*T. Cullen Davis: Guilty!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes, he is 90 years of age, and been guilty of murder since, 1976.
2. He did it and his fathers money covered him.
3. And he was a good liar.
4. From my home town of Cowtown. (Fort Worth)
5. Such a disgrace to Americans.
6. He did it, and his money saved him.
7. Deep pockets ride free on the prairies in Texas.
8. He did it and got away with it, and I 'm here to set the record straight.

cullen davis

I thought he was dead. Must have been Priscilla that kicked the bucket.

Yes he did it. He sure did. Much like hillury, our favorite murderous shit beast, they will leave this world without receiving justice.
I thought he was dead. Must have been Priscilla that kicked the bucket.

Yes he did it. He sure did. Much like hillury, our favorite murderous shit beast, they will leave this world without receiving justice.
Justice is never escaped between this world and the next.
Sorry bout that,

1. He should confess, he's nearly dead already.
2. He went broke, claims he's met Jesus.
3. Why didn't he confess?
4. There were three witness' that saw him pull the fucking trigger.
5. His lawyers somehow got the jury who all of them are..... dull as dish water.
6. The jurors failed, point blank failed justice, maybe they were ALL PAID off.
7. Its a shame that that little girl died, and that dude as well, they didn't deserve killing!
8. There were two others shot, Cullen's ex-wife, Priscilla, and a friend who showed up at house at wrong time.
9. Crime and big money, go fucking free!!!!
10. Its a shame.
11. He hid behind religion for safety, having never confessed.

Sorry bout that,

1. He should confess, he's nearly dead already.
2. He went broke, claims he's met Jesus.
3. Why didn't he confess?
4. There were three witness' that saw him pull the fucking trigger.
5. His lawyers somehow got the jury who all of them are..... dull as dish water.
6. The jurors failed, point blank failed justice, maybe they were ALL PAID off.
7. Its a shame that that little girl died, and that dude as well, they didn't deserve killing!
8. There were two others shot, Cullen's ex-wife, Priscilla, and a friend who showed up at house at wrong time.
9. Crime and big money, go fucking free!!!!
10. Its a shame.
11. He hid behind religion for safety, having never confessed.

I don't remember the case at all.

Sorry bout that,

1. He was a low brow kinda person, with great wealth. (Neanderthal)
2. A loose cannon, he was known to fly off the handle, doing great harm to others.
3. His brothers can attest to it.
4. From a small child he was like this, and his brothers should tell it like it was, if they are still around.
5. Its tragic what happened, and he walked away innocent.
6. The JURORS, fucking failed, and I hope they paid for it.
7. They failed justice, wether he was rich of poor, he should of paid a price, for murdering those two people, jail time, or death.
8. Other failed JURORS, the OJ Simpson case, he was guilty as hell, and he walked away innocent.

Sorry bout that,

1. I found this might be of interest.

2. Cullen asked when he met Robison, "Can I get a Jesus Cookie?"

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Sorrybout that,

1. I found this interesting.

2. He was guilty then, is guilty now.
3. Three witness's they saw him do it.

Sorry bout that,

1. One witness picked him out of some photos having never see him before.
2. He was shot in the stomach lodged on his spine, was partial paralyzed, you dont forget the face of who shot you in the guts.
3. How can a person who never saw man identify him by photo?
4. They had him dead to rights.

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Sorry bout that,

1. If I were the Deputy Dog, DA in Fort Worth, I'd try this rich bastard, again.
2. Not because he was rich, but because he didn't stay rich.


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