Take The No (GW) Bush Challenge


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Which liberal dares to go a year without turning political threads into a George W Bush bashing thread and to actually stick to the OP?

Come on. Who has the guts? I f'ing dare you to actually have to regard OPs and not devolve everything to GWB jack-off sessions.

Who's signing up for a year?

That means you don't change the subject to GWB. It means you don't even regard GWB when someone else brings it up (unless that's part of the OP). Who has the guts? What hardcore USMB propogandist, I mean liberal has the guts to give up his diet of GWB butter?
Idiotic challenge, could any conservative not bring up Obama under any circumstances except when mentioned in the OP? Not hardly. Past as well as present presidents and their policies are intertwined into so many issues that such would be impossible. I know many of you would very much like us to forget that many of you supported Bushco with an almost religious zeal but it aint gonna happen, these three letters, GWB, are going to hound conservatives to the grave, I guarantee it.
We'll stop talking about Bush and his cabinet when they die broke in prison for crimes against humanity.
We'll stop talking about Bush and his cabinet when they die broke in prison for crimes against humanity.

And when we finally pay off the debt the anti-American bastards left us with.

There's no way we can ever pay off the debt of dead and maimed Americans they caused. No way the countries they trashed can ever come back from their "wars".
Idiotic challenge, could any conservative not bring up Obama under any circumstances except when mentioned in the OP? Not hardly. Past as well as present presidents and their policies are intertwined into so many issues that such would be impossible. I know many of you would very much like us to forget that many of you supported Bushco with an almost religious zeal but it aint gonna happen, these three letters, GWB, are going to hound conservatives to the grave, I guarantee it.

It's idiotic to challenge you puppets to stay on topic? :lol: What's the matter; you might be forced to take on the virtues (or lack thereof of) of Obama's actions? Too scared to give up your mindless deflections?

And nobody is saying that you can't regard GWB in specific GWB threads. I'm seeing if any of you propagandists have the guts to give up one of your main derailment subjects for a year. I reckon you're too much the coward to do that.
Why not mention Bush?
Sorry, but the Boosh War Monkey will always be relevant and we'll bring him and his disastrous record up as we please.

Are conservatives still trying to pretend he was never President?

This is a political message board, not a GOP National Convention. :lol:
Which liberal dares to go a year without turning political threads into a George W Bush bashing thread and to actually stick to the OP?

Come on. Who has the guts? I f'ing dare you to actually have to regard OPs and not devolve everything to GWB jack-off sessions.

Who's signing up for a year?

That means you don't change the subject to GWB. It means you don't even regard GWB when someone else brings it up (unless that's part of the OP). Who has the guts? What hardcore USMB propogandist, I mean liberal has the guts to give up his diet of GWB butter?
That depends on the subject. Bush is blamed for things he is responsible for. There's no forgive and forget here. If the subject is related to him, why would we not bring him up?

BTW, I didn't start bashing Bush until about 2 years into his presidency.

Obama bashing, on the other hand, started less than 10 days after his inauguration.

At least when we bashed Bush, we didn't have to make shit up!
Why not mention Bush?
Sorry, but the Boosh War Monkey will always be relevant and we'll bring him and his disastrous record up as we please.

Are conservatives still trying to pretend he was never President?

This is a political message board, not a GOP National Convention. :lol:

Not even the Repubs wanna talk about him. They all steer clear and hope no one notices. Jeb just might change his name so he can run for prez.

Fact is, the only people to treat that traitor with respect has been President and Mrs. Obama.
Which liberal dares to go a year without turning political threads into a George W Bush bashing thread and to actually stick to the OP?

Come on. Who has the guts? I f'ing dare you to actually have to regard OPs and not devolve everything to GWB jack-off sessions.

Who's signing up for a year?

That means you don't change the subject to GWB. It means you don't even regard GWB when someone else brings it up (unless that's part of the OP). Who has the guts? What hardcore USMB propogandist, I mean liberal has the guts to give up his diet of GWB butter?

Oh come on you know none can do that hell some them still blame Reagan for what is going on today.
Why not mention Bush?
Sorry, but the Boosh War Monkey will always be relevant and we'll bring him and his disastrous record up as we please.

Are conservatives still trying to pretend he was never President?

This is a political message board, not a GOP National Convention. :lol:

President Bush sent a message to radical terrorists who murder other people, and there were no further mass terrorist killings in America when he put the fireworks on their property after they put theirs to killing civilians in skyscrapers. I'm certain they were disappointed they killed less than 3,000 people at the WTC. The general daily working population of either building was about 50,000 apiece, and often 90,000. They didn't count on the absolutely fantastic New York Fire Department and NYPD getting people out before the buildings disintegrated into rubble. Hundreds of heroes died that day getting civilians cleared out of those tipping time bombs the terrorists converted them into with their homicidal mania. And the #1 badass terrorist in the world was sentenced to death when American troops caught the coward hiding out in a spider hole in someone's villa grounds.
We'll stop talking about Bush and his cabinet when they die broke in prison for crimes against humanity.

And when we finally pay off the debt the anti-American bastards left us with.

There's no way we can ever pay off the debt of dead and maimed Americans they caused. No way the countries they trashed can ever come back from their "wars".

And what of all the debts and deficits, deaths and wars Obama and his admin has done that you supported... who gets to die broke and jailed for what you supported then?

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