‘Systemic racism’, CRT, ‘equity’, demo’d statues, black folks featured in every ad campaign. Have Dems improved blacks with all the antics?

Did you know the purpose of hiring actors for commercials is to sell a product?
So I have heard

Are you saying black people have more disposable income than whites?

I rather think its the other way around
So I have heard

Are you saying black people have more disposable income than whites?

I rather think its the other way around
What I'm saying is advertisers when they want to sell a product have a certain type in mind. A white man, black man, white woman, gay, blonde, redhead. They make these decisions based on who they think would want to buy their product. State Farm is most likely trying to sell insurance to black people, thus we have a black Jake.

By the way blacks make up 13.4%, not 6%
I'm saying is advertisers when they want to sell a product have a certain type in mind. A white man, black man, white woman, gay, blonde, redhead. They make these decisions based on who they think would want to buy their product. State Farm is most likely trying to sell insurance to black people, thus we have a black Jake.
Yes, thats the lib cover story

But its bullshit
Seeing blacks in commercials seems to horrify the racists
It hasnt been that long since black people were complaining about being underrepresented on TV

So “horrified” goes both ways
No they haven't improved them because black people problems are their own fault. Just like the millions of broke ass white people are their own fault.

Blacks don't need to be propped up, they need to be told to take responsibility for their own lives.

We have millions of black politicians, doctors, lawyers, police chiefs, business owners and ones that are blue collar that do ok for themselves. So the idea the "white man keeps the black man down" is complete utter bullshit.

All this "black praise and attention" has done is turn me towards being racist when I wasn't before".
This is true. Of the poor black and white people I know, ALL have ome thing in common - they all had a baby in their teens, and then lived with their mother, who herself had a baby in her teens.
This is true. Of the poor black and white people I know, ALL have ome thing in common - they all had a baby in their teens, and then lived with their mother, who herself had a baby in her teens.
This is basic common sense that libs choose to ignore
Seeing blacks in commercials seems to horrify the racists
According to these kooks, only straight white males and white females who suck up to them and are trained to kiss ass and lie back on the bed at the click of some guy's fingers are to be seen on TV. Everyone else should stay invisible and obey commands.
If you're not just making stupid crap up, you can certainly point us to the Democratic ad campaign that featured CRT.

You can run now.

This thread devolved into right-wing racism quickly, as most threads do. They just can't help let their true natures shine through. The righties here immediately started saying how stupid and lazy blacks were, which is textbook racism.

Racism is your go-to huh Mamooth?

Say, when 13% of the population is black but commercials represent them as closer to 50% or more, strikes me that is a representation of racism. In fact most clearly. You're in this commercial BECAUSE YOU"RE BLACK.

Don't project
What I'm saying is advertisers when they want to sell a product have a certain type in mind. A white man, black man, white woman, gay, blonde, redhead. They make these decisions based on who they think would want to buy their product. State Farm is most likely trying to sell insurance to black people, thus we have a black Jake.

By the way blacks make up 13.4%, not 6%
True. Blacks make up 13% of the population. Why then are 75% of the commercials featuring black couples, black families, or bi-racial couples and bi-racial families? (What about that ad with the middle-aged white guy picking up his bi-racial 6-year-old at school?) If an alien dropped down from space and made a judgement based on commercials, he’d think whites were a teensy minority.
This is basic common sense that libs choose to ignore
Yes. In one case, the girl who had a baby had a mother who gave birth to her when she was in her teens, and whose own mother gave birth to her when she was in her teens - 14, actually. In other words, the great-grandmother is around 50. Three closely spaced generations, all in poverty.
Racism is your go-to huh Mamooth?

Say, when 13% of the population is black but commercials represent them as closer to 50% or more, strikes me that is a representation of racism. In fact most clearly. You're in this commercial BECAUSE YOU"RE BLACK.

Don't project
Yes - and that makes it very hard for whites to get a gig in a commercial. That’s what happens when 70% of the population is allotted only 10% of the availability.
What I'm saying is advertisers when they want to sell a product have a certain type in mind. A white man, black man, white woman, gay, blonde, redhead. They make these decisions based on who they think would want to buy their product. State Farm is most likely trying to sell insurance to black people, thus we have a black Jake.

Or maybe they figure their customer base is more like the rest of America and doesn't give a shit about the color of the spokesman's skin. Maybe they were just trying to establish a likeable character to feature in recurring insurance ads like Flo at Progressive, or that Gecko, or the lady with the big hoo-haas. Maybe pleasant spokesmen establish feelings of trust that people want in an insurance company. Stuff like that.
Yes - and that makes it very hard for whites to get a gig in a commercial. That’s what happens when 70% of the population is allotted only 10% of the availability.
Holy crap, is this really a national emergency? How many victims do you imagine are being robbed of their chance to sell breakfast cereal? Maybe we should pay them reparations?
Why then are 75% of the commercials featuring black couples, black families, or bi-racial couples and bi-racial families?
My first thought would be why does it matter? Like I said before they don't make these decisions based on race. They base it on who they think would be most effective to sell their product. There is no conspiracy. You are not being discriminated against based on your race. Its a buisness decision. Business knows no personality.
Holy crap, is this really a national emergency? How many victims do you imagine are being robbed of their chance to sell breakfast cereal? Maybe we should pay them reparations?
The point is it is racist against whites to not hire them because they want blacks. I thought you libs were against racism.
My first thought would be why does it matter? Like I said before they don't make these decisions based on race. They base it on who they think would be most effective to sell their product. There is no conspiracy. You are not being discriminated against based on your race. Its a buisness decision. Business knows no personality.
Nope. They don’t think that their customers will be primarily black - especially since blacks are only 14% of the country. They are just woke companies, showing how “enlightened” they are by favoring blacks.
True. Blacks make up 13% of the population. Why then are 75% of the commercials featuring black couples, black families, or bi-racial couples and bi-racial families? (What about that ad with the middle-aged white guy picking up his bi-racial 6-year-old at school?) If an alien dropped down from space and made a judgement based on commercials, he’d think whites were a teensy minority.
This is what keeps you up at night? What the space aliens might think?
Holy crap, is this really a national emergency? How many victims do you imagine are being robbed of their chance to sell breakfast cereal? Maybe we should pay them reparations?
That’s a job for a white person who isnt being hired because the company decided they were someone with black skin. So by your reasoning, it shouldn’t be a national emergency if a bigot chooses a white person for a job over a black.

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