‘Systemic racism’, CRT, ‘equity’, demo’d statues, black folks featured in every ad campaign. Have Dems improved blacks with all the antics?

Yup. Lots of virtue signaling by these wokesters.

If Target depended almost solely on black people for their profits, they’d be bankrupt. Yet they focus almost solely on black people for their posters. They might as just well scream “look at me! I’m woke!”
And then close due to rampant shoplifting
Why would I remotely give a shit?
Maybe “YOU” wouldn’t…. For the sake of your own credibility I’m sure you can link us to your posts in the past when you called out the Libs for bitching about evil caucasians being over represented….right?
Unkotare want to finally be taken seriously….link us to yours as well?

Thanks in advance fellas!
Follow through and keep it credible.
If you're not just making stupid crap up, you can certainly point us to the Democratic ad campaign that featured CRT.

You can run now.

This thread devolved into right-wing racism quickly, as most threads do. They just can't help let their true natures shine through. The righties here immediately started saying how stupid and lazy blacks were, which is textbook racism.

Seriously? Did you REALLY think that you could just make shit up and you wouldn't be called out as the liar you are?
Maybe “YOU” wouldn’t…. For the sake of your own credibility I’m sure you can link us to your posts in the past when you called out the Libs for bitching about evil caucasians being over represented….right?
Unkotare want to finally be taken seriously….link us to yours as well?

Thanks in advance fellas!
Follow through and keep it credible.
Illogical douche bag.
Illogical douche bag.
hahaha….I knew that would be your diversion technique…
Getting back on track, you’re an indoctrinator, I mean educator….have you seen any data to indicate that black folks have made improvements since George Floyd made the new rules, since Democrats have vilified evil whitey, since statues came down and since you lefties began pretending blacks are America’s greatest asset?
Was it all for nothing but bullshit theatrics and for creating division?
Statues and monuments continue to fall at the command of Democrats….has anyone seen the data….have black folks made improvements since George Floyd made all the new rules, since Democrats have moved to publicly vilify evil whitey, since statues came down and since you lefties began pretending blacks are America’s greatest asset?
Was it all for nothing but bullshit theatrics, for rallying up the base and for creating division?

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