Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.
Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.

Wrong side is an understatement---America is still reeling from the effects of an Al Qaeda attack that occurred over ten years ago---and now there are people on both sides of the aisle that want to give them more weapons. Is there an idea that could possibly any crazier ?

While we have TSA agents frisking Americans before they can fly, we are handing Al Qaeda weapons ? WTF
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Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.

If it was the rebels, why would the Syrian government prevent the UN goons from investigating and disclosing such?

Circe----you are displaying naivete-------your sense that "UN INSPECTORS"
are ALL OVER THE PLACE-----is really silly
Okay many of us, many of us leaning either right or left, DO believe that OUR LEADERS are not working in our interests.

Many of us recognize that nationhood is under attack and that the NWO seems to be developing more and more power though corporate and monetary manipulation.

But when an ARAB tells us this, far too many of us assume that in THEIR case, the Western forces are on our side?


You guys DO know, don't you that Momar Ghadffi and Saddam Hussien were BOTH working to replace US PETRO DOLLARS with some other monetary sytem, right?

Where are those guys now?

Oh yeah, that's right, both of them (for a time both considered allies) became war criminal leaders that had to be removed.

How convenient for the WESTERN CENTRAL BANKSTER CABAL that those guys choose to become war criminals, eh?

That certainly scotched their plans to ge the world's economy off the USD.
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While we have TSA agents frisking Americans before they can fly, we are handing Al Qaeda weapons ? WTF

Yeah, really. Well said.

I guess what's-his-face in the White House is listening to all this disillusionment:

Reuters, today:

Obama says he won't rush into costly new war in Syria

By Erika Solomon

BEIRUT - President Barack Obama called the apparent gassing of hundreds of Syrian civilians a "big event of grave concern" but stressed that he would not rush to mire Americans in a costly new war.
Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.

If it was the rebels, why would the Syrian government prevent the UN goons from investigating and disclosing such?


They wouldn't, good point. I assume it's the rebels preventing the UN inspectors from walking the 5 miles. It would be embarrassing if they find Tuesdays "corpses" running around and playing soccer.
Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.

If it was the rebels, why would the Syrian government prevent the UN goons from investigating and disclosing such?


I don't even trust the UN goons. Why should Syria ?
Circe----you are displaying naivete-------your sense that "UN INSPECTORS"
are ALL OVER THE PLACE-----is really silly

They aren't all over the place ----- they are five to ten miles from the alleged gassing, according to all the news media yesterday. In a hotel.

I don't know why you would call that silly: that's what multiple news sites are reporting. The question is, why don't they go to the site of the alleged gassing, and who is preventing them?

The only possible alternatives:

1. The rebels are preventing them, because it never happened, or else they gassed their own; or

2. The Assad forces are preventing them, because they don't want the world to find out they really did it after all.
Circe----you are displaying naivete-------your sense that "UN INSPECTORS"
are ALL OVER THE PLACE-----is really silly

They aren't all over the place ----- they are five to ten miles from the alleged gassing, according to all the news media yesterday. In a hotel.

I don't know why you would call that silly: that's what multiple news sites are reporting. The question is, why don't they go to the site of the alleged gassing, and who is preventing them?

The only possible alternatives:

1. The rebels are preventing them, because it never happened, or else they gassed their own; or

2. The Assad forces are preventing them, because they don't want the world to find out they really did it after all.

Oh----here is my take on it-------getting nerve gas around is not all that
complex It does not require planes and tanks ----same is true of
chlorine gas bombs-------all of them came be exploded like car bombs----
here and there a few in an area of a mile radius can easily knock out hundreds of
people-------somewhere---over there----a mile away

Right now-----someone could explode a chlorine gas bomb in my local
supermarket------and disappear -------

with a bit of planning------the whole event can just happen-----and be
encircled and outsiders excluded

(I have a sudden urge to check my local supermarket)
Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.

from what I read the UN has permission from assad to go to only 3 places and that wasn't or isn't obviously one of them.
Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.

Wrong side is an understatement---America is still reeling from the effects of an Al Qaeda attack that occurred over ten years ago---and now there are people on both sides of the aisle that want to give them more weapons. Is there an idea that could possibly any crazier ?

While we have TSA agents frisking Americans before they can fly, we are handing Al Qaeda weapons ? WTF

I don't think we have given al nusra any yet, or any of the other assorted militias fighting assad, we have given them 'other' support..what that is exactly, I don't know.
White House: Poison gas attack in Syria would threaten US national security
By Julian Pecquet - 08/23/13


“In this situation, when there are weapons of mass destruction involved — or when there is evidence that weapons of mass destruction may be involved — that would have an impact on the calculus about the impact that this has on our national security,” Earnest said. “Ultimately, that is the criteria that the president will use as he evaluates the best course of action in this situation, that is the best interests of national security.”

“The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and in this case there’s some evidence for that, it’s certainly something that the president is very concerned about. And it does have significant implications for our national security,” Earnest said.

White House: Poison gas attack in Syria would threaten US national security - The Hill's Global Affairs

so, all of a sudden Syrian use of wmd on its own citizens is a US nation security risk? wtf?
Iran has had watered down sanctions running for a couple of years, I guess they don't rate..I don't seem to recall us saying same of that situation, have we?

This admin. is just out of it. They are so turned around and flummoxed, confusion is all I see.....
Very mysterious that the supposedly gassed area is only 5-10 miles from the hotel of the UN commission, but somehow they just can't get there.

Shooooo....if they really wanted to get there, they could WALK.

My guess is that this is faked-up and that it will not bring Obama in to help these lying rebels.

From the point of view of American interests, of course, all the rebels in all the civil wars of Arab Spring are worse than the rightwing dictators. They are all Islamists and they are all the wrong side for us.

Wrong side is an understatement---America is still reeling from the effects of an Al Qaeda attack that occurred over ten years ago---and now there are people on both sides of the aisle that want to give them more weapons. Is there an idea that could possibly any crazier ?

While we have TSA agents frisking Americans before they can fly, we are handing Al Qaeda weapons ? WTF

I don't think we have given al nusra any yet, or any of the other assorted militias fighting assad, we have given them 'other' support..what that is exactly, I don't know.

Well ultimately it gets to the point to where only a few people know exactly what is being given to whom. The rest of us have to wait for the truth to seep out. Either way, I continue my opposition to supplying any weapons to any of the factions involved in this fighting until I hear any new evidence that this conflict is worth American involvement.
I don't think we have given al nusra any yet, or any of the other assorted militias fighting assad, we have given them 'other' support..what that is exactly, I don't know.

Zilch, according to what I read yesterday --- we said we'd give the rebels weapons after the supposed Assad gas attacks in April, but actually, according to the article, nothing was ever delivered.

The problem is, there are no good guys in this civil war. Best to just stay well out of it. I sure hope we do.
Wrong side is an understatement---America is still reeling from the effects of an Al Qaeda attack that occurred over ten years ago---and now there are people on both sides of the aisle that want to give them more weapons. Is there an idea that could possibly any crazier ?

While we have TSA agents frisking Americans before they can fly, we are handing Al Qaeda weapons ? WTF

I don't think we have given al nusra any yet, or any of the other assorted militias fighting assad, we have given them 'other' support..what that is exactly, I don't know.

Well ultimately it gets to the point to where only a few people know exactly what is being given to whom. The rest of us have to wait for the truth to seep out. Either way, I continue my opposition to supplying any weapons to any of the factions involved in this fighting until I hear any new evidence that this conflict is worth American involvement.

I don't think we have given al nusra any yet, or any of the other assorted militias fighting assad, we have given them 'other' support..what that is exactly, I don't know.

Zilch, according to what I read yesterday --- we said we'd give the rebels weapons after the supposed Assad gas attacks in April, but actually, according to the article, nothing was ever delivered.

The problem is, there are no good guys in this civil war. Best to just stay well out of it. I sure hope we do.

Look, geo-politics is game that requires thinking ahead, grand strategically not tactically, we need to handle the bigger threat and with the events as they are presented now, to get ahead of and get ahead IN the future. Living in the now is a fools errand.

Iran is the key, they will get nukes, we all know this. We need to put them in check sooner while we have an opportunity now, which means allowing the rebels to strangle assad now and beat up on Hezbollah. It’s a 2 fer, and at the same time it helps keep Iraq from their orbit.

We can deal with the rebels/AQ later, that threat even 5 years out is manageable. Ideally Syria will fragment with an alawite enclave ( its already heavily populated by alawites) on the northern coast and mountainous area, that will absorb rebel energies for several years, Russia will sppt. assad if he makes that move.

If assad/Syria wins, Hezbollah wins, Iran wins, Iraq et al lose.

If Egypt remains in turmoil and Iran gets the bomb too, the Sauds may pursue their own nuclear weapons or lay down to Iran until they do…….this is why the Iraq war, in retrospect was perhaps grand tactically a ‘win’, it was a strategic blunder of the first order, removing the only ‘hard power’ opposition to Iran was ill advised to say the least. Of course we didn’t see that 10 years ago;)….
I don't think we have given al nusra any yet, or any of the other assorted militias fighting assad, we have given them 'other' support..what that is exactly, I don't know.

Well ultimately it gets to the point to where only a few people know exactly what is being given to whom. The rest of us have to wait for the truth to seep out. Either way, I continue my opposition to supplying any weapons to any of the factions involved in this fighting until I hear any new evidence that this conflict is worth American involvement.

I don't think we have given al nusra any yet, or any of the other assorted militias fighting assad, we have given them 'other' support..what that is exactly, I don't know.

Zilch, according to what I read yesterday --- we said we'd give the rebels weapons after the supposed Assad gas attacks in April, but actually, according to the article, nothing was ever delivered.

The problem is, there are no good guys in this civil war. Best to just stay well out of it. I sure hope we do.

Look, geo-politics is game that requires thinking ahead, grand strategically not tactically, we need to handle the bigger threat and with the events as they are presented now, to get ahead of and get ahead IN the future. Living in the now is a fools errand.

Iran is the key, they will get nukes, we all know this. We need to put them in check sooner while we have an opportunity now, which means allowing the rebels to strangle assad now and beat up on Hezbollah. It’s a 2 fer, and at the same time it helps keep keep Iraq from their orbit.

We can deal with the rebels/AQ later, that threat even 5 years out is manageable. Idally Syria will fragment with an alawite enclave ( its already heavily populated by alawites) on the northern coast and mountainous area, that will absorb rebel energies for several years, Russia will sppt. assad if he makes that move.

If assad/Syria wins, Hezbollah wins, Iran wins, Iraq et al lose.

If Egypt remains in turmoil and Iran gets the bomb too, the Sauds may pursue their own nuclear weapons or lay down to Iran until they do…….this is why the Iraq war, in retrospect was perhaps grand tactically a ‘win’, it was a strategic blunder of the first order, removing the only ‘hard power’ opposition to Iran was ill advised to say the least. Of course we didn’t see that 10 years ago;)….

:lol: Right----no one had a clue that all hell would break loose in the Muslim world if Iraq was beheaded.
Well ultimately it gets to the point to where only a few people know exactly what is being given to whom. The rest of us have to wait for the truth to seep out. Either way, I continue my opposition to supplying any weapons to any of the factions involved in this fighting until I hear any new evidence that this conflict is worth American involvement.

Zilch, according to what I read yesterday --- we said we'd give the rebels weapons after the supposed Assad gas attacks in April, but actually, according to the article, nothing was ever delivered.

The problem is, there are no good guys in this civil war. Best to just stay well out of it. I sure hope we do.

Look, geo-politics is game that requires thinking ahead, grand strategically not tactically, we need to handle the bigger threat and with the events as they are presented now, to get ahead of and get ahead IN the future. Living in the now is a fools errand.

Iran is the key, they will get nukes, we all know this. We need to put them in check sooner while we have an opportunity now, which means allowing the rebels to strangle assad now and beat up on Hezbollah. It’s a 2 fer, and at the same time it helps keep keep Iraq from their orbit.

We can deal with the rebels/AQ later, that threat even 5 years out is manageable. Idally Syria will fragment with an alawite enclave ( its already heavily populated by alawites) on the northern coast and mountainous area, that will absorb rebel energies for several years, Russia will sppt. assad if he makes that move.

If assad/Syria wins, Hezbollah wins, Iran wins, Iraq et al lose.

If Egypt remains in turmoil and Iran gets the bomb too, the Sauds may pursue their own nuclear weapons or lay down to Iran until they do…….this is why the Iraq war, in retrospect was perhaps grand tactically a ‘win’, it was a strategic blunder of the first order, removing the only ‘hard power’ opposition to Iran was ill advised to say the least. Of course we didn’t see that 10 years ago;)….

:lol: Right----no one had a clue that all hell would break loose in the Muslim world if Iraq was beheaded.

I can't tell if thats sarcasm or not;)

of all the reasons not to invade iraq that was the last one considered...don't confuse general angst fo dropping saddam with letting Iran run the shoppe there, loose, we thought we'd have a fairly substantial force left in iraq to prevent their getting caught in irans orbit, iran uses their airspace to supply their special forces and military al quds force in Syria etc....thats on obama.
That whole region is imploding. Biblical times indeed



Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

-William Butler Yeats

Biblical times, indeed.............

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