Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

I think you should.

No, that would be silly.

That was then, and this is now.

We have a lot of problems with foreign relations around the world generally, but there is no danger of war with Russia.

Let's keep the discussion realistic, people --- it's a pretty serious situation over there in the Mideast.

If you knew HALF the things I know about the "former" Soviet Union, you wouldn't be so quick to make that statement..........

Right now? little danger. However, that could change in an instant. Remember one tidbit: Syria has been a STAUNCH supporter of Russia and Russia has been a STAUNCH supporter of Syria for better than 50 years.

Here's another tidbit: Russia collapsed in 1989.

You folks have to move with the times. Note the mentions of Russia in the news, including quotes here: Russia is not threatening us. There is no way they can affect anything going on, and they know it.

Russia won't be back in business for fifty years, if ever.

I am surprised some of you need an extra kick of excitement from the dead coals of the Cold War --- I think what is going on now is plenty exciting and may well start WWIII, but Russia isn't likely to play a big part in that. Migod, country after country is going up in flame and smoke and poison gas before our very eyes, more of them month after month, we're droning people in several countries already --- and yet you want to drag in poor old defunct RUSSIA and pretend they are going to nuke Peoria?

Let's try to keep up with the times we live in, people.
No, that would be silly.

That was then, and this is now.

We have a lot of problems with foreign relations around the world generally, but there is no danger of war with Russia.

Let's keep the discussion realistic, people --- it's a pretty serious situation over there in the Mideast.

If you knew HALF the things I know about the "former" Soviet Union, you wouldn't be so quick to make that statement..........

Right now? little danger. However, that could change in an instant. Remember one tidbit: Syria has been a STAUNCH supporter of Russia and Russia has been a STAUNCH supporter of Syria for better than 50 years.

Here's another tidbit: Russia collapsed in 1989.

You folks have to move with the times. Note the mentions of Russia in the news, including quotes here: Russia is not threatening us. There is no way they can affect anything going on, and they know it.

Russia won't be back in business for fifty years, if ever.

I am surprised some of you need an extra kick of excitement from the dead coals of the Cold War --- I think what is going on now is plenty exciting and may well start WWIII, but Russia isn't likely to play a big part in that. Migod, country after country is going up in flame and smoke and poison gas before our very eyes, more of them month after month, we're droning people in several countries already --- and yet you want to drag in poor old defunct RUSSIA and pretend they are going to nuke Peoria?

Let's try to keep up with the times we live in, people.

OK...whatever you say.
An interesting read at the WSJ on the US Mideast strategy. There was a strategy, and it didn't work. They are probably just making things up as they go along right now because there is nothing else to do.

U.S. Mideast Policy Has Failed -

"America's Middle East policy in the past few years depended on the belief that relatively moderate Islamist political movements in the region had the political maturity and administrative capability to run governments wisely and well."
I don't think we have any strategy in the Near East. There are too many players and too many random events occurring. We just react to to the situation.

I don't think that is true. We were lied into Iraq. We were lied into Libya. We are being lied into Syria.

My bet is that it is the same group of liars with a specific agenda.

The agenda is continued world empire by the U.S. and it's fan club. The cogs in the wheel of the nonstop war machine and it's various industries must continue unabated.
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Why wait for these dipshits to return next month? Call these slackers back now and cut to the chase


Syria lets U.N. inspect gas attack site, Washington says too late | Reuters

(Reuters) - Syria agreed on Sunday to let the United Nations inspect the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack, but a U.S. official said such an offer was "too late to be credible" and Washington was all but certain the government had gassed its own people.

The U.S. remarks appeared to signal that a military response was more likely. A senior senator said he believed President Barack Obama would ask for authorization to use force when Congress returns from recess next month.
An interesting read at the WSJ on the US Mideast strategy. There was a strategy, and it didn't work. They are probably just making things up as they go along right now because there is nothing else to do.

U.S. Mideast Policy Has Failed -

"America's Middle East policy in the past few years depended on the belief that relatively moderate Islamist political movements in the region had the political maturity and administrative capability to run governments wisely and well."
I don't think we have any strategy in the Near East. There are too many players and too many random events occurring. We just react to to the situation.

I tend to fall in line with the latter. I truly believe that Barry has NO policy concerning the Middle East. None. He is always in reactive mode rather than proactive mode. People die and he makes a statement. OUR people die and he blames us.

Barry is like a child learning how to walk. Unfortunately, every step he takes, hundreds die. He doesn't know whether to go forward, backward or sideways. His "advisors" are clueless. Meanwhile, the Middle East is burning and people are dying. This is going to get WORSE, not better.

Unfortunately, we are running the risk of watching continuing escalation and the eventual war that will bring untold death to millions when Israel gets attacked. It's coming.

Yeah, I agree: they are clueless.

David Cameron is telling Obama what to do. It's pretty clear if you watch the news articles about how there are these trans-Atlantic phone calls, and suddenly Obama finally makes a decision, usually completely at odds with the decision he publicized the day before. As we saw this weekend.

Tony Blair tried to play that role for George Bush, keep him on a leash, under control of a "grown-up," the Brits who think they know something about foreign policy.

Right now it is apparently that the Brits think a line must be drawn against poison gas, or the genie will get out of that gas cylinder and nothing will stop it spreading everywhere.

Probably the Brits are right.

But we really do have a lame White House at this time.
No, that would be silly.

That was then, and this is now.

We have a lot of problems with foreign relations around the world generally, but there is no danger of war with Russia.

Let's keep the discussion realistic, people --- it's a pretty serious situation over there in the Mideast.

If you knew HALF the things I know about the "former" Soviet Union, you wouldn't be so quick to make that statement..........

Right now? little danger. However, that could change in an instant. Remember one tidbit: Syria has been a STAUNCH supporter of Russia and Russia has been a STAUNCH supporter of Syria for better than 50 years.

Here's another tidbit: Russia collapsed in 1989.

You folks have to move with the times. Note the mentions of Russia in the news, including quotes here: Russia is not threatening us. There is no way they can affect anything going on, and they know it.

Russia won't be back in business for fifty years, if ever.

I am surprised some of you need an extra kick of excitement from the dead coals of the Cold War --- I think what is going on now is plenty exciting and may well start WWIII, but Russia isn't likely to play a big part in that. Migod, country after country is going up in flame and smoke and poison gas before our very eyes, more of them month after month, we're droning people in several countries already --- and yet you want to drag in poor old defunct RUSSIA and pretend they are going to nuke Peoria?

Let's try to keep up with the times we live in, people.

Russia is still something of a player in the Middle East and they want to be a bigger player, they have had a long-term relationship with several Mideast countries you must know that . I would not be surprised if we shut off aid to Egypt, that al sisi would turn around and ask Russia for support, which they would gladly provide. So in that sense they need to be watched.
No, that would be silly.

That was then, and this is now.

We have a lot of problems with foreign relations around the world generally, but there is no danger of war with Russia.

Let's keep the discussion realistic, people --- it's a pretty serious situation over there in the Mideast.

If you knew HALF the things I know about the "former" Soviet Union, you wouldn't be so quick to make that statement..........

Right now? little danger. However, that could change in an instant. Remember one tidbit: Syria has been a STAUNCH supporter of Russia and Russia has been a STAUNCH supporter of Syria for better than 50 years.

Here's another tidbit: Russia collapsed in 1989.

You folks have to move with the times. Note the mentions of Russia in the news, including quotes here: Russia is not threatening us. There is no way they can affect anything going on, and they know it.

Russia won't be back in business for fifty years, if ever.

I am surprised some of you need an extra kick of excitement from the dead coals of the Cold War --- I think what is going on now is plenty exciting and may well start WWIII, but Russia isn't likely to play a big part in that. Migod, country after country is going up in flame and smoke and poison gas before our very eyes, more of them month after month, we're droning people in several countries already --- and yet you want to drag in poor old defunct RUSSIA and pretend they are going to nuke Peoria?

Let's try to keep up with the times we live in, people.

By your statements it's obvious that either you are living on a different planet or have no clue what you're talking about.
If you knew HALF the things I know about the "former" Soviet Union, you wouldn't be so quick to make that statement..........

Right now? little danger. However, that could change in an instant. Remember one tidbit: Syria has been a STAUNCH supporter of Russia and Russia has been a STAUNCH supporter of Syria for better than 50 years.

Here's another tidbit: Russia collapsed in 1989.

You folks have to move with the times. Note the mentions of Russia in the news, including quotes here: Russia is not threatening us. There is no way they can affect anything going on, and they know it.

Russia won't be back in business for fifty years, if ever.

I am surprised some of you need an extra kick of excitement from the dead coals of the Cold War --- I think what is going on now is plenty exciting and may well start WWIII, but Russia isn't likely to play a big part in that. Migod, country after country is going up in flame and smoke and poison gas before our very eyes, more of them month after month, we're droning people in several countries already --- and yet you want to drag in poor old defunct RUSSIA and pretend they are going to nuke Peoria?

Let's try to keep up with the times we live in, people.

Russia is still something of a player in the Middle East and they want to be a bigger player, they have had a long-term relationship with several Mideast countries you must know that . I would not be surprised if we shut off aid to Egypt, that al sisi would turn around and ask Russia for support, which they would gladly provide. So in that sense they need to be watched.

The point I was attempting to make. Unfortunately, My years of serving at the Embassy in Moscow must have been for nothing......:lol:
Here's another tidbit: Russia collapsed in 1989. .

NO, that's when the Soviet Union began its collapse.

Well, that's true. [:) Details, details.

People, there is no law that says world wars have to start in Europe/Russia. The last one partly started in Manchuria and Japan. This one is starting in the Mideast, that's all.
[The point I was attempting to make. Unfortunately, My years of serving at the Embassy in Moscow must have been for nothing......:lol:

I doubt they were wasted. [:)

I noticed you also don't think the Russian involvement is dangerous at this time. I don't say that if there IS a world war blowing up that they won't bear watching (and of course will do us any mischief they can).

What I really think is that a lot of people here are basically enjoying thriller spy plots that are more than a little out of date, to gin up their excitement quotient.

I'm expecting the next unexpected event: it's always what you don't expect that ends up happening. Pakistan blowing up, war in the Kashmir with India, something like that. North Korea going bonkers. I don't expect the unexpected will involve Russia, not at this early stage. If the world really goes up, I also would expect Russia to play its part, and against us: Putin is a capable opportunist.
"About 60 percent of Americans surveyed in a Reuters/Ipsos poll published on Saturday opposed U.S. intervention. Nine percent thought Obama should act."

Syria lets U.N. inspect gas attack site, Washington says too late | Reuters

The Syrian civil war is an engineered catastrophe courtesy of the French and British colonial project set in motion after WWI. Any "evidence" that claims to prove Assad gassed his own people should be judged by the UNSC before the US and its handmaidens turn Syria into Baghdad circa 2007. As always, those who stand to profit the most from intervention will be among the last to take part in it.
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[The point I was attempting to make. Unfortunately, My years of serving at the Embassy in Moscow must have been for nothing......:lol:

I doubt they were wasted. [:)

I noticed you also don't think the Russian involvement is dangerous at this time. I don't say that if there IS a world war blowing up that they won't bear watching (and of course will do us any mischief they can).

What I really think is that a lot of people here are basically enjoying thriller spy plots that are more than a little out of date, to gin up their excitement quotient.

I'm expecting the next unexpected event: it's always what you don't expect that ends up happening. Pakistan blowing up, war in the Kashmir with India, something like that. North Korea going bonkers. I don't expect the unexpected will involve Russia, not at this early stage. If the world really goes up, I also would expect Russia to play its part, and against us: Putin is a capable opportunist.

but we have to constantly take them into consideration when we position ourselves or our allies. That costs us.
I agree with most of what you say, but I'm not sure that your comment is correct when you said that once put military assets in place we use them. We certainly didn't with North Korea. We have moved carrier groups around a number of times in a show of force without engaging an enemy.

Good point. I didn't think of including the sort of "military exercises" that every large state uses as a sort of attention-getting, including in times of the other side threatening.

We do that ALL the time and it works pretty well. The only time it means anything, on our side at least, is when we threaten and warn along with it and it isn't called a "preplanned joint military exercise." As with the second Iraq War.

Sometimes these military exercises (which are a show of force, of course, but don't mean war) lead to trouble -- the Archduke Ferdinand was in Sarejevo for exactly such military exercises. Whoops. The Serb kids took it seriously. WWI resulted.

This time it has been clearly marked as moving military assets into position to use them. So I assume they WILL use them, since that's been the history, as I see it. Let's see if I'm right this time.
Maybe, but I sure hope you're wrong.
[The point I was attempting to make. Unfortunately, My years of serving at the Embassy in Moscow must have been for nothing......:lol:

I doubt they were wasted. [:)

I noticed you also don't think the Russian involvement is dangerous at this time. I don't say that if there IS a world war blowing up that they won't bear watching (and of course will do us any mischief they can).

What I really think is that a lot of people here are basically enjoying thriller spy plots that are more than a little out of date, to gin up their excitement quotient.

I'm expecting the next unexpected event: it's always what you don't expect that ends up happening. Pakistan blowing up, war in the Kashmir with India, something like that. North Korea going bonkers. I don't expect the unexpected will involve Russia, not at this early stage. If the world really goes up, I also would expect Russia to play its part, and against us: Putin is a capable opportunist.

No. Russia is no "threat" at this time. However, in this unstable climate, things do - and will - begin to move quickly. When this pattern first developed (Al Queada destabilizing "shakey" regimes) most of the major players in the region - Damascus, Istambul, Tel Aviv, Cairo began to brace themselves for what anyone could see, was a total de-stabilization of the Middle East; already on shakey ground from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States has lost all credibility from years of wars. That leaves (in reality) only ONE major player in that region - Russia. They can (and do) provide BILLIONS in weapons and logistics each year for THEIR economy (which is still unstable itself). They have little else to offer BUT weapons - but what commodity better fits that region of the world right now?

I have little doubt that when weighing what US policy should be (in terms of Barry's "Red Line" in Syria) he (Barry) has had to come to terms with Putin; whom I am quite certain has already reminded our illustrious "leader" that Syria is a "major friend" of the Russians. This would be no different than the Russians wanting to aid Syria in an attack against Israel. "Hopefully", Barry would issue the same warning to Putin - but honestly, I don't know that he would.

The Middle East is going up in flames. It WILL NOT stop at Syria. This will ultimately end with war against Israel by "whomever". That has been the goal all along. And, we all know that Israel will NOT go down without a fight. Again - this is not going to end well. It may take another 5 or 10 years, but it IS coming.

This is NOT some ridiculous James Bond thriller. This is REAL LIFE. This is nations (the US - China - Russia) posturing themselves to pick up the pieces in a post-war recovery. Governments look 10-20-30-40 years down the road. They HAVE to plan for the inevitable.

My major concern is that there won't be too many pieces left to pick up...........
An interesting read at the WSJ on the US Mideast strategy. There was a strategy, and it didn't work. They are probably just making things up as they go along right now because there is nothing else to do.

U.S. Mideast Policy Has Failed -

"America's Middle East policy in the past few years depended on the belief that relatively moderate Islamist political movements in the region had the political maturity and administrative capability to run governments wisely and well."
I don't think we have any strategy in the Near East. There are too many players and too many random events occurring. We just react to to the situation.

I tend to fall in line with the latter. I truly believe that Barry has NO policy concerning the Middle East. None. He is always in reactive mode rather than proactive mode. People die and he makes a statement. OUR people die and he blames us.

Barry is like a child learning how to walk. Unfortunately, every step he takes, hundreds die. He doesn't know whether to go forward, backward or sideways. His "advisors" are clueless. Meanwhile, the Middle East is burning and people are dying. This is going to get WORSE, not better.

Unfortunately, we are running the risk of watching continuing escalation and the eventual war that will bring untold death to millions when Israel gets attacked. It's coming.
Oh, I think there is definitely a policy; that is, a protocol to guide decision making but I don't there is really a strategy.

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