Talent on loan from god!

Once again you lied about me. I asked you where I have defended Rush...I never have, because I don't listen to him. You told me that I had...I asked you to prove it and you couldn't do it. Instead you brought up some other post of mine and posted this proved it. That's why I neg repped you.
If you think debating politics is about Rush...then again your delusional. I'm not attacking you personally...I just think you have issues with Rush. That's why I call you a one trick pony.

You obviously lack both the memory and intelligence to lie well. When you neg rep me the post you are neg repping is listed listed in my user control panel along with your comment. I already posted a link to the very post you neg repped, post #476. You did not ask me to show a post where you attempted to defend your MessiahRushie until post #478, and I didn't reply until post #484. So you just nailed YOURSELF in a lie you could have avoided by simply clicking on the above link I just posted!!! :cuckoo:
Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
Samuel Butler

Furthermore, you just made no attempt to debate ozz's post and my rebuttal, choosing instead to lie and make personal attacks just as LimpBoy programmed you to do when you know you can't possibly

Uour so lame...I don't parrot Rush...I don't know what Rush says. There is the lie. Next I don't know what you and Oz are even talking about...once again I don't listen to Bush. I have never lied about the one trick pony...it's not an insult it's an observation. Get some help Ed, before it's too late

You say you don't listen to your MessiahRushie, yet you have an "opinion" on his lying and being "spot on!" Do you always form opinions without knowledge???

You lied about neg repping on a post I made 8 posts AFTER you neg repped me. You deny spewing personal insults like "liar" "goofball" and "delusional" by pretending to have only said "one trick pony" even though I had just highlighted one of your personal attacks in red. You said people would be more likely to read my posts if I posted something LimpBoy was "spot on" about, but when I did exactly that, YOU posted that you didn't bother to read it yourself. You pretend to be too dumb to know that ozz's post is LimpBoy condemning the Dems for politicizing Kennedy's death in support of health care and my post is LimpBoy BOASTING about how brilliantly he politicized Kennedy's death to attack health care.

What makes you think you have any credibility whatsoever???? :cuckoo:

Originally Posted by Meister I don't think there is another person on this board that listens to Rush as much as you do. I commend you your effort, you bring up every lie that he has ever said in my opinion, and brag to no end on just how much you know about the lies. While your at it, could you also post the subjects that he is spot on, also? I think people would take you a whole lot more seriously if you posted both sides....then you wouldn't look so much like a left wing partisan. More people would read your blather.
You obviously lack both the memory and intelligence to lie well. When you neg rep me the post you are neg repping is listed listed in my user control panel along with your comment. I already posted a link to the very post you neg repped, post #476. You did not ask me to show a post where you attempted to defend your MessiahRushie until post #478, and I didn't reply until post #484. So you just nailed YOURSELF in a lie you could have avoided by simply clicking on the above link I just posted!!! :cuckoo:
Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
Samuel Butler

Furthermore, you just made no attempt to debate ozz's post and my rebuttal, choosing instead to lie and make personal attacks just as LimpBoy programmed you to do when you know you can't possibly

Uour so lame...I don't parrot Rush...I don't know what Rush says. There is the lie. Next I don't know what you and Oz are even talking about...once again I don't listen to Bush. I have never lied about the one trick pony...it's not an insult it's an observation. Get some help Ed, before it's too late

You say you don't listen to your MessiahRushie, yet you have an "opinion" on his lying and being "spot on!" Do you always form opinions without knowledge???

You lied about neg repping on a post I made 8 posts AFTER you neg repped me. You deny spewing personal insults like "liar" "goofball" and "delusional" by pretending to have only said "one trick pony" even though I had just highlighted one of your personal attacks in red. You said people would be more likely to read my posts if I posted something LimpBoy was "spot on" about, but when I did exactly that, YOU posted that you didn't bother to read it yourself. You pretend to be too dumb to know that ozz's post is LimpBoy condemning the Dems for politicizing Kennedy's death in support of health care and my post is LimpBoy BOASTING about how brilliantly he politicized Kennedy's death to attack health care.

What makes you think you have any credibility whatsoever???? :cuckoo:

Originally Posted by Meister I don't think there is another person on this board that listens to Rush as much as you do. I commend you your effort, you bring up every lie that he has ever said in my opinion, and brag to no end on just how much you know about the lies. While your at it, could you also post the subjects that he is spot on, also? I think people would take you a whole lot more seriously if you posted both sides....then you wouldn't look so much like a left wing partisan. More people would read your blather.
ed the moron still doesnt get it
Uour so lame...I don't parrot Rush...I don't know what Rush says. There is the lie. Next I don't know what you and Oz are even talking about...once again I don't listen to Bush. I have never lied about the one trick pony...it's not an insult it's an observation. Get some help Ed, before it's too late

You say you don't listen to your MessiahRushie, yet you have an "opinion" on his lying and being "spot on!" Do you always form opinions without knowledge???

You lied about neg repping on a post I made 8 posts AFTER you neg repped me. You deny spewing personal insults like "liar" "goofball" and "delusional" by pretending to have only said "one trick pony" even though I had just highlighted one of your personal attacks in red. You said people would be more likely to read my posts if I posted something LimpBoy was "spot on" about, but when I did exactly that, YOU posted that you didn't bother to read it yourself. You pretend to be too dumb to know that ozz's post is LimpBoy condemning the Dems for politicizing Kennedy's death in support of health care and my post is LimpBoy BOASTING about how brilliantly he politicized Kennedy's death to attack health care.

What makes you think you have any credibility whatsoever???? :cuckoo:

Originally Posted by Meister I don't think there is another person on this board that listens to Rush as much as you do. I commend you your effort, you bring up every lie that he has ever said in my opinion, and brag to no end on just how much you know about the lies. While your at it, could you also post the subjects that he is spot on, also? I think people would take you a whole lot more seriously if you posted both sides....then you wouldn't look so much like a left wing partisan. More people would read your blather.
ed the moron still doesnt get it

:lol: No he doesn't, and he is delusional.
You say you don't listen to your MessiahRushie, yet you have an "opinion" on his lying and being "spot on!" Do you always form opinions without knowledge???

You lied about neg repping on a post I made 8 posts AFTER you neg repped me. You deny spewing personal insults like "liar" "goofball" and "delusional" by pretending to have only said "one trick pony" even though I had just highlighted one of your personal attacks in red. You said people would be more likely to read my posts if I posted something LimpBoy was "spot on" about, but when I did exactly that, YOU posted that you didn't bother to read it yourself. You pretend to be too dumb to know that ozz's post is LimpBoy condemning the Dems for politicizing Kennedy's death in support of health care and my post is LimpBoy BOASTING about how brilliantly he politicized Kennedy's death to attack health care.

What makes you think you have any credibility whatsoever???? :cuckoo:

ed the moron still doesnt get it

:lol: No he doesn't, and he is delusional.

Admit it, you two are sooooooo "in love" with your MessiahRushie that you want ozz to post LimpBoy's transcripts without rebuttal. You can't tolerate any criticism of your brave hero. But since my rebuttals are so overwhelming you can ONLY make personal attacks and then whine about ME not debating politics. :cuckoo:
Originally Posted by Meister
Why not debate politics like most do on this board.
ed the moron still doesnt get it

:lol: No he doesn't, and he is delusional.

Admit it, you two are sooooooo "in love" with your MessiahRushie that you want ozz to post LimpBoy's transcripts without rebuttal. You can't tolerate any criticism of your brave hero. But since my rebuttals are so overwhelming you can ONLY make personal attacks and then whine about ME not debating politics. :cuckoo:
Originally Posted by Meister
Why not debate politics like most do on this board.

More obsession with limpbitch. Do you dream about him spraying on your face?
Originally Posted by edthecynic Talent for LYING on loan from Gawwwwd-da.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

July 13, 2009
RUSH: I did not want 10% unemployment and going higher. I did not want people losing jobs. I did not want the economy stagnating. I wanted Obama to fail.
Do you listen to Rush on a weekly bases or even montly bases?

Obviously I listen enough to catch your MessiahRushie in his lies. LOL

But this is a typical CON$ervative tactic, they condemn you for not listening enough AND for listening too much. :cuckoo:

I think its more like we are resigned to the fact that looney libs are "stone deaf" to the truth which causes the cronic "noselengthophopia" :eusa_liar: syndrome.


In the face of LimpBoy SPITEFULLY saying outright that he hopes ALL average American working "Joes" are unemployed in 6 months and then denying he ever said he wants Americans unemploued, only CON$ would say that makes Libs "stone deaf" to the truth. :cuckoo:

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen
Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.
Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:

I'm not attacking you personally...

You claim you don't listen to your MessiahRushie, but you mirror his rationalizations exactly.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So I'm going to stop calling him names and I'm just going to call him a con artist, 'cause that's what he is. He is a con artist. ... We have a con man operating here -- and that's not calling him a name.
Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:

I'm not attacking you personally...

You claim you don't listen to your MessiahRushie, but you mirror his rationalizations exactly.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So I'm going to stop calling him names and I'm just going to call him a con artist, 'cause that's what he is. He is a con artist. ... We have a con man operating here -- and that's not calling him a name.

Was I lying? :lol:
Edie, you think your nailing Rush...when in fact he is nailing you. He is in your head so deep, that's it's eating away at you.
Post what you want, I'm not going to respond to your drivel, nor am I coming back to this thread to keep attacking your lack of intelligence. Call it what you want, but your sick, pathetic little man.
Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:

I'm not attacking you personally...

You claim you don't listen to your MessiahRushie, but you mirror his rationalizations exactly.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: So I'm going to stop calling him names and I'm just going to call him a con artist, 'cause that's what he is. He is a con artist. ... We have a con man operating here -- and that's not calling him a name.

Was I lying? :lol:
Edie, you think your nailing Rush...when in fact he is nailing you. He is in your head so deep, that's it's eating away at you.
Post what you want, I'm not going to respond to your drivel, nor am I coming back to this thread to keep attacking your lack of intelligence. Call it what you want, but your sick, pathetic little man.

There is that dumb act again! :lol:
I've been nailing YOU, as if you didn't know. And obviously I was very effective since you are running away crying with your tail between your legs. :rofl:

You IDENTIFY with your MessiahRushie so completely you think an attack on you is an attack on LimpBoy.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:lol: No he doesn't, and he is delusional.

Admit it, you two are sooooooo "in love" with your MessiahRushie that you want ozz to post LimpBoy's transcripts without rebuttal. You can't tolerate any criticism of your brave hero. But since my rebuttals are so overwhelming you can ONLY make personal attacks and then whine about ME not debating politics. :cuckoo:
Originally Posted by Meister
Why not debate politics like most do on this board.

More obsession with limpbitch. Do you dream about him spraying on your face?

EdTheLoveSickDick loves Rush Limbaugh in the most unnatural of all unnatural ways!

His biggest fear in life concerns Rush. That's why he always talks about "limp" when discussing his crush.

Eddy's terribly afraid that if he ever had a chance to spend an intimate moment with Rush, he wouldn't be man enough (in a gay way, of course) to get it up for him!
Admit it, you two are sooooooo "in love" with your MessiahRushie that you want ozz to post LimpBoy's transcripts without rebuttal. You can't tolerate any criticism of your brave hero. But since my rebuttals are so overwhelming you can ONLY make personal attacks and then whine about ME not debating politics. :cuckoo:

More obsession with limpbitch. Do you dream about him spraying on your face?

EdTheLoveSickDick loves Rush Limbaugh in the most unnatural of all unnatural ways!

His biggest fear in life concerns Rush. That's why he always talks about "limp" when discussing his crush.

Eddy's terribly afraid that if he ever had a chance to spend an intimate moment with Rush, he wouldn't be man enough (in a gay way, of course) to get it up for him!

The "limp" is a not so veiled reference to your MessiahRushie's being caught with someone else's Viagra when he returned from the Dominican Republic, a known sex vacation mecca for rich homosexual pedophiles.

You seem to be projecting the Bush and his "butt buddy" LimpBoy relationship onto me. :lol:

RUSH: This happened to me last August. I had dinner up there in the White House. We had cigars in the Treaty Room up in the residence. I told you about this. He spent 45 minutes taking me around the world...
* * * *
You seem to be projecting the Bush and his "butt buddy" LimpBoy relationship onto me. :lol:

* * * *

Wrong. I don't "seem" to be doing any such thing, imbecile.

I am flat out saying that your unseemly and undeniable obsession with Rush Limbaugh raises the prospect that you are deeply in love with all things Rush.

Edthesickdick loves Rush Limbaugh.

That's so cute.
* * * *
You seem to be projecting the Bush and his "butt buddy" LimpBoy relationship onto me. :lol:

* * * *

Wrong. I don't "seem" to be doing any such thing, imbecile.

I am flat out saying that your unseemly and undeniable obsession with Rush Limbaugh raises the prospect that you are deeply in love with all things Rush.

Edthesickdick loves Rush Limbaugh.

That's so cute.

You argue like a six year old.

But using your moronic "logic," since LimpBoy is obsessed with Obama, your MessiahRushie loves Obama. :rofl:
* * * *
You seem to be projecting the Bush and his "butt buddy" LimpBoy relationship onto me. :lol:

* * * *

Wrong. I don't "seem" to be doing any such thing, imbecile.

I am flat out saying that your unseemly and undeniable obsession with Rush Limbaugh raises the prospect that you are deeply in love with all things Rush.

Edthesickdick loves Rush Limbaugh.

That's so cute.

You argue like a six year old.

But using your moronic "logic," since LimpBoy is obsessed with Obama, your MessiahRushie loves Obama. :rofl:

That Rush comments on the present day NEWSMAKERS, which includes a guy he detests politicaly, does not mean "by my logic," or by anybody else's logic, that Rush loves President Obama. Commenting on such newsmakers and their politics is the business he's in, ya utter imbecile.

But you obsess over every aspect of Rush Limbaugh, from what you falsely maintain are his "lies" (which you vainly attempt to delineate in detail), to his weight, to his past drug use/abuse and up to and including the erection state of his penis.

You are not just obsessed with Rush Limbaugh, moron, you are in love with him.

Edthesickdick is in love with Rush Limbaugh. It's just too funny! :lol::lol:
Wrong. I don't "seem" to be doing any such thing, imbecile.

I am flat out saying that your unseemly and undeniable obsession with Rush Limbaugh raises the prospect that you are deeply in love with all things Rush.

Edthesickdick loves Rush Limbaugh.

That's so cute.

You argue like a six year old.

But using your moronic "logic," since LimpBoy is obsessed with Obama, your MessiahRushie loves Obama. :rofl:

That Rush comments on the present day NEWSMAKERS, which includes a guy he detests politicaly, does not mean "by my logic," or by anybody else's logic, that Rush loves President Obama. Commenting on such newsmakers and their politics is the business he's in, ya utter imbecile.

But you obsess over every aspect of Rush Limbaugh, from what you falsely maintain are his "lies" (which you vainly attempt to delineate in detail), to his weight, to his past drug use/abuse and up to and including the erection state of his penis.

You are not just obsessed with Rush Limbaugh, moron, you are in love with him.

Edthesickdick is in love with Rush Limbaugh. It's just too funny! :lol::lol:

And how is that different from a messageboard discussion of a thread about your MessiahRushie started by a LimpBoy sycophant? I despise his pathological lying and his hatred of America and you say I love him, therefore his despising Obama's politics means he loves Obama by your same moronic "logic."

Now I've posted many examples of his lies and hypocrisy, but you CON$ never discuss then, you only counter with personal attacks.

I'll give you another chance to discuss his lying rather than make petty personal attacks.

He claims that oil prices didn't rise for 6 years with two oil men in the whitehouse and only rose once the Dems took over congress in 2006. In reality, oil prices more than tripled from 2002 to 2006 rising from under $20 per barrel to over $60. So please explain how he wasn't lying.

July 16, 2008
RUSH: "two oilmen in the White House for eight long years as the gas price goes up 300%"? We didn't see gas prices go up for six long years, Senator Boxer, we saw gas prices skyrocket when your bud, Pelosi, took over the House of Representatives. I mean, them's the facts, ma'am.
RUSH: From a very approving Associated Press comes this little blurb: "A top senator is calling for fines of up to $3,800 on families who fail to get medical insurance after a health care overhaul goes into effect. The plan from Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana would make health insurance mandatory, just like auto coverage." This is in the House bill already. The fine's not as high as it is in the Senate bill. Make it mandatory, make it mandatory -- and if you don't get it, a $3,800 fine.

"Baucus is hoping his plan can win bipartisan support." If it wins bipartisan support, if there are Republicans that go along with this... The Democrats are putting a gun to their heads. (interruption) I know, they just need Olympia Snowe. I know, Olympia Snowe, and she's stupid enough -- ah, ah, ah! She is silly enough to be turned. A $3,800 fine. And in the midst of all of this, when people losing their jobs and the Democrats still come out and say, "Hey, we got a way to make it bipartisan: A $3,800 fine."
RUSH: From a very approving Associated Press comes this little blurb: "A top senator is calling for fines of up to $3,800 on families who fail to get medical insurance after a health care overhaul goes into effect. The plan from Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana would make health insurance mandatory, just like auto coverage." This is in the House bill already. The fine's not as high as it is in the Senate bill. Make it mandatory, make it mandatory -- and if you don't get it, a $3,800 fine.

"Baucus is hoping his plan can win bipartisan support." If it wins bipartisan support, if there are Republicans that go along with this... The Democrats are putting a gun to their heads. (interruption) I know, they just need Olympia Snowe. I know, Olympia Snowe, and she's stupid enough -- ah, ah, ah! She is silly enough to be turned. A $3,800 fine. And in the midst of all of this, when people losing their jobs and the Democrats still come out and say, "Hey, we got a way to make it bipartisan: A $3,800 fine."

just like auto coverage

Big difference. You don't HAVE to drive a car.
The old left democrat media:cuckoo:


RUSH: All right, let's get to ACORN. There are developments and updates regarding ACORN. This first, this is such a telling sound bite, this just says it all. It happened on our 50,000-watt affiliate in Chicago, WLS, The Big 89 this morning with Don Wade and Roma, and I guess they have a regular scheduled Tuesday morning interview with Charles Gibson, the anchor of World News Tonight. And Don Wade of WLS Chicago, The Big 89, says to Charlie Gibson, "Senate bill yesterday passes, cutting off funds to this group ACORN. Now we got the bill passing, we got the embarrassing video of ACORN staff giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel." You know these ACORN people are better than H&R Block? I mean there's a great piece here, folks. Where is this? Oh, it's at Big Hollywood, Breitbart site, Leigh Scott. All these fired ACORN babes, he wants to hire them to do his taxes. These babes have shown how to evade taxes, how to get away from the IRS. This guy says these women could make more than they could ever make at ACORN by being hired by big corporations or individuals to do their tax returns. These women at ACORN could put H&R Block out of business. So anyway, back to Don Wade and Roma, WLS, The Big 89 Chicago, talking to Charlie Gibson, "We got this embarrassing video of ACORN staff giving tax advice, how to set up a brothel with 13-year-old hookers. It has everything you would want, corruption, sleazy action, tax funded organizations, government ties, but nobody's covering the story, Charlie. Why?"

GIBSON: (Laughing) I don't even know about it. So you've got me at a loss, I don't know. But my goodness if it's got everything including sleaziness in it we should talk about it this morning.

ROMA: Well, I think that this is a huge issue because there's so much funding that goes into this organization. It's a multi--

GIBSON: I know we've done some stories about ACORN before, but this one I don't know about.

ROMA: Jake Tapper about some blogging on it. I know he's at least blogged once on this scandal.

GIBSON: You guys are -- you guys are really up on the -- on the website.

RUSH: This is only the anchor of ABC's World News Tonight. The ACORN story is a week old. There are videos, there are now three places -- Baltimore, Washington, and Brooklyn -- where the ACORN operation has been exposed for what it is. And you know what it really is? You know what these ACORN people really are? This guy Leigh Scott at BigHollywood.Breitbart.com makes a point. They are superb capitalists. They're out gaming the system for themselves. They're looking at capitalism, how it works and how to get themselves involved in it. I mean, they have a leftist agenda obviously but they're not going about their organization in a socialist way, all this advice is kind of interesting in a way, but here's Charlie Gibson, Charlie Gibson, the anchor at ABC's World News Tonight publicly admitting on WLS Chicago, The Big 89, that this is the first he's heard of it, and you know why? Because it's the New York Times every morning that sets the agenda for the evening newscasts. It's been that way since Walter Cronkite, and ACORN has not been a story.

If it's not in the New York Times I'm telling you these elite leftists don't know about it. This is incredible. He hadn't heard about it, he's laughing about it. He hasn't heard anything about the story. This is a guy, he claims in his interviews with Sarah Palin, claims to be far more intelligent, far more informed, far more sophisticated -- yeah. I find this laughable. He didn't even know about it and you ought to see the looks on the people on the other side of the glass here in my sprawling studio complex. They're all shocked. I'm not shocked. This is the Drive-By Media we're talking about. We're talking about the most closed-minded, ignorant, if it's not in their worldview they don't know about it and they specifically tune it out. I'm not surprised. Look, you've got to watch Fox to see the video or look at the Internet and I'm not sure that Charlie is computer literate. A lot of people Charlie's age just never got into computers. He might still be using an IBM to type up his news stories. Who knows? (interruption) What front page? There hasn't been anything on ACORN on the front page, that's the whole point, the State-Controlled Media hasn't covered it.

In all the news sources that Charlie Gibson thinks are the news, it hasn't been covered. And of course they don't watch Fox, and they don't watch YouTube videos. Their producers do all the news gathering. The producers, editors, and writers do all the news. Charlie Gibbs, managing editor, it's all a schmo. The whole thing is nothing but a giant PR thing to show us how worldly, important, and involved these anchors are. They've traveled the world, they've seen the wretches, they have seen the best, they have seen the worst, their lives have been personally touched by all the horrors and they don't know diddly-squat about what's happening in their own country. This is why I've always joked they need a visa to get into Missouri. To them it's a foreign country. Brooklyn's a foreign country, for crying out loud, the latest ACORN office to get busted. Now, these ACORN babes, you stop and look at it, this brilliant tax advice. It may be illegal but they're telling people how to set up brothels and get these underage whores to be called dependents and so forth, illegally in the country and so forth. Now, folks, I thought it was only elitist rich people who knew how to evade taxes, but this is shedding all kinds of light. Here we have these agents for the poor who are probably better at helping people cheat on their taxes than the best tax lawyer working at GE.


RUSH: Did you hear Charlie Gibson say to Don Wade and Roma at WLS, The Big 89 in Chicago, "You guys are really up on those web pages. You guys are really up on our web pages." Now, folks, just being fair here, we have to consider the possibility that Charlie is not being totally honest about not knowing about the story. It may just be a cover. It looks bad saying you don't know about it, but it does explain why you haven't done it, that means nobody at ABC knows about it.


RUSH: You gotta hear it again. This morning on WLS, The Big 89 in Chicago, Don Wade and Roma asked Charlie Gibson about ACORN.

(replaying of sound bite)

Now, Charlie Gibson is either pleading ignorance, incompetence, instead of bias. He's claiming he doesn't know about this. Now, let's examine this. The top news guy at ABC -- this is the anchor for World News Tonight -- did not know about ACORN, which means he didn't know that the Census Bureau kicked ACORN out of the operation. That has been news. Did they not cover that, either, at ABC? And Charlie Gibson didn't know that the Senate voted to stop all payments to ACORN. Why? Why did Charlie Gibson not know these things? Is he too busy tracking the day-to-day activities of Sarah Palin with his reading glasses halfway down his nose? Remember that arrogant, condescending interview he did with Sarah Palin? He must be too busy tracking her daily movements here as a private citizen to be aware of what's happening in the country.

Do we really believe he didn't know? Do we really believe his plea of ignorance rather than bias? "Boy, you guys are really up on the Web page." I, frankly, think that Roma here was quite restrained. If I had been talking to Charlie Gibson, and he told me he didn't know about that, I would have been incredulous. But ABC's Citadel is somewhat still in the family. Now, from BigGovernment.com's Mike Roman: "Last week, we saw some pretty disturbing activities revealed in the undercover footage from ACORN Housing's Baltimore office. By any measure of conduct, the actions of ACORN’s employees should never have happened. It turns out the actions shouldn’t have happened for another, very simple, reason: ACORN can’t legally operate in the state of Maryland." By the way, this is Obama's America, and I have to tell you, ACORN is Obama. Obama is ACORN.

Just like Van Jones is Obama. Obama trained ACORN people back in the eighties when he was community organizing. He trained them. He had a big meeting with them during the transition period. "We're going to be involved in every one of you putting together the agenda for the next presidency of the United States." He had a meeting with ACORN. He is ACORN. You cannot separate the two.

Now, "According to the following documents," that are attached here to the BigGovernment.com story, "ACORN, Inc. – the parent organization of all things ACORN," and they got 300 or so different organizations with different names, and then there's all ACORN International. ACORN is freaking everywhere. But according to the documents attached to the story here,

ACORN, Inc., "forfeited its corporate charter in Maryland in 2006. ACORN Housing forfeited its corporate charter in 2008. Any ACORN office in the state of Maryland is potentially operating illegally. The Maryland Attorney General has made noise about prosecuting the intrepid journalists who undercovered [sic] the misdeeds of ACORN employees. Perhaps he should focus instead on how ACORN was able to operate without a license in his state." Yesterday "Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) introduced an amendment to the HUD and Transportation appropriation bill to strip ACORN of all federal funding. A week ago, Johanns wouldn't have gotten the amendment to the floor." Ed Morrissey points this out at Hotair.com. "Today, however, after three straight days of BigGovernment.com's video exposés of ACORN offices in Washington DC, New York City, and Baltimore ... he got an impressive bipartisan showing. The Senate passed the Johanns amendment 83-7."

Charlie Gibson didn't know this! The senators knew. The senators knew all about it, but Charlie Gibson at ABC World News tonight didn't know any of this had happened. Here are the seven who voted for continuing funding, federal funding of ACORN: "Dick Durbin (D-IL), Roland Burris (D-IL), Robert Casey (D-PA), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)." So as Ed Morrissey humorously observes: "So can we assume that Illinois and Vermont are especially sympathetic to child-whoring pimp assistance?" These seven people voted to maintain. Now, "Today House Republicans will introduce a bill that would end all federal funding to ACORN and its affiliates. Republicans are also sending a letter to President Obama on the same subject" since he is ACORN.

"The action comes after the release" of these videos and the action in the Senate yesterday. "House Republicans point out that they have long pushed for a cutoff in government funding for ACORN. Republican leader John Boehner last year sent a letter to President Bush asking for the defunding of ACORN. There is already Republican legislation calling for the total cutoff of Housing and Urban Development Department funds to ACORN, and Rep. Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, took a leading role in pushing for the Census Bureau decision." ACORN's out there, supposedly (I'll believe all this when I see it) and now defunded in the Senate but of course that has to also happen in the House. In the meantime -- and I say to this: Bring it on, baby! Bring it on!

"Facing intensifying scrutiny after the release of several disturbing hidden camera videos...ACORN, is threatening to sue Fox News, the website Breitbart.com and the two conservative activists who produced the exposes." Bring it on, sue 'em! Why did you fire the employees if this is all trumped up and phony? "A lawyer for ACORN said Monday that statutes in Maryland and the District of Columbia made the undercover filming illegal and that the same laws should prohibit the rebroadcast of the tapes by the Web site BigGovernment.com, where they were first posted last week, and on Fox News... 'It is clear that the videos are doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed by conservative activist "filmmaker" O'Keefe...'" Mr. O'Keefe stop calling yourself an "activist;" Call yourself a journalist from now on.

You've gotta stop calling yourself a journalist, and then you can do all you want. You're just 60 Minutes 2009. 60 Minutes is now "60 Minutes with Obama" anyway. 60 Minutes has ceded what was the role that put them on the map. So Mr. O'Keefe, call yourself a journalist; get rid of this activist business and the world will open up to you. So I want to see this lawsuit. Bring it on. Because they fired the employees. Now, here's Leigh Scott, BigHollywood.Breitbart.com. "I just found out that the two women featured on the undercover ACORN video posted on our sister site Big Government were fired by the community organizing group. This is really good news. First, it proves that the ridiculously funny and unbelievable video is real.

"At first glance, it's so over-the-top that one assumes it must be fake. Now, we have the proof that these women really were ACORN employees and not the most talented improv actors to ever live. Secondly, it means that these two women are now unemployed. And I want to hire them immediately. These women can navigate the tax code so well that they managed to gin up dependent child tax credits for underage El Salvadorian prostitutes. They provided detailed instructions on how to obtain a low interest, government subsidized mortgage for a [whorehouse]. They gave clever insight into laundering a pimp's take of prostitute earnings into a campaign account for a would be Democratic politician.

"I look at them, as an independent film producer, and think; 'must hire.' With these two on my side, imagine what I could accomplish. My tax credit revenue would triple. My financing schemes would abandon foreign pre-sales and network television deals and embrace government grants and subsidies. Bureaucratic and confusing union paperwork would dissolve in their capable hands. At the end of the first show, SAG and IATSE [the unions out there] would owe me money. Ladies, whatever ACORN was paying, I'll double it! And I'll give you gross points. Joking aside ... this little video tells us a lot. It's not simply that ACORN is a corrupt and shady organization ... we already knew that. That's no more a revelation than the fact that Lindsay Lohan has some issues with [adult beverages].

"No, it shows us that the default mode of human nature is capitalism. There is no way around it. These women were supposedly working to benefit their community. A noble and selfless pursuit. What they were really adept at is gaming the system. Just like an independent, scrappy filmmaker. At the root of Communism and Socialism is the undeniable truth that there is always someone at the top. Capitalism rewards ingenuity, smarts, and hard work. Socialism rewards cronyism, manipulation, and collective thought. If the politicians in Washington really believed that we should all 'pitch in' as their policies dictate, why wouldn't those millionaires donate their federal salaries to charity? If they were really true believers they would live like monks, sleeping in their office and shopping at Goodwill.

"Instead, they're eating Kobe steaks and buying ... jets! Get real. I've always been baffled by the fact that people who rabidly embrace Darwinism over Christian Doctrine don't see Natural Selection at work in the political, economic, and social realms. That seems backwards to me. Shouldn't the followers of Jesus, not Darwin, be the ones who push for all of us to be 'our brother's keepers?' I can understand how a Christians can interpret their beliefs to gel with Ben Franklin's 'God helps those who help themselves,' but I can't for the life of me figure out how 'people of science and reason' have adopted the belief system that they have. Communism and Socialism fly in the face of natural law. All that I can conclude is that the Socialists and Communists have selected their ideology as a means to consolidate power and money."

"It's a way of getting money and power without having to be ingenious, without having to be entrepreneurial, and without having to get a job, for crying out loud! You just freaking "fund-raise," or you live on federal grants. "They are averse to hard work and true entrepreneurialism and have found a shortcut to wealth and control. Communism is Capitalism for schemers. ACORN," in their own little universe, "is no different than AIG." Both exist to game the system while pretending to do something else. "As a side note," the writer says, "I would like to further commend the two women in the video. We 'typical white folks' get a sort of racist vibe from the whole ACORN thing, so I applaud those two African-American women for their treatment of the Caucasian pimp and his ho. I can only hope that white ACORN workers show the same respect for all the black hustlers and trick-turners who seek their assistance. So ladies, consider me impressed. From one Capitalist to another, ready to work the system to our benefit, please consider my offer." I need your tax expertise.


RUSH: You know this disease that Charlie Gibson has, he didn't know about the ACORN story. Last Friday, Robert Gibbs, the most competent, I mean the best press secretary the White House ever had, country's ever had, was asked what he thought of the upcoming rally on Saturday. And Gibbs said last Friday that the White House was unaware of the rally. He didn't know who the group was. Gibbs, it isn't a group. They are the American people that showed up protesting you and your administration and your policies. Gibson didn't know about ACORN, and Gibbs didn't know about the rally last Saturday.

America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy again today pretends that that when he is called a Racist it's because he criticized Obama's policy and not the racist statements he is forced to deny he ever said.

September 16, 2009
Can this nation really have an African-American president?
RUSH: I have no quarrel with a president of any race. Obama is not black to me. He's not half black, half white.

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

September 16, 2009
Can this nation really have an African-American president?
RUSH: I have no quarrel with a president of any race. Obama is not black to me. He's not half black, half white.

September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American.

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