Take the red pill!

Watching this banter play out on social media is hilarious.

Elon Musk Tweets 4 words and the left come unglued. Lilly Wachowski rounds on Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk over Matrix tweets

Elon has 34 million followers. Wonder how many are watching the response he is getting for sharing his opinion. The creator of the Matrix sure noted and she ensured that her 4th Matrix movie, now in production, will open to controversy by tweeting FUCK YOU to Ivanka & Elon.

As a HUGE Matrix fan I am disappointed in her response and willingness to be so flippant with her customer base.

No one comes unglued at what Elon Musk says. The guy needs to be on meds. All you have to do is look at some of his unhinged tweets (a couple of which almost got him into hot water with the SEC) to know he's got issues.
I don't care how successful of a businessman people think he is. I'm not going to listen to what this nut has to say. And no, I don't care what one of the former Wachowski brothers has to say either.
Why Elon Musk’s tweets matter to the SEC
Being a free thinker is called an American man. Anyone that thinks outside of your little box you consider unhinged

No. He just aligns with the narrative you support. He isn't thinking free. Based on some of his tweets, it looks like he "thinks" just as much as Trump does....which is to say, not at all. :)
We can’t think we just keep winning elections why you Democrats keep losing lol

Up until Tuesday night, your side was losing elections faster than Trump pimps out new miracle cures for the virus. It took a few "special elections" for your party to get back up on the horse.
That ain't gonna stick come November. So no, Elon Musk isn't some oracle. Just another guy with too much money and time on his hands thinking that everyone in the land needs to
be blessed with the wisdom of his opinions and insights on social media. I'll let you and the other lemmings open your mouths to receive that regurgitated crap. :)
Watching this banter play out on social media is hilarious.

Elon Musk Tweets 4 words and the left come unglued. Lilly Wachowski rounds on Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk over Matrix tweets

Elon has 34 million followers. Wonder how many are watching the response he is getting for sharing his opinion. The creator of the Matrix sure noted and she ensured that her 4th Matrix movie, now in production, will open to controversy by tweeting FUCK YOU to Ivanka & Elon.

As a HUGE Matrix fan I am disappointed in her response and willingness to be so flippant with her customer base.

No one comes unglued at what Elon Musk says. The guy needs to be on meds. All you have to do is look at some of his unhinged tweets (a couple of which almost got him into hot water with the SEC) to know he's got issues.
I don't care how successful of a businessman people think he is. I'm not going to listen to what this nut has to say. And no, I don't care what one of the former Wachowski brothers has to say either.
Why Elon Musk’s tweets matter to the SEC
Being a free thinker is called an American man. Anyone that thinks outside of your little box you consider unhinged

No. He just aligns with the narrative you support. He isn't thinking free. Based on some of his tweets, it looks like he "thinks" just as much as Trump does....which is to say, not at all. :)
We can’t think we just keep winning elections why you Democrats keep losing lol

Up until Tuesday night, your side was losing elections faster than Trump pimps out new miracle cures for the virus. It took a few "special elections" for your party to get back up on the horse.
That ain't gonna stick come November. So no, Elon Musk isn't some oracle. Just another guy with too much money and time on his hands thinking that everyone in the land needs to
be blessed with the wisdom of his opinions and insights on social media. I'll let you and the other lemmings open your mouths to receive that regurgitated crap. :)
You're in for all that you thought you knew to come crashing down around you, cupcake. :itsok:
Watching this banter play out on social media is hilarious.

Elon Musk Tweets 4 words and the left come unglued. Lilly Wachowski rounds on Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk over Matrix tweets

Elon has 34 million followers. Wonder how many are watching the response he is getting for sharing his opinion. The creator of the Matrix sure noted and she ensured that her 4th Matrix movie, now in production, will open to controversy by tweeting FUCK YOU to Ivanka & Elon.

As a HUGE Matrix fan I am disappointed in her response and willingness to be so flippant with her customer base.

No one comes unglued at what Elon Musk says. The guy needs to be on meds. All you have to do is look at some of his unhinged tweets (a couple of which almost got him into hot water with the SEC) to know he's got issues.
I don't care how successful of a businessman people think he is. I'm not going to listen to what this nut has to say. And no, I don't care what one of the former Wachowski brothers has to say either.
Why Elon Musk’s tweets matter to the SEC
Being a free thinker is called an American man. Anyone that thinks outside of your little box you consider unhinged

No. He just aligns with the narrative you support. He isn't thinking free. Based on some of his tweets, it looks like he "thinks" just as much as Trump does....which is to say, not at all. :)
We can’t think we just keep winning elections why you Democrats keep losing lol

Up until Tuesday night, your side was losing elections faster than Trump pimps out new miracle cures for the virus. It took a few "special elections" for your party to get back up on the horse.
That ain't gonna stick come November. So no, Elon Musk isn't some oracle. Just another guy with too much money and time on his hands thinking that everyone in the land needs to
be blessed with the wisdom of his opinions and insights on social media. I'll let you and the other lemmings open your mouths to receive that regurgitated crap. :)
You're in for all that you thought you knew to come crashing down around you, cupcake. :itsok:

I doubt it. Worst case scenario in November is Republicans barely hold on to the Senate, Democrats retain control of the House, and Biden beats Trump in a close race. After this year, things start to get incrementally harder for the Republican Party as far as demographics and shifting voting population ages.
Watching this banter play out on social media is hilarious.

Elon Musk Tweets 4 words and the left come unglued. Lilly Wachowski rounds on Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk over Matrix tweets

Elon has 34 million followers. Wonder how many are watching the response he is getting for sharing his opinion. The creator of the Matrix sure noted and she ensured that her 4th Matrix movie, now in production, will open to controversy by tweeting FUCK YOU to Ivanka & Elon.

As a HUGE Matrix fan I am disappointed in her response and willingness to be so flippant with her customer base.

No one comes unglued at what Elon Musk says. The guy needs to be on meds. All you have to do is look at some of his unhinged tweets (a couple of which almost got him into hot water with the SEC) to know he's got issues.
I don't care how successful of a businessman people think he is. I'm not going to listen to what this nut has to say. And no, I don't care what one of the former Wachowski brothers has to say either.
Why Elon Musk’s tweets matter to the SEC
Being a free thinker is called an American man. Anyone that thinks outside of your little box you consider unhinged

No. He just aligns with the narrative you support. He isn't thinking free. Based on some of his tweets, it looks like he "thinks" just as much as Trump does....which is to say, not at all. :)
We can’t think we just keep winning elections why you Democrats keep losing lol

Up until Tuesday night, your side was losing elections faster than Trump pimps out new miracle cures for the virus. It took a few "special elections" for your party to get back up on the horse.
That ain't gonna stick come November. So no, Elon Musk isn't some oracle. Just another guy with too much money and time on his hands thinking that everyone in the land needs to
be blessed with the wisdom of his opinions and insights on social media. I'll let you and the other lemmings open your mouths to receive that regurgitated crap. :)
I’ve counted five Democrats some black that Switched to the republican party in the past month and a half. People are switching parties. I left the Democratic Party back in 2006 Because of the hatefilled media.. and I keep CNN or MS NBC on in the other room for hate the negative comments and commentary the half truths the fake news 24 hours a day is what’s killing your party. If you guys were smart you guys would start reporting the news so you could get better so you have a chance of winning elections.. hold Democrats accountable hold Governor Como accountable.. but you don’t so American people sit there and say wait Governor Cuomo killed 5000 elderly in two weeks and nobody says anything? Lol
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I left the Democrat party when I looked around and realized they're not American anymore. They're a worse enemy than Russia and more communist.
I love my country and don't want to see all of those before me's sacrifices to be for naught.
For instance my uncle that was in D-Day had nightmares for the rest of his life. A guy he went through basic with up until that day..that guy's leg got blown off and passed right in front of my uncle's face. My uncle's friend lived for about a minute after that, they were both in a..idk.."Artillery divot"? A hole made by an artillery shell, and had to stay there. He had to watch his friend die.
He told me about it when I was around 9.
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Strange....A few short months ago, the corporate welfare king Musk was a big hero to the moonbats, with his sparky cars.

Innit funny what happens when you refuse to fall in line like a good little proletarian stooge?
No, dumbass. People are pissed at musk because he costs people a lot of money every time he opens his mouth.

Strange....A few short months ago, the corporate welfare king Musk was a big hero to the moonbats, with his sparky cars.

Innit funny what happens when you refuse to fall in line like a good little proletarian stooge?

LOL@ sparky cars. That tickled me for some reason.
Watching this banter play out on social media is hilarious.

Elon Musk Tweets 4 words and the left come unglued. Lilly Wachowski rounds on Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk over Matrix tweets

Elon has 34 million followers. Wonder how many are watching the response he is getting for sharing his opinion. The creator of the Matrix sure noted and she ensured that her 4th Matrix movie, now in production, will open to controversy by tweeting FUCK YOU to Ivanka & Elon.

As a HUGE Matrix fan I am disappointed in her response and willingness to be so flippant with her customer base.

The left is watching their grip on the narrative slip away as more well known & popular celebrities step away from the ideological bubble they've tried so hard to protect.

You seem to think the number of followers on social media is an indication of credibility on the important issues of the day. Really?
Watching this banter play out on social media is hilarious.

Elon Musk Tweets 4 words and the left come unglued. Lilly Wachowski rounds on Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk over Matrix tweets

Elon has 34 million followers. Wonder how many are watching the response he is getting for sharing his opinion. The creator of the Matrix sure noted and she ensured that her 4th Matrix movie, now in production, will open to controversy by tweeting FUCK YOU to Ivanka & Elon.

As a HUGE Matrix fan I am disappointed in her response and willingness to be so flippant with her customer base.

The left is watching their grip on the narrative slip away as more well known & popular celebrities step away from the ideological bubble they've tried so hard to protect.

You seem to think the number of followers on social media is an indication of credibility on the important issues of the day. Really?
You seem to be putting thoughts in my head. Democrat projection is nothing new I suppose.
The crazy TDS left has nothing else. The President's response to the pandemic seems appropriate and the do-nothing democrat majority in congress is seen as obstructive and detrimental to the economy. Meanwhile nobody in the left wing social media can defend the presumptive democrat candidate so they spend their time sniping at trivia.
Watching this banter play out on social media is hilarious.

Elon Musk Tweets 4 words and the left come unglued. Lilly Wachowski rounds on Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk over Matrix tweets

Elon has 34 million followers. Wonder how many are watching the response he is getting for sharing his opinion. The creator of the Matrix sure noted and she ensured that her 4th Matrix movie, now in production, will open to controversy by tweeting FUCK YOU to Ivanka & Elon.

As a HUGE Matrix fan I am disappointed in her response and willingness to be so flippant with her customer base.

The left is watching their grip on the narrative slip away as more well known & popular celebrities step away from the ideological bubble they've tried so hard to protect.

You seem to think the number of followers on social media is an indication of credibility on the important issues of the day. Really?
You seem to be putting thoughts in my head. Democrat projection is nothing new I suppose.

I'm not sure who put so much insane clutter in there, but it wasn't me.

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