Take Sides - Israel or Hamas Terrorists - Choose ONLY ONE!

"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel accepting the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize

Why is it that no Muslim nation will take Gaza residents into their country? The question is purely rhetorical. Because they side with Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. When terrorists attack, Gaza women cluck their tongues loudly and celebrate, passing out candy.
I telephoned the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. this morning and called them all "evil cowards" for supporting Hamas.
In the United (sic) Nations, South Africa condemned the "genocide" of Israel against residents of Gaza Strip.
The number is (240) 937-5760. Call them and make your voice heard.
It needn't be framed that way. Whoever sends rockets into civilian areas (and films it and shows it on the Internet) must be wiped out
That happens to be Hamas. Many hate Hamas but I won't get into that. They violated completely interntaional law. so they must be exterminated.
The "Palestinian" civilians in Gaza.....You really think that the Israelis are the only ones oppressing them?

If being used as a human shield isn't "oppression" what would be?
The old human shield excuse for mass murder. How absurd. I thought you were smarter.

Tens of thousands murdered and maimed and millions displaced, entire cities destroyed, but they’re all human shields. Lol.
The old human shield excuse for mass murder. How absurd. I thought you were smarter.

Tens of thousands murdered and maimed and millions displaced, entire cities destroyed, but they’re all human shields. Lol.
So you're saying that the civilians haven't been used as human shields?...Really?
So you're saying that the civilians haven't been used as human shields?...Really?
So you’re saying all those thousands of little kids and women murdered and maimed were human shields. Are your eyes closed?

The old human shield excuse for mass murder. How absurd. I thought you were smarter.

I am being logical and reasonable. You have usually been so too.

Can we agree this is a war? Ahhhhh. . hmm, :eusa_think: Revolt by the Palestinians? :dunno:

. . . and can we also agree. . THAT THEY HAVE LOST? IT is over?!

If not . . . then, these are, yes, either being used as "human shields," or the leadership of Hamas knew, that these civilians would be martyrs for their cause. Otherwise? They would just give up and surrender on this conflict. . YESTERDAY!

I have played enough strategy war games, read and studied enough about war, to know, the defender in armed conflicts, does NOT dictate the rules of war to the attacker, how those engagements are going to be fought. If they want it over. . . they surrender!

I find these stories about how our state department is NOT demanding the expulsion of the leadership of Hamas from Quatar, while at the same time just giving weapons to Israel to destroy Hamas? Just clown werld! It is bizarre as hell, and a waste of American tax payer money. This leadership is hosted less than a mile from an American military base.

It would be like funding Iraq in the Iran Iraq war, while having the Iranian leadership in a house a mile away from Gitmo. IT MAKES not a lick of sense.

And here;

Hamas Official Ali Baraka on Hizbullah TV: We Can Repeat October 7 Many Times​

Feb 5, 2024

In January, the leadership of Hamas, unrepentant, is still going on about destroying Israel. So if their population are NOT human shields, then yes . . . they are viewed by their leadership as martyrs for the cause. The Palestinian political elites, that embezzle international aid, don't care anymore for their people than Trump or Biden give a shit about Americans.

Just as our media has always been untruthful about EVERYTHING, 9/11, climate change, Trump, you name it, they are not necessarily telling you all the facts on this. And you know I am not a Zionist.

So you’re saying all those thousands of little kids and women murdered and maimed were human shields. Are your eyes closed?

Gaza is the most densely populated place in the world. Any war there is going to produce collateral damage. In particular when citizens are being used as human shields
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Citizens living in Gaza held an election some years ago and voted to be ruled by Hamas, which then took control and murdered all of the Palestinian Authority which ruled previously. Hamas butchers innocent babies just like the Democrats of America do here to the unborn.

Well they do not know who actually did it. Your just trying to use a horrible act to blame democrats

Since you were not there this shows how republicans roll with generalization, Say anything and see if sinks or swims.

They seem to act like republicans never have abortions because they are republicans.
The Palestinian political elites, that embezzle international aid, don't care anymore for their people than Trump or Biden give a shit about Americans.

Your lumping Donald Trump in with traitor Joe Biden in not giving a shit about Americans is repulsive, reprehensible, and a bald-faced, sickening lie.
President Trump worked for FREE for three years and kept illegals out of America and you have the cowardice to say that about him?
You are filth.
I never want to read another word from you.

ciao brutto
Your lumping Donald Trump in with traitor Joe Biden in not giving a shit about Americans is repulsive, reprehensible, and a bald-faced, sickening lie.
President Trump worked for FREE for three years and kept illegals out of America and you have the cowardice to say that about him?
You are filth.
I never want to read another word from you.

ciao brutto
Make sure to go get yourself a booster, eh? :rolleyes:

.. . . and continue to, "TRUST THE PLAN." :auiqs.jpg:

A Brief History of Hopium​

Make sure to go get yourself a booster, eh? :rolleyes:

.. . . and continue to, "TRUST THE PLAN." :auiqs.jpg:

A Brief History of Hopium​

I think there is NO right or wrong to this.
so- I don't stress my brain to decide... both sides are wrong- What a shame- the little people pay the price- for the games of the leaders play round the world. I feel sorry for them both. just saying... :oops: and there is no choose one side or the other
What a shame- the little people pay the price- for the games of the leaders play round the world. I feel sorry for them both.

So true. And I feel sorry for the victims on all sides too.

This reminds me of when the BLM stuff was going on, and yet again everyone was pressured to "pick a side"..... And yet again, some people made the same mistake the football mentality folks on this thread are making.

I like what this guy (Larken Rose) says in this clip. I'm going to set it to start at the pertinent part, from 1:45 on. He makes a lot of excellent points, and drives the point home about always putting principle first above everything else. If we don't, we're just being manipulated into supporting what the corrupt powers want us to support.

Israel has murdered thousands of little girls since 10/7. Will you remember them?

Careful, you'll cause this gaggle of tough talking genocidal shills to blow a gasket with irrefutable facts like that.

Facts, as we have learned over and over, are anathema to anyone cheerleading for the systematic extermination of Palestine's native residents.

To be a little more precise, those child killing heroes of the IDF have managed to exterminate about 11,500 of Gaza's children as of 4 February 2024; a period of about 5 months. (1)

Overall, IDF has killed well over 30,000 of Gaza's residents with thousands more mutilated and buried body parts remaining in the rubble of former homes, shops, farms etc.

Countless more will die from entirely preventable wound infections, disease, exposure to the elements and malnutrition due to Yoav Gallant's "... complete siege on Gaza."

EXCERPT “Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” CONTINUED. (2)

Netanyahu and his genocidal regime members seized on this welcome and also long planned opportunity to destroy Gaza and exterminate / expel Gaza's native residents to make room for Israel's illegal "Setters" from Brooklyn.

It is generally accepted that about 1,200 Israelis were killed during the suspicious yet tragic events of 7 October 2023.

Not satisfied with a proportionate response and surgical operation, Netanyahu saw an opportunity to eclipse his legal problems and bring militant Zionists a little closer to their"Greater Israel".

Instead of that proportionate and surgical response that most of the world would have understood, Netanyahu and his henchmen are committing a blatant genocide so egregious that Jews(3) and non Jews around the world are condemning it as loudly as the world's legal community.

Both supporters and apologists for continuing Netanyahu's blatant genocide can only rationalize their "Chosen People" bloodlust based on the bigoted Zionist notion that 1,200 Jewish lives are more valuable than lives of those 30,000+ civilians whose primary "crime" has been to exist for generations on land coveted by foreign Zionist "Settlers".

Only the most naive and deluded observers of Middle Eastern realities could believe that continued extermination of Gaza's men, women and children could do anything other than make Israel less secure, drag the US into another regional war for "Greater Israel" and ensure millions of recruits for Hamas and / or its replacement organizations.


(1). "11,500 Children Have Been Killed in Gaza. Horror of This Scale Has No Explanation"

(2). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
So, you’re uninformed.

Mass murder is Gaza isn’t mass murder. You and Orwell have much in common.

Same old thing. If you don’t support Israel’s genocide, you’re an antisemite. Lol.

I love Jews. I hate Israel.

Where would Netanyahu's scripted and programmed shills be with "The Trick":

“Don’t be caught out by ‘the trick’”
Shulamit Aloni

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”CONTINUED

Also, we can always count on Gilad Atzmon to cut through the BS:

"An antisemite used to be someone who hates Jews;

nowadays an antisemite is someone Jews hate.”

- Gilad Atzmon, Jewish musician and author, 2011

You know that you've won the debate when the best that they can do is howl "anti Semite".

Careful, you'll cause this gaggle of tough talking genocidal shills to blow a gasket with irrefutable facts like that.

Facts, as we have learned over and over, are anathema to anyone cheerleading for the systematic extermination of Palestine's native residents.

To be a little more precise, those child killing heroes of the IDF have managed to exterminate about 11,500 of Gaza's children as of 4 February 2024; a period of about 5 months. (1)

Overall, IDF has killed well over 30,000 of Gaza's residents with thousands more mutilated and buried body parts remaining in the rubble of former homes, shops, farms etc.

Countless more will die from entirely preventable wound infections, disease, exposure to the elements and malnutrition due to Yoav Gallant's "... complete siege on Gaza."

EXCERPT “Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” CONTINUED. (2)

Netanyahu and his genocidal regime members seized on this welcome and also long planned opportunity to destroy Gaza and exterminate / expel Gaza's native residents to make room for Israel's illegal "Setters" from Brooklyn.

It is generally accepted that about 1,200 Israelis were killed during the suspicious yet tragic events of 7 October 2023.

Not satisfied with a proportionate response and surgical operation, Netanyahu saw an opportunity to eclipse his legal problems and bring militant Zionists a little closer to their"Greater Israel".

Instead of that proportionate and surgical response that most of the world would have understood, Netanyahu and his henchmen are committing a blatant genocide so egregious that Jews(3) and non Jews around the world are condemning it as loudly as the world's legal community.

Both supporters and apologists for continuing Netanyahu's blatant genocide can only rationalize their "Chosen People" bloodlust based on the bigoted Zionist notion that 1,200 Jewish lives are more valuable than lives of those 30,000+ civilians whose primary "crime" has been to exist for generations on land coveted by foreign Zionist "Settlers".

Only the most naive and deluded observers of Middle Eastern realities could believe that continued extermination of Gaza's men, women and children could do anything other than make Israel less secure, drag the US into another regional war for "Greater Israel" and ensure millions of recruits for Hamas and / or its replacement organizations.


(1). "11,500 Children Have Been Killed in Gaza. Horror of This Scale Has No Explanation"

(2). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
Says the Hamas mouthpiece....
So you’re saying all those thousands of little kids and women murdered and maimed were human shields. Are your eyes closed?

Where did I say "all"?...Warfare in urban civilian areas gets civilians killed...That's nothing new.

In the meantime, jihadist scum build their HQs under hospitals and schools, while hand wringing saps like you weep and wail about the "genocide" when those places get caught up in the crosfire.

You think for a change.
So true. And I feel sorry for the victims on all sides too.

This reminds me of when the BLM stuff was going on, and yet again everyone was pressured to "pick a side"..... And yet again, some people made the same mistake the football mentality folks on this thread are making.

I like what this guy (Larken Rose) says in this clip. I'm going to set it to start at the pertinent part, from 1:45 on. He makes a lot of excellent points, and drives the point home about always putting principle first above everything else. If we don't, we're just being manipulated into supporting what the corrupt powers want us to support.

Fan of his work. . .

Have you seen his movie yet?

I have been thinking about getting it, as I know that is the only way I will ever have a chance to see it. . . I'm pretty sure no streaming service will carry it, and it won't be found in any store. It doesn't seem very ESG friendly. :lol:

My problem, is I don't do on-line commerce, so I will have to make some special arrangements to get a hold of a copy, which will be a pain. :sigh2:

I just want to know if it is worth all that trouble. . . .

"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel accepting the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize

Why is it that no Muslim nation will take Gaza residents into their country? The question is purely rhetorical. Because they side with Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. When terrorists attack, Gaza women cluck their tongues loudly and celebrate, passing out candy.
I telephoned the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. this morning and called them all "evil cowards" for supporting Hamas.
In the United (sic) Nations, South Africa condemned the "genocide" of Israel against residents of Gaza Strip.
The number is (240) 937-5760. Call them and make your voice heard.

What a stupid lie. There were 40,000 Palestinians in Arabia in the 1950s... Now there are 400,000.

I thought you claimed to be a Christian.

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