTER --- because they have oil, or are likely to touch off wider conflicts.

Syria doesn't matter unless their conflict spreads, such as to Turkey, Lebanon ---- worse, to Israel.

Let's wait and see if it spreads. If they just gas each other, good.

Not all conflicts MATTER. African wars, for instance. They are barbarian savages, and simply don't matter. Syria is close to that standard, and we can hope they'll fight each other to a standstill, with or without gas, before it spreads enough to matter.

The problem is that Syrian innocents (including children) are caught in the crossfire , how is that good?
Deleted Daily Mail Online Article: ?US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad? | Global Research

"As many have said, we're broke. We can't afford to be World Police. Period."

Once you've made yourself "The world's police", people start seing you as one, and when keeping quiet, you don't look too good.

We're all there is for "world police," but we only care about countries that MATTER --- because they have oil, or are likely to touch off wider conflicts.

Syria doesn't matter unless their conflict spreads, such as to Turkey, Lebanon ---- worse, to Israel.


Let's NOT!

Seriously? wait till it spread to Israel or Jordan, the only sane countries left in the area?

Are we waiting for an epidemic of wars?
"U.N. council says 'clarity' needed after alleged Syria attack"

My guess is that everyone is slowly realizing the absolute worst imaginable:

The rebels gassed their own, and are trying to pretend it was Assad so they can get American and European support, because they are about to lose and are desperate.

That would be one of world history's worst atrocities. But that's Syrians for you: it wouldn't surprise me.

I suspect that is exactly what happened. Another possibility, it was not even a chemical attack. I have read what chemical attacks cause, like sarin, n writings about Sadam' s attacks on soldiers in Iran. The descriptions of these attacks and their effects are not the same.

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