Syrian rebels reportedly sent to fight in Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The ongoing bloody battle between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the border area of Nagorno-Karabakh is quickly being seen as a potential proxy war between Ankara and Moscow, which stand on opposite sides of the long-standing dispute.

Reports and accusations emerged this week that impoverished and desperate Syrian opposition fighters, defeated by the throes of almost 10 years of civil war and supported by Turkey in their final stronghold of Idlib, were recruited by private Turkish defense contractors and summoned to take up arms in Nagorno-Karabakh.

One Syrian fighter, who requested anonymity given his proximity to Turkey, told Fox News on Friday that four men from his hometown of Rastan – a small, ancient city and anti-Assad bulwark in the Homs governate – were slain on the battlefield this week. One was a relative, Kinan Ferzat, a 35-year-old major in the Turkey-backed Free Syria Army (FSA) unit known as the Syrian National Army.

So they are just going to suck countries into this quick sand trap.

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