Syrian foreign minister says President Assad will accept Russian proposal

The well orchestrated U.S. threat against Syria was all part of a master plan by Pres. Obama. .. :thup:

Obama came out strong at first with his words about a 'Red Line', and then later pretended to be a weakling in order to draw Putin into the mix.

Putin took the bait and fell into Obama's trap.

Forcing a frightened Putin to beg Assad to give up his WMD's in order to placate Obama.

And once again, our beloved Pres. Obama has shown the world why he is the best choice to lead the free world during these perilous times.

True story .. :cool:
Obama was out of moves. He couldn't go to war because it would had been illegal and he would of been impeached, even RINO McCain threatened it.

Putin checkmated him. Obama now looks like a fucking fool in front of the world, and Putin is clearly the winner.

This fucking dunce of a President needs to do us all a favor and hand in his resignation. What an embarassment.
Really now. What exactly did Obama provide Putin?


Putin could not have pressured Assad to turn over his chemical weapons without the threat of a US invasion. It was .......Look buddy, this is the only way out, turn in your weapons or else the US will attack.

Except for the fact that Obama was getting cold feet and went to Congress and couldn't get Allies to commit to help. Congress wasn't looking good for going along so Obama was out there hanging by himself. He was looking for a way to erase than damn red line he had drawn.

Maybe so....but Assad took the bait

He was facing an unknown attack at the same time he was fighting for his life with the rebels. The US attack could have removed him from power or possibly killed him

Did Assad want to take the chance?

Evidently not. Putin brokered a way out for Assad where he stays in power and gives up weapons he does not dare use again anyway
Putin did what the US has been pressuring him to do for over a year. Namely, pressure his ally to give up his chemical weapons.

It would not have happened without the threat of a US attack
Well another Muslim Brotherhood/Al Qaeda/Obama plan thwarted. Now I guess Al Qaeda will have to fight Assad without US help. Thank you Putin.
Putin did what the US has been pressuring him to do for over a year. Namely, pressure his ally to give up his chemical weapons.

It would not have happened without the threat of a US attack

Now... THAT much of the ObamaBot Party Line, I have no trouble buying into...

But, as for the rest (including the attributing of anything sly or profound to that collection of Rookies and Lightweights and Windbags)...

Nahhhhh... not so much...
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Let's just hope Putin doesn't rub Obama's nose in this, this whole fiasco has been bad enough.

Wouldn't put it past him, though.

Kerry opened his big fat mouth and caused this opportunity for Putin. I find it laughable that now the Monkey in Chief says something to the effect that he and Vlad talked about this possibility. Horse shit. Little Barry got schooled but was allowed to save face. He'll have get with his buddies Lindsey and John to find another way to go to war. Don't believe that they'll give up on this.
"...And your pathetic side could not find anyone to best Obama. Twice."

Don't look now, dude, but I voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012...

I had even less confidence in McSame and Mittens than Obumble, and that was damned marginal at best, so I held my nose, and cast my ballot...

Doesn't make me an ObamaBot, though...

Doesn't mean that I can't manifest the symptoms of Voter's Remorse...

Doesn't mean I can't smell ObamaBot Spin-Doctoring when I see it, either...

Doesn't mean that I have to remain silent while that Spin-Doctoring is underway, either...

Hope that helps...
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Kerry opened his big fat mouth and caused this opportunity for Putin. I find it laughable that now the Monkey in Chief says something to the effect that he and Vlad talked about this possibility. Horse shit. Little Barry got schooled but was allowed to save face. He'll have get with his buddies Lindsey and John to find another way to go to war. Don't believe that they'll give up on this.

I don't see how Obama got schooled

He played bad cop to Putins good cop in the crisis. Obama kept the pressure on Assad. The US was going to attack him and possibly kill him or collapse his regime. Was keeping his chemical weapons worth the risk?

Kerry offered an out. At the time, I doubt he thought Syria would ever take it. It was what we wanted all along. As it is, we remove the threat of chemical weapons and don't change the ballance of power in Syria
For all of those whose hopes - in defending the President against a Leadership coup by Vladimir Putin - are pinned upon the idea that this was a tag-team effort between Obama and Putin...

Now that ObamaBots are giving voice to the idea that it was a tag-team effort, or that the US pressured Russia or outmaneuvered Russia into doing this...

It seems reasonable to expect that Vlad and Co. will issue their own account of how things unfolded, sometime in the near future...

Perhaps after the crisis is actually over...

You know...

When the UN has control over all Syrian chemical weapons and has moved them to a secure location within Syria where their security forces can be reinforced in a heartbeat if the need arises...

Until the UN has the weapons, this ain't over yet...

Never mind quibbling about the really wild-assed, hairy spin-doctoring that Obama and Kerry had planned it this way, all along....

What a fucking joke THAT is...
For all of those whose hopes - in defending the President against a Leadership coup by Vladimir Putin - are pinned upon the idea that this was a tag-team effort between Obama and Putin...

Now that ObamaBots are giving voice to the idea that it was a tag-team effort, or that the US pressured Russia or outmaneuvered Russia into doing this...

It seems reasonable to expect that Vlad and Co. will issue their own account of how things unfolded, sometime in the near future...

Perhaps after the crisis is actually over...

You know...

When the UN has control over all Syrian chemical weapons and has moved them to a secure location within Syria where their security forces can be reinforced in a heartbeat if the need arises...

Until the UN has the weapons, this ain't over yet...

Never mind quibbling about the really wild-assed, hairy spin-doctoring that Obama and Kerry had planned it this way, all along....

What a fucking joke THAT is...

Can you explain a scenario where Assad would have voluntarily surrendered his chemical weapons without the threat of US/NATO military action?
For all of those whose hopes - in defending the President against a Leadership coup by Vladimir Putin - are pinned upon the idea that this was a tag-team effort between Obama and Putin...

Now that ObamaBots are giving voice to the idea that it was a tag-team effort, or that the US pressured Russia or outmaneuvered Russia into doing this...

It seems reasonable to expect that Vlad and Co. will issue their own account of how things unfolded, sometime in the near future...

Perhaps after the crisis is actually over...

You know...

When the UN has control over all Syrian chemical weapons and has moved them to a secure location within Syria where their security forces can be reinforced in a heartbeat if the need arises...

Until the UN has the weapons, this ain't over yet...

Never mind quibbling about the really wild-assed, hairy spin-doctoring that Obama and Kerry had planned it this way, all along....

What a fucking joke THAT is...

Can you explain a scenario where Assad would have voluntarily surrendered his chemical weapons without the threat of US/NATO military action?


I cannot...

But what does that have to do with ObamaBot spin-doctoring that this is the result of collusion (tag-team effort) between Obama and Putin, regarding Syria, which was the context of the first half of the post?
For all of those whose hopes - in defending the President against a Leadership coup by Vladimir Putin - are pinned upon the idea that this was a tag-team effort between Obama and Putin...

Now that ObamaBots are giving voice to the idea that it was a tag-team effort, or that the US pressured Russia or outmaneuvered Russia into doing this...

It seems reasonable to expect that Vlad and Co. will issue their own account of how things unfolded, sometime in the near future...

Perhaps after the crisis is actually over...

You know...

When the UN has control over all Syrian chemical weapons and has moved them to a secure location within Syria where their security forces can be reinforced in a heartbeat if the need arises...

Until the UN has the weapons, this ain't over yet...

Never mind quibbling about the really wild-assed, hairy spin-doctoring that Obama and Kerry had planned it this way, all along....

What a fucking joke THAT is...

obama is going to pretend he's going to be included in the negotiations or actions in putting the weapons under UN control. He's not. Maybe someone will tell him about it.
The well orchestrated U.S. threat against Syria was all part of a master plan by Pres. Obama. .. :thup:

Obama came out strong at first with his words about a 'Red Line', and then later pretended to be a weakling in order to draw Putin into the mix.

Putin took the bait and fell into Obama's trap.

Forcing a frightened Putin to beg Assad to give up his WMD's in order to placate Obama.

And once again, our beloved Pres. Obama has shown the world why he is the best choice to lead the free world during these perilous times.

True story .. :cool:
Droll, S-M, very droll. · · :thup:

For all of those whose hopes - in defending the President against a Leadership coup by Vladimir Putin - are pinned upon the idea that this was a tag-team effort between Obama and Putin...

Now that ObamaBots are giving voice to the idea that it was a tag-team effort, or that the US pressured Russia or outmaneuvered Russia into doing this...

It seems reasonable to expect that Vlad and Co. will issue their own account of how things unfolded, sometime in the near future...

Perhaps after the crisis is actually over...

You know...

When the UN has control over all Syrian chemical weapons and has moved them to a secure location within Syria where their security forces can be reinforced in a heartbeat if the need arises...

Until the UN has the weapons, this ain't over yet...

Never mind quibbling about the really wild-assed, hairy spin-doctoring that Obama and Kerry had planned it this way, all along....

What a fucking joke THAT is...

Can you explain a scenario where Assad would have voluntarily surrendered his chemical weapons without the threat of US/NATO military action?


I cannot...

But what does that have to do with ObamaBot spin-doctoring that this is the result of collusion (tag-team effort) between Obama and Putin, regarding Syria, which was the context of the first half of the post?

Collusion? Who knows and who really cares?

Point is it worked out for the best possible solution. Without the US threats, Assad would not have caved. Without Putin offering a way out.....US would have attacked
Win-win all around

A better question for Conservatives

What actions would you have had Obama done differently?
"...Collusion? Who knows and who really cares?..."

I care, for one; as do a lot of our colleagues; as do a number of ObamaBots who are trying to spin events in just that (collusive) fashion; as do a number of Sane Folk with the brains God gave an ant, who know better than to fall for such bullshit, and who grieve that the US was trounced on the leadership/peacekeeping front by an admirable Old Adversary.

"...Point is it worked out for the best possible solution. Without the US threats, Assad would not have caved..."


The threat of force was needed to bring it to this stage.

Trouble is, without the Putin Proposal, Obama would have been obliged to climb-down, as Congress (both parties) put him back in his place, and no attack was likely to have been executed.

"...Without Putin offering a way out.....US would have attacked Win-win all around."

Even before Putin's breakthrough proposal, the chances of Obama obtaining Congressional blessing for his Cozy Little Remote-Control War were poor, and diminishing by the minute.

Do you REALLY believe that Obama would have proceeded without Congressional Approval and executed the attack regardless?

I don't.

Political suicide.

"...A better question for Conservatives. What actions would you have had Obama done differently?"

Given that both the American People as a whole AND a majority of Congress (according to preliminary polling) were dead-set AGAINST any US intervention in Syria...

It would appear that Opposition to the Syrian Attack was truly BI-PARTISAN in nature...

If I were you, I"d rephrase that, and ask Liberals, Centrists and Conservatives - all of them (us) - what we might do differently...

Obama has turned a corner regarding support even within his own party...

Not only is the honeymoon over, but the weak-spots in the President's armor appear to be widening...
Last edited: place chemical weapons under international control for dismantling, the Associated Press reports.

Putin steps in (over Obama) and solves another bungled Obama International Incident.

That proposal is crap.

But what is crappier is Obama's actions lately.
"...Collusion? Who knows and who really cares?..."

I care, for one; as do a lot of our colleagues; as do a number of ObamaBots who are trying to spin events in just that (collusive) fashion; as do a number of Sane Folk with the brains God gave an ant, who know better than to fall for such bullshit, and who grieve that the US was trounced on the leadership/peacekeeping front by an admirable Old Adversary.

"...Point is it worked out for the best possible solution. Without the US threats, Assad would not have caved..."


The threat of force was needed to bring it to this stage.

Trouble is, without the Putin Proposal, Obama would have been obliged to climb-down, as Congress (both parties) put him back in his place, and no attack was likely to have been executed.

"...Without Putin offering a way out.....US would have attacked Win-win all around."

Even before Putin's breakthrough proposal, the chances of Obama obtaining Congressional blessing for his Cozy Little Remote-Control War were poor, and diminishing by the minute.

Do you REALLY believe that Obama would have proceeded without Congressional Approval and executed the attack regardless?

I don't.

Political suicide.

"...A better question for Conservatives. What actions would you have had Obama done differently?"

Given that both the American People as a whole AND a majority of Congress (according to preliminary polling) were dead-set AGAINST any US intervention in Syria...

It would appear that Opposition to the Syrian Attack was truly BI-PARTISAN in nature...

If I were you, I"d rephrase that, and ask Liberals, Centrists and Conservatives - all of them (us) - what we might do differently...

Obama has turned a corner regarding support even within his own party...

Not only is the honeymoon over, but the weak-spots in the President's armor appear to be widening...

You are ducking the question

If you believe Obama screwed up on Syria, what would you have done differently? What policy should he have pursued, what side should the US have backed?

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