Syria's real Danger: What will a desperate leader over his head under siege do?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
How far would a desperate man commanding a powerful army be driven to commit?

Obama skated through is first term with a friendly media using an endless "blame Bush" ace up his sleeve. But now, Bush has been gone almost 5 years, no one is buying it. No one is buying his endless "pondering" without ever making a decision either.

Recent pictures he's getting grey fast, he seems to be losing weight, and his face is angrier. He's finally realized that he isn't running for President any more, he is President. And he can't run or point fingers towards the end of his fifth year.

This is a recipe for a desperate man to make a desperate act. Like using his power to start a war in a country where there are no good guys and in fact the side he is trying to help is a far greater danger to attack us than the one he'd be attacking.

What's even scarier is that with any rational judgment clearly compromised, what is he going to do if we do attack Syria and Iran attacks Israel or Russia gets involved or some other act occurs? The liberals are trying to support him in Syria but at the same time say the left is protesting this. He doesn't even have a direction from his own side.

This is a great time for us as a country to convince the kid who wanted to be President to sit this one out. He's clearly not up to leading this. He's not a leader at all. So putting us in a situation where we need actual leadership is just a bad idea.

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