Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

Don't ever get the idea that Russia won't try to make America pay dearly for what it does.

Lord, everybody tries!! When you're King on the Mountain, everybody tries to pull you off.

The question is simply, how much attention do we have to pay to their trying to harm us, whoever it is today?

I am coming to realize the more history I read that whole cultures/countries come to a crashing end with great defeats and then they are gone -- forever or for centuries. Russia's dire turn into communism is the main thing responsible for their collapse, as we all know, but they have indeed collapsed, and internally like the Roman Empire (or the Austrian Empire) rather than from external defeats such as took down France (they never recovered from Waterloo till now and that's been.....nearly two centuries) or Germany which was down for some 65 years but is now recovering well and will presumably start goosestepping again within the next 25 years or so. Russia does not have the culture and vigor Germany has and it can be expected to stay on the margins for a LONG time to come. I mean, they are depopulating!! Never really a good sign. And getting Muslim invasion like everyone else. I think Russia is down for the count.

Don't confuse Russia with the old Soviet Union.

because it may be that little has changed;)
Don't ever get the idea that Russia won't try to make America pay dearly for what it does.

Lord, everybody tries!! When you're King on the Mountain, everybody tries to pull you off.

The question is simply, how much attention do we have to pay to their trying to harm us, whoever it is today?

I am coming to realize the more history I read that whole cultures/countries come to a crashing end with great defeats and then they are gone -- forever or for centuries. Russia's dire turn into communism is the main thing responsible for their collapse, as we all know, but they have indeed collapsed, and internally like the Roman Empire (or the Austrian Empire) rather than from external defeats such as took down France (they never recovered from Waterloo till now and that's been.....nearly two centuries) or Germany which was down for some 65 years but is now recovering well and will presumably start goosestepping again within the next 25 years or so. Russia does not have the culture and vigor Germany has and it can be expected to stay on the margins for a LONG time to come. I mean, they are depopulating!! Never really a good sign. And getting Muslim invasion like everyone else. I think Russia is down for the count.

Don't confuse Russia with the old Soviet Union.
I think the only thing Russia would do if we attacked Syria is a strong protest.
However, in this unstable climate, things do - and will - begin to move quickly. When this pattern first developed (Al Queada destabilizing "shakey" regimes) most of the major players in the region - Damascus, Istambul, Tel Aviv, Cairo began to brace themselves for what anyone could see, was a total de-stabilization of the Middle East; already on shakey ground from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Right. We're really having fun now.

The United States has lost all credibility from years of wars. That leaves (in reality) only ONE major player in that region - Russia. They can (and do) provide BILLIONS in weapons and logistics each year for THEIR economy (which is still unstable itself). They have little else to offer BUT weapons - but what commodity better fits that region of the world right now?

Good point about the weapons; that is surely Russia's interest. However, I don't know what you mean about credibility. We don't have any credibility as nice guys or problem solvers, no. However, we do have credibility as the country with the well-aimed missiles, and the country that can go in anywhere and lose a war for ten years. That may sound pathetic at first, but consider the matter from, say, Iraq's point of view: nobody really wants us to wade in and lose a war for ten years on their land. Iraq was prosperous and stable and relatively secular under Saddam; but we came in there and totally ruined them and now they are in a state of perpetual chaos. My guess is Syria would prefer.....anything else to that. I'd call that credibility.

The Middle East is going up in flames. It WILL NOT stop at Syria. This will ultimately end with war against Israel by "whomever". That has been the goal all along. And, we all know that Israel will NOT go down without a fight. Again - this is not going to end well. It may take another 5 or 10 years, but it IS coming.

Somebody who sees the seriousness of the situation! I'd say it can't take as long as 10 years. When it gets to this state, it's one to five, approx. Examples: once Hitler started annexing large areas of Europe, the clock started. Also, once Germany started sending gunboats to Morocco everytime France sneezed there, the clock started. The first was 1908 and two incidents were later. Everyone knew this was a real threat of war each time, but nothing big happened till 1914. I know everything takes longer than we can believe, once we recognize what's going on. Like the slow-mo European political collapse. Or whatever is going to happen. Not plausible it can go on like this! Same with the Mideast: how could it go on and on like this? Can't, so something else will happen. I agree it will tend to involve Israel......

This is NOT some ridiculous James Bond thriller. This is REAL LIFE. This is nations (the US - China - Russia) posturing themselves to pick up the pieces in a post-war recovery. Governments look 10-20-30-40 years down the road. They HAVE to plan for the inevitable.

China gets Africa, we know that already. And high time they took a turn at that catastrophe, good luck to 'em. Russia, who knows, they're such a mess. They'll cause trouble and sell weapons, that's to be expected. I suppose you think they mean to snap up the Mideast and control all the oil.....hmmmmm. Good plan.

Well, what are you thinking about the Mideast after the collapses, plural? Recolonization? Seems unlikely, somehow. Didn't work in Iraq, that's for sure. But obviously the Arabs are not capable of governing themselves. Depends on how much of a die-off there is. If there IS a nuclear war or a big Malthusian collapse (none of them have any food supplies or any economy) I suppose the civilized areas of the world might get a lot of empty sand cheap.
At least 635 people have been killed in a nerve gas attack on Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, activists at the Local Coordinating Committees told Al Arabiya on Wednesday morning. Other news sources cited lower numbers of deaths. Hundreds of others were reported wounded in the attack on rebel-held areas of eastern Damascus.

According to Al Arabiya, the activists at the Syrian Revolutionary Command Council said Syrian fighter planes were flying over the area after the bombardment. They accused the forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad of using chemical agents.

The news coincides with a visit to Damascus by a United Nations team of chemical weapons experts.

Activists from the grassroots Local Coordination Committee initially reported at least 30 bodies had been brought to one field hospital in Kafr Batna neighborhood a few miles east of central Damascus.

Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack - Middle East - News - Israel National News


And who does the world constantly condemn?:doubt:

Lipush stop and think for a minute. Israel constantly gets slandered by the Palestinians that make up false accusations, stages assaults or attacks themselves saying it's the Israelis. However, one has to think what would be the strategic value in such an attack. Take the Liberty for example, there was no strategic value, only a huge failure and disasterous PR, yet the antisemites state it as fact.

Why would AASSSSSad gas women and children? There is no strategic value. Using chemicals weapons brings the West closer to intervening and Western military is the only way ASSSad could lose. Even if the West didn't intervene, gasing women and children would only turn more fighters to the rebels!
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.

That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.

That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.

Always the douche bag and never the academic! First, we were lied into Iraq we went into Iraq on flawed intelligence. Sadam even admitted after capture that he intentionally fooled the international community into thinking he had nukes in order to scare off the Iranians! Take things in context. 9/11 just occured and the US was on edge. It was a bad decision, but don't lie like retarded american hating, antisemite you are. Tell the truth.

We were lied to get into Libya. Again it was a bad decision, but Obama stated the entire time it was to get rid of Gaddiff. We got him and we left.

The government isn't lying to get us into Syria, rather they are relying on a hoax perpetrated by the Muslim terrorist scumbags the media labels as rebels! Don't always be a douche bag, get your facts straight!
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.

That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.

Always the douche bag and never the academic! First, we were lied into Iraq we went into Iraq on flawed intelligence. Sadam even admitted after capture that he intentionally fooled the international community into thinking he had nukes in order to scare off the Iranians! Take things in context. 9/11 just occured and the US was on edge. It was a bad decision, but don't lie like retarded american hating, antisemite you are. Tell the truth.

We were lied to get into Libya. Again it was a bad decision, but Obama stated the entire time it was to get rid of Gaddiff. We got him and we left.

The government isn't lying to get us into Syria, rather they are relying on a hoax perpetrated by the Muslim terrorist scumbags the media labels as rebels! Don't always be a douche bag, get your facts straight!

Do you believe all that crap? Now that is sad.
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.

That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.

So you are denying that there was any chemical attack ?
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.

That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.

So you are denying that there was any chemical attack ?

The question is who did it.
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.

That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.
No, not lies just not the truth. The purpose of the attack on Syria is just a part of the plan to bring down the government. The chemical attack is an excuse for military action and every nation including Syria knows it.

It seems to me it's very unlikely that Assad or even the top military brass ordered the chemical attack. I believe the most likely scenario is terrorist infiltration of the military. Drawing the US into the war would fit the terrorist purposes quite well but certainly not Assad's. I suppose the US believes that they would be able to influence the selection of the new government. I'm not so sure about that unless we make a major military commitment which doesn't seem likely.
According to the news this morning our military assets are in place. Target are being selected and an attack is imminent. CNN, Aljazeera, and the rest of the media is gearing up. I'm sure Syria is taking appropriate actions. Speeches and news releases are being prepared praising and condemning the attack. All the players seem to be in place preparing for the big show, probably on Thrusday.

That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.
No, not lies just not the truth. The purpose of the attack on Syria is just a part of the plan to bring down the government. The chemical attack is an excuse for military action and every nation including Syria knows it.

It seems to me it's very unlikely that Assad or even the top military brass ordered the chemical attack. I believe the most likely scenario is terrorist infiltration of the military. Drawing the US into the war would fit the terrorist purposes quite well but certainly not Assad's. I suppose the US believes that they would be able to influence the selection of the new government. I'm not so sure about that unless we make a major military commitment which doesn't seem likely.

or it could be the hopes of


China and Iran

that the US attacks Syria
Watch the shit hit the fan. Syria and Iran will hit Israel. The Russians and Chinese today warned US not to attack

Watch the shit hit the fan. Syria and Iran will hit Israel. The Russians and Chinese today warned US not to attack


The shit was going to hit the fan sooner or later!

It was just a matter of time.

That was clear to everyone who has eyes.
Obama's red line is like Clinton's Impeachment Hawk launches into an empty warehouse

See, I did it.

This is true.

And any country that causes death by chemicals in the process of destroying chemical weapons is guilty of war crimes as well.

What if those deaths are solely people of the Assad government (or in other words, those who were directly or indirectly responsible for killing Syrians with chemical weapons)

I'd have to check the rule book on that one but if America did something wrong I bet we could cover our tracks.
That is sad.

We were lied into Iraq. WE were lied into Libya. Now we are being lied into Syria.
No, not lies just not the truth. The purpose of the attack on Syria is just a part of the plan to bring down the government. The chemical attack is an excuse for military action and every nation including Syria knows it.

It seems to me it's very unlikely that Assad or even the top military brass ordered the chemical attack. I believe the most likely scenario is terrorist infiltration of the military. Drawing the US into the war would fit the terrorist purposes quite well but certainly not Assad's. I suppose the US believes that they would be able to influence the selection of the new government. I'm not so sure about that unless we make a major military commitment which doesn't seem likely.

or it could be the hopes of


China and Iran

that the US attacks Syria
On one hand, they have been allies of Syria, supplying them with weapons but I doubt they have any desire to come to Syria's aid. They have little to gain and a lot to lose.

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