Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

Meanwhile, back in the USSK...

David Cameron to give Syria ultimatum - Telegraph

Are those crazy Brits going to drag the US into ANOTHER war?

Just say NO, Obama.

The French are doing it also.
$ome things $eldom change:

"The Sykes–Picot Agreement, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and France,[1] with the assent of Russia, defining their proposed spheres of influence and control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente succeed in defeating the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The negotiation of the treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916.[2] The agreement was concluded on 16 May 1916.[3]"
Sykes?Picot Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some say to ignore what non serving America hating commies have to say about anything. I think I'll take their advice.:cuckoo:
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." [147]
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wesley Clark?

*sigh* say no more.

He banged around on his wife for years. Looney tunes. He's with some lib douche bag that's like 30 years younger than him right now.

Oh, and he's a Democrat.

*sigh* say no more.

"Clark's military career began July 2, 1962, when he entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He later said that Douglas MacArthur's famous 'Duty, honor, country' speech was an important influence on his view of the military. The speech was given to the class of 1962 several months before Clark entered West Point, but a recording was played for his class when they first arrived.[15][25]

"Clark sat in the front in many of his classes, a position held by the highest performer in class. Clark participated heavily in debate, was consistently within the top 5% of his class as a whole (earning him a 'Distinguished Cadet' patch on his uniform) and graduated as valedictorian of West Point. The valedictorian is first to choose which career field of the Army to serve in, and Clark selected armor."
No, I don't believe that.
I don't argue against peoples beliefs. You're free to believe whatever you want.

But here's something to think about...

On December 7, 2011, the EU Times headlined “China Joins Russia,
Orders Military to Prepare for World War III.

[A] Beijing bulletin discussed a US-planned “ultimate (Middle East) solution.” It’s readied in case of regional nuclear war. It said Washington will attack Syria and Iran with lethal biological weapons. They’re “intended to kill tens of millions of innocent civilians.”

Chinese Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong warned unequivocally:
“China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a Third World War”​

Russian General Nikolai Makarov said:
“I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”​
Had Obama not been so loose and easy with its messages of friendship to the Islamists in the first place, this whole Arab Spring b*** s*** - which has benefited nobody except the extremists and Al Qaeda - probably would not have happened....the Syrian rebels drew inspiration and membership from this Arab Spring...

And now the mess is big and US policy has open the door for a worse outcome at a much higher future cost.Obama broke it now he will have to fix it.

Well, the military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) is raking in our tax money.
Supposedly because Syria is using WMDs. Deja Vu anyone? It's 2003 all over again.

According to the opposition and Israel, the Syrian government is gassing people.
According to the Syrian government; extremist elements are gassing their own people and blaming the Syrian government.

The only thing lacking here is verifiable truth so, in my humble opinion, you can't go to war on rumours.

I should make my opinion of groups in Syria clear.
The government are a bunch of pillocks but the opposition has even worse people in there.
It's very clear, there are some serious extremist elements fighting for control of the place so I can't support them either.

All this foreign interference in a war that can't possibly effect the potential interfering countries is beyond stupid.
Basically, American aid for the rebels is there because Israel wants it and sod all to do with anything else.
Now, that idiot Obama is being paid off by Israel to send American troops to die in that country.
Americans will die for Israel again.

[ame=]Syrian Girl: "This is about destroying Syria!" - YouTube[/ame]
Supposedly because Syria is using WMDs. Deja Vu anyone? It's 2003 all over again.

According to the opposition and Israel, the Syrian government is gassing people.
According to the Syrian government; extremist elements are gassing their own people and blaming the Syrian government.

The only thing lacking here is verifiable truth so, in my humble opinion, you can't go to war on rumours.

I should make my opinion of groups in Syria clear.
The government are a bunch of pillocks but the opposition has even worse people in there.
It's very clear, there are some serious extremist elements fighting for control of the place so I can't support them either.

All this foreign interference in a war that can't possibly effect the potential interfering countries is beyond stupid.
Basically, American aid for the rebels is there because Israel wants it and sod all to do with anything else.
Now, that idiot Obama is being paid off by Israel to send American troops to die in that country.
Americans will die for Israel again.

[ame=]Syrian Girl: "This is about destroying Syria!" - YouTube[/ame]

The voice of reason

I know this is a crazy thought. Just a wild one.

Did anyone ever think that if the rest of us stayed out of this maybe just maybe they all could negotiate some sort of peace?

I consider ME muslims and one must understand all their different influences and sunni vs shia and of course all of these factors must be considered, but they are brilliant peoples.

These are not stupid individuals.

I am so sick to death of everyone from the EU to the UN trying to treat them like children. And like we have to guide them along.

Isn't that type of mentality that got us into this hot water to begin with. Aye carumba!

Sorries. I just get frustrated.
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." [147]
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wesley Clark?

*sigh* say no more.

He banged around on his wife for years. Looney tunes. He's with some lib douche bag that's like 30 years younger than him right now.

Oh, and he's a Democrat.

*sigh* say no more.

"Clark's military career began July 2, 1962, when he entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He later said that Douglas MacArthur's famous 'Duty, honor, country' speech was an important influence on his view of the military. The speech was given to the class of 1962 several months before Clark entered West Point, but a recording was played for his class when they first arrived.[15][25]

"Clark sat in the front in many of his classes, a position held by the highest performer in class. Clark participated heavily in debate, was consistently within the top 5% of his class as a whole (earning him a 'Distinguished Cadet' patch on his uniform) and graduated as valedictorian of West Point. The valedictorian is first to choose which career field of the Army to serve in, and Clark selected armor."

and so what? US Grant failed the infantry tactics course at west point....and? Clarke is just another limelight seeker with to many opinions. :lol:
Wesley Clark?

*sigh* say no more.

He banged around on his wife for years. Looney tunes. He's with some lib douche bag that's like 30 years younger than him right now.

Oh, and he's a Democrat.

*sigh* say no more.

"Clark's military career began July 2, 1962, when he entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He later said that Douglas MacArthur's famous 'Duty, honor, country' speech was an important influence on his view of the military. The speech was given to the class of 1962 several months before Clark entered West Point, but a recording was played for his class when they first arrived.[15][25]

"Clark sat in the front in many of his classes, a position held by the highest performer in class. Clark participated heavily in debate, was consistently within the top 5% of his class as a whole (earning him a 'Distinguished Cadet' patch on his uniform) and graduated as valedictorian of West Point. The valedictorian is first to choose which career field of the Army to serve in, and Clark selected armor."

and so what? US Grant failed the infantry tactics course at west point....and? Clarke is just another limelight seeker with to many opinions. :lol:

But his opinions, which are based on what he heard, are proving to be accurate. I'm starting to be convince that there is only one reason that that the United States wants to depose Assad and his military. Israel.

"Clark's military career began July 2, 1962, when he entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He later said that Douglas MacArthur's famous 'Duty, honor, country' speech was an important influence on his view of the military. The speech was given to the class of 1962 several months before Clark entered West Point, but a recording was played for his class when they first arrived.[15][25]

"Clark sat in the front in many of his classes, a position held by the highest performer in class. Clark participated heavily in debate, was consistently within the top 5% of his class as a whole (earning him a 'Distinguished Cadet' patch on his uniform) and graduated as valedictorian of West Point. The valedictorian is first to choose which career field of the Army to serve in, and Clark selected armor."

and so what? US Grant failed the infantry tactics course at west point....and? Clarke is just another limelight seeker with to many opinions. :lol:

But his opinions, which are based on what he heard, are proving to be accurate. I'm starting to be convince that there is only one reason that that the United States wants to depose Assad and his military. Israel.

:lol: he can stand in line, this is some big news, like he thought of that?

His thinking is a mish mash becasue hes alway been of 'several minds'....israel benefiting is not a given, the biggest reason to pull assad down is becasue hes a Iranian proxy, funnels weapons to hezbollah, sppts terrorism and doesn't have an issue with Jordan falling either, which is fact an arab country we would like to see stick around in its present form....isolating iran is a biggey here as well.
and so what? US Grant failed the infantry tactics course at west point....and? Clarke is just another limelight seeker with to many opinions. :lol:

But his opinions, which are based on what he heard, are proving to be accurate. I'm starting to be convince that there is only one reason that that the United States wants to depose Assad and his military. Israel.

:lol: he can stand in line, this is some big news, like he thought of that?

His thinking is a mish mash becasue hes alway been of 'several minds'....israel benefiting is not a given, the biggest reason to pull assad down is becasue hes a Iranian proxy, funnels weapons to hezbollah, sppts terrorism and doesn't have an issue with Jordan falling either, which is fact an arab country we would like to see stick around in its present form....isolating iran is a biggey here as well.

Israel benefiiting not a given ??? Surely you jest :laugh2:
But his opinions, which are based on what he heard, are proving to be accurate. I'm starting to be convince that there is only one reason that that the United States wants to depose Assad and his military. Israel.

:lol: he can stand in line, this is some big news, like he thought of that?

His thinking is a mish mash becasue hes alway been of 'several minds'....israel benefiting is not a given, the biggest reason to pull assad down is becasue hes a Iranian proxy, funnels weapons to hezbollah, sppts terrorism and doesn't have an issue with Jordan falling either, which is fact an arab country we would like to see stick around in its present form....isolating iran is a biggey here as well.

Israel benefiiting not a given ??? Surely you jest :laugh2:

no it isn't. assad and his dad have been known quantities for over 40 years. lets say assad falls completely, having AQ on their border, who may make common cause with hezbollah would squeeze Israel in a way assad currently doesn't.

Further, if assad does fall completely, I believe AQ will turn to Jordan, a traditionally amendable known quantity that Israel could deal with, leaving it a border with not even one country that has a vested interest in 'order'. Thats another reason why Israel has always kept building on the west bank as a buffer, just in case....

Oh and Lebanon would probably benefit in the short term, from assad falling to, but not in the long run imho.
An interesting read at the WSJ on the US Mideast strategy. There was a strategy, and it didn't work. They are probably just making things up as they go along right now because there is nothing else to do.

U.S. Mideast Policy Has Failed -

"America's Middle East policy in the past few years depended on the belief that relatively moderate Islamist political movements in the region had the political maturity and administrative capability to run governments wisely and well."
:lol: he can stand in line, this is some big news, like he thought of that?

His thinking is a mish mash becasue hes alway been of 'several minds'....israel benefiting is not a given, the biggest reason to pull assad down is becasue hes a Iranian proxy, funnels weapons to hezbollah, sppts terrorism and doesn't have an issue with Jordan falling either, which is fact an arab country we would like to see stick around in its present form....isolating iran is a biggey here as well.

Israel benefiiting not a given ??? Surely you jest :laugh2:

not it isn't. assad and his dad have been known quantities for over 40 years. lets say assad falls completely, having AQ on their border, who may make common cause with hezbollah would squeeze Israel in a way assad currently doesn't.

Further, if assad does fall completely, I believe AQ will turn to Jordan, a traditionally amendable known quantity that Israel could deal with, leaving it a border with not even one country that has a vested interest in 'order'. Thats another reason why Israel has always kept building on the west bank as a buffer, just in case....

Oh and Lebanon would probably benefit in the short term, from assad falling to, but not in the long run imho.

As we speak Assad is proving who the more formidable foe is yet Israel still can fly in there and blow away weapon stockpiles. If Assad falls and coalition that is left will kill each other. Netanyahu wants says Assad must go---that outta be proof enuff.
Israel benefiiting not a given ??? Surely you jest :laugh2:

not it isn't. assad and his dad have been known quantities for over 40 years. lets say assad falls completely, having AQ on their border, who may make common cause with hezbollah would squeeze Israel in a way assad currently doesn't.

Further, if assad does fall completely, I believe AQ will turn to Jordan, a traditionally amendable known quantity that Israel could deal with, leaving it a border with not even one country that has a vested interest in 'order'. Thats another reason why Israel has always kept building on the west bank as a buffer, just in case....

Oh and Lebanon would probably benefit in the short term, from assad falling to, but not in the long run imho.

As we speak Assad is proving who the more formidable foe is yet Israel still can fly in there and blow away weapon stockpiles. If Assad falls and coalition that is left will kill each other. Netanyahu wants says Assad must go---that outta be proof enuff.

*shrugs* he may see AQ as easier to handle....and? proof of ...what? :eusa_eh:
not it isn't. assad and his dad have been known quantities for over 40 years. lets say assad falls completely, having AQ on their border, who may make common cause with hezbollah would squeeze Israel in a way assad currently doesn't.

Further, if assad does fall completely, I believe AQ will turn to Jordan, a traditionally amendable known quantity that Israel could deal with, leaving it a border with not even one country that has a vested interest in 'order'. Thats another reason why Israel has always kept building on the west bank as a buffer, just in case....

Oh and Lebanon would probably benefit in the short term, from assad falling to, but not in the long run imho.

As we speak Assad is proving who the more formidable foe is yet Israel still can fly in there and blow away weapon stockpiles. If Assad falls and coalition that is left will kill each other. Netanyahu wants says Assad must go---that outta be proof enuff.

*shrugs* he may see AQ as easier to handle....and? proof of ...what? :eusa_eh:

That it will benefit Israel....
This is most interesting.

All the west supposedly wants Assad to go. But there are no protests in the street. No google btw did you guys know that the Arab spring was started by a Google employee... oh for another day.

Lets watch how loud Obama screams for Assad to step aside. I can't wait.
This is most interesting.

All the west supposedly wants Assad to go. But there are no protests in the street. No google btw did you guys know that the Arab spring was started by a Google employee... oh for another day.

Lets watch how loud Obama screams for Assad to step aside. I can't wait.

and his supporters too. Are they going to back Obama's call for the overthrow of a sovereign nation. :lol::lol:
As we speak Assad is proving who the more formidable foe is yet Israel still can fly in there and blow away weapon stockpiles. If Assad falls and coalition that is left will kill each other. Netanyahu wants says Assad must go---that outta be proof enuff.

*shrugs* he may see AQ as easier to handle....and? proof of ...what? :eusa_eh:

That it will benefit Israel....

So what?

Unless you believe like that blithering idiot that that is reason 1 we are even involved at believe that, seriously?

It may benefit Saudi Arabia too, any reason why it shouldn't ?

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