Taking video games too seriously


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Death and rape threats against a woman that criticizes how women are portrayed in some video games.

"Feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian was forced to cancel a talk that would have taken place tonight at Utah State University after the university received a terror threat from someone claiming they would commit “the deadliest school shooting in American history” if Sarkeesian gave her lecture."

8216 Gamergate 8217 Feminist video game critic Anita Sarkeesian cancels Utah lecture after threat - The Washington Post
great, more violent nutjobs out of touch with reality... maybe the threat was just a joke, eh? :doubt:
I know this is serious but she needs to lighten up.

the one who made the threat was a SHE?? :doubt:

a terror threat from someone claiming they would commit “the deadliest school shooting in American history”
“One way or another, I’m going to make sure they die,” the letter-writer claimed.

Sarkeesian is a blogger and critic who founded the Web site Feminist Frequency, where she discusses sexist and misogynistic tropes in video games and critiques gamer culture. As escalating threats of death and rape marked Sarkeesian’s tenure as a video game vlogger, she’s been adamant about not allowing them to silence her.

^ yikes, wtf is wrong with these male gamer geeks? :cuckoo:
"feminism ruined my life"

So much personal responsibility there. This reminds me of the guy that killed people because he couldn't get a date.
"feminism ruined my life"

So much personal responsibility there. This reminds me of the guy that killed people because he couldn't get a date.

:lol: what a bunch of delusional losers, mon dieu!

The Utah State threat is just the latest one in the ongoing saga of Gamergate, an increasingly nasty culture war between video-game critics like Sarkeesian and a mob of gamers. (See this post by the Post’s Caitlin Dewey for more.) Sarkeesian isn’t the only woman who has received death threats in connection with Gamergate. On Friday, game developer Brianna Wu left her home after alerting police that she received a death threat that included her home address. Zoe Quinn, an independent developer who was the original target of Gamergate, was also forced to leave her home because of death threats. In August, the threats grew so severe that Sarkeesian was forced to flee her home too.

Typically, Sarkeesian does not back out of events because of threats — last month, someone threatened to bomb the Game Developers Choice Awards if they honored Sarkeesian. They proceeded anyway, under caution — and Tuesday night she clarified her reasoning for canceling the event at Utah State.
Death and rape threats against a woman that criticizes how women are portrayed in some video games.

"Feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian was forced to cancel a talk that would have taken place tonight at Utah State University after the university received a terror threat from someone claiming they would commit “the deadliest school shooting in American history” if Sarkeesian gave her lecture."

8216 Gamergate 8217 Feminist video game critic Anita Sarkeesian cancels Utah lecture after threat - The Washington Post

People follow the tactics that liberals have invented for disrupting the speech of those they disagree with. Young people who go to university learn that threats work very well as a heckler's veto and the liberals who utter the threats never get punished while the speaker and his audience are deprived of an event.
Death and rape threats against a woman that criticizes how women are portrayed in some video games.

"Feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian was forced to cancel a talk that would have taken place tonight at Utah State University after the university received a terror threat from someone claiming they would commit “the deadliest school shooting in American history” if Sarkeesian gave her lecture."

8216 Gamergate 8217 Feminist video game critic Anita Sarkeesian cancels Utah lecture after threat - The Washington Post

People follow the tactics that liberals have invented for disrupting the speech of those they disagree with. Young people who go to university learn that threats work very well as a heckler's veto and the liberals who utter the threats never get punished while the speaker and his audience are deprived of an event.
I see you condone these death threats. I bet you vote Republican.
The Gamergate crowd responded to news stories reporting Sarkeesian alerted authorities with accusations that she was fabricating threats to serve herself and her message. She wasn’t, and law enforcement confirmed they were investigating the threats against Sarkeesian, which prompted the involvement of the FBI.

Wu was also accused of making up the threats against her, which has become a tactic to discredit the very women who are being targeted.

8216 Gamergate 8217 Feminist video game critic Anita Sarkeesian cancels Utah lecture after threat - The Washington Post

imagine that... i hope the authorities track down these cowardly creeps...
Death and rape threats against a woman that criticizes how women are portrayed in some video games.

"Feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian was forced to cancel a talk that would have taken place tonight at Utah State University after the university received a terror threat from someone claiming they would commit “the deadliest school shooting in American history” if Sarkeesian gave her lecture."

8216 Gamergate 8217 Feminist video game critic Anita Sarkeesian cancels Utah lecture after threat - The Washington Post

People follow the tactics that liberals have invented for disrupting the speech of those they disagree with. Young people who go to university learn that threats work very well as a heckler's veto and the liberals who utter the threats never get punished while the speaker and his audience are deprived of an event.
I see you condone these death threats. I bet you vote Republican.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I didn't condone the death threats, I wrote that I understood why protesters think that they're effective. They're learning by watching how liberals protest. Conservatives see this liberal tactic of speech suppression all the damn time so it's not surprising that kids see it playing out and copy it:

The Concordia University Netanyahu riot occurred on September 9, 2002, as a result of a scheduled visit from the then former (and now current) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The visit was cancelled after Montreal police (SPVM) and pro-Palestinian protestors clashed inside the Henry F. Hall Building at Concordia University.[1]

For the duration of the standoff, ticket-holders pushed their way through a thick crowd of protesters and police outside the building, entering the Hall building through a secured access point complete with metal detector. They were then escorted to the auditorium where the lecture was to take place. Ticket holders later complained that the protesters had subjected them to antisemitic slogans and even physical attacks. Holocaust survivor Thomas Hecht was kicked in the groin by protesters and a local Rabbi Howard Joseph and his wife Norma were physically assaulted and spat on.[2][3]

Shortly after ticket holders were escorted into the Hall building the large window front that protestors and bystanders were banging on shattered, prompting a police officer to immediately discharge pepper spray through the window of the Hall building. The spray entered the building's ventilation system forcing an evacuation of the entire building. At approximately the same time, a second window on the building's first floor, on the western side was broken when protesters threw a metal barricade into it.

The immediate result of the protest and subsequent evacuation was the cancellation of the lecture.
Reading up on this Gamergate stuff.....wow!

Sure makes the Social Justice Warriors look like corrupt Nazis, doesn't it?
Having read the article, seems like you know the lingo. Been threatening any women in the gaming field lately?

Anyone who is normal has had to deal with Social Justice Warriors. They're like a fungus and they cover everything. What's great about Gamergate is that the kids are fighting back unlike other areas of culture which succumbed to leftist mindrot.

Think about it. A Gaming Press which shows active disdain for its readers, which defends unethical reporting, which protects biased and unethical relationships. A reporter getting a blowjob from a female game developer and then pushing her game while the actual buyers of games aren't finding it to be a good game at all. Now the buyers are misogynists and the reporter and the developer are angels?

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