Tabitha/Thomas: Eccentric Eagles (NFL)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a sports-fanfare parable inspired by the Eagles' miraculous victory in Super Bowl 52 (arguably the greatest upset-victory ever!) and the metaphysics-irony films Oh, God! You Devil, Mr. Destiny, and The Sandlot.




When Tabitha and Thomas were young, they were attractive even though they were both eccentric. They were fans of the Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) and watched the games on TV. Tabitha and Thomas grew up separately as separated siblings in Texas. Tabitha grew up fascinated by Wiccan teachings, while Thomas became increasingly fascinated by the Necronomicon (the prophetic Book of the Dead). Tabitha and Thomas were very attractive, but they were arguably quite dangerous (and eccentric). However, as mentioned before, they were both Eagles (NFL) fans!


When Tabitha and Thomas were older (much older), Tabitha was a fully-realized practicing demonic witch living in Texas. Thomas (her separated sibling) was a fully-developed Leatherface-copycat, wielding a chainsaw, engaging in cannibalism, and wearing an eerie and ghoulish mask made out of human skin. Tabitha and Thomas were still (secretly) Eagles (NFL) fans(!). The year was 2018, and the Eagles challenged the seemingly-indomitable New England Patriots(!) in Super Bowl 52 [February 4]. Tabitha and Thomas incanted prayers of Occult-orientation and used their Ouija boards to give the Eagles 'extra luck,' but while they were using the Ouija board, they glimpsed each other(!) and realized they were separated siblings. The Eagles won Super Bowl 52 by a score of 41-33. It was the greatest upset in all of sports history.


Tabitha decided to write to a U.S. Congressman urging the need for social leaders to understand the value of religious tolerance and pluralism. Tabitha wrote, "If a Wiccan can provide the Eagles a dash of extra (and welcomed!) good-fortune, why should such a Wiccan be ostracized from mainstream culture (especially since s/he just contributed to great sports-fanfare)?" Thomas meanwhile decided to write to a U.S. Congressman urging him to understand the value of curbing consumerism gluttony so the fact that any American could easily walk into a Home Depot hardware-store and purchase a chainsaw would create more humility than arrogance. Thomas wrote, "If a psychologically-strained person wants to celebrate the Eagles' victory in Super Bowl 52, he should not feel that consumerism is somehow blocking his/her basic self-improvement!"



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