‘Systemic racism’, CRT, ‘equity’, demo’d statues, black folks featured in every ad campaign. Have Dems improved blacks with all the antics?

Stop pretending to miss the point. There are more commercials showing mixed families and gay families than there are of white families - and white families are the majority. In fact, white families are shown - maybe - in 10% of the cases.

Good. I’m glad you are opposed to the racial discrimination merchants are now practicing as they exclude the majority population and give most of the focus to the 13% “favored” minority.

After all, deciding whom to hire for models based on skin color is racist, correct?
If the sight of a black face gets your blood boiling, then I'd say that's a good thing.
Just looking for that equality/equal representation…we aren’t getting that if 6.5 in 10 aren’t caucasian ….remember how important that was before George Floyd took your balls and made up that new word you fell in love with…. “EQUITY”?
I find those commericals with "mixed" families so disgusting too. (sarcasm)
Remember when you hated false representations ….when you said you wanted those on T.V. to be an accurate reflection of the citizenry?
I saw a car commercial last night with a family that was half black and half Latino and I had to clutch my wife's pearls.
Were they fishing, camping and driving a Subaru like NO dark people do?
Wouldn’t you piss your pants if a white dude starred in an Afro Sheen commercial?
It would be so much better, and simplier, if we just divided into our natural, God given, races (sarcasm)
You mean like they do in black ghettos and brown barrios? Why do they always avoid living among Caucasians?
But Lisa is not outraged at seeing black faces
She’s outraged at seeing “too many” black faces

That’s SO different
Think EQUAL REPRESENTATION / equality like you did before George Floyd led you fools around by the nose.
To "improve black folks". Black folks have no need of improvement. They're doing just fine on their own, when given equal opportunities.
You have never looked at the data have you?
Extract scared ignorant head from woke foolish ass and get out of the libtarded Twilight Zone.
Self improvement is an inside job. Depending on outside resources to improve you is, of course, dependency which lib loons cling to
Remember when all of todays woke fools thought Hollywood was too white?
Did you post goofy OMG memes in response to their complaints?
The anti-white discrimination from these “woke” companies is so extreme that it would be laughable, if it weren’t so racist.

I just ran out to Target for a few things, and since we were just talking about it, I decided to do another “count.” I passed 28 posters or advertisements, and of the 28, one (one!) was a fair-skinned white and five were of darkish-toned (olive) people who may have been Hispanic. All others were of blacks.

Thus….of the 28 posters, 22 were of African Americans, one was a fair-skinned Caucasian, and the other five were of medium-toned people who looked Hispanic. And even when there were posters of a group of three or four, ALL three or four were black.

If there would have been the “equal representation” that libs claim they want, there should have been 18 or 19 whites. But ONE?

The degree to which merchants go to make sure they don’t show a white face in their ads is a sad commentary on the current situation. You don’t solve racism by practicing it against others.
The anti-white discrimination from these “woke” companies is so extreme that it would be laughable, if it weren’t so racist.

I just ran out to Target for a few things, and since we were just talking about it, I decided to do another “count.” I passed 28 posters or advertisements, and of the 28, one (one!) was a fair-skinned white and five were of darkish-toned (olive) people who may have been Hispanic. All others were of blacks.

Thus….of the 28 posters, 22 were of African Americans, one was a fair-skinned Caucasian, and the other five were of medium-toned people who looked Hispanic. And even when there were posters of a group of three or four, ALL three or four were black.

If there would have been the “equal representation” that libs claim they want, there should have been 18 or 19 whites. But ONE?

The degree to which merchants go to make sure they don’t show a white face in their ads is a sad commentary on the current situation. You don’t solve racism by practicing it against others.
The anti-white discrimination from these “woke” companies is so extreme that it would be laughable, if it weren’t so racist.

I just ran out to Target for a few things, and since we were just talking about it, I decided to do another “count.” I passed 28 posters or advertisements, and of the 28, one (one!) was a fair-skinned white and five were of darkish-toned (olive) people who may have been Hispanic. All others were of blacks.

Thus….of the 28 posters, 22 were of African Americans, one was a fair-skinned Caucasian, and the other five were of medium-toned people who looked Hispanic. And even when there were posters of a group of three or four, ALL three or four were black.

If there would have been the “equal representation” that libs claim they want, there should have been 18 or 19 whites. But ONE?

The degree to which merchants go to make sure they don’t show a white face in their ads is a sad commentary on the current situation. You don’t solve racism by practicing it against others.
Catering never produces satisfaction from the party being catered to . It is however quite virtuous.
Racism is your go-to huh Mamooth?

Say, when 13% of the population is black but commercials represent them as closer to 50% or more, strikes me that is a representation of racism. In fact most clearly. You're in this commercial BECAUSE YOU"RE BLACK.

Don't project
I'm a cock Asian who thinks you're simply fucked in the head space.
Catering never produces satisfaction from the party being catered to . It is however quite virtuous.
Yup. Lots of virtue signaling by these wokesters.

If Target depended almost solely on black people for their profits, they’d be bankrupt. Yet they focus almost solely on black people for their posters. They might as just well scream “look at me! I’m woke!”

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