Take Nothing At Face Value Coming Out Of Ukraine.....Here's Why.

Russian has assembled a massive force of 500,000+ experienced soldiers, 1,500 tanks, 3.500 assault vehicles, 1,000 rocket launchers, thousands of supply and support vehicles, and hundreds of Air force jet fighters.
In another week or two the ground in Ukraine will be frozen solid and the Russian Army will steam roll across Ukraine and annihilate the Ukraine forces. ...:thup:
From which battles have they attained experience?
In general I agree....But....I don't know why folks take the view that Ukrainians can't put up with harsh winter conditions the same as the Russians can.....Ukraine is not called Little Russia for no reason.

I think it's a gross underestimation....That and bear in mind they have fought through one winter already.
Sheer numbers. Despite what the propaganda says, The Ukranians have lost a shit ton of soldiers, and most of their best in the beginning stages of this conflict. Meanwhile Russia has the potential to field literally millions of soldiers. If they really had to. It wouldn't necessarily be pretty. But it would be more than effective. How many countries are throwing just about everything but the kitchen sink at Russia so far? Yet Russia remains undeterred...
I don't know why folks take the view that Ukrainians can't put up with harsh winter conditions the same as the Russians can. That and bear in mind they have fought through one winter already.
Originally, the special military operation by the Russians was composed of ill equipped, inexperienced soldiers thinking the Ukrainian government would quickly cave in a sue for peace talks.
But the EU / NATO / US started supplying Ukraine with money and weapons to thwart the Russian forces. Yes the Ukraine soldiers put up a good fight. Although, now the majority of those experienced soldiers have been killed or wounded and the available numbers of soldiers left to fight is seriously depleted.
The Russian army has been steadily bombing and barraging the Ukrainian forces with artillery for months while building up for a massive assault when the ground freezes rock solid.
Originally, the special military operation by the Russians was composed of ill equipped, inexperienced soldiers thinking the Ukrainian government would quickly cave in a sue for peace talks.
But the EU / NATO / US started supplying Ukraine with money and weapons to thwart the Russian forces. Yes the Ukraine soldiers put up a good fight. Although, now the majority of those experienced soldiers have been killed or wounded and the available numbers of soldiers left to fight is seriously depleted.
The Russian army has been steadily bombing and barraging the Ukrainian forces with artillery for months while building up for a massive assault when the ground freezes rock solid.
I hope for a peaceful resolution before then.
Originally, the special military operation by the Russians was composed of ill equipped, inexperienced soldiers thinking the Ukrainian government would quickly cave in a sue for peace talks.
But the EU / NATO / US started supplying Ukraine with money and weapons to thwart the Russian forces. Yes the Ukraine soldiers put up a good fight. Although, now the majority of those experienced soldiers have been killed or wounded and the available numbers of soldiers left to fight is seriously depleted.
The Russian army has been steadily bombing and barraging the Ukrainian forces with artillery for months while building up for a massive assault when the ground freezes rock solid.
Ukraine would have attacked by then

Russians are over extended
From which battles have they attained experience?
Some of the older Field grade commanders (generals) are Afghan war veterans and many of them, and the Junior officers and NCO's fought in Georgia, Syria, and the long brutal war in Chechnya.
Experienced leadership is the key to success on the battlefield. .. :thup:
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Many of the Field grade commanders (generals) are Afghan war veterans and many of the Junior officers and NCO's fought in Georgia and the long brutal war in Chechnya.
Experienced leadership is the key to success on the battlefield. .. :thup:
Russian military leadership has been a disaster and the NCOs are much worse

Russian military leadership has been a disaster and the NCOs are much worse
I agree.
The almost token force used at the start of the war in Ukraine wasn't very experienced or competent.
So over the last several months the Russian army command was replaced and the entire army was reorganized, retrained, and fully outfitted with everything needed to wage a successful campaign.
Listen guys and gals .
Rightwinger has a strange sense of humour but he is just deliberately winding you up .

He knows absolutely nothing about the conflict strategy and results to date but he certainly wants you to believe that he supports the US in its latest war --- another one by proxy with the poor Ukeys and NATO countries being the many stooges .
Whether he believes the US is "winning " or" not losing "is debatable .
But in his quest to seem an apparent" know-all" he adopts positions which are patently silly to even half wits .

Ignore him and wait until the ground force winter offensive starts, once the land is well frozen .
These conditions are ones best loved by Russian troops and were the very ones that defeated minor warlords like Napoleon and a certain Mr Hitler .
Until then the Russians are safe in their well defended chosen positions while the fragmented Ukey troops are stuck in water soaked trenches , largely in open areas -- why do you think the Russians moved back ?
I know that the remnants of the Ukey army have no winter clothes , let alone enough munitions and also food .They are stuck in mud and water filled trenches along with dead comrades and urine and faeces .

Happy Ukeys singing and clapping their hands , desperately texting back home when possible before they are massacred .
Thanks Zelensky .
I agree.
The almost token force used at the start of the war in Ukraine wasn't very experienced or competent.
So over the last several months the Russian army command was replaced and the entire army was reorganized, retrained, and fully outfitted with everything needed to wage a successful campaign.
New recruits are barely trained at all and provide much of their own equipment
The rest lack for winter gear and basic supplies

Their maintenance network is a disaster
I agree.
The almost token force used at the start of the war in Ukraine wasn't very experienced or competent.
So over the last several months the Russian army command was replaced and the entire army was reorganized, retrained, and fully outfitted with everything needed to wage a successful campaign.
Jesus, are you posting this crap seriously? Really, what is your purpose?

Read Russian 'voenkors' (do you know what this word means?) and find out what they think about that. In what conditions and what 'training' Russian mobilized units get. Just hilarious.
The two of them imagine they are japesters . Poor dears .
They have zero facts to report and are just making up things to pass time .
Probably a couple of our older posters with not much to do .
I have a feeling that you are just a troll with an agenda here, so any 'facts' are meaningless for you. As well as any discussion, because in a month you will be gone from here forever.

Okay, let's play your games, just for entertainment. So, land freezes in Ukraine and what next? Marsh on Odesa and Kiev again?
Russian has assembled a massive force of 500,000+ experienced soldiers, 1,500 tanks, 3.500 assault vehicles, 1,000 rocket launchers, thousands of supply and support vehicles, and hundreds of Air force jet fighters.
In another week or two the ground in Ukraine will be frozen solid and the Russian Army will steam roll across Ukraine and annihilate the Ukraine forces. ...:thup:
I have a feeling that you are just a troll with an agenda here, so any 'facts' are meaningless for you. As well as any discussion, because in a month you will be gone from here forever.

Okay, let's play your games, just for entertainment. So, land freezes in Ukraine and what next? Marsh on Odesa and Kiev again?
They never marched on Kyiv . They completely hoodwinked the NATO boys and Kyiv by appearing to, but then switched east to catch the Ukey army in a terrible front and back bind . Classic but standard ploy.
That is why the Ukeys suffered so awfully and were wrecked from that point on .
The plan will be to move over the Dneiper and take Odessa and then possibly move up to the Romanian and Moldavian borders .
They might let the Poles take land which they once had in the north and west but I doubt they are interested in Kyiv.
After Z is hopefully suicided by his own military , Moscow will assume overall control but encourage Kyiv to create fresh elections .
Or similar .
You are right about the likely length of my stay .
What could a clever girl .like myself find here to keep her interested ?Not a lot .

But troll I am not and without agenda .

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