Take a wild guess who the largest victims of repealing Obamacare may be?

And the answer is

yep the flyover country rubes!!!

Eighty-two percent of the people becoming uninsured would be in working families, 38 percent would be ages 18 to 34, and 56 percent would be non-Hispanic whites. Eighty percent of adults becoming uninsured would not have college degrees.

Take a wild guess who the largest victims of repealing Obamacare may be?

Then there shouldn't be any objection from a racist punk like you that hates whites from "fly over country".
We've always known that the heart of Trump's support, working class families without college degrees would be hit hard by a repeal of Obamacare. One can only believe, that they thought the replacement plan would be better for them.

Actually, Trump won the votes of BOTH those WHITE voters without college degrees AND WHITE voters with college degrees. I realize Liberals like to consider Trump voters as the ignorant voters but in truth, that simply wasn't the case.
However, Trump did not will the college graduate's vote. In general Trump did exceptional well among low educated voters.

That's not what has been reported. What has been reported is that he won Both the WHITE men and the WHITE women votes among Both the WHITE college educated and the votes of non-college educated. The fact that he won the votes of BOTH WHITE college educated and those without a college education among women voters was a real wake-up call for Hillary. This means Hillary won the minority votes which are usually the most uneducated. Keep trying though.

The Trump campaign was designed to appeal to less educated, older white voters and it worked. His approach was conversational just like a person might have with a neighbor or friend at a local bar. Facts were immaterial and ideas were everything. The over all message was he was a good guy kicking the ass of bad guys. While his adversaries took everything he said literally, his supporters looked past what he said and focused on the ideas he was trying put across.

White people won it for Donald Trump
Yep, 58% of whites voted for Trump. No major minority supported him.

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