‘Systemic racism’, CRT, ‘equity’, demo’d statues, black folks featured in every ad campaign. Have Dems improved blacks with all the antics?

I find those commericals with "mixed" families so disgusting too. (sarcasm)
Some posters here have seriously expressed that sentiment. Beyond ridiculous. Some people who frequent this site still use terms like "miscegenation," and "race traitor" in all seriousness. Then you have the looney broad who goes to shops in the mall and counts the "races" of people on advertisements so she can be outraged over it. Mental case.
Some posters here have seriously expressed that sentiment. Beyond ridiculous. Some people who frequent this site still use terms like "miscegenation," and "race traitor" in all seriousness. Then you have the looney broad who goes to shops in the mall and counts the "races" of people on advertisements so she can be outraged over it. Mental case.
Like the OP. (laughing)
Woah. Who said the sight of a black face gets his face boiling? That’s what you leftists do when you can’t argue the point: you argue against something the poster never said!

For example, I walked into MACY’s (very woke company), and in the entry vestibule there were four posters: three were of blacks, and the fourth looked Hispanic. Where is the equal representation in THAT? Whites are the majority in this country, and yet not ONE of the four posters was of a white?

Does that mean “the sight of a black face makes my blood boil”? NO. Neither is it racist to point out the overrepresentation of one minority group.
It clearly makes your face boil.... 😄
Some posters here have seriously expressed that sentiment. Beyond ridiculous. Some people who frequent this site still use terms like "miscegenation," and "race traitor" in all seriousness. Then you have the looney broad who goes to shops in the mall and counts the "races" of people on advertisements so she can be outraged over it. Mental case.
Hah. Apparently, when leftists ignore the MAJORITY and focus their advertising to a 13% minority, 75% of the time, that is NOT the “equal representation” that leftists say they care about. It is proof of racial discrimination.

Leftists cheer on racism, as long as it goes against whites.
Hah. Apparently, when leftists ignore the MAJORITY and focus their advertising to a 13% minority, 75% of the time, that is NOT the “equal representation” that leftists say they care about. It is proof of racial discrimination.

Leftists cheer on racism, as long as it goes against whites.
It would be so much better, and simplier, if we just divided into our natural, God given, races (sarcasm)
I saw a car commercial last night with a family that was half black and half Latino and I had to clutch my wife's pearls.
Stop pretending to miss the point. There are more commercials showing mixed families and gay families than there are of white families - and white families are the majority. In fact, white families are shown - maybe - in 10% of the cases.

Aren‘t you in favor of “equal representation”?
Mostly dog and pony shows just like the witch hunt
Reality and fact are back burner
Some posters here have seriously expressed that sentiment. Beyond ridiculous. Some people who frequent this site still use terms like "miscegenation," and "race traitor" in all seriousness. Then you have the looney broad who goes to shops in the mall and counts the "races" of people on advertisements so she can be outraged over it. Mental case.
But Lisa is not outraged at seeing black faces
She’s outraged at seeing “too many” black faces

That’s SO different
Actually, it would be so much easier, and better, if we chose people based on merit rather than skin color.
Well I agree with you that merchants shouldn't feel a need to target the minorities. (sarcasm)
Isn’t that the ultimate goal? To improve black folks?
Are there metrics for this…who's monitoring these metrics?

To "improve black folks". Black folks have no need of improvement. They're doing just fine on their own, when given equal opportunities.
Well I agree with you that merchants shouldn't feel a need to target the minorities. (sarcasm)
Good. I’m glad you are opposed to the racial discrimination merchants are now practicing as they exclude the majority population and give most of the focus to the 13% “favored” minority.

After all, deciding whom to hire for models based on skin color is racist, correct?
Good. I’m glad you are opposed to the racial discrimination merchants are now practicing as they exclude the majority population and give most of the focus to the 13% “favored” minority.

After all, deciding whom to hire for models based on skin color is racist, correct?
So you missed the (sarcasm)?

Racist dope
... focus their advertising to a 13% minority, 75% of the time,....

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