T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

America could use some coming together and thriving dont you think?

I think we can thrive much easier if we come together as Americans.

We CAN heal, we just have to want to heal.

God you make me want to puke. $stewie puke.gif

I guess you agree with Michelle that our souls are broken too.
I beg you people to allow this city to heal in their own way.

The university planned this event.

Please allow the community to come together and thrive in name of its people who died and were injured.

Thanks for begging us to let the community thrive together as Democrats in honor of Democrats who died at a Democrats political event.

Yes, lets keep partisan politics out.

Maybe we should all be wondering what kind of protection Democrats can give the nation when they cannot protect themselves in their own backyards.

This is another huge Democrat failure, now the whole nation must address security for those who work day and night on security issues.

Congress has the lowest approval rating of all time, how in the hell can they fail to provide security at a political event. Did they assume it being in their town that everyone loved them. Are they this disconnected from their people they just let their guard down.

This is a serious question, what was the security on the Federal level, why this massive failure of government.

Assassination in the year 2011, I hope they get things right, hell did they not just find an aide or something in a dumpster. Why does Congress do with our money.

Sadly, Gifford failed herself and the country.
America could use some coming together and thriving dont you think?

I think we can thrive much easier if we come together as Americans.

We CAN heal, we just have to want to heal.

God you make me want to puke. View attachment 12605

I guess you agree with Michelle that our souls are broken too.

we have to want to heal.

Many Americans want to heal.

No one is forcing you to desire healing in this country.
America could use some coming together and thriving dont you think?

I think we can thrive much easier if we come together as Americans.

We CAN heal, we just have to want to heal.

God you make me want to puke. View attachment 12605

I guess you agree with Michelle that our souls are broken too.

I am still Curious if the Big Pep Rally for the Ft. Hood Massacre had T-Shirts?...


America could use some coming together and thriving dont you think?

I think we can thrive much easier if we come together as Americans.

We CAN heal, we just have to want to heal.

God you make me want to puke. View attachment 12605

I guess you agree with Michelle that our souls are broken too.

we have to want to heal.

Many Americans want to heal.

No one is forcing you to desire healing in this country.

Heal from what exactly? What sickness is so pervasive in the American public that we need to heal?

The only thing i see as sick in this country is the fucking government.
I beg you people to allow this city to heal in their own way.

The university planned this event.

Please allow the community to come together and thrive in name of its people who died and were injured.

Thanks for begging us to let the community thrive together as Democrats in honor of Democrats who died at a Democrats political event.

Yes, lets keep partisan politics out.

Maybe we should all be wondering what kind of protection Democrats can give the nation when they cannot protect themselves in their own backyards.

This is another huge Democrat failure, now the whole nation must address security for those who work day and night on security issues.

Congress has the lowest approval rating of all time, how in the hell can they fail to provide security at a political event. Did they assume it being in their town that everyone loved them. Are they this disconnected from their people they just let their guard down.

This is a serious question, what was the security on the Federal level, why this massive failure of government.

Assassination in the year 2011, I hope they get things right, hell did they not just find an aide or something in a dumpster. Why does Congress do with our money.

Sadly, Gifford failed herself and the country.

Democrats died? Judge Rolls was a Republican, as was at least one of the others who died. Christina Green was 9 - to the best of anyone's knowledge, she was not a member of any political party. Your response is partisan rhetoric. And you should be ashamed of it.
This community elected her.

I dont think they see her as a failure

It is her responsibility to address the security of the nation which includes herself as a member of congress.

It has been the left liberals that tell us the Conservatives have been stirring up hate. We are told we are the radicals everyone must fear, that we are the bigots, that we carry guns and any day we are going to go on a rampage such as this. Its in the news daily. So does Congress not believe their own Rhetoric, does Congress not believe MSNBC when it states Conservatives are a physical threat.

Is this why there was not adequate security at a political event held in a city. This congresswoman in my opinion literally got a 9 year old girl killed and I have no doubt she will struggle with her guilt the rest of her life.

So if Congress believes what they say, what their supporters say, how did they address security.

Or was there no security because Congress knows that Conservatives are not a threat, Democrats know they are telling lies when they state their is hate on the far right. Democrats know they are liars when they state there is a "Radical Far Right".

Had Democrats believed the Rhetoric they blamed this tragedy on they would of provided security and prevented the 9 year old girls murder.

It makes me sick that Democrats got this girl murdered. Was it that Democrats are naive, ignorant, stupid. What is it. It is beyond belief.

This was an organized event, I cannot wait until the same people are able to organize something else. I am sure they will put more thought into things in the future.
My God! Why haven't all of us taken to living in underground bunkers? How foolish and irreponsible of us to be easy targets. Why wasn't everyone packing a gun at this event? How can I possibly be at work without a firearm?

Identify nut cases better and keep them from guns. Way simpler, unless your a parent in denial.
What if the parents could not afford to pay for the mental healthcare this young man needed?
This community elected her.

I dont think they see her as a failure

It is her responsibility to address the security of the nation which includes herself as a member of congress.

It has been the left liberals that tell us the Conservatives have been stirring up hate. We are told we are the radicals everyone must fear, that we are the bigots, that we carry guns and any day we are going to go on a rampage such as this. Its in the news daily. So does Congress not believe their own Rhetoric, does Congress not believe MSNBC when it states Conservatives are a physical threat.

Is this why there was not adequate security at a political event held in a city. This congresswoman in my opinion literally got a 9 year old girl killed and I have no doubt she will struggle with her guilt the rest of her life.

So if Congress believes what they say, what their supporters say, how did they address security.

Or was there no security because Congress knows that Conservatives are not a threat, Democrats know they are telling lies when they state their is hate on the far right. Democrats know they are liars when they state there is a "Radical Far Right".

Had Democrats believed the Rhetoric they blamed this tragedy on they would of provided security and prevented the 9 year old girls murder.

It makes me sick that Democrats got this girl murdered.
Was it that Democrats are naive, ignorant, stupid. What is it. It is beyond belief.

This was an organized event, I cannot wait until the same people are able to organize something else. I am sure they will put more thought into things in the future.

What happened to the only person to blame is the criminal? (which I agree with btw).

And to deny there's a far-right is ridiculous-there are extremes in EVERY political spectrum-and if you don't think there's one on the right, you just may be a part of it.
What if the parents could not afford to pay for the mental healthcare this young man needed?

It was my Understanding that they were Living Off of a Settlement from an Injury he Suffered as a Child on a Playground...

There are also PLENTY of Publically Funded Mental Health Options for People in Large Cities like Tucson.


What if the parents could not afford to pay for the mental healthcare this young man needed?

I guess they buy him ammunition for Christmas? You really astound me with your ability to run from the truth and protect the guilty.
I didn't watch the entire speech. Actually, I didn't watch much of it at all. I kept switching back to see if he was done and every time I did, people were applauding. I don't know what Obama was saying or how he was saying it, I only know that there seemed to be an awful lot of applause and 'cheering' if you will, which I find odd at a memorial service for people gunned down by a loon. Just sayin'.
I wish I could wear a T-shirt outdoors for an hour here. I mean, without freezing.
What if the parents could not afford to pay for the mental healthcare this young man needed?

I guess they buy him ammunition for Christmas? You really astound me with your ability to run from the truth and protect the guilty.

I dont remember reading anything about them buying his ammo.

These parents did not want this to happen.

I think its unfair to characterize them this way without evidence.

This young man was very likely a Paranoid schizophrenic.

That is a brain chemistry unbalence.

He was out of his mind.
What if the parents could not afford to pay for the mental healthcare this young man needed?

I guess they buy him ammunition for Christmas? You really astound me with your ability to run from the truth and protect the guilty.

I dont remember reading anything about them buying his ammo.

These parents did not want this to happen.

I think its unfair to characterize them this way without evidence.

This young man was very likely a Paranoid schizophrenic.

That is a brain chemistry unbalence.

He was out of his mind.

Yet able to premeditate the entire attack over time. How do you like your assasins fried? Medium or well done? Throw the parents in jail too.

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