Take a look when some leftists realize they are red pilling themselves

And that folks is what the left will start sounding like as the realization of the bullshit they are pushing on everyone becomes reality for them.

Leftists in America (especially Middle class Leftists) dumbest group of people to ever exist.

They will destroy everything, everywhere, like they do their blue cities and states until there's no where left for them to live in their self-righteousness.
Is it about power, or is it about power?

"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state" -Mussolini
The red areas are consolidating in numbers even with large swaths of land. The politics nationally and Progressive areas are mostly in control of the agendas with tentacles far into the red areas. The security state in red areas that stomps on its own citizens is slowly committing suicide to their cause. Power is corruptible.

And that folks is what the left will start sounding like as the realization of the bullshit they are pushing on everyone becomes reality for them.

Leftists in America (especially Middle class Leftists) dumbest group of people to ever exist.

That is a TIk Tok video from somewhere in Asia.

What does it have to do with Americans and Democrats?

And that folks is what the left will start sounding like as the realization of the bullshit they are pushing on everyone becomes reality for them.

Leftists in America (especially Middle class Leftists) dumbest group of people to ever exist.


Jesus christ you folks are stupid. The progressive left has always been against the establishment and moderates. Red pill. 😄 The right fellates big business and the rich while pissing on social safety nets or anything designed to help the poor and middle class. They feed you propaganda about boot straps and trickle down economics. The moderates like Newsom might be more liberal socially but economically they love the wealthy as much as the Right does so their policies are more liberal but they aren't going to raise taxes on the rich to pay for those policies, they just going to burden the middle class even more. (That's what TYT was complaining about.) Its the progressive left that's trying to look out for average Americans both socially and economically.
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Funny ? Of course .

But when someone with concrete cognitive rigidity is forced to make the most basic life decisions with no help , the following options apply
*Headless Chicken routine -- see video
*Random and continued violence -- uncontrollable anger .Brain dead .

Just watch the number of suicides later this year . Particularly among the young who have no mental framework or references to employ .

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