Syrian activists flee abuse in al-Qaeda-run Raqqa

I have wasted my time twice now. Your quote does not appear in your link. This is an outdated trick used by those who can not verify their words. You should leaver this thread before I put you on "ignore."


You need to learn to read English, I had no problem finding the quote.

"And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don’t show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn’t show you that memo! I didn’t show it to you!"

Gen. Wesley Clark Weighs Presidential Bid: "I Think About It Everyday" | Democracy Now!

Everyone should read the citation----it is beyond idiotic that anyone would cite it to
"prove" anything To sum-----about 6 years ago----Clark ----in an interview----stated---
that some six years previously----some other military guy told him----that he saw a
pentagon memo saying :

"This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries
in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon,
Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

Poor sherri------HERESAY UPON HERESAY-----and utter stupidity I have read military
briefs and never saw the phrase "WE ARE GOING TO TAKE OUT..." what does that
mean? I have heard lingo like that from drug addicts in the gutter----but NEVER
saw it in a military report. I am impressed that way back-----like more than ten years
ago-----experts in the pentagon seemed to know which countries were problematical
as far as being cesspits ---and CRADLES OF TERRORISM ----no wonder a
a lover of baby throat slittlers would be distressed ----think of all the dead bodies
for DANCING UPON would not have been ----dead------had something been done
about those cradles of terrorism Does anyone know just what point sherri is trying
to make other than expressing her support for world wide terrorism?
The Pentagon is THE CRADLE of TERRORISM as anyone who had ever glanced at a "MILITARY BRIEF" would surely know if her brain wasn't rotted by Zionism.
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and finishing off Iran."

As Wesley makes clear within days after 911 Bush and Cheney went after Iraq in spite of the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. Within two months, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran were added to the hit list.

Most of the acts of terror that have taken place during the last decade inside Iraq and Syria would not have happened absent the illegal US invasion in 2003.

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many times are you going to pull up Wesley Clark like it was the Holy Grail? Tell us something about all those insurgents who came into Iraq and murdered all those people. Tell us also something about the Arab Spring and why it was started in many countries. It certainly wasn't because of something the U.S. did although you want to blame the U.S. for everything. I know what Georgie Boy can tell us about. He can tell us how the youth in the Arab countries are disappointed in these various Arab Springs because they thought it would be different. Instead of what they were expecting, they are getting Islamic fanatics who want to rule them. Dhimmis really don't care about these young people.
I've never taken money to kill young people, unlike yourself and Wesley.
Does that count as caring in your book?
The Arab Spring came about in direct response to the disillusionment felt by Arab youth when they saw the US supporting corrupt Arab and Persian dictators in order to control oil flows and prices:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:
Persian oil …is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it’s ours."

"Our Oil Under Their Soil" is the simple fact that's proven Clark's predictions accurate so far, and there's no reason to believe Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran won't enjoy the same fate as Iraq and Libya if the terrorists in the Pentagon have their way in the New Middle East.

American intervention in the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and finishing off Iran."

As Wesley makes clear within days after 911 Bush and Cheney went after Iraq in spite of the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. Within two months, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran were added to the hit list.

Most of the acts of terror that have taken place during the last decade inside Iraq and Syria would not have happened absent the illegal US invasion in 2003.

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many times are you going to pull up Wesley Clark like it was the Holy Grail? Tell us something about all those insurgents who came into Iraq and murdered all those people. Tell us also something about the Arab Spring and why it was started in many countries. It certainly wasn't because of something the U.S. did although you want to blame the U.S. for everything. I know what Georgie Boy can tell us about. He can tell us how the youth in the Arab countries are disappointed in these various Arab Springs because they thought it would be different. Instead of what they were expecting, they are getting Islamic fanatics who want to rule them. Dhimmis really don't care about these young people.
I've never taken money to kill young people, unlike yourself and Wesley.
Does that count as caring in your book?
The Arab Spring came about in direct response to the disillusionment felt by Arab youth when they saw the US supporting corrupt Arab and Persian dictators in order to control oil flows and prices:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:
Persian oil …is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it’s ours."

"Our Oil Under Their Soil" is the simple fact that's proven Clark's predictions accurate so far, and there's no reason to believe Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran won't enjoy the same fate as Iraq and Libya if the terrorists in the Pentagon have their way in the New Middle East.

American intervention in the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's pathetic how Georgie Boy has to drag up the same old stuff ad nauseam. He has a problem with the military, but he never mentions that he faked a bad back after only ten days in basic training because he got homesick. Well, Georgie Boy, speaking of money, I never had a subsidized apartment paid for in part by the taxpayers. By the way, Georgie Boy, keep on blaming the U.S. for something or other while you sit comfortably in your little apartment instead of moving to a country where you will feel better about its government. Hmm, I wonder with all Georgie Boy's use of Wikipedia where people can put in whatever they like, if he has at least donated $3.00 to them since they are asking for donations.
How many times are you going to pull up Wesley Clark like it was the Holy Grail? Tell us something about all those insurgents who came into Iraq and murdered all those people. Tell us also something about the Arab Spring and why it was started in many countries. It certainly wasn't because of something the U.S. did although you want to blame the U.S. for everything. I know what Georgie Boy can tell us about. He can tell us how the youth in the Arab countries are disappointed in these various Arab Springs because they thought it would be different. Instead of what they were expecting, they are getting Islamic fanatics who want to rule them. Dhimmis really don't care about these young people.
I've never taken money to kill young people, unlike yourself and Wesley.
Does that count as caring in your book?
The Arab Spring came about in direct response to the disillusionment felt by Arab youth when they saw the US supporting corrupt Arab and Persian dictators in order to control oil flows and prices:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:
Persian oil …is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it’s ours."

"Our Oil Under Their Soil" is the simple fact that's proven Clark's predictions accurate so far, and there's no reason to believe Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran won't enjoy the same fate as Iraq and Libya if the terrorists in the Pentagon have their way in the New Middle East.

American intervention in the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's pathetic how Georgie Boy has to drag up the same old stuff ad nauseam. He has a problem with the military, but he never mentions that he faked a bad back after only ten days in basic training because he got homesick. Well, Georgie Boy, speaking of money, I never had a subsidized apartment paid for in part by the taxpayers. By the way, Georgie Boy, keep on blaming the U.S. for something or other while you sit comfortably in your little apartment instead of moving to a country where you will feel better about its government. Hmm, I wonder with all Georgie Boy's use of Wikipedia where people can put in whatever they like, if he has at least donated $3.00 to them since they are asking for donations.
What's more pathetic?
1. Killing a child for money.
2. Raping a woman for sport.
3. Faking a bad back for freedom.
I've never taken money to kill young people, unlike yourself and Wesley.
Does that count as caring in your book?
The Arab Spring came about in direct response to the disillusionment felt by Arab youth when they saw the US supporting corrupt Arab and Persian dictators in order to control oil flows and prices:

"The Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement of 1944 was based on negotiations between the United States and Britain over the control of Middle Eastern oil. Below is shown what the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt had in mind for to a British Ambassador in 1944:
Persian oil …is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it’s ours."

"Our Oil Under Their Soil" is the simple fact that's proven Clark's predictions accurate so far, and there's no reason to believe Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran won't enjoy the same fate as Iraq and Libya if the terrorists in the Pentagon have their way in the New Middle East.

American intervention in the Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's pathetic how Georgie Boy has to drag up the same old stuff ad nauseam. He has a problem with the military, but he never mentions that he faked a bad back after only ten days in basic training because he got homesick. Well, Georgie Boy, speaking of money, I never had a subsidized apartment paid for in part by the taxpayers. By the way, Georgie Boy, keep on blaming the U.S. for something or other while you sit comfortably in your little apartment instead of moving to a country where you will feel better about its government. Hmm, I wonder with all Georgie Boy's use of Wikipedia where people can put in whatever they like, if he has at least donated $3.00 to them since they are asking for donations.
What's more pathetic?
1. Killing a child for money.
2. Raping a woman for sport.
3. Faking a bad back for freedom.
Not having done any of that, I wouldnt know.
"The Free Syrian Army will shun the planned Geneva peace conference and pursue its fight to topple President Bashar al-Assad regardless, the rebels' commander has said.

"The stance of the FSA's General Salim Idriss on Tuesday highlighted the difficulty for international mediators to get Syria's divided parties to the negotiating table in Switzerland on January 22.

"The UN said on Monday that the goal of the Geneva II talks was an agreement for a transitional government to end the conflict, which has raged for more than two years and killed more than 100,000 people, while displacing millions more.

"'Conditions are not suitable for running the Geneva II talks at the given date and we, as a military and revolutionary force, will not participate in the conference,' Idriss told Al Jazeera."

Syrian rebels rule out peace talks ceasefire - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

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