Syria: Up to 635 Reported Dead in Chemical Attack

[The point I was attempting to make. Unfortunately, My years of serving at the Embassy in Moscow must have been for nothing......:lol:

I doubt they were wasted. [:)

I noticed you also don't think the Russian involvement is dangerous at this time. I don't say that if there IS a world war blowing up that they won't bear watching (and of course will do us any mischief they can).

What I really think is that a lot of people here are basically enjoying thriller spy plots that are more than a little out of date, to gin up their excitement quotient.

I'm expecting the next unexpected event: it's always what you don't expect that ends up happening. Pakistan blowing up, war in the Kashmir with India, something like that. North Korea going bonkers. I don't expect the unexpected will involve Russia, not at this early stage. If the world really goes up, I also would expect Russia to play its part, and against us: Putin is a capable opportunist.

No. Russia is no "threat" at this time. However, in this unstable climate, things do - and will - begin to move quickly. When this pattern first developed (Al Queada destabilizing "shakey" regimes) most of the major players in the region - Damascus, Istambul, Tel Aviv, Cairo began to brace themselves for what anyone could see, was a total de-stabilization of the Middle East; already on shakey ground from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States has lost all credibility from years of wars. That leaves (in reality) only ONE major player in that region - Russia. They can (and do) provide BILLIONS in weapons and logistics each year for THEIR economy (which is still unstable itself). They have little else to offer BUT weapons - but what commodity better fits that region of the world right now?

I have little doubt that when weighing what US policy should be (in terms of Barry's "Red Line" in Syria) he (Barry) has had to come to terms with Putin; whom I am quite certain has already reminded our illustrious "leader" that Syria is a "major friend" of the Russians. This would be no different than the Russians wanting to aid Syria in an attack against Israel. "Hopefully", Barry would issue the same warning to Putin - but honestly, I don't know that he would.

The Middle East is going up in flames. It WILL NOT stop at Syria. This will ultimately end with war against Israel by "whomever". That has been the goal all along. And, we all know that Israel will NOT go down without a fight. Again - this is not going to end well. It may take another 5 or 10 years, but it IS coming.

This is NOT some ridiculous James Bond thriller. This is REAL LIFE. This is nations (the US - China - Russia) posturing themselves to pick up the pieces in a post-war recovery. Governments look 10-20-30-40 years down the road. They HAVE to plan for the inevitable.

My major concern is that there won't be too many pieces left to pick up...........

I'm afraid we don't have much say so although it seems as if the gas threat isn't working out as planned.
I doubt they were wasted. [:)

I noticed you also don't think the Russian involvement is dangerous at this time. I don't say that if there IS a world war blowing up that they won't bear watching (and of course will do us any mischief they can).

What I really think is that a lot of people here are basically enjoying thriller spy plots that are more than a little out of date, to gin up their excitement quotient.

I'm expecting the next unexpected event: it's always what you don't expect that ends up happening. Pakistan blowing up, war in the Kashmir with India, something like that. North Korea going bonkers. I don't expect the unexpected will involve Russia, not at this early stage. If the world really goes up, I also would expect Russia to play its part, and against us: Putin is a capable opportunist.

No. Russia is no "threat" at this time. However, in this unstable climate, things do - and will - begin to move quickly. When this pattern first developed (Al Queada destabilizing "shakey" regimes) most of the major players in the region - Damascus, Istambul, Tel Aviv, Cairo began to brace themselves for what anyone could see, was a total de-stabilization of the Middle East; already on shakey ground from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States has lost all credibility from years of wars. That leaves (in reality) only ONE major player in that region - Russia. They can (and do) provide BILLIONS in weapons and logistics each year for THEIR economy (which is still unstable itself). They have little else to offer BUT weapons - but what commodity better fits that region of the world right now?

I have little doubt that when weighing what US policy should be (in terms of Barry's "Red Line" in Syria) he (Barry) has had to come to terms with Putin; whom I am quite certain has already reminded our illustrious "leader" that Syria is a "major friend" of the Russians. This would be no different than the Russians wanting to aid Syria in an attack against Israel. "Hopefully", Barry would issue the same warning to Putin - but honestly, I don't know that he would.

The Middle East is going up in flames. It WILL NOT stop at Syria. This will ultimately end with war against Israel by "whomever". That has been the goal all along. And, we all know that Israel will NOT go down without a fight. Again - this is not going to end well. It may take another 5 or 10 years, but it IS coming.

This is NOT some ridiculous James Bond thriller. This is REAL LIFE. This is nations (the US - China - Russia) posturing themselves to pick up the pieces in a post-war recovery. Governments look 10-20-30-40 years down the road. They HAVE to plan for the inevitable.

My major concern is that there won't be too many pieces left to pick up...........

I'm afraid we don't have much say so although it seems as if the gas threat isn't working out as planned.

And isn't that the point? IF it were the Syrian government doing this, they have little fear that the US will intervene militarily. THAT is the part that Russia plays in this. For all we know, that "master of strategy" John Kerry went to Putin and attempted to sway him into allowing a "no-fly" zone. I don't know that he didn't. However, I have no doubt that Putin told him to fly a kite.

Look, we have to face facts here. The "world" and especially Russia and China, laugh at this CIC. There is NO respect for him, his views or his policies. None.
No. Russia is no "threat" at this time. However, in this unstable climate, things do - and will - begin to move quickly. When this pattern first developed (Al Queada destabilizing "shakey" regimes) most of the major players in the region - Damascus, Istambul, Tel Aviv, Cairo began to brace themselves for what anyone could see, was a total de-stabilization of the Middle East; already on shakey ground from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States has lost all credibility from years of wars. That leaves (in reality) only ONE major player in that region - Russia. They can (and do) provide BILLIONS in weapons and logistics each year for THEIR economy (which is still unstable itself). They have little else to offer BUT weapons - but what commodity better fits that region of the world right now?

I have little doubt that when weighing what US policy should be (in terms of Barry's "Red Line" in Syria) he (Barry) has had to come to terms with Putin; whom I am quite certain has already reminded our illustrious "leader" that Syria is a "major friend" of the Russians. This would be no different than the Russians wanting to aid Syria in an attack against Israel. "Hopefully", Barry would issue the same warning to Putin - but honestly, I don't know that he would.

The Middle East is going up in flames. It WILL NOT stop at Syria. This will ultimately end with war against Israel by "whomever". That has been the goal all along. And, we all know that Israel will NOT go down without a fight. Again - this is not going to end well. It may take another 5 or 10 years, but it IS coming.

This is NOT some ridiculous James Bond thriller. This is REAL LIFE. This is nations (the US - China - Russia) posturing themselves to pick up the pieces in a post-war recovery. Governments look 10-20-30-40 years down the road. They HAVE to plan for the inevitable.

My major concern is that there won't be too many pieces left to pick up...........

I'm afraid we don't have much say so although it seems as if the gas threat isn't working out as planned.

And isn't that the point? IF it were the Syrian government doing this, they have little fear that the US will intervene militarily. THAT is the part that Russia plays in this. For all we know, that "master of strategy" John Kerry went to Putin and attempted to sway him into allowing a "no-fly" zone. I don't know that he didn't. However, I have no doubt that Putin told him to fly a kite.

Look, we have to face facts here. The "world" and especially Russia and China, laugh at this CIC. There is NO respect for him, his views or his policies. None.

Hillary was smart enough to run like hell.
I'm afraid we don't have much say so although it seems as if the gas threat isn't working out as planned.

And isn't that the point? IF it were the Syrian government doing this, they have little fear that the US will intervene militarily. THAT is the part that Russia plays in this. For all we know, that "master of strategy" John Kerry went to Putin and attempted to sway him into allowing a "no-fly" zone. I don't know that he didn't. However, I have no doubt that Putin told him to fly a kite.

Look, we have to face facts here. The "world" and especially Russia and China, laugh at this CIC. There is NO respect for him, his views or his policies. None.

Hillary was smart enough to run like hell.

What? She sick again?

And isn't that the point? IF it were the Syrian government doing this, they have little fear that the US will intervene militarily. THAT is the part that Russia plays in this. For all we know, that "master of strategy" John Kerry went to Putin and attempted to sway him into allowing a "no-fly" zone. I don't know that he didn't. However, I have no doubt that Putin told him to fly a kite.

Look, we have to face facts here. The "world" and especially Russia and China, laugh at this CIC. There is NO respect for him, his views or his policies. None.

Hillary was smart enough to run like hell.

What? She sick again?


no--just resting up for her campaign and dodging the Syrian gas bullet.
[ame=]Syrian Girl Warns of Chemical Weapons False Flag Months Ago - YouTube[/ame]
but we have to constantly take them into consideration when we position ourselves or our allies. That costs us.

I don't see how it costs us.

Look at now: we are moving military assets into position on short notice to hit Syria with cruise missiles, apparently. With no interest or hesitation about where the Russkies might be. If they are worried, they can get out of the way, seems to be our attitude.

We're not worried about Russia. France counts for more than Russia, at this point, and that's sad.
but we have to constantly take them into consideration when we position ourselves or our allies. That costs us.

I don't see how it costs us.

Look at now: we are moving military assets into position on short notice to hit Syria with cruise missiles, apparently. With no interest or hesitation about where the Russkies might be. If they are worried, they can get out of the way, seems to be our attitude.

We're not worried about Russia. France counts for more than Russia, at this point, and that's sad.

Russia remains an enemy and constantly competing for the upper hand costs us. We continually are developing new weapons systems to the tune of billions of dollars and we have to use resources that could be used elsewhere. Don't ever get the idea that Russia won't try to make America pay dearly for what it does.
Look, we have to face facts here. The "world" and especially Russia and China, laugh at this CIC. There is NO respect for him, his views or his policies. None.

Hillary was smart enough to run like hell.

Yeah........I did catch that "I am so out of here" action. She dodged the Benghazi fallout quite capably, IMO. And now the crash of the rest of the Mideast will not be on her watch.

God knows I am no Democrat, but if she runs, all being equal, I'll vote for her. The whole Barry thing was a big mistake: the people just wanted someone as different as the planet could supply from George Bush, and Obama, being black, was different-er than Hillary, that's all.

She went to the right sort of school; she's one of us. Bill Clinton had an interesting foreign policy and he learned. So she has experience from that. I don't say it was perfect, but he DID win his war (they all want their very own war; it's a presidential perk, same deal with kings in the Rennaissance) in 10 1/2 weeks with no boots on the ground. Boy, does that ever look better than George W.!! AND Bill wept crocodile tears but kept well out of Rwanda. All in all, works for me. Too bad about the Osama slip-up, of course.
Don't ever get the idea that Russia won't try to make America pay dearly for what it does.

Lord, everybody tries!! When you're King on the Mountain, everybody tries to pull you off.

The question is simply, how much attention do we have to pay to their trying to harm us, whoever it is today?

I am coming to realize the more history I read that whole cultures/countries come to a crashing end with great defeats and then they are gone -- forever or for centuries. Russia's dire turn into communism is the main thing responsible for their collapse, as we all know, but they have indeed collapsed, and internally like the Roman Empire (or the Austrian Empire) rather than from external defeats such as took down France (they never recovered from Waterloo till now and that's been.....nearly two centuries) or Germany which was down for some 65 years but is now recovering well and will presumably start goosestepping again within the next 25 years or so. Russia does not have the culture and vigor Germany has and it can be expected to stay on the margins for a LONG time to come. I mean, they are depopulating!! Never really a good sign. And getting Muslim invasion like everyone else. I think Russia is down for the count.
Syrian official: Israel 'will come under fire' if Syria attacked - Israel News, Ynetnews

For the record, I think it would be a HUGE mistake for America or the West to intervene. We need to stay out of it and pray that AASSSSSad wins. He is an evil antiwestern antisemite, but he is 1000 fold better than what is trying to replace him. I digress.

Syria must really fear a Western American led attack on Syria. How do I know? Their first move is to make a paper dragon threat against Israel. When in doubt threaten Israel!
Muslims threatening Israel is nothing new. I'd like to see Russia step up and tell obama where to get off the bus.
Syrian official: Israel 'will come under fire' if Syria attacked - Israel News, Ynetnews

For the record, I think it would be a HUGE mistake for America or the West to intervene. We need to stay out of it and pray that AASSSSSad wins. He is an evil antiwestern antisemite, but he is 1000 fold better than what is trying to replace him. I digress.

Syria must really fear a Western American led attack on Syria. How do I know? Their first move is to make a paper dragon threat against Israel. When in doubt threaten Israel!

This is the identical threat Saddam Hussein made to Bush, Sr.
Don't ever get the idea that Russia won't try to make America pay dearly for what it does.

Lord, everybody tries!! When you're King on the Mountain, everybody tries to pull you off.

The question is simply, how much attention do we have to pay to their trying to harm us, whoever it is today?

I am coming to realize the more history I read that whole cultures/countries come to a crashing end with great defeats and then they are gone -- forever or for centuries. Russia's dire turn into communism is the main thing responsible for their collapse, as we all know, but they have indeed collapsed, and internally like the Roman Empire (or the Austrian Empire) rather than from external defeats such as took down France (they never recovered from Waterloo till now and that's been.....nearly two centuries) or Germany which was down for some 65 years but is now recovering well and will presumably start goosestepping again within the next 25 years or so. Russia does not have the culture and vigor Germany has and it can be expected to stay on the margins for a LONG time to come. I mean, they are depopulating!! Never really a good sign. And getting Muslim invasion like everyone else. I think Russia is down for the count.
I wouldn't count Russia out quite yet. They possess the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction in the world. Russia has the 10th largest GDP in the world, far lest debt as percent of GDP than the US, and is rich in natural resources with 3 to 6 times the proven oil reserves of the US. There're economic growth is expected to exceed Europe.
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Don't ever get the idea that Russia won't try to make America pay dearly for what it does.

Lord, everybody tries!! When you're King on the Mountain, everybody tries to pull you off.

The question is simply, how much attention do we have to pay to their trying to harm us, whoever it is today?

I am coming to realize the more history I read that whole cultures/countries come to a crashing end with great defeats and then they are gone -- forever or for centuries. Russia's dire turn into communism is the main thing responsible for their collapse, as we all know, but they have indeed collapsed, and internally like the Roman Empire (or the Austrian Empire) rather than from external defeats such as took down France (they never recovered from Waterloo till now and that's been.....nearly two centuries) or Germany which was down for some 65 years but is now recovering well and will presumably start goosestepping again within the next 25 years or so. Russia does not have the culture and vigor Germany has and it can be expected to stay on the margins for a LONG time to come. I mean, they are depopulating!! Never really a good sign. And getting Muslim invasion like everyone else. I think Russia is down for the count.

Don't confuse Russia with the old Soviet Union.
"A German hacker went fishing around the servers of Britam Defense – a private military contractor, which provides such services as securing of oil production and transportation.

"The hacker found a relatively insecure email server in Malaysia, and uncovered a whole host of documents from Britam Defence.

"One particular email was of special interest. In it Dave Goulding reminded his fellow co-founder Phil Dougherty about an offer made by Washington via a group of Qataris: to transport what seemed to be a Soviet era chemical weapon into Syria, using sub contracted Russian speaking Ukrainian mercenaries."

Britam Defense Hack Reveals the Plot Against Russia and Syria

What would explain such deceit?

"A petrodollar is a United States dollar earned by a country through the sale of its petroleum (oil) to another country.[1] The term was coined in 1973 by Georgetown University economics professor, Ibrahim Oweiss, who recognized the need for a term that could describe the dollar received by petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) in exchange for oil."

Think it can't happen here?
It already has.

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