‘Systemic racism’, CRT, ‘equity’, demo’d statues, black folks featured in every ad campaign. Have Dems improved blacks with all the antics?

That this is America where everyone should be able follow their dreams without a hassle.
Look, lets cut to the chase… I’m pretty sure everybody is all for these crazy theatrics if it truly improves the behavioral traits, productivity and criminality among black folks…
Are more blacks staying in school, are they murdering fewer unborn babies, are there fewer births out of wedlock, are more fathers staying in the homes, are they committing less rape, murder and violent crime?
Are Democrats tracking this and compiling the data?
Racism is your go-to huh Mamooth?
I see why you deflected.

I challenged you all to defend the claim the thread title makes, that the Democrats are pushing "CRT" in ad campaigns. I asked for examples. Nobody would supply one.

I'll take that as all of your admissions that the thread title was a lie.

Say, when 13% of the population is black but commercials represent them as closer to 50% or more, strikes me that is a representation of racism. In fact most clearly. You're in this commercial BECAUSE YOU"RE BLACK.

Don't project
Did I talk about commercials at all? No, I didn't. If you can't argue against what I actually say, just admit it. Don't make up dumb stories about what I supposedly said.

My point, which I stated directly, was that calling a whole race stupid, criminal and lazy is indeed textbook racism. And it's what the thread had quickly devolved into, talk about how those stupid and lazy blacks let themselves be exploited by evil liberals because they were lazy criminals who don't want to work.

You chose to run cover for the racist twaddle. Why was that?
It’s been a few years since all the statues came down and caucasians were labeled “Americas #1 Existential Threat”…….Crime has increased in virtually all dark communities, cities and states……have things improved for dark people in other areas?
Unless there were at least 5 white guys it's racism!
“EQUAL representation”….remember how important that was before George Floyd became your Massa and changed all the rules?
That this is America where everyone should be able follow their dreams without a hassle.
Are you sure you aren’t stuck in 1960?
We elected a black man to the highest office TWICE. Are you aware of that?
Who is “hassled” for following their dreams? Asians and East Indians who kick serious ass here?
The problem is; you globalists have decided Mexico’s people should be able to break in against our will and “follow their dreams without hassle”.
You believe America is the worlds nation, you believe the American Dream IS NOT reserved for Americans.
Isn’t that the ultimate goal? To improve black folks?
Are there metrics for this…who's monitoring these metrics?
The Democrats burned down Communities of Color KKK-style during the CovidCon, all to briefly regain power.

With friends like the Democrats, Blacks don't need lynching parties.
I just find it bizarre that Democrats would advocate and support actions that wouldn’t improve black folks….actions that would yield nothing but hatred and divisiveness among the citizenry.
The problem is; you globalists have decided Mexico’s people should be able to break in against our will and “follow their dreams without hassle”.
Considering your ancestors stole their land they should be able to.
Isn’t that the ultimate goal? To improve black folks?
Are there metrics for this…who's monitoring these metrics?
If the sight of a black face gets your blood boiling, then I'd say that's a good thing.
If the sight of a black face gets your blood boiling, then I'd say that's a good thing.
Woah. Who said the sight of a black face gets his face boiling? That’s what you leftists do when you can’t argue the point: you argue against something the poster never said!

For example, I walked into MACY’s (very woke company), and in the entry vestibule there were four posters: three were of blacks, and the fourth looked Hispanic. Where is the equal representation in THAT? Whites are the majority in this country, and yet not ONE of the four posters was of a white?

Does that mean “the sight of a black face makes my blood boil”? NO. Neither is it racist to point out the overrepresentation of one minority group.
..., I walked into MACY’s (very woke company), and in the entry vestibule there were four posters: three were of blacks, and the fourth looked Hispanic. Where is the equal representation in THAT? Whites are the majority in this country, and yet not ONE of the four posters was of a white?
Here we go again...... :icon_rolleyes:

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