Take The No (GW) Bush Challenge

Guys; this isn't a compare Bush to Obama thread. Or whatever other snake hole (and I myself am guilty of getting off topic). This thread is soley about whether any liberal has the guts to take the challenge. Thus far, the gutless wonders have spoken. But please, let's not regard the distractions beyond what is the purpose of the thread.
SO WHAT, dingbat...who's fixing whose messes...GIGANTIC ones...

I love how every time you get owned in threads you just run away. It makes all your insults mean all that much more.

Hey, Obama is gonna dump trillions on the rich while the nations UE rate gets worse, you better vote for him again... quick, hurry!
Guys; this isn't a compare Bush to Obama thread. Or whatever other snake hole (and I myself am guilty of getting off topic). This thread is soley about whether any liberal has the guts to take the challenge. Thus far, the gutless wonders have spoken. But please, let's not regard the distractions beyond what is the purpose of the thread.
You don't want us to bring up Bush for a year? What if the subject is the Iraq war? You expect us not to mention Bush? Is that what you're asking?
Guys; this isn't a compare Bush to Obama thread. Or whatever other snake hole (and I myself am guilty of getting off topic). This thread is soley about whether any liberal has the guts to take the challenge. Thus far, the gutless wonders have spoken. But please, let's not regard the distractions beyond what is the purpose of the thread.

What part of "No" don't you get? No liberal will accept your stupid "challenge", which is really a disguised wish that liberals will stop rubbing the flops & failures of The Boosh War Monkey in your faces.
Guys; this isn't a compare Bush to Obama thread. Or whatever other snake hole (and I myself am guilty of getting off topic). This thread is soley about whether any liberal has the guts to take the challenge. Thus far, the gutless wonders have spoken. But please, let's not regard the distractions beyond what is the purpose of the thread.
You don't want us to bring up Bush for a year? What if the subject is the Iraq war? You expect us not to mention Bush? Is that what you're asking?

No what he was asking was don't take threads and topics that are not about Bush or his policies and try and turn them into bash Bush threads clearly if the topic of the OP is the Iraq war you would it would be right to involve Bush in the discussion however is the topic is say Obamacare there is no reason to bring Bush into the conversation.
Guys; this isn't a compare Bush to Obama thread. Or whatever other snake hole (and I myself am guilty of getting off topic). This thread is soley about whether any liberal has the guts to take the challenge. Thus far, the gutless wonders have spoken. But please, let's not regard the distractions beyond what is the purpose of the thread.
You don't want us to bring up Bush for a year? What if the subject is the Iraq war? You expect us not to mention Bush? Is that what you're asking?

If the OP regards Bush, then fine; as that is the topic. But if it doesn't, then don't regard Bush. The point of this challenge is to give up mindless deflections and regard the real scope of current issues, in general. And it's only for a year. You can always take a pass on a thread too. It's not like there aren't hundreds of topics.
Guys; this isn't a compare Bush to Obama thread. Or whatever other snake hole (and I myself am guilty of getting off topic). This thread is soley about whether any liberal has the guts to take the challenge. Thus far, the gutless wonders have spoken. But please, let's not regard the distractions beyond what is the purpose of the thread.

What part of "No" don't you get? No liberal will accept your stupid "challenge", which is really a disguised wish that liberals will stop rubbing the flops & failures of The Boosh War Monkey in your faces.

I could care less about what you think of Bush. He's far from my hero. I am challenging liberals to give up a coveted deflection and perhaps take a more honest approach to issues. You don't like that because you're vermin.
Is it true that with out the bush tax cuts, Iraq, Afghanistan wars our debt would be zero.
Did the pope tell the truth that it can not be proven that supply side or Reagonomics or trickle down cant be proven to help the economy. Or should we listen to Sary Paulin that the pope should not be listened to and people should do there own research even though she admits she did no research. And should we raise taxas to pay the 4 billion it will cost us to remain engaged in Afghanistan.
Guys; this isn't a compare Bush to Obama thread. Or whatever other snake hole (and I myself am guilty of getting off topic). This thread is soley about whether any liberal has the guts to take the challenge. Thus far, the gutless wonders have spoken. But please, let's not regard the distractions beyond what is the purpose of the thread.
You don't want us to bring up Bush for a year? What if the subject is the Iraq war? You expect us not to mention Bush? Is that what you're asking?

No what he was asking was don't take threads and topics that are not about Bush or his policies and try and turn them into bash Bush threads clearly if the topic of the OP is the Iraq war you would it would be right to involve Bush in the discussion however is the topic is say Obamacare there is no reason to bring Bush into the conversation.

No - That's exactly what the challenge is. To not regard GWB period unless it is part of an OP. Is it mildy extreme in a few such cases? Maybe. But its a good experience to get away from the mindless dogma and regard the world as it is, instead of getting into tired arguments that accomplish nothing other than the designs of propagandists who want to scapegoat a personage who (for all intensive purposes) is no longer involved in the political fray.
SO WHAT, dingbat...who's fixing whose messes...GIGANTIC ones...

I love how every time you get owned in threads you just run away. It makes all your insults mean all that much more.

Hey, Obama is gonna dump trillions on the rich while the nations UE rate gets worse, you better vote for him again... quick, hurry!
Is it true that with out the bush tax cuts, Iraq, Afghanistan wars our debt would be zero.
Did the pope tell the truth that it can not be proven that supply side or Reagonomics or trickle down cant be proven to help the economy. Or should we listen to Sary Paulin that the pope should not be listened to and people should do there own research even though she admits she did no research. And should we raise taxas to pay the 4 billion it will cost us to remain engaged in Afghanistan.

Bla bla. This thread isn't about discussing old GWB issues. It's simply a place for any avowed liberals to take the challenge to not use GWB as a spin tool for a year. Thus far, nobody has the guts.
Spin tool? What is a bigger "deflection" than asking people to stop mentioning the lies, unjustifiable war, and torture prisons of the GOP? Bush lied this country into war with Iraq. Bush lied. To you, to all of us, to the entire world. They lied to give their war the appearance of legality. It wasn't legal by any stretch of international law, common sense, or basic human morality. They lied. Trillions of dollars wasted, thousands of Americans dead, scores of thousands of Iraqis dead, and what is victory? Iraq is still a hellhole awash in blood.

Where is all of that "personal responsibility" that the GOP keeps rambling on about? Own up to your wars and torture crimes. Progressives own up to our mistakes. Obama was elected to change Bush's epic failures, but he didn't. He gave us more of the same, proving that he isn't the Progressive that we all hoped he would be. So if liberals can say, "Barack Obama is wrong," then it shouldn't be too hard for Conservatives to admit that Bush was wrong, too.

Join the rest of the world, Republican voters. Admit that George W. Bush was wrong for using 9/11 as an excuse to lie to the UN to start a war with Iraq.
GWB IS JUST THE SAME AS THE RICH JERKS WHO STILL run the GOP. The rich STILL need to pay more, the nonrich less, and we have to have more investment in education and infrastructure. None of which ANY pubs will do...absolute idiocy. Their ugly American foreign policy too...
Spin tool? What is a bigger "deflection" than asking people to stop mentioning the lies, unjustifiable war, and torture prisons of the GOP? Bush lied this country into war with Iraq. Bush lied. To you, to all of us, to the entire world. They lied to give their war the appearance of legality. It wasn't legal by any stretch of international law, common sense, or basic human morality. They lied. Trillions of dollars wasted, thousands of Americans dead, scores of thousands of Iraqis dead, and what is victory? Iraq is still a hellhole awash in blood.

Where is all of that "personal responsibility" that the GOP keeps rambling on about? Own up to your wars and torture crimes. Progressives own up to our mistakes. Obama was elected to change Bush's epic failures, but he didn't. He gave us more of the same, proving that he isn't the Progressive that we all hoped he would be. So if liberals can say, "Barack Obama is wrong," then it shouldn't be too hard for Conservatives to admit that Bush was wrong, too.

Join the rest of the world, Republican voters. Admit that George W. Bush was wrong for using 9/11 as an excuse to lie to the UN to start a war with Iraq.

All's I heard was that you're a spineless coward. If you don't want to take the challenge, that's fine. Just STFU and GTFO. Cos I don't care about your mindless talking points and as stated, that is not what this thread is about. In fact, erradicating that mindless drivel is precisely what this thread is about.
what did the great depression makers, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover have in common with the great recession maker George Bush. The only things I have come up with is Harding sent a bill through congress three times to lower taxes the top tax rate a little at a time until he got the rate to 25 percent. Then he died and Coolidge took over. He worked on eliminating regulations. Bush did both of these things.
It appears that if you wanted to start a great depression you could do what these two presidents did.
Yeah, can't we just forget the worst president in US history, though the GOP hasn't changed a bit. OP is ridiculous Pubcrappe, for dupes only...
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what did the great depression makers, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover have in common with the great recession maker George Bush. The only things I have come up with is Harding sent a bill through congress three times to lower taxes the top tax rate a little at a time until he got the rate to 25 percent. Then he died and Coolidge took over. He worked on eliminating regulations. Bush did both of these things.
It appears that if you wanted to start a great depression you could do what these two presidents did.

What part of bla bla, didn't you understand?
If the OP regards Bush, then fine; as that is the topic. But if it doesn't, then don't regard Bush. The point of this challenge is to give up mindless deflections and regard the real scope of current issues, in general. And it's only for a year. You can always take a pass on a thread too. It's not like there aren't hundreds of topics.
I've never brought up Bush just for the hell of it.

If I bring him up, it's because he's related to the subject.

I'll take your challenge!

BTW, did Bush put you up to this?

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