Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

"foreigner" is a relative term-------MORE IMPORTANT---is she an


for circe-----I will summarize-------"the syrian people would never
engage in civil war-----Syria has always been a completely secular--
entirely opened and completely just place----with a noble and
glorious history and all Syrians---regardless of ethnicity and/or
creed -----LOVE EACH OTHER-------people external to syria
are causing all the problems-------like the "WEST" and
zionists Sibel loves Assad ------ He is true and just and
noble ----just like his father

for more information-----you can easily find both christians
and jews of syrian background in the USA----- they may
not be willing to talk--------at least during the time of
papa assad----they tended to be afraid ---for the safety
of relatives "back home" -----well---by now there are no
more jews there----but there are still surviving christians

Outsider is a good word......I think the mot d'emploi these days is "Other." I really like that term. As in "othering."

Thanks for the summary --- a pro-Assad propaganda piece, I take it, and blaming the whole thing on America. [:)


"OUTSIDER" is mr. tin's word-----In general he uses it to refer to jews. ---
but he uses it in the same way meccaists use "KAFFIR" (the "khalb"
part is optional---like pepper) HOWEVER "outsider" has enjoyed a
very popular glow for decades. "outsiders" -----fomented the recent
civil strife in Iran----and in Egypt "outsiders" created the civil war between
east and west pakistan -- and "outsiders" (jews again) created the
cholera epidemic in the middle east in the 1940s

No one blames "the whole thing" on america------for "WHOLE THING" ----
thnk ZOG
Heading news sites 1 PM today: "If chemical attack proved, France says, nations should respond 'with force'"


That would be fine with me if France wants to invade Syria and quiet things down.

Syria was a French colony earlier and so they are the most responsible for it anyway!!

But that's not what France wants: France means, "Let's you and him fight!"

They'll want us to do it all.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, these Europeans.

now now-----we must not be ELITIST------just because
french girls maintain hairy armpits----is no excuse to
"U.N. council says 'clarity' needed after alleged Syria attack"

My guess is that everyone is slowly realizing the absolute worst imaginable:

The rebels gassed their own, and are trying to pretend it was Assad so they can get American and European support, because they are about to lose and are desperate.

That would be one of world history's worst atrocities. But that's Syrians for you: it wouldn't surprise me.

I suspect that is exactly what happened. Another possibility, it was not even a chemical attack. I have read what chemical attacks cause, like sarin, n writings about Sadam' s attacks on soldiers in Iran. The descriptions of these attacks and their effects are not the same.

really---how fascinating-----you read all about it-----so why not tell us if you know---
what do chemical attacks do and how are the descriptions of what the ones in
syria did-----INCONSISTENT with chemical attack?
The problem is that Syrian innocents (including children) are caught in the crossfire , how is that good?

Syrians are killing Syrians: how is that our problem?

Syrians cannot be killing Syrians-----you should watch Mr Tin's video-----
Syrians never kill each other---nor is there ever sectarian strife amongst
Syrians-------SYRIA was the most idyllic and opened and sectarian society
-since -------eve poisoned adam with an apple. OUTSIDERS ARE THE
Because the dead, if they are all really dead, were children and the old, it is more likely this was staged by the rebels themselves. They do this routinely. In Jenin the Palestinians dug up bodies out of the graveyard to increase the number of "dead". Terrorists know what buttons to push, if it was a real attack by Assad, it would have been on fighters. I have watched the films and there is one man of fighting age, shown a dozen or more times as if he was a different person each time. By parading photos of dead children, terrorists hope to excite sympathy in the west. Isn't it curious at all that all the dead are children or at least the vulnerable?

I hope it doesn't work. This has all the earmarks of an Al Quaeda staged event.
So many children dead this time.... the chemical warheads hit at dawn while families were sleeping....I don't even want to post pictures ...just horrible :(

And Obama plays golf.

Since noone, children or others, has been confirmed dead in confirmed chemical weapons attacks, its nice you are not posting photos of dead children for us.
So many children dead this time.... the chemical warheads hit at dawn while families were sleeping....I don't even want to post pictures ...just horrible :(

And Obama plays golf.

Since noone, children or others, has been confirmed dead in confirmed chemical weapons attacks, its nice you are not posting photos of dead children for us.

Be calm Skye Sherri knows ALL ABOUT chemical warfare---and its effects----
she read up. Sherri does not believe anyone died unless there is a
death certificate and a full autopsy report------keep in mind---before a complete
autopsy can be done------the brain has to be pickled in formaldehyde ----for ---
as far as I recall-----something like a week. Be calm Skye----nothing is happening--
We have the world of the Iranian foreign minister

Are you ready to discuss the effects of chemical warfare----sherri dear?
Because the dead, if they are all really dead, were children and the old, it is more likely this was staged by the rebels themselves. They do this routinely. In Jenin the Palestinians dug up bodies out of the graveyard to increase the number of "dead". Terrorists know what buttons to push, if it was a real attack by Assad, it would have been on fighters. I have watched the films and there is one man of fighting age, shown a dozen or more times as if he was a different person each time. By parading photos of dead children, terrorists hope to excite sympathy in the west. Isn't it curious at all that all the dead are children or at least the vulnerable?

I hope it doesn't work. This has all the earmarks of an Al Quaeda staged event.

I agree --- it looks staged to me. One photo shows a lot of children all laid out in a line. Well....if they were in their homes sleeping, wouldn't they be laid out as families??? Doesn't make sense to separate the bodies. They don't look dead to me, either: I think they were pretending.

I could be wrong, but we know how these people lie. I really take no interest in them; if these are people who gas each other, what can you really say for people like that? Let them get on with it and get off the planet. And if they are just lying as they constantly do, there is certainly no reason we should give them MORE weapons to kill each other with!!

Again, Assad's side hates us, but the rebel/al Qaeda side hates us MORE, so we'd be out of our minds to get involved, in my opinion.
ya know-----we can be cited for "OFF TOPIC POSTS"---the topic is
the middle east---------although----axillary hair is WORLDWIDE ---
GOOD NEWS-----my little dutch boy--boy---is in Israel right
now----so we ARE ON TOPIC

Well, thank goodness for that --- naturally no one would want to talk about anything except Syrians gassing each other, the crucial topic of the day and year, no doubt.
Seriously? wait till it spread to Israel or Jordan, the only sane countries left in the area?

I think it just did as of noon today...........

Blasts heard in northern Israel
Explosions are heard in northern Israel, near the border with Lebanon, as air raid sirens sound in the area.

Poor attempt to drag an attack of Israel on southern Lebanon
Poor attempt to drag an attack of Israel on southern Lebanon

Very likely. An attempt to distract people from the embarrassments of the faked-up gas business, and also to scare the world that the war is spreading into Israel and so World has to stop it and let the rebels win.

I don't think so. I think Israel can probably handle any attack as lame as that one.
Because the dead, if they are all really dead, were children and the old, it is more likely this was staged by the rebels themselves. They do this routinely. In Jenin the Palestinians dug up bodies out of the graveyard to increase the number of "dead". Terrorists know what buttons to push, if it was a real attack by Assad, it would have been on fighters. I have watched the films and there is one man of fighting age, shown a dozen or more times as if he was a different person each time. By parading photos of dead children, terrorists hope to excite sympathy in the west. Isn't it curious at all that all the dead are children or at least the vulnerable?

I hope it doesn't work. This has all the earmarks of an Al Quaeda staged event.

I agree --- it looks staged to me. One photo shows a lot of children all laid out in a line. Well....if they were in their homes sleeping, wouldn't they be laid out as families??? Doesn't make sense to separate the bodies. They don't look dead to me, either: I think they were pretending.

I could be wrong, but we know how these people lie. I really take no interest in them; if these are people who gas each other, what can you really say for people like that? Let them get on with it and get off the planet. And if they are just lying as they constantly do, there is certainly no reason we should give them MORE weapons to kill each other with!!

Again, Assad's side hates us, but the rebel/al Qaeda side hates us MORE, so we'd be out of our minds to get involved, in my opinion.

I agree, there are discrepancies with the footage. Unfortunately, the news that I get has blurred the faces of the children (and I don't blame them) but it makes a little harder to distinguish.

I have also seen footage of several men and women who DO exhibit the signs of a Nerve Agent. Where they came from, if the footage is real, is impossible to determine from this footage. Violent convulsions, foaming at the mouth, blindness, unable to breath or speak are the most common signs and "usually" Atropine is the only stop gap measure to stabilize someone until further treatment "might" be available. As a general rule, though, death is imminent.

I don't remember a LOT from my CBR classes in the Army, but I DO recall that you do NOT want to screw around with nerve agents. Nasty stuff.
I was told --- in Paris --- that this is really very sexy, hairy armpits.

It was a tall, blond Dutch boy who said this, quite some time ago.

So I guess I was the one who got put down........ [:)

I certainly hope that you have maintained PROPER--axillary
grooming since -------when I was very young----the axillary
hair came in ---bouncy and a bit curly----but I shaved it anyway---
more lately it is ---limp------so I still ruin my pits with a razor ---
now and then------later on in life-----the glorious adornment--seems
to wane---------ah well......let us not lose all hope. Did the dutch boy
have a dutch hair cut?-------my baby was blond----(now brownish) ---
I used to cut his hair DUTCH BOY STYLE-------such a cute little tyke,
Did the dutch boy have blond axillary hair? Shall we discuss leg
hair? bushy eyebrows?

ya know-----we can be cited for "OFF TOPIC POSTS"---the topic is
the middle east---------although----axillary hair is WORLDWIDE ---
GOOD NEWS-----my little dutch boy--boy---is in Israel right
now----so we ARE ON TOPIC

Could you please, with sugar on top, stop posting with "------" all over the place? That crap is hard to read so for the most part people wont bother reading it.

I tell you what --- I'll put you on ignore now and you can put me on ignore and then there won't be any problem. That way we can each write as we like without worthless no-goods trying to dominate us.
So many children dead this time.... the chemical warheads hit at dawn while families were sleeping....I don't even want to post pictures ...just horrible :(

And Obama plays golf.

Since noone, children or others, has been confirmed dead in confirmed chemical weapons attacks, its nice you are not posting photos of dead children for us.

if you watch the news, you'll see rooms full of bodies. now, I will be the first to admit I have become after all of the Pali false reports and pics and French TV vids that I would like some more verification other than the video of the bodies laying there.

The bodies do seem unmarked, they did not die by gunfire, ( IF they are indeed dead), so its difficult to verify, I did see them burying what appeared to be lots of bodies in mass graves.

They appear dead, I wish we had some bodies to autopsy.

frankly I don't know how to trust there since western journalists are scarce, American et al....BBC seems to believe it and they have assets there...*shrugs*

But as I said in an earlier post believing that assad used gas is not a leap. Its been done before....I am 50-50 right now.
Syria Army cannot be behind Damascus chemical attack: "Iran FMIran has dismissed claims accusing the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against militant positions in the suburbs of Damascus.“If the use of chemical weapons is true, it has definitely been carried out by terrorist and Takfiri groups, because they have proved in action that they refrain from no crime,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said in a late Wednesday phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu.*Zarif also argued that Damascus could not be behind the alleged attack given the Syrian Army’s upper hand in the battle against foreign-backed militants and the presence of UN inspectors in Syria.*“This criminal act has been carried out by terrorist groups because their interests lie in intensifying the crisis in Syria,” he added.*" PressTV - Syria Army cannot be behind Damascus chemical attack: Iran FM

thats a crock, if the UN inspectors aren't with every aviation unit or artillery unit they cannot know for sure.....

you seem to have no problem believing iran or Syria , Turkey they are playing their own game appears they have used them once already, so why is it so hard to believe they did it again or was the first incident al nusra too?

there has not been one report verifying via the french brits Italians the US that says al nusra has chemical weapons....
Because the dead, if they are all really dead, were children and the old, it is more likely this was staged by the rebels themselves. They do this routinely. In Jenin the Palestinians dug up bodies out of the graveyard to increase the number of "dead". Terrorists know what buttons to push, if it was a real attack by Assad, it would have been on fighters. I have watched the films and there is one man of fighting age, shown a dozen or more times as if he was a different person each time. By parading photos of dead children, terrorists hope to excite sympathy in the west. Isn't it curious at all that all the dead are children or at least the vulnerable?

I hope it doesn't work. This has all the earmarks of an Al Quaeda staged event.

I agree --- it looks staged to me. One photo shows a lot of children all laid out in a line. Well....if they were in their homes sleeping, wouldn't they be laid out as families??? Doesn't make sense to separate the bodies. They don't look dead to me, either: I think they were pretending.

I could be wrong, but we know how these people lie. I really take no interest in them; if these are people who gas each other, what can you really say for people like that? Let them get on with it and get off the planet. And if they are just lying as they constantly do, there is certainly no reason we should give them MORE weapons to kill each other with!!

Again, Assad's side hates us, but the rebel/al Qaeda side hates us MORE, so we'd be out of our minds to get involved, in my opinion.

I agree, there are discrepancies with the footage. Unfortunately, the news that I get has blurred the faces of the children (and I don't blame them) but it makes a little harder to distinguish.

I have also seen footage of several men and women who DO exhibit the signs of a Nerve Agent. Where they came from, if the footage is real, is impossible to determine from this footage. Violent convulsions, foaming at the mouth, blindness, unable to breath or speak are the most common signs and "usually" Atropine is the only stop gap measure to stabilize someone until further treatment "might" be available. As a general rule, though, death is imminent.

I don't remember a LOT from my CBR classes in the Army, but I DO recall that you do NOT want to screw around with nerve agents. Nasty stuff.

They have come up with a few NEWER parasympatholytics since the good old atropine
days-----atropine is the med for the field-----still-----but there are a few more
that bypass other problems----- people who die of the several different forms of
nerve gas do not necessarily die IMMEDIATELY----as if they were fed cyanide----
that kids are separate from adults is not at all unusual in triage------you remember that---
Nerve gas is not the only agent-----Nitrogen mustard gas is NOT a nerve gas----nor
is the up and coming CHLORINE GAS BOMB Conjectures as to "I KNOW WHY
IT WAS STAGED" are getting on my nerves -----especially "why would all the kids
be together" -----well ----because that is how things are usually done i the field----
the treatment of children is often a bit different from that of adults I am inclined to
believe that ----lots of people did die
I agree --- it looks staged to me. One photo shows a lot of children all laid out in a line. Well....if they were in their homes sleeping, wouldn't they be laid out as families??? Doesn't make sense to separate the bodies. They don't look dead to me, either: I think they were pretending.

I could be wrong, but we know how these people lie. I really take no interest in them; if these are people who gas each other, what can you really say for people like that? Let them get on with it and get off the planet. And if they are just lying as they constantly do, there is certainly no reason we should give them MORE weapons to kill each other with!!

Again, Assad's side hates us, but the rebel/al Qaeda side hates us MORE, so we'd be out of our minds to get involved, in my opinion.

I agree, there are discrepancies with the footage. Unfortunately, the news that I get has blurred the faces of the children (and I don't blame them) but it makes a little harder to distinguish.

I have also seen footage of several men and women who DO exhibit the signs of a Nerve Agent. Where they came from, if the footage is real, is impossible to determine from this footage. Violent convulsions, foaming at the mouth, blindness, unable to breath or speak are the most common signs and "usually" Atropine is the only stop gap measure to stabilize someone until further treatment "might" be available. As a general rule, though, death is imminent.

I don't remember a LOT from my CBR classes in the Army, but I DO recall that you do NOT want to screw around with nerve agents. Nasty stuff.

They have come up with a few NEWER parasympatholytics since the good old atropine
days-----atropine is the med for the field-----still-----but there are a few more
that bypass other problems----- people who die of the several different forms of
nerve gas do not necessarily die IMMEDIATELY----as if they were fed cyanide----
that kids are separate from adults is not at all unusual in triage------you remember that---
Nerve gas is not the only agent-----Nitrogen mustard gas is NOT a nerve gas----nor
is the up and coming CHLORINE GAS BOMB Conjectures as to "I KNOW WHY
IT WAS STAGED" are getting on my nerves -----especially "why would all the kids
be together" -----well ----because that is how things are usually done i the field----
the treatment of children is often a bit different from that of adults I am inclined to
believe that ----lots of people did die

I will defer to your expertise on matters of CBR. Hell, I was in Vietnam then civilian clothes (Counter Intel) so my memories of those classes are pretty worn.

You're right. All of the conjecture and gnashing of teeth concerning "false flag" operations and Russia claiming that "Syria didn't do this" is conjecture at best. Russia is a staunch ally of Syria. What else would they say? The rest of this "false flag" conspiracy stuff is straight off MSNBC.

Not saying this wasn't a setup, I don't know. Neither does Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow. Hell, I highly doubt that NSA, NRO, CIA, DIA, FBI, or the military has a handle on it yet.

My gut tells me that something "isn't quite right" here, though.
I agree, there are discrepancies with the footage. Unfortunately, the news that I get has blurred the faces of the children (and I don't blame them) but it makes a little harder to distinguish.

I have also seen footage of several men and women who DO exhibit the signs of a Nerve Agent. Where they came from, if the footage is real, is impossible to determine from this footage. Violent convulsions, foaming at the mouth, blindness, unable to breath or speak are the most common signs and "usually" Atropine is the only stop gap measure to stabilize someone until further treatment "might" be available. As a general rule, though, death is imminent.

I don't remember a LOT from my CBR classes in the Army, but I DO recall that you do NOT want to screw around with nerve agents. Nasty stuff.

They have come up with a few NEWER parasympatholytics since the good old atropine
days-----atropine is the med for the field-----still-----but there are a few more
that bypass other problems----- people who die of the several different forms of
nerve gas do not necessarily die IMMEDIATELY----as if they were fed cyanide----
that kids are separate from adults is not at all unusual in triage------you remember that---
Nerve gas is not the only agent-----Nitrogen mustard gas is NOT a nerve gas----nor
is the up and coming CHLORINE GAS BOMB Conjectures as to "I KNOW WHY
IT WAS STAGED" are getting on my nerves -----especially "why would all the kids
be together" -----well ----because that is how things are usually done i the field----
the treatment of children is often a bit different from that of adults I am inclined to
believe that ----lots of people did die

I will defer to your expertise on matters of CBR. Hell, I was in Vietnam then civilian clothes (Counter Intel) so my memories of those classes are pretty worn.

You're right. All of the conjecture and gnashing of teeth concerning "false flag" operations and Russia claiming that "Syria didn't do this" is conjecture at best. Russia is a staunch ally of Syria. What else would they say? The rest of this "false flag" conspiracy stuff is straight off MSNBC.

Not saying this wasn't a setup, I don't know. Neither does Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow. Hell, I highly doubt that NSA, NRO, CIA, DIA, FBI, or the military has a handle on it yet.

My gut tells me that something "isn't quite right" here, though.

My gut tells me that no matter what caused what ----there are going
to be some people around to HAM IT UP ------lots of INTEREST
groups over there-----running over the same spaces and the same bodies

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