Talent on loan from god!

EdTheSickDick is hopelessly infatuated with all things Rush.

It is pathetic to see EdTheSickDick, assclown that he is, working his "wonders" in his one note (off key) symPHONY. EdTheSickDick is "All Rush; All the time."

What a crashing bore.

I must remember to unsubscribe from this thread.
America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy again today pretends that that when he is called a Racist it's because he criticized Obama's policy and not the racist statements he is forced to deny he ever said.

September 16, 2009
Can this nation really have an African-American president?
RUSH: I have no quarrel with a president of any race. Obama is not black to me. He's not half black, half white.

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

September 16, 2009
Can this nation really have an African-American president?
RUSH: I have no quarrel with a president of any race. Obama is not black to me. He's not half black, half white.

September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American.

EdTheSickDick is hopelessly infatuated with all things Rush.

It is pathetic to see EdTheSickDick, assclown that he is, working his "wonders" in his one note (off key) symPHONY. EdTheSickDick is "All Rush; All the time."

What a crashing bore.

I must remember to unsubscribe from this thread.

Gee, what a surprise, NOT, that you are crying like a baby because I exposed another of your racist MessiahRushie's lies so thoroughly you can only make personal attacks.
I wonder why you CON$ never get on ozz for his LimpBoy posts???

RUSH: Now, if all of this racist stuff is not bad enough, yesterday "House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-NY) released a helpful, updated primer for members regarding their conduct on the floor and in committees." Now, this action they took against Congressman Joe Wilson yesterday, they say it's the smallest, the least stringent action that can be taken against a member.

And I'm told (and I happen to believe this) that most of the House leadership wanted no part of this because it opens up the doors to criticizing Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank and all these other things if you're gonna rebuke this guy -- and, by the way, he didn't call the president "a liar." He said "you lie." He accused the president of telling a lie. He didn't call him a liar. It may be a distinction without a difference.

But I'm told that the Congressional Black Caucus demanded this rebuke and so the House leadership just had to go along with it, because the Congressional Black Caucus demanded it. Now we've got this list of words or thoughts that you can and cannot express on the House floor. America is becoming a shadow of her former self! "[T]he section on how to properly insult the executive branch in the chamber. 'Disgrace' and 'nitwits'," it's okay to use those words. "Liar' or 'sexual misconduct,'" you cannot say those words. 'Under Section 370 of the House Rules and Manual, it has been held that a member could:

• refer to the government as 'something hated, something oppressive.'

• refer to the president as 'using legislative or judicial pork.'
• refer to a presidential message as a 'disgrace to the country.'
• refer to unnamed officials as 'our half-baked nitwits handling foreign affairs.'

"Likewise, it has been held that a member could not:

• call the president a 'liar.'
• call the president a 'hypocrite.'
• describe the president's veto of a bill as 'cowardly.'
• charge that the president has been 'intellectually dishonest.'
• refer to the president as 'giving aid and comfort to the enemy.'
• refer to alleged 'sexual misconduct on the president's part.'''
So the House of Representatives and their rules committee has now put out a list of things that can and cannot be said on the floor of the House of Representatives in what was the greatest representative republic in the history of the world.


RUSH: So the House of Representatives has formally banned truth-telling in its chamber, which makes sense, folks. At least the Democrats that run the joint are being honest in a dishonest way. Liars lie about everything they do, so they have banned free speech when it happens to be accurate speech. Look at how they name their bills. Every bill they pass has a name that misrepresents what's in the damn thing. For example: "the American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009." That's the stimulus bill, otherwise known as the Porkulus bill. It drove up unemployment and bankrupted the country, and it's called "the American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009." "The America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009" is actually a bill to destroy private sector medical care and insurance and seize control of one-sixth of our economy. "The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009" is a tax on energy. It's a cap-and-tax bill that will crush the US economy.

So it makes total sense that the Democrats that run the House of Representatives would now ban free speech when it happens to be accurate speech. Now, my question, and I ask it seriously: Can we really have an African-American president in this country when the constitutional body, the press rolls over and plays dead and becomes propagandists and stenographers? Can we really have an African-American president? If anybody objects to this rational question, which is based entirely upon facts about the media as they currently exist, then they are cowards when it comes to a discussion of race. Remember, our esteemed attorney general, Eric Holder -- who's doing everything he can to make peace with our enemies and prosecute those who keep us free -- said that we need to have a conversation about race in America because America has a lot of racial cowards.

Remember Holder saying this? We have a lot of cowards afraid to discuss race. I think the racial cowards are in the White House and all throughout media headquarters in Washington and New York. They run around tossing out this accusation of racism instead of having an honest examination of what is really happening. I mean, this ACORN meltdown is an amazing thing to watch. And, see, the Drive-Bys are now saying, "Well, you know, we don't cover noise," is what somebody in ABC said. Chuck Todd said Van Jones, "Well, we don't have time to cover somebody number 600 on the power list in the White House." Number 600 on the power list? He's handpicked by Valerie Jarrett! Look, it's no longer about bias. It's about incompetence, it's about political correctness, it's been boosterism. They have chosen sides.

Ever since their monopoly's been busted up, they haven't been the same. How about all these attacks on Michael Steele? Michael Steele is black. He's the chairman of the Republican National Committee. They rip this guy to shreds! They call him stupid, dumb, whatever, all over the place. Has Michael Steele ever run around saying, "You stop talking about me that way, that's racism!" He's never said it. These people are a bunch of cowards, folks. They are a bunch of literal cowards. From the White House on down, from Obama to Axelrod, to Gibbs, and everybody below them in the media, they are a bunch of cowards on matters of race. Now, I'm going to tell you, this racial BS is nothing other than an admission of defeat on the substance of the health care takeover in the process.

That is all this is. They cannot win on substance, and so if they cannot win on substance that means they have to turn to scorched earth politics and policies and that includes calling half the country Nazis, half of the country an angry, unruly mob -- and now over half the country are racists simply because they criticize Obama. And all this is -- and this is what you have to know. It's especially established now they bring Jimmy Carter out. There is no Democrat more highly associated, more profoundly associated with utter failure than Jimmy Carter -- and remember, failure is a resume enhancement in the Democrat Party. When they trot out Jimmy Carter and they start getting him to go along with all this mindless racial accusation stuff, it is a tantamount admission of defeat on the substance of the health care takeover that is taking place.

Obama is going on five Sunday shows (every one but Fox) and Letterman is a tantamount admission of defeat for his health care bill. It's going down in flames. Now, they're going to get something that's called health care but the bill he wanted, this House bill, it's going down in flames. Nobody wants any part of it.


RUSH: You know, one of the things I love to say, I was at a marketing meeting when I worked for the Kansas City Royals back in, I guess this would have been 1981, we had our off season marketing meetings, all the marketing directors of various teams met out in Scottsdale, and for some reason the league, Major League Baseball, brought in a Harvard sociologist to tell us how the people of America interact with sports so that it might help us sell more tickets. The guy said something that has stuck with me forever, 'cause he nailed it. I'm going to give you his exact quote. There were no women in the room. At the time there weren't any female marketing directors there. The guy said, "The great thing about sports is that you can invest total passion without consequence. Try that with a woman." Now, what he meant was after your first big heartbreak, you always dial it back. You're always guarded; you don't want to get hurt again; you just try to hold a little of yourself back. It's a protective thing. But with your sports team, you don't care, because they can't hurt you, all they can do is lose.

They won't break your heart; they won't tell you you're worthless; they won't sue you for half of what you have and then leave. They won't do any of that. So you can invest total passion in sports without consequence. Now, I think the oldest sport in America has been politics, talking, arguing, fighting, cheering, you know, going to war on the fields of political debate within the arena of ideas. It's the oldest and the most ingrained sport of Americans. But unlike other sports, this is not a sport we can enjoy without consequences. There are dreadful, sometimes important consequences to taking a stand in the arena of ideas on matters of politics. But to try to shut this down, to try to shut down this time-honored tradition that defines America's greatness with stupid laws and rules about what can and can't be said on the floor of the House of Representatives is dangerous. To try to shut down the time-honored traditions of talking, arguing, fighting, cheering, going to war on the fields of political debate, by accusing half the country of being racist is dangerous. It's also indicative that the accusers know they're losing.

Those guidelines that I read, what can and can't be said on the floor of the House, is due in part to all the chicks in government. A lot of what's happening in the State-Controlled Media is due to the chickification of the news. That list I read to you of what can and can't be said on the floor of the House of Representatives sounds like a list a mother makes and puts on the refrigerator to teach kids how to say things and not say things they shouldn't and should say. They may as well have attached that list with a magnet to the House refrigerator, and we have a chick running the place. Women are messing up our sport. Ah, Dawn, don't shake your head in there. (interruption) You don't say everything on your mind. You might say everything on your mind but nobody else can. Nancy Pelosi can say whatever's on her mind, but let Joe Wilson try it and all hell breaks loose. It is true. It is true. This is not anti-woman. I'm giving you an analysis here. I know it's not gonna change. Don't misunderstand. I'm just trying to explain to you why some of this stuff is happening. That list is banal. That last is an embarrassment to the United States of America.

This country is becoming a shadow of its former self. Can you believe the pettiness of things you can and can't say on the House floor? Meanwhile, all of that and worse is uttered constantly by the Democrats and their stupid, insane fringe base multiple times a day.


RUSH: -- and, by the way, he didn't call the president "a liar." He said "you lie." He accused the president of telling a lie. He didn't call him a liar. It may be a distinction without a difference.

More like a rationalization without any merit.

Apparently "it all depends what the meaning of is, is" is an acceptable rationalization when America hating racist CON$ do it. :cuckoo:


  • Main Entry: li·ar
  • Pronunciation: \ˈlī(-ə)r\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēogere, from lēogan to lie — more at lie
  • Date: before 12th century
: a person who tells lies
Last edited:


RUSH: During the break Mr. Snerdley showed me a website that a friend of his had alerted him to. Apparently it has taken hold out there that when discussing Obama's America as it relates to the school bus incident -- where was that? That was in Belleville, right? Belleville, Illinois -- playing off the Newsweek story of, you know, all white kids are born racists. I did a whole routine here on, "Well, maybe we need to segregate the buses and so forth," in a joking fashion. And this guy at the Southern Poverty Law Center, this Mark Plotkin... Is that his name? What...? Mark Potok. Mark Potok says that I want to segregate buses! We're going to get to what he said and what I said but I want to preface it or precede it with Howard Dean last night on MSNBC. He was asked if he shares Pelosi's concerns over the wave of violence we all know is just waiting to break out.

DEAN: There's a lot of money to be made in passing out hate of the kind that Rush Limbaugh is just doing. Rush Limbaugh, look, he's always an entertainer, but he's way over the line. And this is a long -- there's a long, unfortunate American tradition of this, going back to Father Coughlin and people before that. Just in... They appeal to the very worst in people. They appeal to the -- to, uhh, the side of all of us that is about anger and fear and hatred, and they empower it, and it is an evil thing to do, and it's very, very bad for the country. But for a long time these people have put themselves and their wallets way ahead of America. They pretend to be patriots, but they're not patriotic at all.

RUSH: There you have it. (laughing) Dr. Howard Dean, the former leader of the Democrat National Committee. See, they're setting this up. They've been desiring to write this story for 18 or 19 years now. They do it. Even when it's not true, they write it. "Limbaugh! Limbaugh inspires violence, angry white men." Yeah, to oppose health care, not only is it racist now, it's unpatriotic to oppose socialized medicine. (laughing) These people are kooks. They're nuts. Now let's go to this Potok kook. This guy is a genuine, off-the-wall lunatic. He's at the Southern Poverty Law Center. He was on Hardboiled last night with Chris Matthews. And this guy Potok is an embarrassment of a human being. He's claiming that I actually want segregation on buses. (laughing) Matthews said, "What is it in the atmosphere allows a person to feel comfortable showing up at a political event carrying a gun? Maybe two guns, letting people know they're armed? What is it in the atmosphere that let's a person bring a sign that compares the president to an animal or to a Nazi?" Chris, Pelosi got the Nazi thing going, dude! "What is it that makes them feel comfortable doing that kind of crap in public, Mark? I wonder if it isn't the atmosphere of language that's being used today. Your thoughts, sir, Mark Potok?"

POTOK: Yesterday Rush Limbaugh was on the air talking about an incident in which black kids attacked a white kid on a school bus, an incident the police said was not racially motivated and saying that what we need are segregated buses -- that this is the only way, I suppose, that white people can be protected from black people. I think when we have characters like Limbaugh saying that on the air to millions of Americans, many of whom actually revere the man, you know, it's not surprising that people feel that, uh, you know, the race wars around the corner and that, uh, we're allowed to say these kinds of things.

RUSH: It's incredible. (laughing) This whole race tumult is being orchestrated and run out of the White House straight out of Rahm Emanuel and Axelrod's office. They are promoting it; they are encouraging it. Isn't it amazing? You have black kids who beat up a white kid on a school bus. That's not racism. You have half the country criticizing a socialist health care plan, and that is racism. Okay, so you there heard this despicable embarrassment of a human being, Mark Potok, from the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project. Now, here's the comment I made in context, in response to a caller, obviously not a call for segregation.


CALLER: Hi, Rush. Hey, I just was commenting on the Belleville incident with the kids on the bus. You're right. They did report that last night as being racially motivated, but I just heard the news before your show started and the police chief over -- I think he was a police chief, some law enforcement -- there said that after further investigation of it would be not racially motivated. He said he should have been more professional before he commented on it and investigated it more before he decided and stated that it was racially motivated.

RUSH: Well, did he say why, in Obama's America, that incident with the white kid getting beat up on the black school bus was not racially motivated?

CALLER: I didn't hear him comment about that. No, sir.

RUSH: Because we've seen the videotape. Have you seen the videotape?

CALLER: Oh, yeah, sure.

RUSH: We can't hear what's being said.


RUSH: So we don't know what obvious taunts this lone white student was dishing out to the whole bus.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: We don't know what obvious taunts.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Worse than the obvious verbal taunts, we all know the racism that was in the kid's mind. I mean Newsweek magazine says he was born a racist. So you know the white kid is sitting there thinking N-word and all kinds of things being surrounded by these black students. They knew that. They knew that and so they just descended on the kid and beat him up. We've seen the videotape. What did the police chief investigate?

CALLER: He did not comment on anything other than he said more investigations shows that it was not racially motivated.

RUSH: I think the guy is wrong. I think not only was it racism, it's justifiable racism.


RUSH: I mean, that's the lesson that we're being taught here today. Kid shouldn't have been on the bus anyway.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: We need segregated buses. It was invading of space and so forth. This is Obama's America.


RUSH: So I'm doing a total parodic rant. I mean, the sarcasm is dripping -- And this bottom feeder at the Southern Poverty Law Center, Mark Potok, is putting it out there that I made a call for segregated buses. you know what this is like? Some of you people new to the show may not have ever heard this story. Cookie, go to the archives and grab Patsy Schroeder. Back in mid-nineties I was asked to go make a speech on a Sunday afternoon at GOPAC in Washington. I was very upset because there was a big football game that day. The 49ers and Cowboys were playing, but I'd agreed to do this thing. So I was not in the best of humor, not in the best mood.

And at that time we were in the middle of the budget debate, the school lunch cuts and the Democrats were calling around saying that Republicans were engaging in their usual stuff of cutting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and they run around saying that food stamps and senior citizens were soon going to have to make the choice of eating dog food and being able to buy medicine or eating real food and not buying medicine. So all this is banging around Washington the whole week before I get there. So I open up the speech by thanking the GOPAC people for inviting me. "It's really great to be here and, I'll tell you what, I'm so happy the Democrats are doing what they're doing because I have heard them and I want you people to know: I love my mother and I love old people.

"And since the Democrats have told me what's going to happen, what I have done is I went out and I bought my mom a new can opener so that she can get the dog food easier when she has to eat it," and the place busted up laughing. Well, now, this was televised on C-SPAN. Pat Schroeder went to the floor of the House the next day and said, "This is what it's come to! This is it! Rush Limbaugh actually said he's going to buy his mother a can opener so she can have dog food. Wow!" I could not believe it. These people are humorless. This guy Potok, in addition to being ugly, has no humor whatsoever. How could you listen to that bite and not get the sarcasm? On purpose. You have to purposely miss my whole point in order to put that rotgut stuff out there. And now you've got all worked up that I call for segregated buses. It's spreading around the Internet. I know. Snerdley showed me some of the stuff spread around the Internet here. This is how these people work. But, of course, ladies and gentlemen, you know the truth. The Internet didn't make me; the Internet can't break me. The media didn't make me; they can't break me. The Southern Poverty Law Center didn't make me. Mark Potok and anybody else down there can't break me. Only you can do that, and you won't.


RUSH: We're back. It's Rush Limbaugh, Open Line Friday. Friend of mine just went to Google and did a search for "Limbaugh and segregation," and it turned back 79,800 English pages for "Limbaugh and segregation." And they talk about the right-wing echo chamber and a radical noise machine, 79,800 pages on results for "Limbaugh and segregation." The point of that school bus riff, do I have to play this again? I was saying the black kids were justified beating up the one white kid because he was obviously racist, they knew that he was sitting there thinking N-word; they knew that he was sitting there thinking all kinds of rotten things about them; they just know this because Newsweek magazine said the kid was born a racist so they were entitled to beat the kid up because they knew he was a racist because our society and Obama, it's Obama's America, white people are racists. I said jokingly segregate the busses to protect the black students so they wouldn't be taunted. These guys literally have no sense of humor.

Here's Patsy Schroeder. This is 1995 on the floor of the House of Representatives.

SCHROEDER: And they had the Big Kahuna of GOPAC come speak, none other than Rush Limbaugh himself, who stood there and said to all these people who paid all this money to keep GOPAC rich, he was hailing the GOP budget! He said according to the paper and according to the C-SPAN tape, he thought it was wonderful because it would starve the poor and it would drive Medicare recipients, including his mother, to eat dog food, but not to worry, Mom, he says, I'm sending you a new can opener. Wow. That tells you what today's about.

RUSH: It's incredible. I still laugh myself silly when I hear this. This is 14 years ago. And so now they just got somebody besides Patsy Schroeder, this Mark Potok guy from the Southern Poverty Law Center out doing the same -- (laughing) -- wow. Just think. She's so dense. Patsy Schroeder is so dense she could absorb light. How dense do you have to be to think somebody would actually stand up and be serious, "Hey, Mom, don't worry about it, I'm going to send you a new can opener"? Wow.

Christine in Loomis, California, we go back to the phones on Open Line Friday. Great to have you with us. Hello.

CALLER: Salami salomi baloney dittos great Maha Rushie.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: You're welcome. I just called to tell you I saw you on the website and you are looking so great, you look so cute in those Loudmouth whatever shorts, they're really cute, and I'm so proud of you for getting fit. It's just the best news.

RUSH: Well, thank you very much, I appreciate that. A lot of people are expressing similar sentiments in the e-mail about me being fit and healthy and so forth, happy to hear it.

CALLER: Yes. We need you around, forever.

RUSH: Well, it's important, because as I've often said, I'm not retiring 'til every American agrees with me, and the task seemingly gets harder each day because more and more people in this country are going insane.

CALLER: Insane. And that Patsy Schroeder, talk about a pea brain, that thing was unbelievable. I mean just the way she said it, you'd think she was reading a joke. I mean why didn't everybody crack up?

RUSH: She bought it. But, of course, somebody got to her.


RUSH: She didn't say it again. She dropped it like a hot potato. She knew she had made a fool of herself.

CALLER: Yeah. She had to. No, I just think you look great. And I'm so happy and proud of you, Rush.

RUSH: Well, thank you.

CALLER: So just keep it up.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: We all love you, and I know you don't like to talk about yourself, but I just had to call.

RUSH: It does embarrass me to talk about myself.

CALLER: I know.

RUSH: It embarrasses me to listen to you talk about me, but I'm trying to get better at that.

CALLER: Oh, well, good.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. Love you.

RUSH: You bet. Love you. By the way, where's Mike Nifong when you need him? I mean this country is descending, we need Mike Nifong. How can they misinterpret this? We need Nifong back. Where's Mike Nifong when we need him? I mean what seminal character could best symbolize the fall into total racism that half the country -- bring Nifong and make him attorney general, get rid of Holder, put him somewhere else, make Nike Nifong attorney general. That's what Obama ought to do.

Here's Joe in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Great to have you on the program. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Mega dittos. It's an honor and a privilege to speak to you on this the largest talk show station in the world.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: Rush, I just want to talk to you about voting out all sitting incumbents in both the House and Senate, be they Republican or Democrat, getting rid of all career politicians over the next two election cycles. Rush, as you know -- well, I'm not saying that we should vote out all two-party form of government, but rather, to re-command the voice of the people by way of exercising our power. We have an absolute power problem, 320 million people are being held hostage by 535 people. The new hires, if this were successful, should know that we expect term limits, two six-year terms max.


RUSH: I know that it is nearly impossible to get the left and the right to agree on anything, but we can agree on one thing. We are being poorly represented. As you know, Rush, we fled the tyranny of taxation without representation, but it was not just about taxation. It was equally about setting up a form of government separate from a monarchy that would have equality of representation that's close to equal to that of the will of the people.

RUSH: Well, you know, I think you got a great idea here, you ought to lead this movement. You ought to get out there and just get rid of everybody. I mean I kind of dig it. Get rid of everybody. Yeah. Go for it!


RUSH: Wait 'til the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (laughing), wait 'til they hear that I've suggested that Obama make Nike Nifong the new attorney general. (laughing) I'm not going to read the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial because it's just a rehash of what Mark Potok said and everybody taking this whole thing out of context. They even publish it in context and get it wrong. They even publish it in context and didn't understand. I don't think they heard it. I think they read it, said, "This is outrageous, keep the trash talker from Cape Girardeau and his ilk away from our kids." (laughing) What a day. What a day.


RUSH: During the break Mr. Snerdley showed me a website that a friend of his had alerted him to. Apparently it has taken hold out there that when discussing Obama's America as it relates to the school bus incident -- where was that? That was in Belleville, right? Belleville, Illinois -- playing off the Newsweek story of, you know, all white kids are born racists. I did a whole routine here on, "Well, maybe we need to segregate the buses and so forth," in a joking fashion.

RUSH: Worse than the obvious verbal taunts, we all know the racism that was in the kid's mind. I mean Newsweek magazine says he was born a racist. So you know the white kid is sitting there thinking N-word and all kinds of things being surrounded by these black students. They knew that. They knew that and so they just descended on the kid and beat him up. We've seen the videotape. What did the police chief investigate?

CALLER: He did not comment on anything other than he said more investigations shows that it was not racially motivated.

RUSH: I think the guy is wrong. I think not only was it racism, it's justifiable racism.

RUSH: So I'm doing a total parodic rant. I mean, the sarcasm is dripping --

RUSH: We're back. It's Rush Limbaugh, Open Line Friday. Friend of mine just went to Google and did a search for "Limbaugh and segregation," and it turned back 79,800 English pages for "Limbaugh and segregation." And they talk about the right-wing echo chamber and a radical noise machine, 79,800 pages on results for "Limbaugh and segregation." The point of that school bus riff, do I have to play this again? I was saying the black kids were justified beating up the one white kid because he was obviously racist, they knew that he was sitting there thinking N-word; they knew that he was sitting there thinking all kinds of rotten things about them; they just know this because Newsweek magazine said the kid was born a racist so they were entitled to beat the kid up because they knew he was a racist because our society and Obama, it's Obama's America, white people are racists. I said jokingly segregate the busses to protect the black students so they wouldn't be taunted. These guys literally have no sense of humor.

Of course, it's not sarcasm because Newsweek NEVER said we are born racists. Newsweek specifically ruled out racism as being involved. That is a lie America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy fabricated so he could RATIONALIZE his racism.

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Newsweek.com
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

RUSH: Do you remember that NEA phone call? I think it was back in August, the 21st or the 25th, and it featured basically a coordination from the White House to the National Endowment for the Arts to promote Obama's health care and parts of his domestic agenda. One of the artists on that call got hold of Breitbart and said they're turning the National Endowment for the Arts and Welcome to Serve.gov, the latest website out of the White House, into political instruments, and there are four pieces written on this at BigGovernment.com. But all it really exposes up 'til now is that the NEA was lying about their coordination with the Obama White House on spreading propaganda. This is the thing that George Will had a comment on This Week, said some laws were broken in this call. Then after some attention was focused on this they announced that the National Endowment for the Arts director of communications Yosi Sargent had been reassigned. They said he was fired but he was actually just reassigned.

A week later George Will wrote a Washington Post column on this and understandably a lot of people are infuriated about the politicization of the NEA and turning it into an Obama campaign. I don't know why anybody is surprised about this. Folks, the private sector of this country is being gobbled up like Pacman on steroids. The idea the Obama administration would be using some left-wing agency like the NEA to spread his domestic propaganda is not a shock. There hasn't been any evidence up 'til now, though, of Obama being involved in it, just the NEA. But that is until today. Now, the BigGovernment.com website has full audio and a full transcript. It's 44 pages. There are 25 different audio sound bites. We're putting together a couple of key elements of the sound bites from this page and we hope to have it in the next hour, but the transcript and the full audio at BigGovernment.com. Apparently the full transcript here shows the White House orchestrating this through a woman named Buffy Wicks with the White House Office of Public Engagement. Buffy Wicks works under Valerie Jarrett, who is at the right hand of Barack Obama, The Almighty.

Also in the call, orchestrating service in the name of Obama to the NEA -- you gotta go out and serve, you gotta advance the agenda in service, the name of Obama, Nell Abernathy, director of outreach of the Corporation of National and Community Service, which is the independent agency that is the parent of the president's United We Serve initiative. Now, they got rid of Yosi Sergant, they threw him under the bus, they reassigned him within but what happens is by getting rid of this guy they're trying to cover up the fact the White House is involved in using the NEA to spread Obama propaganda and as George Will has speculated, there have to be laws being violated here. The White House and Valerie Jarrett admit that by reassigning Yosi that something was wrong, a tantamount admission by their action. But the White House it turns out, according to Breitbart's website, is in charge of the call, has ties to ACORN, even. We know that Welcome to Serve.gov, we mentioned last week, all it is is an end run now that ACORN is in trouble, Serve.gov simply, if you call in there, if you go to their website, they'll redirect you to various front community organizations all tied to the White House designed to spread the Obama agenda.

Now, this Buffy Wicks babe, who works very closely with Valerie Jarrett, and there's nothing she's doing that Obama doesn't know about, Buffy Wicks organized the Walmart boycotts over the years, which were shakedowns. Buffy Wicks used ACORN to help protest Walmart. The legal and political scrutiny here is going to be damning if people go look at this. I don't expect the Drive-Bys in the State-Controlled Media to pick this up but it's just the latest drop. Buffy Wicks, the deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, she is key to all this because previously the only person identified was an NEA, National Endowment for the Arts underling but now there's a key White House person in Valerie Jarrett's office heard on the phone calls orchestrating artists to go out and do it for Obama. Now, this is a clear violation of the law, and the tapes of the calls are there, it's a huge posting, 44 pages, 25 audio sound bites. This is just the latest in the videotapes with the pimp and the prostitute running in and exposing ACORN for what they are.

Now, the White House central to this call, the White House central to this operation, according to Breitbart's BigGovernment.com. There's also a bunch of pro-Obama art that was written for this, and drawn, and created and that came from the phone call from Buffy Wicks to all these artists who are being urged to go out and win one for Obama. It's pretty damning, and it's much too large and complicated here to expose it all on the radio show, but we are putting together some of the key audio of the phone call from Buffy Wicks who works right there with Valerie Jarrett. So in a nutshell, what you have here is the White House using the NEA to more or less demand that they publicly support Obama and his health care and his agenda. Now, the NEA gets all their grant money from the federal government. They were threatened here vaguely that money might stop. They were asked to produce some pro-Obama artwork. And I'm thinking, why wouldn't they already be doing that? (laughing) That's what they do. So BigGovernment.com and you'll find everything.

Stephanopoulos probably thought he was getting tough on the president by quibbling over -- did you see this on This Week yesterday, whether a tax is a tax? We had to go through parsing the word "is" under Clinton, well, depends on what the word "is" means. Now the way to understand that Obama does not think a tax is a tax is all money is his. For whatever his agenda needs it's his anyway, he's just going to keep more of it rather than letting you get back some of what they've taken from what you earn. We've got audio sound bites of Stephanopoulos. By the way, Howard Kurtz, Obama did not break through, he did not break through on these five Sunday appearances. It just didn't work for him out there and so, because of that, the State-Controlled Media once again focusing on me and focusing on the uncivil right wing media in this country.


RUSH: White House officials on tape coordinating the use of the NEA for propaganda, Buffy Wicks, August 2009, works with Valerie Jarrett, deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement. Here's a portion of her remarks using the NEA to push White House propaganda, said the White House is coming at them with some specific requests.

WICKS: You know, we won, and that's exciting and now we have to take all that energy and -- and make it really meaningful. Change does not come easy and, you know, when -- when then-candidate Obama would say that, it's like, yeah, I know change doesn't come easy, but now that I'm actually in the White House and working towards furthering this agenda, this very aggressive agenda, I'm really realizing that and I'm also really appreciative of the way in which that we did win and the strategy that the campaign chose which is really to engage people at a local level and engage them in the process because we need them and we need you and we're going to need your help and we're going to come at you with some specific tasks here.

RUSH: Specific requests. We're going to ask you to help us advance the agenda. Here she mentions her boss Valerie Jarrett, who we have to assume knows what she's doing.

WICKS: I'm at the Office of Public Engagement here at the White House. Our office does a lot of outreach to communities all across the country either by constituency group or by issue. We have about 20 folks and we work under Valerie Jarrett. We're really here at your disposal and we want to be helpful to you. And my role here is working on service. And so when we were thinking about how do we take a lot of this energy that's out there, how do we translate folks who have just been engaged in electoral politics and engage them in really the process of governing and of being a part of this administration in a little bit of different way because politics is one thing and governing is something totally separate, and so we really saw service as the platform by which we can do that.

RUSH: Service disguised as advancing an Obama agenda, propaganda run out of Valerie Jarrett's office in the White House by Buffy Wicks, Buffy the Walmart Slayer, she organized all the boycotts and hassles with Walmart using ACORN to harass them, and this is a conference call with members of the NEA, artists, which is federally funded, so not kosher here.


RUSH: We got one more sound bite here from Buffy Wicks. This is a conference call. This is out of the White House. Deputy director White House Office of Public Engagement. She works directly for and under Valerie Jarrett, Obama and Michelle's top advisor. Now, this is a final portion of Buffy's remarks to all the artists from the NEA on this conference call.

WICKS: So we focus on the four main areas: One is health care. Obviously, that's a big issue. We met with Health and Human Services and thought through there are ways we can have organizations and individuals work with HHS and others to be effective. Is it preventative health care? Is it children nutrition? What are the main issues? What's the main focus there? Second was energy and environment. And so we worked a lot with the Department of Interior. I know I'm throwing a lot of government stuff at you guys, so bear with me. It's the world we live in now. We're actually running the government.

RUSH: "We're actually running the government," Buffy Wicks. This is BigGovernment.com and BigHollywood.Breitbart.com. It's all over the place. It's actually amazing. Let's jump forward now to Sunday, September 6th. That's audio sound bite number 27. Now, this is after the first series of tapes were heard but Buffy Wicks had not been heard in those tapes. Only a guy named Yosi Sergant had been heard. And after these tapes aired, Yosi was reassigned and thrown under the bus. This is George Will on This Week, September 6th, the roundtable discussing all this.

WILL: Recently there was a conference call arranged by the National Endowment for the Arts with a representative of the White House for potential grantees or actual grantees of the federal government, getting subsidies. The thing of it was how the arts community could help advance the president's agenda. And I don't know how many laws that breaks, but I'm sure there are some.

RUSH: Gotta be exactly right. I don't know how many laws there are, but nobody's going to be holding him accountable. You could ask what in the world is constitutional about Obama's health care plan. Where does it say in the Constitution you could do this? You know, the constitutionality of most of this agenda could come under serious question if there were any attempt to hold anybody accountable here. But this is what you get with one-party rule with no checks and balances and also when you have a compliant, slavish State-Controlled Media. This is not pimps and hoes in various offices of ACORN around the country, but it is the White House. It is right in the office of Valerie Jarrett, number one advisor to Obama and Michelle with this Buffy babe, Buffy Wicks, conducting a conference call with NEA artists working up various things they can do to help push the entire Obama social agenda. This is a point that we make constantly and it's starting to sound like a broken record, but imagine if this kind of thing were to have been discovered during the Bush administration. There would be no end in sight to the caterwauling and the whining and moaning going on about this.


RUSH: Say, folks, do you remember when it was revealed that the Bush Department of Education had paid Armstrong Williams something like $241,000 to help promote the No Child Left Behind Act? Remember that? Exactly what is happening with the Obama White House and the NEA. And when it was discovered that Armstrong Williams had taken 241 grand, Henry Waxman introduced H.R. 373 which would make such a thing completely against the law. Do you remember that? I do. That's why I have the presence of mind to mention it to you now.


RUSH: No longer in love with myself. Barack Obama's seen to it the last two days. We teach self-esteem in this country, kids gotta love themselves, whatever they do, it's great. He just ripped me to shreds, ripped you to shreds, ripped our history to shreds, ripped the kitten to shreds. I don't know how we can go on. I just don't know how we can go on, and it's especially going to be tough for the children when this speech is played for them, mandatory viewing in schools over the next couple of days. I feel like I'm in a James Bond movie. I feel like Ernst Stavro Blofeld has taken over the UN and the world and the best spy that we have, me, is headed for the gulag, and Eric Holder holds the key. They're going to get rid of the best spies this country has. I mean the UN is filled with genuinely insane people, and they are being inspired by our president, a legitimate kook, insane people. It's a James Bond movie coming to life except the bad guys win.

All right, to the phones. People have been waiting patiently. We're going to start in Rochester, New York. Michael, welcome to the EIB Network, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, how you doing?

RUSH: I'm fine. Thank you.

CALLER: That's good. Let me throw a couple of things at you and you come back at me if one sticks, okay? First of all I heard Obama this morning talking, and I got a different view on it than you did. And before you reply, what he said, that you even just played on your bite, we respect their rights to be a community of nations.

RUSH: Yeah. Yeah.

CALLER: Now, you said earlier that he did not -- that he respected the elections in Iran, and I never heard the word election all through his speech. Now, wait a second. Then you said --

RUSH: No, wait just a second. He didn't say it in this speech. He did, in previous speeches, refuse to condemn the fraudulent election in Iran. He refuses to stand up and support the people who want to overthrow the dictator regime there. Look, Obama sides with the wrong side. He sides with the wrong people in Central America. His best friends, Hugo Chavez, give me the old days, folks, give me the old days. Where a genuine lunatic kook, Hugo Chavez shows up, says he can smell the sulfur in the room after George Bush has spoken because that means the devil had been there. And the place starts laughing. That was just, what, a year ago or two years ago? Was it one year ago? Now look at what's happened in one year.

Now the Chavezes of the world have taken control of the place, inspired by our president of the United States. And I have a first caller here who wants to say, "Oh, no, Obama didn't disrespect." I do not understand. You know, I'm an adult; I'm mature; I'm educated; I'm informed; I'm a patriot. I'm never going to be able to get my arms around the concept, understanding why people born in this country hate it. I'm never going to understand it. And even if it's not hate, they don't like it. I'm never going to understand it. The greatest country that's ever been, and somehow that's offensive to say to people, it certainly is offensive to Obama. I got calls from people saying, "Hey, I didn't hear him trash the country, I heard him say what needed to be said." I want to reach through the telephone line and I want to grab these little pencil-necked geek people around the neck and say, "Would you wake up?"

Tiffany in Powell, Wyoming.


RUSH: Yeah, hi.

CALLER: Rush it is a pleasure to speak to you. I'm honored.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I just had a couple of things to say to you. As I was watching this whole circus unfold today I thought of a line as Obama was speaking from my favorite movie which was Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and it says you can't respect someone who kisses your ass. And I am appalled that my president, the person that was elected by people in my country, would lower us down and basically sell us out for his version of respect. I don't think that those people will ever respect us. I mean for God's sakes we're sending them money and they're not respecting us --

RUSH: Of course they're not. They're laughing at him.

CALLER: I know.

RUSH: I mean some of these kooks think it's good. They're laughing at him. Khadafy thinks it's great that such a lunatic is running the country. We're weaker. The Iranians love it. The Russians love it. Obama is before our very eyes weakening the country. I haven't seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Now, I've tried to watch it a couple times. Everybody said you ought to watch it because it's practical jokes, it's right up your alley. I tried to watch it a couple times, it didn't grab my interest, but that's a great line. You can't respect somebody who kisses your butt. You said ass, but I'm host, I do not lower the standards of my own show, callers can but I won't. The only time I say ass is talking about Hillary's being too big to fit in a military uniform. But that's a true philosophy. In my own life, you can spot people that are brown nosers or suck up to you, and you don't respect them. And here's Obama, he's out kissing these lunatics' butts and they're not going to respect him. He doesn't understand why they like him. He thinks they like him because he's a fellow academic, finally got a smart guy, hated Bush, hate the war in Iraq, hate American imperialism. They like him because he doesn't like the country either just like they don't and the weaker America is the better off for them, that's what they all think, and he's fulfilling their desire, only he doesn't see that.

CALLER: Right. Rush, I'm a flight attendant. I'm appalled that they let someone come into this country and respect him, Khadafy, who supports people blowing me out of the sky. I'm appalled at that also. So I just wanted to give you those two points.

RUSH: I appreciate that. You know, that is also a good point. It wasn't very long ago they let the Lockerbie bomber out, the Brits did, and he goes home to a hero's welcome, and Khadafy's kid is on the plane taking him back to Libya and there's a big cheer for the guy when he gets off the airplane and Khadafy shows up and speaks for 90 minutes today, gets some applause -- Craig, did you hear me say that he demanded a new investigation of the JFK assassination? Because the Jews were behind it. We gotta find out, the Israelis were behind it. He also said don't worry about the swine flu. Fish flu is coming.

All right, who's next? We've got time for one more before the break. Tawana in Atlanta, nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush.

RUSH: Hey.

CALLER: You know, it just occurs to me that if Barack Obama were the leader or prime minister of any other country, our own delegation would have got up and walked out on his speech.

RUSH: You know, that's an excellent point. In the days where the United States had self-respect, anybody trashed us at the UN, our delegation did, they got up and walked out. I think if Obama showed up today from another country and gave this speech, our delegation in the old days would have walked out. That's a brilliant observation out there, Tawana.

CALLER: Well, I think it's also frightening.

RUSH: It's very frightening.

CALLER: I mean I'm thinking, you know, if I were a delegate, I would be sitting there having a huge conflict, because I would be saying, well, you know, what this person is saying is against everything that our country stands for, he's trashing my nation, he's trashing my allies, but he's my president. So do I get up, walk out based on principles --

RUSH: No, no, no.

CALLER: Or do I sit there --

RUSH: No, no, no, no. His delegation agrees with him. I'll tell you who ought to be afraid, is our genuine allies in the world, the Brits, sitting there listening to this. Anybody depending on us for economic and military security ought to be scared out of their wits after this speech today.


RUSH: Katherine in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi there.

RUSH: Hey.

CALLER: Something you said earlier really struck a chord with me because for the past few weeks I've been telling anyone who will listen that everything Obama has been doing the past nine months, nationalizing the banks and industry and health care, it isn't merely chipping away at our democracy and our freedoms anymore, it truly is far more insidious, I really think tantamount to a coup. And just because he hasn't gathered up the villagers to storm the castle doesn't make it any less of a coup. I don't have my dictionary, my Merriam-Webster with me, but I do know that this guy is using his influence and his resources and his moronic followers to effect a profound change in our government. And it's even worse today because he has now thrown the United States of America under the bus on the world stage. The only thing I agree with Obama about is that we're not better. We are the best. And honestly, any American who doesn't know that and understand that --

RUSH: Well, let me address two things. You are right, and it did strike a chord. I did refer to this as a coup, a bloodless coup. He has delivered the United States to the global powers without firing a shot. Nobody fired a shot at us and he's surrendering. He's giving up the country so he can lead the world. Now, this business of when he says that we're no better, and your rejoinder is that we're the best, this is something that, when I rarely go out there and make a speech in public, I ask people to consider. I'm still in awe of it. There are nations, populations, groups of people, who have been around for who knows, thousands of years. We've been around for less than 250. In less than 250 years, less than 300 million people have produced a lifestyle and a country of roaring opportunity and prosperity, a living standard the likes that the world has never seen before. And we have shared our greatness, the things that we have learned and done with everybody around the world, we have shared our prosperity, we have shared our abundance.

And I asked myself, how did this happen? Because in terms of DNA, we are no different than any other human beings on the planet. Just because we're born here, and just because as a result of being born, that we're Americans, doesn't mean that as human beings we're better. We're not healthier, we're not fitter, I mean coming out of the womb there's nothing special about us. There's not a special American gene that God decides to implant in people before they're born, it's not that way. So how is it that if we're really no different, how did all this happen? And the answer to me is very, very simple, and it's what leads to the concept of American exceptionalism. And the whole notion of American exceptionalism is that we are an exceptional people because we were founded under principles that allow individuals to achieve the best they can. We have freedom, and we acknowledge the source of our freedom is God. And it's these unalienable rights: life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, they come from God, they are part of our creation, our freedom, the yearning to be free.

That's our spirit. It's our soul. We're all born with it, all around the world but the rest of the world has never been invested with that responsibility and freedom. The rest of the world, the history of the world is torture, rape, mayhem, dungeons, prisons, totalitarianism, thuggery. The exception to the normal human nature that has characterized human beings from the beginning of time, the exception is the United States. And this is what is so saddening, to watch it being torn apart, ripped to shreds, criticized, and not even understood because Obama is saying, no, there is nothing exceptional about our country. In his view, we are tarnished. In his view, we are stained. In his view, we have been immoral and unjust and our Constitution is flawed. It is negative. It is imprisoning. It doesn't recognize the concept of civil rights and human rights and all these other little bywords that leftists throw around and don't even understand the true meaning of. So while as individuals, as human beings we're no better than anybody else in the world, as a people, constituted as Americans, living under our Constitution, which gives us the freedom to be who we are, to do whatever we want to be the best we can be or to screw off and not do anything, we have had that freedom. And that has led to some of the most incredible inventions, the most advanced.

Look at what happened in the twentieth century in this country. Look at all the things that were invented that made lifestyles expand and grow and prosper, and life expectancy ditto. It's just amazing when you stop to think about it, and there have been people on this planet for thousands of years and never got close to us. This nation is truly blessed. What happened in Philadelphia with the Founding Fathers, a miracle 'cause that's not the history of the world, and that's the whole root, folks, when you hear the term "American exceptionalism," it's not an ego thing. It's not anybody saying, "We're better than you." It is that we are the exception to the rule of human nature. Study world history and you'll find out life was not a bowl of cherries. People around the world since the beginning of time did not have time to start things like the Center for Science in the Public Interest and run around and tell people to stop eating Chinese food and stop eating coconut oil-popped popcorn. But we have such abundance, so much prosperity, that worthless busybodies can become rich by defrauding people into contributing to their stupid scams from the contributions they derive their salaries and lifestyles and then they stick their noses in everybody's business.

People around the world didn't have time for this. They had to work to feed themselves first and foremost and then they had to stay alive. And we don't worry about any of that. Well, I take it back. We do worry about it to the extent that you listen to some of these nannies who tell you that caffeine is going to kill you or that cholesterol is going to kill you or that that green tea is what you gotta drink to stay alive. People are pounding this every day how we're going to die and yet the life expectancy keeps going up. American exceptionalism, Obama is just ripping it to shreds, tearing it down, and in essence saying it never did exist. We weren't and aren't exceptional. We're imperialist thugs. We torture people. We're closing Guantanamo Bay, we're getting out of Iraq, we are destroying the planet, he says. Our lifestyle, our SUVs, our carbon footprint is destroying the world, the climate. The man is a kook and he is a menace and he is purposely attacking the very foundations and institutions that made this the greatest country on earth. And he's inspiring our enemies at the United Nations to agree with him and speak up even louder.


RUSH: Burn in Salt Lake City. I'm glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. Primo dittos. Lived 20 years in New Madrid.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much. By the way, New Madrid is a little town south of where I grew up. It's the site of the New Madrid fault. They're worried about an earthquake there someday that rivals the San Andreas. But I wanted you to know what New Madrid was because some of you might have thought he was talking Spain and didn't know how to say Madrid. There is actually a place in Missouri called New Madrid. You don't want to go there but it does exist. Okay, back to the call.

CALLER: Yes, sir, I escaped. Michael Moore has his new movie coming out Capitalism, and yesterday the president of Bolivia called capitalism evil. I'm ready to give up. Okay, it's evil, it's horrible. Can somebody name one thing that works better? Anything?

RUSH: No. But, you see, the problem with capitalism is it doesn't empower government and it doesn't empower people who run government.

CALLER: I don't really care about that, Rush. I just want to be okay. So if capitalism is so evil, and if everything that we're doing is wrong, what are we going to do that's better?

RUSH: Obama! You don't get it. Obama is going to make it all better.

CALLER: I guess I don't, Rush. I got a couple things for you. I got one other thing. I called the DNC and asked them how -- my wife has chronic health issues and I don't have insurance. So I asked them specifically, how is this gonna work for me, how is it better for me? Can you name one government program that's not full of waste, fraud, and abuse? Can you name one government program that is run efficiently? And the lady said, "Is that a question?" And I said, "Yes, ma'am, it is." She said, "Just a moment." She forwarded me to the White House.

RUSH: (laughing.)

CALLER: To the White House, Rush.

RUSH: The DNC couldn't answer your question, they forwarded you to the White House.

CALLER: To the White House. Let me transfer your call to the White House.

RUSH: What did they tell you?

CALLER: Oh, nothing. It was just a comment line there.

RUSH: Oh, so you didn't even get to talk to a human being, they passed you off to a machine.

CALLER: I called Nancy Pelosi's office and it went right to voice mail and my first thing I said, "My God you sure have your finger on the pulse of your constituents."

RUSH: You mentioned Pelosi. Before I went to the golf course yesterday I went by the Universal theme park out here at Universal Studios, and I ran into the shark from Jaws, and the shark from Jaws told me he's thinking of suing Pelosi for copyright infringement.

Rudy, South Bend, Indiana, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Rush, how are you today?

RUSH: Well, I was in DC last weekend, I went by the Lincoln Memorial and I swear Lincoln's face in the memorial moves more than Pelosi's does. Yes, Rudy, what's up?

CALLER: Hey, listen, I was listening to Obama's speech today and he was talking about the fact that the United States is ready for some international cooperation. Well, to heck with cooperation. What cooperation really means is we're going to sit on our hands and look around at each other and wait for somebody else to do something. What the world needs to be ready for is the United States to lead. Leadership gets things done. Cooperation, at least Obama's version of cooperation, has never gotten anything done.

RUSH: Well, depending on whose perspective. I think this whole notion of cooperation is absurd, as you do. But I still don't know what the objective is here. I know Obama is educated but I don't know how smart he is. There are people from his side of the aisle, people on the left who really believe that if we just show our enemies that we really don't dislike them, we don't harbor any ill will against them, and we're not George Bush anymore and we're not the old United States, that somehow they're going to turn around and like us. And that's, frankly, just absurd. The people that he's going to behave that way to are going to rub their hands together in glee, and they're going to say, "What a sap we have to deal with." I wonder, "Does Obama know that? Is there some other agenda?" Because clearly, for whatever reasons -- and they're diabolical, no matter which reasons you analyze -- whatever reasons, he is purposely deconstructing this country and taking the elements of greatness out of it.

Now, is he doing this because he thinks this will promote world peace, other countries will like us, or is he doing it simply because he despises the country as it was founded? It really doesn't matter. It's the fact that he's doing it in general, but I'll tell you, regardless his reason, it is weakening our security, it is making us far more vulnerable. Remember, Osama Bin Laden granted an interview to the guy now with the FBI, used to be with ABC News, John Miller, and Osama Bin Laden told John Miller, (paraphrasing) "When we saw you cut-and-run, when the United States and Bill Clinton pulled outta Somalia, that's when we knew you're not ready to bleed for your country anymore. You're not willing to fight for your country. That's when we knew you're a paper tiger." I mean I'm paraphrasing, but people who are hell-bent on evil -- and there are lots of them out there; we are a nation at great risk in a dangerous world -- are not going to be mellowed and tamed by some smart-sounding academic running around apologizing to them for all the evils his country perpetrated before he assumed office.

I'm back to imagining I go to the UN, I give a speech and I'm followed by Moammar Khadafy who endlessly praises me and asks that I remain president forever, and here's a guy, a well-known terrorist murdering thug who celebrates with gigantic hero welcomes the guy who blew up the Pan Am flight, the Lockerbie Pan Am flight, I wouldn't be happy about that. I'd be mad, I would be worried. If I were a Democrat Senate majority leader or if I'm the Democrat speaker of the House and I hear the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, basically parroting everything I say about the United States, we're causing the world to come to an end because of global warming and all this rot, I'd be very worried that totalitarian thugs and dictators sound like me. If I were Barack Obama, I would not be happy that somebody like Fidel Castro is singing my praises. Yet, that's what's happening. If I were Barack Obama, if I were president, I would not want to be caught dead in a picture laughing, smiling, and yukking it up with Hugo Chavez. I wouldn't be caught being given a book by Daniel Ortega. But Obama did all of that.


RUSH: Now, this is just prior to the immaculation, I predicted this.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Closing Gitmo isn't going to happen. It's not going to happen. It is not going to happen. They're not going to close Gitmo. I constantly suggest to people that they not doubt me. Don't doubt me. I checked the e-mail during the time-out. People think that the left in this country is going to be outraged when they find out that Obama won't close Guantanamo Bay for four years. They won't hear that. It's in the Washington Post today, but that's where it will die. What they're going to hear is an executive order announced to close it.

RUSH: All right, that's enough. That was January 16th when I predicted they're not going to close Club Gitmo. Sunday morning This Week, George Stephanopoulos talking to Robert Gates, "Major story in the Washington Post suggesting the president's deadline of January 22 for closing Gitmo won't be met. White House officials tell me at least some prisoners will still be there on January 22nd beyond. How big a setback is that?"

GATES: The question was, "Should we set a deadline?" I actually was one of those who said we should. "If you don't put a deadline on something you'll never move the bureaucracy." But I also said, "and then if we find we can't get it done by that time but we have a good plan, then you're in a position to say it's going to take us a little longer but we are moving in the direction of implementing the policy that the president said." And I think that's the position.

STEPHANOPOULOS: That's where we are. So the deadline of January 22nd will not be met?

GATES: It's going to be tough.

RUSH: And January 23rd will not be met, and January 24th will not be met. And January 25th will not be met. They're not going to close Gitmo. They don't know how. They don't know what to do with the people that are there. So, again, my friends, don't doubt me.

EdTheSickDick is hopelessly infatuated with all things Rush.

It is pathetic to see EdTheSickDick, assclown that he is, working his "wonders" in his one note (off key) symPHONY. EdTheSickDick is "All Rush; All the time."

What a crashing bore.

I must remember to unsubscribe from this thread.

If you put that loser on ignore... you'd be surprised how much better every thread in which she contributes instantly improves...
Last edited:
EdTheSickDick is hopelessly infatuated with all things Rush.

It is pathetic to see EdTheSickDick, assclown that he is, working his "wonders" in his one note (off key) symPHONY. EdTheSickDick is "All Rush; All the time."

What a crashing bore.

I must remember to unsubscribe from this thread.

If you put that loser on ignore... you'd be surprised how much better every thread in which she contributes instantly improves...
CON$ervative Cowards will always tell you who they FEAR the most!!!

RUSH: Get this, from State-Controlled Associated Press: "Al Qaeda's role in Afghanistan has faded after eight years of war. Gone is the once-formidable network of camps and safe houses where Osama bin Laden and his mostly Arab operatives trained thousands of young Muslims to wage a global jihad. The group is left with fewer than 100 core fighters, according to the Obama administration." Wait a second, none of this makes any sense. Why don't we just declare victory and get the hell out of there then? But more than that -- and there's a bunch of stories like this out there today, "Al-Qaeda barely exists anymore, down to a hundred and some odd core fighters, they don't even really know where they all are."

Well, wait a minute, what about Abu Ghraib? What about Guantanamo Bay? What about American values declining? What about all the terrorists that we created by going into Iraq? What about all the terrorists that we recruited and created by the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib and at Club Gitmo? I thought all during the Iraq war, ladies and gentlemen, that terrorist recruitment was skyrocketing because George W. Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld were torturing prisoners, and I thought this meant that our values around the world had sunk to a new low and the rest of the world despised us and the terrorists were angry as hell at us, and, as such, they were recruiting new Al-Qaeda members left and right. It was the worst thing we could have done. Those two prisons and Iraq. And now, with Obama in charge, in the midst of a total mess in Afghanistan, State-Controlled AP runs a story saying that Al-Qaeda's basically nonexistent?

Have you ever seen so much bad news and evidence that Barack Obama has the inside track on becoming the worst president in the nation's history? America will once again succeed when Obama admits his policies and his arrogance have failed. And, of course, neither of those two will happen as long as he's in the White House. I don't have enough time here to list Obama's failures, much less comment on them, and it's not even a list. This is a catalog. The demise of the US dollar, a planet that is getting cooler, and the president says he has to impose a deeper recession on the country to stop nonexistent warming. The record-breaking cold weather stories alone would take three hours to report today. Ski places are opening earlier than ever. The first snow day in Idaho today because of overwhelming snow. Global sea ice is normal. There's not any more of it, there's not any less of it than there has been in the past 30 years. There may be a decrease in the North Pole ice and an increase in South Pole ice but overall, global polar ice, volume is the same.

The possibility of a double-dip recession is really a probability now. We have the likelihood that there's going to be a big dip in commercial real estate coming down the pike in the next three to six months. And we got Bill Ayers out there -- this is really funny -- Bill Ayers is fishing for credit for writing Obama's so-called autobiography. Yeah, I don't buy this for a minute. Some blogger runs into Ayers at Reagan National Airport in Washington, identifies him or herself as a conservative. And Ayers blurts, "I wrote it. Why are you telling me this? I wrote it." I think Ayers is very much aware that all these people -- I think he's just trying to yank the chains of some gullible conservatives. But still even with Ayers doing this it's out there now. It's out there, mainstream, Ayers has put it there whether it's a bogus story or not. So we have that out there. States like Illinois are billions of dollars in debt, it's worse than it has been; unemployment is ascending. It's not descending after Obama's nonstimulating stimulus plan. Late-night comics are pounding the man they said there was nothing funny about, either him or his administration. The stories about degenerate czars have got Democrats on the warpath.

The man who said he had all the answers for Afghanistan now admits he doesn't have a clue and has endless meetings about something he said he'd solved a year ago. We got the mess at Gitmo. They're not going to close it down. They're going to get rid of Greg Craig for supposedly botching it. We got the Iranian situation and the nuke situation. The UN speech still has people reeling as to how shallow and narcissistic it was. And, speaking of narcissism, we have the Olympics debacle and the speech he gave. This is a joke of an administration except it's very, very real. I could go on and on and on listing all these problems. All this bad news, all of this evidence, it's an endless stream of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama has failed already his country. And the only way America is going to succeed is for Obama to admit his failures and embrace what's made the country great, and that ain't going to happen.


RUSH: To the phones to Milledgeville, Georgia. Steven, hi. Welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hey, Rush! How you doing?

RUSH: Very well, sir.

CALLER: Mega dittos.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: With a Rush Baby on the way.

RUSH: All right!

CALLER: It's amazing. You do get nervous talking to you. But, hey, I have a question and another one if you'll permit me. The first question is do you have a compilation of all the music you use in the bumper rotation, and where would you go to the find that?

RUSH: Compilation of all...? We don't. We just haphazardly add to it, and whenever I remember a song that I like and it fits we add to it but I don't think we actually have a list.

CALLER: I wish you did have a list because I'd love to get the same music you have because I know you and I both like Top 40.

RUSH: Well, I tell you what I'm going to do. It's a good thing you've suggested. It's a good thing and the person who asked me if we're going to take a vacation day on Monday, I'll give them the task of compiling it. (laughing)


RUSH: If you were listening yesterday, the staff in New York, haven't been there this year, a protest the tax authorities in New York, and not being there, the staff's getting a little lax up there. Somebody sent me a note saying, "Are we working Monday, because it'd be a vacation day," which never used to happen.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: So that staffer will be assigned the task of compiling the list of tunes in our bumper rotation.

CALLER: Great. Thank you.

RUSH: All right. And I don't know how long it will take. We'll see. And if we get it done we'll post it at RushLimbaugh.com.

CALLER: Appreciate it. Thank you.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: My other question.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Are you going to be judging at the Miss America contest?

RUSH: Yes, I did accept the invitation.

CALLER: Great. My wife and I are trying to plan a trip and I thought, "Maybe if I went there I could maybe bump into Rush and maybe get a picture with him," but might find the next Nobel Peace Prize winner there since they're all wanting world peace.

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: Never know.

RUSH: You know, it's true one never knows what's going to happen until you go somewhere.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: Exactly right. I did accept it. Did they issue the announcement? (interruption) Oh, it went out on a PR Newswire this afternoon? Okay. So I did accept. I don't know who the other judges are. But I did accept. They sent the press release by. There was one thing on this, folks, I looked at and I said, "Oh, no." This is after I'd accepted but before I saw the press release. They have started at the Miss America program a new duty for Miss America. She's going to lead something called the Go Green Campaign. I looked at that and said, "Well, I already committed." So I'm in there. But it is what it is. (interruption) No, no, no, Snerdley. It doesn't mean go cap. Go green means let's get on the solar power bandwagon. Let's get on the mercury-filled lightbulb bandwagon. Let's mow the grass bandwagon. Because those are the only green jobs that are ever going to be: landscaping and lawn mowing. Trust me on this.

BEGIN TRANSCRIPT Trust me on this.
October 9, 2009
RUSH: I'm on the same side of something with the Taliban. And that we all are on the same side as the Taliban.

October 2, 2009
RUSH: Look at the word here, in the Fox News headline: "Obama Fails;" and "Humiliation for Obama" and the word "failure" here at the UK Times Online. For those of you on the other side of the aisle listening in who were upset that I sound gleeful, I am.
I don't deny it. I'm happy.

October 2, 2009
RUSH: You think I'm laughing, what do you think is happening in Tehran? What's happening inside the KGB in Moscow? What do you think that little pot bellied dictator over in Pyongyang is doing right now? What do you think Hugo Chavez is doing? What about Moammar Khadafy? Are these guys sad or are they secretly rubbing their hands together in glee?
RUSH: Let's go to the BBC, Friday, October 9th: "'What Happened to Global Warming?' -- This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise. So what on Earth is going on?" This is from the BBC. "Climate change skeptics, who passionately and consistently argue that man's influence on our climate is overstated, say they saw it coming. They argue that there are natural cycles, over which we have no control, that dictate how warm the planet is. But what is the evidence for this? During the last few decades of the 20th Century, our planet did warm quickly.

"Skeptics argue that the warming we observed was down to the energy from the Sun increasing. After all 98% of the Earth's warmth comes from the Sun. But research conducted two years ago, and published by the Royal Society, seemed to rule out solar influences. The scientists' main approach was simple: to look at solar output and cosmic ray intensity over the last 30-40 years, and compare those trends with the graph for global average surface temperature.
And the results were clear. 'Warming in the last 20 to 40 years can't have been caused by solar activity,' said Dr Piers Forster from Leeds University, a leading contributor to this year's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). But one solar scientist Piers Corbyn from Weatheraction, a company specialising in long range weather forecasting, disagrees. He claims that solar charged particles impact us far more than is currently accepted, so much so he says that they are almost entirely responsible for what happens to global temperatures.

"According to research conducted by Professor Don Easterbrook from Western Washington University last November, the oceans and global temperatures are correlated. The oceans, he says, have a cycle in which they warm and cool cyclically. The most important one is the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO)," about which we've been told by our own climate specialist, Dr. Roy Spencer. "For much of the 1980s and 1990s, it was in a positive cycle, that means warmer than average. And observations have revealed that global temperatures were warm too. But in the last few years it has been losing its warmth and has recently started to cool down. These cycles in the past have lasted for nearly 30 years. So could global temperatures follow?

"So what can we expect in the next few years? Both sides have very different forecasts. … One thing is for sure. It seems the debate about what is causing global warming is far from over." Of course, the BBC in this story felt obligated to pretend that the warmers have an answer for all this but they really don't. In fact, even though they have figured in the sun and the oceans as factors all along, they are disapproved by this indisputable fact for the last 11 years: We have not observed any increase in global temps and our climate models did not forecast it, even though manmade carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible, has continued to rise. An answer from God? And there are some discoveries that have taken place that are shoving the global warming tax hikes in politicians' faces. Just when the smug control freaks were ready to fleece all of us, God shut down the sun, opened up fossil fuel reserves like we've never seen. Oil, gas, coal, shale, discoveries are so many and so vast, they are hard too keep up with.

RUSH: Let's go to the BBC, Friday, October 9th: "'What Happened to Global Warming?' -- This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures...

...our own climate specialist, Dr. Roy Spencer...

In fact, even though they have figured in the sun and the oceans as factors all along, they are disapproved by this indisputable fact for the last 11 years: We have not observed any increase in global temps
No matter how many times you CON$ repeat this lie, it can't change the INDISPUTABLE fact that this last decade is the WARMEST decade since the beginning of direct instrument measurement about 150 years ago. Even America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy's own "climate specialist" Dr Roy Spencer reports a [FONT=arial, verdana, helvetica]DECADAL TREND of +0.13 °C globally!!![/FONT]

Please explain how this decade can be the warmest in 150 years if warming stopped 11 years ago.

CON$ are just simply pathological liars!!!!

RUSH: I think the best way to describe what's happening in America today is a circle of strife, you know, the old phrase is the circle of life. Circle of Strife. Obama attacks Americans at tea parties and town halls, Americans attack Obama. Obama responds by attacking Fox News. The comedians are now attacking Obama. So Obama comes back and doubles down on the attack on Fox News, the postpartisan, postracial, postaccomplishment, postdebate president who was going to bring everybody together.

Can you believe all of the strife that is in this country today? All of the strife, it is worse than I ever remember it, and I was alive during the Vietnam War era. Instead, look at what Obama's done? He's created about a dozen miniature civil wars throughout the fruited plain. He has written, produced, and is starring in his own miniseries, the Circle of Strife. Back in the spring, folks, Americans didn't like the tax and spend policies coming out of Washington, didn't like the talk of nationalizing the health care industry, taking over the car companies, so they exercised their free speech rights. They spoke out at tea parties and later at town hall meetings with their representatives in Congress. Obama, accustomed to being bowed down to, didn't take kindly to criticism of the little people. Sensing his health care takeover was in jeopardy he released the hounds and union thugs on the protesters. This attack enraged Americans exercising their First Amendment rights, so they ramped up their protests against Obama and they marched on the nation's capital.

The mainstream media saw it but tried to ignore it, but they failed. America's seasoned citizens learned about Obamacare, rationing medical treatment, death panels, Medicare cuts. So they defended themselves. They launched an all-out attack on the AARP and the president. And not wanting to get left out of the business of ridiculing the ridiculous, late night comics began to lob comedy mortars on President Obama, and then CNN starts fact-checking Saturday Night Live bits. So Obama not wanting to pick a fight with professional ridiculers, the late-night comedians, he retaliated by attacking Fox News. Fox News has fired back. Late to the battle, the private insurance industry is firing back as well. Trying to get noticed, CNN exposed them by fact-checking that SNL comedy sketch, so the comedians have begun a hot war with CNN. Polls now show the White House losing the war of words. The White House is ambushing their own left-wing bloggers. This is a friendly fire mishap and now the left-wing kook bloggers are plotting their next move against the White House and when they find out that Obama has quietly and unannounced sent 15,000 more troops to Afghanistan, all hell's going to break loose out there on the fringe left.

You talk about chaos, this guy, Obama, has agitated the entire country. Everybody is in a constant state of angst, tension, and agitation. He even has the French president disgusted with his weakness. Obama has, in the midst of all this, destroyed the economy, he has destroyed the job creation mechanism of the economy, he has exploded the deficit, he has angered every conceivable group in the country, and there's no end in sight to this. The tension, the roil just increases. It was supposed to be just the opposite. How is that hope and change working out for you, folks? Here, from TheNation.com blog: "The Obama administration really needs to get over itself. First, the president and his aides go to war with Fox News because the network maintains a generally anti-Obama slant. Then, an anonymous administration aide attacks bloggers for failing to maintain a sufficiently pro-Obama slant. These are not disconnected developments."

This is a blog, The Nation is a very left-wing place and of course one of the early supporters of President Obama. They write, "An administration that won the White House with an almost always on-message campaign and generally friendly coverage from old and new media is now frustrated by its inability to control the debate and get the coverage it wants. But before the president and his inner circle go all Spiro Agnew on us, they might want to consider three fundamental facts regarding relations between the executive branch and the fourth estate: 1. Since the founding of the republic, media outlets have been partisan. … 2. Presidents are supposed to rise above their own partisanship and engage with a wide range of media -- even outlets that are hard on their administrations. When Dick Cheney kept giving 'exclusive' interviews to Fox 'personalities,' there were those of us who ridiculed both the personalities and the former vice president for going through the ridiculous exercise of lobbing softballs and swinging at them. Obama should be better than Cheney. But aides are not helping the president prevail in what ought to be an easy competition."

My God, when they start comparing him to Cheney on the left, folks, I'm telling you there is utter chaos, total chaos. The sad thing is this is precisely what Obama wants. None of this is accidental, and if I say so myself, most of it was predicted, by me, from behind this, the Golden EIB Microphone. The Circle of Strife. I don't think they're happy with him being a target of jokes because I pointed out recently that when that starts happening to you, when those people start laughing, remember the brilliant analogy I gave of Johnny Carson, when Johnny Carson started making fun of you, you were dead. Not dead, but you were officially a joke. Now, the reason why is that Johnny Carson didn't lead anybody. Johnny Carson had the knack of knowing when the time was right to lower the boom on somebody, the time being right defined by a majority of the American people already having arrived at the same point of view. Carson was not telling somebody months ahead of time that so-and-so was a jerk or a joke. He waited 'til everybody figured it out, and then he said it, and everybody said, "Wow, this guy is smart, he thinks just like I do."

I on the other hand -- and I'm not comparing myself to Carson -- I on the other hand don't wait for people to form opinions. I make opinion. I move opinion. I move the way people think. I lead them to where I want them to go. I am months ahead of the conventional wisdom. I have been suggesting that President Obama is a dangerous joke for a year-and-a-half, and of course predicting what was going to happen to the economy, predicting what was going to happen with all the racial strife in the country, it was only going to be exacerbated with his election because his supporters would attack anybody criticizing him as racist. And that's happening in droves. And, of course, in the case of health care, I opposed Bill Clinton and Hillary's version of health care, and they are not black, they are white. Opposition to Obama, as I said on the Today Show, has nothing to do with anything other than ideas, policy, and I disagree with his in a profound way.

Get this. More from the Circle of Strife, from Lakeview, Massachusetts: "The Secret Service is investigating after a swastika was found carved into the green on a Massachusetts golf course, next to President Barack Obama's name. Authorities said the vandalism was discovered early Monday on the 18th hole of the Lakeville Country Club. The assistant manager of the club said the person or persons responsible may have used a cleated shoe or some type of tool to carve out the letters and symbol. The Secret Service has joined the local police in the investigation of the incident." The Secret Service is investigating somebody in Massachusetts, folks. I've got a picture of it here. The picture of it is on Drudge if you want to go to the Drudge Report, they've got a swastika next to Obama's name. You know, like sometimes farmers will cut out certain symbols to freak out the conspiracy theorists, make them think the Egyptians landed there 4,000 years ago. It's just like this.


Ladies and gentlemen, at RushLimbaugh.com we have posted a series, a large number of links from across the media spectrum which are either very supportive of me in this whole NFL fiasco or very accurate in reporting what I said in the first 15 minutes of this program yesterday. It's too numerous to go through here on the radio program because frankly there are other things I want to get into today, but there is one aspect of this that we learned from Joseph Ashby at the AmericanThinker.com last night, and it's been updated. We just posted the update at RushLimbaugh.com. "The plot thickens on the media’s character-lynching of Rush Limbaugh. Of the four stories run on ESPN.com about Limbaugh’s bid for the Rams, none of them mention that NFL Players Association Executive Director DeMaurice Smith served as counsel to Attorney General Eric Holder and was a member of Barack Obama’s transition team." One of them does, though. There is an ESPN story from back in the summer that does. ESPN reported it back in the summer, but didn't report it October 6th, 12th, and twice on the 15th.

Now, the update is: "Limbaugh Targeted By Obama Official." I made the point yesterday that Obama was involved in this. And, of course, the critics in the media, "Oh, that's just Limbaugh, he just can't handle it." We have sourced it. ESPN themselves, and the story does mention here that DeMaurice Smith talked to the players of the Players Association and Sharpton and Jackson and so forth. So the headline that they're running here, "Limbaugh Targeted By Obama Official," is true. Now, the update is, there is also another story on the AmericanThinker.com that lists the source of the false quotes that everybody is running around quoting, the totally fabricated, made-up quotes. Where did I put that? Anyway, the IP address of the office where those quotes were put on Wikipedia is a New York City law firm, Rudy Giuliani's old law firm. The law firm is Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP and there's an IP address at their computer system that's been tracked and the phony quotes that were put on Wikipedia then picked up by everybody else have been sourced to that IP address.

The update that the American Thinker has just discovered is, lo and behold, on September 21st of 2009 this law firm established a sports group. "September 21, 2009. Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP is pleased to announce the formal establishment of its interdisciplinary Sports Group. The firm's work in this area dates back decades and includes high-profile disputes and transactions involving professional baseball, basketball, hockey, tennis and golf, as well as the representation of sports-related media entities." They go on and describe the various experience that they bring to sports-related groups and the lawyers in their firm involved in litigation who will handle litigation in this area. The sports group includes leading litigation, white-collar defense and investigations, intellectual property, taxes, organizations, and corporate attorneys, including -- and they give the names of all these people, then the phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

It is extremely interesting. Those quotes were totally, totally, totally made up, fabricated, and they were first found on Wikipedia, and it turns out now that the IP address of the person that posted those quotes is a New York City law firm. Rudy Giuliani is not there anymore, but it's a big firm, is the point. Now, this stench is now capturing and encircling other good people.


RUSH: Here, very briefly now, is AmericanThinker.com: The Search for the Wikipedia Libelist -- Thanks to an intrepid blogger with the tag Trapdoc posting a letter to Mark Steyn, the search for the Wikipedia Libelist responsible for damaging posts to the Rush Limbaugh account has been narrowed to the IP address of a New York City law firm," Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler. "This address has been used mostly to make changes to the article about Rush, but also Karl Rove, Sean Hannity... James Dobson and Sara Palin from 2005 until earlier this year." This law firm just last month announced the establishment of a sports division, meaning they might have important sports clients here, meaning... Well, you take it from there.


Wall, New Jersey. This is John. Glad you called. Hello.

CALLER: (static) Hello, Rush. I'm a big fan of yours. I just want to make three quick points, and it's obvious --

RUSH: Hang on just a second here. John, don't go away. I'm still hearing static on the phone. We have switched the screening back down here to Florida because H.R. refused to do it on Happy Boss Day but AT&T hasn't fixed this, right? So John if we lose you it's not your fault although we'll blame you, it's our phone lines.

CALLER: Okay. Three quick points. I hate the fact that the left has politicized football. I use football and baseball, watching it to get away from it. Two, if you're so irrelevant and you're such a clown, what does it matter? Why do they make such a big deal? I mean, you only speak to the fringe. And this is for the viewers: If the players are too good to take your money, well, maybe they're too good to take our money and we won't go to games and buy merchandise.

RUSH: All of that is right on the money. I thank you for it. But like I said yesterday: The big myth here is that sports is not politicized. I have a story in the stack. You want to hear it? This is funny. George Soros was part of a group back in 2005 trying to buy the Washington Nationals baseball team. And the Republicans in Congress raised a little stink about it, "We're not sure we want this guy." Soros is out trying to shellac them, Soros is funding Democrats. Soros is out there running and setting up 527 organizations for the express purpose of defeating, with lies and distortions, Republican Party candidates. So the Republicans raised some objection but nothing ever happened. George Miller, Democrat, Congress, said, (paraphrased) "What has politics got to do with sports? If we're going to start disqualifying people from sports ownership because of their politics, whoa, we're heading down a slippery slope!" Make no mistake, the NFL is as politicized is anything else is in this country, and for lack of a better word when DeMaurice Smith and Al Sharpton and Reverend Jackson can pressure the commissioner into saying who can and cannot even apply and go through the vetting process, then they got their own slippery slope and they're admitting that politics is here. And DeMaurice Smith is an Obamaite, the transition team, a big donor, a close buddy of Eric Holder. So the Obama people have got their hooks in the NFL now.


RUSH: A couple things about the Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal has a great, great piece today that we linked to, one of the many links we have at RushLimbaugh.com today on the thuggishness of DeMaurice Smith, the White House, the NFL, Sharpton and Jackson, and so forth. Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit has a reaction to it. If football is now so thoroughly politicized under this gang why expect that liver transplants will be different? And that is exactly right. These people are politicizing everything. And if you think that your health care is not going to be political as well, you need to wake up and understand exactly who this bunch of people is.


RUSH: Lee in Kingman, Arizona, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you so very much for taking my phone call.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I have a question. My husband and I are both in our late sixties, and with this health care plan with everything that's being said, what's going to happen to people like us that cannot and will not be able to afford that, that we'll be kicked off the system. And then to top it off when they come by and say, "Okay you can't drive your car anymore because it's too old," and you can't afford to buy a new car, what's going to happen to people like us?

RUSH: Screwed. You heard Robert B. Reich, we're not going to give you what you need the last couple years of your life just to keep you alive for a couple months, we're going to let you die. Now, they're saying this. Robert Reich said this in 2007. They are saying this. They're out trying to deny it, but there's no way that they can't avoid rationing care. Now, in your case you will still have access to Medicare. The questions you ask are valid, but the Obama plan -- did you say you're in your late sixties?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: The Obama plan, if it is signed into law at any time soon, it's not going to be implemented 'til 2013.

CALLER: My God, we'll even be older.

RUSH: I know. I know. You are one of millions of senior citizens who are frightened about this and have every right to be.

CALLER: Well, what happens when they come --

RUSH: Everybody ought to be afraid of it. If they're willing to politicize something as innocuous as the NFL, who's to say they won't politicize kidney transplant or any other kind of medical procedure?

CALLER: No kidding. What's going to happen when they come and take our car away from us, we're supposed to walk?

RUSH: Because it's too old?


RUSH: And they say you're not allowed to drive it because it pollutes?


RUSH: Well, you'll have to buy a new one.

CALLER: We can't afford a new one.

RUSH: Well, they'll come up with a new Cash for Clunkers program. Obama will buy you a bicycle or something.

CALLER: (laughing) We're lucky.

RUSH: You are. We are all lucky to live in America. It's about time we all started realizing that.

RUSH: Here, very briefly now, is AmericanThinker.com: The Search for the Wikipedia Libelist -- Thanks to an intrepid blogger with the tag Trapdoc posting a letter to Mark Steyn, the search for the Wikipedia Libelist responsible for damaging posts to the Rush Limbaugh account has been narrowed to the IP address of a New York City law firm," Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler. "This address has been used mostly to make changes to the article about Rush, but also Karl Rove, Sean Hannity... James Dobson and Sara Palin from 2005 until earlier this year." This law firm just last month announced the establishment of a sports division, meaning they might have important sports clients here, meaning... Well, you take it from there.
Yeah, they posted LimpBoy's RACIST quotes 4 YEARS AGO to start a sports division LAST MONTH. :cuckoo:

That's as STUPID as this rationalization below, but the CON$ are STUPID enough to swallow both :rofl:

October 13, 2009
RUSH: We have tracked its origins. Its origins are in 2005, a blogger who was throwing it all over the Internet and then got it into my Wikipedia entry in the Wiki quotes, and even there it says it's unsubstantiated, "disputed," but these people are still going in there and using it.

RUSH: Well, the guy that posted it, his name is "Cobra," by the way. That's his moniker on the Internet. You can hide and be anonymous on the Internet and he's been posting it all over the place, and he claims that he got it from a book.
By the way, the publisher is Nation Books in New York and the quote, he said he got it from a book written by some guy named Huberman, Huberman's book, 101 Worst People in America or whatever. It was published in 2006. The problem is he was spreading it in 2005. We know who the source of this is. We know that the guy that wrote the book did not source the quote!

RUSH: In 1998 they say the quote was uttered and only now surfaces 11 years later? Just the right time before Obama's going to get his health care bill at the Senate Finance Committee, right before the NFL owners meeting is taking place today.
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