Syrian foreign minister says President Assad will accept Russian proposal

Putin did what the US has been pressuring him to do for over a year. Namely, pressure his ally to give up his chemical weapons.

It would not have happened without the threat of a US attack

These people on the right are so filled with hate that they totally miss how slick Obama is.

They are only obsessed with ensuring that Obama gets no credit at all costs
Putin did what the US has been pressuring him to do for over a year. Namely, pressure his ally to give up his chemical weapons.

It would not have happened without the threat of a US attack

These people on the right are so filled with hate that they totally miss how slick Obama is.

They are only obsessed with ensuring that Obama gets no credit at all costs

I have been listening to a Rush for the past couple of hours. He is, predictably, beside himself. It is something to listen to.
Kerry opened his big fat mouth and caused this opportunity for Putin. I find it laughable that now the Monkey in Chief says something to the effect that he and Vlad talked about this possibility. Horse shit. Little Barry got schooled but was allowed to save face. He'll have get with his buddies Lindsey and John to find another way to go to war. Don't believe that they'll give up on this.

Aye, there is the heart of the matter. The administration is going along to get along. They have waited what, two years to push over this regime? What's another week or two? If anything, this will be exactly what they need to bring on board world opinion and American opinion. If the international banking cartel needs to, they will use Israel to strike Iran directly in a year or two. Or just collapse the American economy directly. But they will get what they want.

The staging of the Boston Bombing was intended to move Russian support for American interference toward our support of the various rebel and terror groups in Syria. The first part of this plan worked. The Russians, after finding out that Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were CIA assets and were sacrificed to bring American politicians around to now regarding the American meddling in Chechnya basically got the green light to do some house cleaning in their own back yard, knowing that the administration and the conservatives would not, and could not any longer raise a fuss. The American public would no longer view the Chechen resistance as, "freedom fighters," and the CIA was no longer supporting them.

Now, the administration thought that in exchange, they had free reign to support the "rebels," "Al-Qaeda," and the various other savage terrorist warring factions in Syria, and Russia wouldn't say "boo." This was true, up to a point. Which I am sure Putin made clear. . . there was a reason he kept Secretary of State Kerry waiting for over an hour the first time him came to see him after the Boston Bombing. We shall never know, but things were strained, even at that point. I'm pretty sure it was over Syria, though the rumor mill has it, that Russia is also not pleased b/c of world wide protests over GMO and the United States' control over global food supplies.

The upshot of all of this? If they can make it look like they are Co-operating with Russia's demands, and at the same time make it look like Syria has stabbed Russia in the back and betrayed her, so much the better. Like some on this forum have already speculated, look for the Administration in collusion with the MSM to accuse the Syrians, (with out proof) of cheating on this new deal. It wouldn't at all be surprising if another false flag attack after the securing of the weapons was done were to happen. Of course, the world's population would be incredulous, the skeptics would be incredulous, but. . . after the administrations claims of cheating, and the press' hawking? Well, you KNOW how we bow down before that idiot box temple.

Americans are dumb, dumb as shit. They do not know, and many of them, though they have been told time and again, that their media is firmly in control of the elites and it blatantly LIES to them, they love it, the love it SO MUCH.

THEY LOVE THEIR TV. I have seen it here on this site. I have heard people WORSHIP T.V. personalities that I know have been found out to be habitual liars. They quote their favorite shows all the time, not realizing THAT IS NOT REALITY. We know that Charlie Rose lies. We know that Anderson Cooper lies. We know that Bill O'Riley lies. We know that Rachel Maddow lies. We know that Larry King lies. We know that Sean Hannity lies. We know that Chris Matthews lies. We know that Rush Limbaugh lies. We know that Brian Williams lies. If they are on the TV or on the radio, on a syndicated program, they are working for a corporation that has a national interest. That national interest reports to a higher stakeholder, that personality KNOWS what the agenda is, and they tow the line.

[ame=]Rothschilds' Royal Institute of International Affairs - YouTube[/ame]​

These people that Americans are constantly getting their ideas and opinions from, around the clock, have endless expense accounts. They do the bidding of what the international banking cartel wants. What the cartel wants is war. And war they shall have. I have known they have wanted war since before the Obama election. They wanted Obama elected. That is how they got Romney as the challenger. They WANTED Romney to be the challenger. They KNEW he would lose. If Paul had been the challenger? Forget about it, it wouldn't have even been close. Did any one see the polls among the enlisted? Did anyone see internet polls? So naturally every media personality HAD to tell the weak minded how to think. That is what they shall do, in time, to make this war happen. Count on it.
Putin did what the US has been pressuring him to do for over a year. Namely, pressure his ally to give up his chemical weapons.

It would not have happened without the threat of a US attack

These people on the right are so filled with hate that they totally miss how slick Obama is.

It was a clever and diabolical plot by obama and part of his plan to keep Assad in power. President Putin fell for it.
"...You are ducking the question..."

Not at all. I was addressing the other preliminary points, which you were writing off as unimportant and which I disagreed with.

Tell you what... you re-phrase the question to ask the same of Left, Right and Center, and I'll participate, but I won't add weight to your original pitch that it was a question ONLY for Conservatives to be asking...

Massive BIPARTISAN opposition to Obama's plan to strike Syria is the 10,000-pound elephant in the room that cannot be ignored...

You cannot (ethically, or fairly) spin this as a question for Conservatives only...
Hell, he was already a hero to right wingers like Warbler.

You're reading too much into things, asswipe.
Putin is 10 times the man Obama could ever dream of being. That's simply a fact. George Bush would never allow himself nor the U.S. to be "put in its place" as Barry Sotereo did. Putin owns Obama's ass ---

and that's a fact.
Warbler's in Loooooooooove!
Obamas bungling go it alone cowboy diplomacy almost started WWIII

Thank god Putin was the grown up

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