Syrians prepare fake carnages for the western media BWAHAHAHAHA

Syria got WMD?...
Concerns grow over Assad's chemical arms
Feb. 16, 2012 (UPI) -- Israel and Western powers say they are becoming nervous about Syria's significant arsenal of chemical weapons, primarily the possibility that they could fall into the hands of militant groups such as al-Qaida, which seems to be elbowing its way into the Syrian conflict.
There is, of course, the possibility that embattled President Bashar al-Assad, fighting to save his dynastic regime, might decide to use chemical weapons against those struggling to bring about his downfall. No one knows if he or his hard-line generals would resort to such a horrific move if they felt they were facing defeat. But, given the regime's ruthless crackdown on its opponents since the uprising erupted March 15, 2011, with some 6,000 people killed, using chemical weapons against his enemies, or even against foreign military intervention, cannot be ruled out.

"It's not unlikely that in a developing civil war in Syria, or in the event of Assad's regime collapsing, chemical weapons will fall into the wrong hands," warned retired Israeli Gen. Michael Herzog. "In an extreme scenario an irresponsible actor might even use such weapons, especially against Israel." The only known use of chemical weapons in recent decades has been in the Middle East.

Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser used mustard gas against royalist forces in the 1963-70 Yemen civil war. The first attack by the Egyptians, who backed the republicans, was an airstrike using mustard gas against the village of Kawma June 8, 1963, killing seven people. Saddam Hussein used mustard gas and the nerve agents sarin, tabun and VX against rebellious Kurds in the 1980s, most notoriously in the northeastern town of Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan March 16, 1988. That massacre during the closing days of the Iran-Iraq war killed 3,200-5,000 people. Thousands more died later. It was the most devastating chemical attack against civilians in history.

During that Persian Gulf conflict, both sides repeatedly used poison gas against each other's military forces. "If Syria collapses into chaos over the next few weeks and months, or the army splits between Assad's fellow Alawites and the majority Sunnis, a key questions will be the fate of these chemical weapons and their delivery systems," observed former CIA officer Bruce Riedel. "Terrorist groups, such as Assad's friends Hezbollah and Hamas, would love to get sarin warheads," said Riedel, who was a counter-terrorism specialist and analyst during a 29-year career with the CIA until he retired in 2006. "Whether they could maintain and use them is another question."

Read more: Concerns grow over Assad's chemical arms -

See also:

Syrian Military Crackdown Widens
February 16, 2012 - Syrian government troops widened their offensive against opposition strongholds throughout the country Thursday with heavy weaponry.
Witnesses say Syrian government forces attacked parts of the southern flashpoint city of Daraa Thursday, in a fresh bid to subdue the opposition movement. That attack was coupled with a widespread offensive in other areas of the country, including Homs, Hama, Idlib, and the outskirts of Damascus. Witnesses and opposition websites report that Syrian government tanks stormed a number of smaller towns. Pro-government militiamen also reportedly arrested hundreds of suspected opposition activists. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told VOA at least 24 people were killed across the country Thursday, including four people in clashes in Daraa and 14 people in a government assault on an area near Hama. State-run Syrian television says government forces were attacking “terrorist hideouts” in Hama, Homs and Daraa.

Opposition activist Aseel Abdullah told Alhurra TV that the government attack on Daraa caused damage to property and a number of casualties. A building collapsed in the Baba Amr district of Homs after being pummeled by government artillery. The shelling continued in Baba Amr for the 12th consecutive day, amid reports of more casualties and severe shortages of food and medical supplies. Meanwhile, Syrian opposition leaders continued their call for humanitarian aid. The U.N. General Assembly is due to meet later Thursday to discuss an Arab League plan to send a peacekeeping force to Syria.

Also Thursday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon demanded that Syria stop its shelling of civilian areas. "We see neighborhoods shelled indiscriminately, hospitals used as torture centers, children as young as 10-years-old chained and abused," he told journalists in Vienna. He called the actions an “almost certain crime against humanity.” "We see almost certain crimes against humanity," he said "The lack of agreement in the Security Council does not give the government license to continue this assault on its own people. The longer we debate, the more people will die.'' Khattar Abou Diab, who teaches political science at the University of Paris, says that while the Syrian government wants to crush the opposition movement, it is proving difficult. Syria's allies in Lebanon claim that the government offensive will crush the opposition in two weeks, he said, adding that he doubted a military solution will resolve the conflict.

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I knew this all along:

"Feeling bad about all those ‘dead and wounded’ bodies in Syria? Not so fast.


Looks like the Pallywood Propaganda machine from Gaza has a branch office in Syria.
Demonstrators prepare fake carnage scenes in Syria, then upload them to YouTube to create sympathy from the world for their cause." - Feeling bad about all those ?dead and wounded? bodies in Syria? Not so fast.

Palestinians have it down to a fine art.

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Pro-'Palestinian' websites post fake photos to incite against Israel

This photograph has unfortunately become common on pro-'Palestinian' websites (see this, for example). It is being promoted as a picture of an IDF soldier trampling on a 'Palestinian' child.


There's one small problem - the photo is a fake.

The uniform is not an IDF uniform, the boots aren't IDF boots and the weapon is a Russian issue AK-47 - the IDF uses American-made M-16's.

But why let facts get in the way?
I love this one. What's wrong with this picture?

Khaled Abu Toameh busts reporters for collaborating with Hamas and staging photographs in Gaza.

Supposedly the lawmakers had to use candles.




Darkness at Noon -- MSM Plays Along with Hamas Photo Staging (Updated)

On at least two occasions this week, Hamas staged scenes of darkness as part of its campaign to end the political and economic sanctions against the Gaza Strip, Palestinian journalists said Wednesday.

In the first case, journalists who were invited to cover the Hamas government meeting were surprised to see Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and his ministers sitting around a table with burning candles.

In the second case on Tuesday, journalists noticed that Hamas legislators who were meeting in Gaza City also sat in front of burning candles.

But some of the journalists noticed that there was actually no need for the candles because both meetings were being held in daylight.

"They had closed the curtains in the rooms to create the impression that Hamas leaders were also suffering as a result of the power stoppage," one journalist told The Jerusalem Post. "It was obvious that the whole thing was staged."

Another journalist said he and his colleagues were told to wait for a few minutes before entering the chamber of the Palestinian Legislative Council so that each legislator would have time to light his candle. He said that when he saw that the curtains had been closed to prevent the light from entering, he realized that Hamas was trying to manipulate the media for political gain.
When you see Syrian people saying, "He's killing his own people" Those are not from his tribe and as far as Assad (Shia Ruler) is concerned, they (Arab Tribes) are not his people. They are his' conquered 'and subjugated Muslims.

Yet it's still all Muslims killing Muslims.

When you see Syrian people saying, "He's killing his own people" Those are not from his tribe and as far as Assad (Shia Ruler) is concerned, they (Arab Tribes) are not his people. They are his' conquered 'and subjugated Muslims.

Yet it's still all Muslims killing Muslims.


First step to muzslimes emerging from the middle ages is to elevate themselves from tribes.
When you see Syrian people saying, "He's killing his own people" Those are not from his tribe and as far as Assad (Shia Ruler) is concerned, they (Arab Tribes) are not his people. They are his' conquered 'and subjugated Muslims.

Yet it's still all Muslims killing Muslims.


First step to muzslimes emerging from the middle ages is to elevate themselves from tribes.

Some might say that the second step emerging from the middle ages is to elevate people from defining themselves by religion.

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I knew this all along:

"Feeling bad about all those ‘dead and wounded’ bodies in Syria? Not so fast.


Looks like the Pallywood Propaganda machine from Gaza has a branch office in Syria.
Demonstrators prepare fake carnage scenes in Syria, then upload them to YouTube to create sympathy from the world for their cause." - Feeling bad about all those ?dead and wounded? bodies in Syria? Not so fast.

Yeah. That's right. It's not happening.

When you see Syrian people saying, "He's killing his own people" Those are not from his tribe and as far as Assad (Shia Ruler) is concerned, they (Arab Tribes) are not his people. They are his' conquered 'and subjugated Muslims.

Yet it's still all Muslims killing Muslims.


First step to muzslimes emerging from the middle ages is to elevate themselves from tribes.

Some might say that the second step emerging from the middle ages is is to elevate people from religion.


islime is a cult, not a religion. Judaism gave the world the 10 Commandments. The Torah is inscribed on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land"

islime gave the world terrorism and despair
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Some might say that the second step emerging from the middle ages is is to elevate people from religion.


islime is a cult, not a religion. Judaism gave the world the 10 Commandments. islime gave the world terrorism and despair

Go away.

You're allowed to be dumb. After all, it's the only thing you're good at. :clap2:

United States Founding Father President John Adams...
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.
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islime is a cult, not a religion. Judaism gave the world the 10 Commandments. The Torah is inscribed on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land"

islime gave the world terrorism and despair

Jstone gave the world repetition and hot air:lol:
islime is a cult, not a religion. Judaism gave the world the 10 Commandments. The Torah is inscribed on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land"

islime gave the world terrorism and despair

Jstone gave the world repetition and hot air:lol:


Have a banana, monkey.

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