Systemic .. RACE BAITING

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm pretty fed up with it.

Always whining, always begging for free stuff, always failing and blaming someone else, always looting and destroying other peoples stuff, not quite always (77%) leaving their children fatherless and expecting the government to pick up the tab, always breaking the laws and wondering why they're losers and getting arrested, mostly voting Democrat and never holding them responsible for decades of failure.. Systemic Race Baiters are pathetic human beings and not overly bright as well.
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Sheesh .. how could a father/mother make bastards of their children and have any sort of pride in themselves what-so-ever and yet this this systemic cycle continues.. it's F'n sick.
I'm pretty fed up with it.

Always whining, always begging for free stuff, always failing and blaming someone else, always looting and destroying other peoples stuff, not quite always (77%) leaving their children fatherless and expecting the government to pick up the tab, always breaking the laws and wondering why they're losers and getting arrested, mostly voting Democrat and never holding them responsible for decades of failure.. Systemic Race Baiters are pathetic human beings and not overly bright as well.
We should have been picking our own F cotton.
Sheesh .. how could a father/mother make bastards of their children and have any sort of pride in themselves what-so-ever and yet this this systemic cycle continues.. it's F'n sick.

What I think is really sad is that many (not all) Blacks have chosen to not see and not address that the politics they’ve been subscribing to has been a complete disaster for them, it has not truly helped them, it has done the exact opposite. And I believe that is by design. They are choosing to not see that they are being used, intentionally kept down, and kept angry, bitter and feeling hopeless.

As far as I’ve seen, they refuse to look at one of the biggest problems which is fatherless homes. They refuse to see that “liberal” (statist) ideas have been utterly detrimental to the black community, they have been so deeply deceived that they’re convinced it’s the other way around, that conservatism is bad, but the reality is, “liberal” policies have PROVEN to be a complete failure for the black community.

The good news is, a lot of blacks are waking up and are starting to see what is really going on. Before anyone misunderstands me, (and I know I will part ways with many here when I say this) I’m not saying that the Republican party is necessarily the answer. It’s not just about political party, it’s about one’s worldview and principles and ideas that work, as opposed to others.
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Sheesh .. how could a father/mother make bastards of their children and have any sort of pride in themselves what-so-ever and yet this this systemic cycle continues.. it's F'n sick.

What I think is really sad is that many (not all) Blacks have chosen to not see and not address that the politics they’ve been subscribing to has been a complete disaster for them, it has not truly helped them, it has done the exact opposite. And I believe that is by design. They are choosing to not see that they are being used, intentionally kept down, and kept angry, bitter and feeling hopeless.

As far as I’ve seen, they refuse to look at one of the biggest problems which is fatherless homes. They refuse to see that “liberal” (statist) ideas have been utterly detrimental to the black community, they have been so deeply deceived that they’re convinced it’s the other way around, that conservatism is bad, but the reality is, “liberal” policies have PROVEN to be a complete failure for the black community.

The good news is, a lot of blacks are waking up and are starting to see what is really going on. Before anyone misunderstands me (and I know I will part ways with many here when I say this) but I’m not saying the Republican party is necessarily the answer. It’s not just about political party it’s about one’s worldview and principles and ideas that work, as opposed to others.

I truly honor your brilliance and well balanced reasoning Lady Buttercup..

Me .. I'm kinda grumpy today but I plan on being reasonable later... ;)
I'm pretty fed up with it.

Always whining, always begging for free stuff, always failing and blaming someone else, always looting and destroying other peoples stuff, not quite always (77%) leaving their children fatherless and expecting the government to pick up the tab, always breaking the laws and wondering why they're losers and getting arrested, mostly voting Democrat and never holding them responsible for decades of failure.. Systemic Race Baiters are pathetic human beings and not overly bright as well.
We should have been picking our own F cotton.

If you happened to have read my previous (deleted) post, :imsorry3:
Sheesh .. how could a father/mother make bastards of their children and have any sort of pride in themselves what-so-ever and yet this this systemic cycle continues.. it's F'n sick.
She'll explain everything.

Wow, that kinda pissed me off, using kids to recycle perpetual losers.. .. and looting for big ticket items and drugs on a regular basis I guess. :eusa_think:
I'm pretty fed up with it.

Always whining, always begging for free stuff, always failing and blaming someone else, always looting and destroying other peoples stuff, not quite always (77%) leaving their children fatherless and expecting the government to pick up the tab, always breaking the laws and wondering why they're losers and getting arrested, mostly voting Democrat and never holding them responsible for decades of failure.. Systemic Race Baiters are pathetic human beings and not overly bright as well.
It's what they typically have used when all else fails, start the race baiting an sexism accusations.
I'm pretty fed up with it.

Always whining, always begging for free stuff, always failing and blaming someone else, always looting and destroying other peoples stuff, not quite always (77%) leaving their children fatherless and expecting the government to pick up the tab, always breaking the laws and wondering why they're losers and getting arrested, mostly voting Democrat and never holding them responsible for decades of failure.. Systemic Race Baiters are pathetic human beings and not overly bright as well.

You'll love what our demotard asshole proposed in KY. ALL BLACKS get 100% health care, paid by taxpayers of course. He says "blacks die at twice the rate of whites" Yeah, overdoses, shot stealing and shooting each other. He's pandering votes for Mcgraph running against McConnel. He also touts "because of equality" Equality my ass. I entered the work force 1970, in 72 with EEO I would score top of the line for a job... "We would love to hire you but we have to hire minorities and women first. White privileged?? EEO says "you can't discriminate because of race (and 10 other things) Then why do they discriminate against whites?

To Bashears blacks. Get a fucking job and insurance like I did, quit drugs, stop shooting each other.

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