Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

^ Does Iran have to import fuel as well? Are we talking about fuel for nuclear reactors?

Apparently so --- they have to import gasoline because they have essentially no refineries.

As for nuclear fuel....they are making their own. That's sort of been the bone of contention for some years now.

I'm not talking about nuclear issues. I'm talking about the Mideast going up in smoke all around, and that seems to me to be because they don't have enough food and gasoline to supply their people and don't have money enough to keep up the heavy subsidies they've been doing in these countries. Basically, no where in Sandland are they self-supporting. So if they don't have oil, or if they machine-gun tourists, they've got a food problem.

Then the people riot. They need to quit having babies, but these Muslims won't ever be able to figure that out.
Unlikely, but Russia may enter on Syria's side in a proxy war.
A lot like Vietnam.
Syria, is a line the Russians have drawn in the sand and told us not to cross it.

They have two warships parked in Syrian ports and are conducting large scale naval operations in that area. US officials have already stated they are the largest military operations they've ever seen the Russians do.

Russia has made it clear to Washington (and at the UN), that they will not allow Syria to fall under NATO's sphere of influence.

How much clearer can they make it?

Or are you one of those people, who believe we can do whatever we feel like around the world, until the ICBM's start dropping in Podunk, Iowa?
Russia has made it clear to Washington (and at the UN), that they will not allow Syria to fall under NATO's sphere of influence.

How much clearer can they make it?

Or are you one of those people, who believe we can do whatever we feel like around the world, until the ICBM's start dropping in Podunk, Iowa?

Good point. The Russians are no longer capable of fielding ICBMs targeted at Iowa, but still, it's another reason to wonder if this could rapidly get out of control and start WWIII.
I am surprised that Iran does not have refineries. This country manufactures weapons like missiles and submarines which require more sophistication than oil refineries.
There will be no ground forces. US and NATO will hit some Syrian targets by air (with the help and blessing of neighboring Arab countries) and take out their air capabilities, and from there maintain a no fly zone over Syria just like Iraq. This will give the rebels some advantage and further drag the civil war for many years to come. After that, nobody knows. Maybe the collapse of Iran's Islamic regime will bring about the collapse of Assad and Hezbollah.
Nothing at all will happen until the UN completes the investigation. Both sides are pointing fingers about using chemical weapons, Syria just can't sem to produce soldiers that were affected by a direct use.
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Good point. The Russians are no longer capable of fielding ICBMs targeted at Iowa, but still, it's another reason to wonder if this could rapidly get out of control and start WWIII.
Umm............I don't know if anyone has told you this yet, but when the Soviet Union collapsed into oblivian, they kept their military. That hasn't changed. The ICBM's are still there and are still targeted to this country. Russia has the ability to barbacue every inch of the good ole' United States of America, in less than a half-hour.
There will be no ground forces. US and NATO will hit some Syrian targets by air (with the help and blessing of neighboring Arab countries) and take out their air capabilities, and from there maintain a no fly zone over Syria just like Iraq. This will give the rebels some advantage and further drag the civil war for many years to come. After that, nobody knows. Maybe the collapse of Iran's Islamic regime will bring about the collapse of Assad and Hezbollah.
So you are pro-rebel forces in Syria?
Supposedly because Syria is using WMDs. Deja Vu anyone? It's 2003 all over again.

According to the opposition and Israel, the Syrian government is gassing people.
According to the Syrian government; extremist elements are gassing their own people and blaming the Syrian government.

The only thing lacking here is verifiable truth so, in my humble opinion, you can't go to war on rumours.

I should make my opinion of groups in Syria clear.
The government are a bunch of pillocks but the opposition has even worse people in there.
It's very clear, there are some serious extremist elements fighting for control of the place so I can't support them either.

All this foreign interference in a war that can't possibly effect the potential interfering countries is beyond stupid.
Basically, American aid for the rebels is there because Israel wants it and sod all to do with anything else.
Now, that idiot Obama is being paid off by Israel to send American troops to die in that country.
Americans will die for Israel again.

You truly are insane. There is no doubt.

Obama has backed every whacked out Islamist on the planet. He's quite content to arm AQ rebels against Assad.

And you are claiming that Obama is pro Israel?

Dude, put down the bong.

Paid off by Israel how? In what currency? Man oh man you anti semites are really loony tunes.
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Meanwhile, back in the USSK...

David Cameron to give Syria ultimatum - Telegraph

Are those crazy Brits going to drag the US into ANOTHER war?

Just say NO, Obama.

The French are doing it also.

They did the same thing in Libya. I wonder if Obama has learned a lesson yet. Probably not.

These (the Brits and the French) are the original assholes in the ME debacle. Their freaking colonies.

Their freaking old issues.

Ditto fucking Vietnam with the damn French. (Pardon my french but it pisses me clean off.) I just want to hear my Prime Minister tell them to fuck off like he did the last time. YAY Harper.
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Good point. The Russians are no longer capable of fielding ICBMs targeted at Iowa, but still, it's another reason to wonder if this could rapidly get out of control and start WWIII.
Umm............I don't know if anyone has told you this yet, but when the Soviet Union collapsed into oblivian, they kept their military. That hasn't changed. The ICBM's are still there and are still targeted to this country. Russia has the ability to barbacue every inch of the good ole' United States of America, in less than a half-hour.

No, I don't believe that.
So, if you had read Wesley's account of his Pentagon chat in your local paper around Thanksgiving of 2001, would you've voted to nuke all seven countries "till they glow" or looked around for a church to pray in?

Some say to ignore what non serving America hating commies have to say about anything. I think I'll take their advice.:cuckoo:
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." [147]
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Good point. The Russians are no longer capable of fielding ICBMs targeted at Iowa, but still, it's another reason to wonder if this could rapidly get out of control and start WWIII.
Umm............I don't know if anyone has told you this yet, but when the Soviet Union collapsed into oblivian, they kept their military. That hasn't changed. The ICBM's are still there and are still targeted to this country. Russia has the ability to barbacue every inch of the good ole' United States of America, in less than a half-hour.

No, I don't believe that.

I think you should.
I think primary focus should be Iran not Syria. Iran is dangerously close to acquiring nukes. Nuclear armed Iran will be a very bad new for the world.

Syria is Iran's proxy, the other Shiite state, so if we fire Tomahawks at Syria, mightn't Iran soon get involved? Seems to me conflict might spread quickly to Iran.

Iran is the root cause of the problem in the middle east. It controls large reserve of oil and natural gas. It sits on a strategic location from where it can disrupt ships passing through Strait of Hormuz. As you know, Strait of Hormuz is crucial to international maritime transportation carrying oil.

I think this would be a better course of action:

1. Ignore Syria for the time being
2. Do Serbia style air raid on Iranian nuclear and missile facilities
3. Engage in a war of attrition against Iranian naval assets to degrade its disruptive capabilities

How's this suggestion?


We are your number one provider. Fuck the ME.

We have great coffee (Tim Horton's)

We don't want to behead you.

I'm sorry about Celine Dione and Justin Bieber but we did give you John Candy and Rush.

Tell your moronic President we could all have a party going on.
Good point. The Russians are no longer capable of fielding ICBMs targeted at Iowa, but still, it's another reason to wonder if this could rapidly get out of control and start WWIII.
Umm............I don't know if anyone has told you this yet, but when the Soviet Union collapsed into oblivian, they kept their military. That hasn't changed. The ICBM's are still there and are still targeted to this country. Russia has the ability to barbacue every inch of the good ole' United States of America, in less than a half-hour.

No, I don't believe that.

With all due respect. For true you should believe it. Not an Alex Jones moment ok?

Okey dokey lets put it into current times. Everyone and their mother has been running around saying maybe 400 Surface to air missiles are loose out of Libya.

An ABC interview with one of the victims of Benghazi Glen pointed out the vacuum that the idiocy of the Obama administration left.

Another had this statistic.

20,000 surface to air. And of course not thinking ahead in their zeal to topple the big guy no one thought about his weapons.

And who would get them.
So, if you had read Wesley's account of his Pentagon chat in your local paper around Thanksgiving of 2001, would you've voted to nuke all seven countries "till they glow" or looked around for a church to pray in?

Some say to ignore what non serving America hating commies have to say about anything. I think I'll take their advice.:cuckoo:
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." [147]
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wesley Clark?

*sigh* say no more.

He banged around on his wife for years. Looney tunes. He's with some lib douche bag that's like 30 years younger than him right now.

Oh, and he's a Democrat.

*sigh* say no more.
Some say to ignore what non serving America hating commies have to say about anything. I think I'll take their advice.:cuckoo:
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." [147]
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wesley Clark?

*sigh* say no more.

He banged around on his wife for years. Looney tunes. He's with some lib douche bag that's like 30 years younger than him right now.

Oh, and he's a Democrat.

*sigh* say no more.

You need to change that damn avatar it's to much of a distraction

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