Syrian thanks Russian airforce


Nov 14, 2012
Before you keep listening to those claiming Russia is bombing civilians in Syria, take a look at this guy:


He thanks the Russians for their efforts. His property is not being bombed by the way.

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Oh and here...child

No strike can be verified and no mosque has been hit.

Why don't we talk about US coalition striking civilians????
1. Damascus has labelled as an “act of aggression” the US-led coalition’s missile strike which killed three Syrian soldiers at an army base in the Deir ez Zor province.
“Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the US-led coalition that contradicts the UN Charter on goals and principles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent letters to the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council,” Syria's SANA news agency quoted the country's foreign ministry as saying.
Syria slams US-led coalition deadly strike against troops as 'act of aggression'

2. Also as if to vindicate Russia’s decision to initiate airstrikes against Islamic State on the territory of Syria as Western forces don’t appear up to the task, NATO jets unleashed a deadly barrage on a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan.
A tale of two strategies: Russia destroys ISIS command, US hits Afghan hospital

3. Russians have all satellite pictures of bombed objects in Syria, they all are far away from the places where civilians may be. If USA have satellites pictures proving the opposite, they are welcome to share them.

4. Mr. Putin was responding to widespread accusations in the West that Russian warplanes were targeting practically every group opposed to the Syrian government except the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. He complained that while the Russian government had asked for the coordinates of the groups that should or should not be attacked, the United States had not responded to either request.
“Recently, we have offered the Americans: ‘Give us objects that we shouldn’t target.’ Again, no answer,” he said. “It seems to me that some of our partners have mush for brains.”
Putin Says US Has 'Mush for Brains' for Failing to Cooperate in Syria

5. No sooner had Russian planes taken off to bomb ISIS terrorists and their associates in Syria, claims made by the West’s anti-Russia lobby started to flood in – only to be repeated in much of the western mainstream media.

Russia wasn‘t really targeting ISIS but “moderate rebels” and its strikes killed scores of innocent civilians (unlike US strikes during which we only get “collateral damage”). We’ve seen lots of tweets attacking Russia and pictures of injured children and people being pulled out of buildings posted online.

Now there’s two possible explanations for the lightning fast way this new chapter in the “information war” against Russia has been launched.

The first is that the anti-Russian lobby have fantastic sources in Syria and know exactly who has been killed in air strikes moments after the bombs are dropped, or, in some cases possess clairvoyant powers and know who the victims will be even before the bombs fall. Also, that there are people on the ground with excellent high-speed Wi-Fi connections in a war zone who are able to post videos online of victims of Russian attacks with an alacrity that makes Usain Bolt look like a veritable slow coach.

The second alternative explanation is that the accusations and allegations that we’ve seen were already written up – filed and saved – and ready to be posted online as soon as Russia’s parliament authorized the use of military force in Syria, in order to discredit the operation. Although air strikes, even if planned with surgical precision can kill civilians – which is of course the number one reason for opposing them – I know which explanation I find the more plausible.
Insult to our intelligence: New information war against Russia

6. “As for media reports claiming that the civilian population is suffering, we are prepared for such information attacks. The first reports about civilian casualties emerged even before our planes got in the air,”he said.

Dozens of videos allegedly showing the aftermath of Russian bombings of residential areas in Syria surfaced online after Moscow announced a bombing campaign designed to help Syrian government forces fight the Islamic State terrorist group.

Russia believes them to be information warfare, and has called on the media and foreign officials to carefully verify information coming from Syria before judging it truthful.
Putin: Claims Russian jets killed civilians in Syria emerged before airstrikes started

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