‘Systemic racism’, CRT, ‘equity’, demo’d statues, black folks featured in every ad campaign. Have Dems improved blacks with all the antics?

This is what keeps you up at night? What the space aliens might think?
OK….this is the point where I put into place what I learned yesterday about trying to reason with a sarcastic, intolerant leftist. IGNORE.
So you're saying that white actors should be chosen over black actors?
But you’re defending what the woke companies are doing: hiring black actors over whites. You’re OK with it because you are fine with racism, as long as it’s against whitey.
The point is it is racist against whites to not hire them because they want blacks. I thought you libs were against racism.
That’s a job for a white person who isnt being hired because the company decided they were someone with black skin. So by your reasoning, it shouldn’t be a national emergency if a bigot chooses a white person for a job over a black.
Your post fails the logic test.
OK….this is the point where I put into place what I learned yesterday about trying to reason with a sarcastic, intolerant leftist. IGNORE.
You go find one of those and tell him all about it.
But you’re defending what the woke companies are doing: hiring black actors over whites. You’re OK with it because you are fine with racism, as long as it’s against whitey.
Are those cell phone company commercials discriminating against flat chested women? Is Mr. clean discrimination against men with hair? Is the commercial with the gecko discrimination against other kinds of lizards? Just how fucking absurd can you get with this shit?
Are those cell phone company commercials discriminating against flat chested women? Is Mr. clean discrimination against men with hair? Is the commercial with the gecko discrimination against other kinds of lizards? Just how fucking absurd can you get with this shit?
You’re being ridiculous. If actors were selected based on skill, availability, etc., the selections would mimic the population at large: there would be around 65% white and 35% POC. The fact that the representation is so skewed toward blacks shows that liberal woke companies are making selections with race a primary factor - and they are favoring blacks.

And please don’t use the f-word when speaking to me. You are speaking to a lady. You’ve probably hung around so many leftists that it’s been a while since you ran into one.
This is true. Of the poor black and white people I know, ALL have ome thing in common - they all had a baby in their teens, and then lived with their mother, who herself had a baby in her teens.
Exactly. Forced birth leads to poverty

We’ll put
You’re being ridiculous. If actors were selected based on skill, availability, etc., the selections would mimic the population at large: there would be around 65% white and 35% POC. The fact that the representation is so skewed toward blacks shows that liberal woke companies are making selections with race a primary factor - and they are favoring blacks.

And please don’t use the f-word when speaking to me. You are speaking to a lady. You’ve probably hung around so many leftists that it’s been a while since you ran into one.
Your racism nullifies any claim of beings “lady”
Based on your logic, the NBA, NFL, MLB should all be 65% white.
Nope. Very poor analogy. Sports teams pick based on athletic ability, and blacks are superior to whites when it comes to speed especially. It’s the one area where employers are allowed to pick based on ability alone, and that’s because it favors blacks.

You’re not trying to say that blacks are superior actors to whites, and that’s why they are so overrepresented, are you? It’s that woke companies are discriminating against whites. So obvious, and Americans are getting sick of all of it. You saw that on Election Night last week.

Can‘t wait for Election Night 2022.
Really? The White Guys Who Want to be in TV Commercials is your advocacy group? How much should we donate each month to help these suffering souls?

Why not stick up for white males when they are being discriminated against?
Hahaha….and just like that, Unkotare and his lefty buddies hate EQUAL REPRESENTATION.
That’s a job for a white person who isnt [sic] being hired because the company decided they were someone with black skin....
Do you realize the medium you are talking about? How fucking obtuse can you be?
Do you realize the medium you are talking about? How fucking obtuse can you be?
And back with the f- word, particularly because you know i find it objectionable.

You leftists are the nastiest humans I’ve ever come across. And the more hate you spew, the more you drive the independents away. You are going to lose so bad in 2022 that you’ll be crying.
You’re not trying to say that blacks are superior actors to whites, and that’s why they are so overrepresented, are you?
I told you already. Its a business decision. Nothing to do with woke.
I don't know about you but I don't even watch commercials and I sure as hell don't care what race the actors are.
I leave that to the racists.
........ It’s the one area where employers are allowed to pick based on ability alone....
Television includes the word "vision." Producers "pick" based on visuals. That's their criteria. If an insurance company needs a spokesperson who they think people will respond to as a likeable character, must they pick someone who looks like a bitchface asshole who just drank some rotten milk, or else face your accusations?

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