Talent on loan from god!

He is the main source of the GOP lies CON$ parrot and an honorary GOP Congressman since 1994, so almost everything posted by CON$ involves him either directly or indirectly. So if you want to avoid me making you eat his words, stop parroting his lies and try thinking for yourself.

Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.
Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:
he already must eat shit, but i wouldnt want him to die
even complete idiots should be able to live

The gloves came off Dive....the gloves came off.
Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.
Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:
he already must eat shit, but i wouldnt want him to die
even complete idiots should be able to live

The gloves came off Dive....the gloves came off.

Think that through -- all the way. Do you REALLY want to take the risk of getting shit on your hands?

I don't think there is another person on this board that listens to Rush as much as you do. I commend you your effort, you bring up every lie that he has ever said in my opinion, and brag to no end on just how much you know about the lies. While your at it, could you also post the subjects that he is spot on, also? I think people would take you a whole lot more seriously if you posted both sides....then you wouldn't look so much like a left wing partisan. More people would read your blather.

Not hardly! The lies of his that I post are just a drop in the bucket. I just post the lies that relate to the topics discussed in the few threads I post on.

And I have also posted the very rare times when he tells a truth, though usually to contradict some lie he also told on the same subject.

For example, he habitually says the "rich" pay the majority of taxes which is not true, but he has also said the "rich" don't pay taxes which is true. Obviously he is using two very different definitions of "rich."

I have posted LimpBoy telling the truth about the "rich," more honestly called the "wealthy," who pay no taxes and how they use, or more honestly abuse, foundations that are supposed to be "charities" to dodge their taxes.

The only thing he's lying about in the quotes below is how hard it is for the "rich" to dodge their taxes. Any Cynic knows just how easy it is.

Mrs. Clinton Honest About Taxes
August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

The Truth About Taxes
The Truth About Taxes
August 6, 2007
RUSH: I've told you before: the income tax is designed to keep people like his [Buffett's] secretary from becoming wealthy! There is no "wealth" tax. So this is a big misnomer. ...

But there's no tax on wealth. There is a tax on income, and the tax on income is designed to keep everybody who is not wealthy from getting there.
I'm talking about genuine wealth, not the way Democrats define "rich."

Socialist Annoyed by Host Sniffles
June 14, 2007
RUSH: a lot of people, a lot of people wealthy people set up foundations and they do this to keep the government from getting the money.

Sorry...I could only read one sentence, and quit because it's just blather. This is what I'm talking about with you. Your a one trick pony, and your pony jumped the fence.

Edie, Rush is your compulsion...not mine. I just point out the obvious...and it's obvious that your a goofball. Don't take it personally.

He is the main source of the GOP lies CON$ parrot and an honorary GOP Congressman since 1994, so almost everything posted by CON$ involves him either directly or indirectly. So if you want to avoid me making you eat his words, stop parroting his lies and try thinking for yourself.

Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.
Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:

See, just like DumbCon I have reduced you to nothing but insults, spiteful neg reps and playing dumb. Either that or you are so thoroughly brainwashed YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW when you mindlessly and mechanically defend your MessiahRushie.

If you remember, you defended him by saying the lies of his I've posted were ALL THERE WERE, when you know there are plenty more. Then you wanted me to give an example where he was "spot on" and you said more people would read my posts if I did. When I did exactly as you asked, YOU refused to READ it YOURSELF, at least you said you didn't read it, but everyone knows what liars CON$ are. You probably read it at least 10 times.

Better put your mittens back on. :rofl:
Not hardly! The lies of his that I post are just a drop in the bucket. I just post the lies that relate to the topics discussed in the few threads I post on.

And I have also posted the very rare times when he tells a truth, though usually to contradict some lie he also told on the same subject.

For example, he habitually says the "rich" pay the majority of taxes which is not true, but he has also said the "rich" don't pay taxes which is true. Obviously he is using two very different definitions of "rich."

I have posted LimpBoy telling the truth about the "rich," more honestly called the "wealthy," who pay no taxes and how they use, or more honestly abuse, foundations that are supposed to be "charities" to dodge their taxes.

The only thing he's lying about in the quotes below is how hard it is for the "rich" to dodge their taxes. Any Cynic knows just how easy it is.

Mrs. Clinton Honest About Taxes
August 7, 2007
CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.

The Truth About Taxes
The Truth About Taxes
August 6, 2007
RUSH: I've told you before: the income tax is designed to keep people like his [Buffett's] secretary from becoming wealthy! There is no "wealth" tax. So this is a big misnomer. ...

But there's no tax on wealth. There is a tax on income, and the tax on income is designed to keep everybody who is not wealthy from getting there.
I'm talking about genuine wealth, not the way Democrats define "rich."

Socialist Annoyed by Host Sniffles
June 14, 2007
RUSH: a lot of people, a lot of people wealthy people set up foundations and they do this to keep the government from getting the money.

Sorry...I could only read one sentence, and quit because it's just blather. This is what I'm talking about with you. Your a one trick pony, and your pony jumped the fence.

He is the main source of the GOP lies CON$ parrot and an honorary GOP Congressman since 1994, so almost everything posted by CON$ involves him either directly or indirectly. So if you want to avoid me making you eat his words, stop parroting his lies and try thinking for yourself.

Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.
Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:

See, just like DumbCon I have reduced you to nothing but insults, spiteful neg reps and playing dumb. Either that or you are so thoroughly brainwashed YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW when you mindlessly and mechanically defend your MessiahRushie.

If you remember, you defended him by saying the lies of his I've posted were ALL THERE WERE, when you know there are plenty more. Then you wanted me to give an example where he was "spot on" and you said more people would read my posts if I did. When I did exactly as you asked, YOU refused to READ it YOURSELF, at least you said you didn't read it, but everyone knows what liars CON$ are. You probably read it at least 10 times.

Better put your mittens back on. :rofl:

You couldn't come up with one could you fella?:lol: Then you try this kind of stupid deflection because you had an EPIC FAIL? Nice try...but when you lie about me...you get the neg. Try taking what I said in context sonny. I haven't said anything about defending Rush, and I stand by that. Go get a post where I defended Rush. I'm saying you can't do it. But what you always do is try to sell your one trick pony drivel on this board, and it's an old trick. :cuckoo:
Sorry...I could only read one sentence, and quit because it's just blather. This is what I'm talking about with you. Your a one trick pony, and your pony jumped the fence.

Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.
Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:

See, just like DumbCon I have reduced you to nothing but insults, spiteful neg reps and playing dumb. Either that or you are so thoroughly brainwashed YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW when you mindlessly and mechanically defend your MessiahRushie.

If you remember, you defended him by saying the lies of his I've posted were ALL THERE WERE, when you know there are plenty more. Then you wanted me to give an example where he was "spot on" and you said more people would read my posts if I did. When I did exactly as you asked, YOU refused to READ it YOURSELF, at least you said you didn't read it, but everyone knows what liars CON$ are. You probably read it at least 10 times.

Better put your mittens back on. :rofl:

You couldn't come up with one could you fella?:lol: Then you try this kind of stupid deflection because you had an EPIC FAIL? Nice try...but when you lie about me...you get the neg. Try taking what I said in context sonny. I haven't said anything about defending Rush, and I stand by that. Go get a post where I defended Rush. I'm saying you can't do it. But what you always do is try to sell your one trick pony drivel on this board, and it's an old trick. :cuckoo:
well, to ed the fucking moron, if you actually defend the truth and not the man you are defending the man
See, just like DumbCon I have reduced you to nothing but insults, spiteful neg reps and playing dumb. Either that or you are so thoroughly brainwashed YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW when you mindlessly and mechanically defend your MessiahRushie.

If you remember, you defended him by saying the lies of his I've posted were ALL THERE WERE, when you know there are plenty more. Then you wanted me to give an example where he was "spot on" and you said more people would read my posts if I did. When I did exactly as you asked, YOU refused to READ it YOURSELF, at least you said you didn't read it, but everyone knows what liars CON$ are. You probably read it at least 10 times.

Better put your mittens back on. :rofl:

You couldn't come up with one could you fella?:lol: Then you try this kind of stupid deflection because you had an EPIC FAIL? Nice try...but when you lie about me...you get the neg. Try taking what I said in context sonny. I haven't said anything about defending Rush, and I stand by that. Go get a post where I defended Rush. I'm saying you can't do it. But what you always do is try to sell your one trick pony drivel on this board, and it's an old trick. :cuckoo:
well, to ed the fucking moron, if you actually defend the truth and not the man you are defending the man

25 years ago I would have liked what he's smoking.

RUSH: At the White House press briefing this afternoon, Baghdad Bob, Robert Gibbs, answered a question from a reporter: "Is Obama going into this netroot online questioning session today expecting to get flak from his base?"

GIBBS: I've watched newscasts just this week where people have said illegal immigrants are going to get health care as a result of this bill, despite the fact that the president said six weeks ago that wasn't true and said 26 minutes ago that that wasn't true. We'll see if those rumors can finally be put to bed based on the truth.

PLANTE: Well, since you bring that up wouldn't the American-born children for illegal immigrants be eligible for health care?

GIBBS: I don't know what the provisions are.

PLANTE: Well, they're American citizens.

GIBBS: I'd have to look at that aspect of the bill.

RUSH: Did you people hear this? "Baghdad Bob" Robert Gibbs: "There's not going to be health insurance coverage for these illegal aliens. It isn't going to happen. Six weeks ago he said it, said it 26 minutes ago." "Well, what about the children?" "Well, I don't know. I don't know what the provisions are." If you don't know what the provisions are, what are you doing answering the question for, Baghdad Bob? Plante says, "Well, they're American citizens." Gibbs: "I have to look at that aspect of the bill." He doesn't have a bill. This is the bottom line when Obama says that there's no insurance coverage for illegals, he can't hold up his bill and say, "Right, here it is! On page 4,030, it says here, plain as day: 'No insurance and coverage for illegals.'" He can't say it because it's not there; and in the House bill, it is. To the phones we go, to Virginia Beach, Virginia. This is Don. I'm glad you called, sir, thank you for waiting hello.

CALLER: Oh, gosh thank you, Rush. I'm really pleased to be on your show.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: And I want to thank you sticking with the conversation about H.R. 3200. It's so important, and it's amazing to me...

RUSH: Hang on for just a second. For those of you in Rio Linda and Port St. Lucie, H.R. 3200 is the House health care bill.

CALLER: (chuckling) I downloaded it from the government printing office. It's the PDF with the page numbers, and I can't believe people won't read this. Because it's not that we're lying; it's in there. And I'm not a liar. I can read it. And I think I found something that might be of interest to everybody because, right in the bill -- on page 124, on page 288, and a third time in 325, and it's probably more -- there is a thing called limitation review. Agencies are supposed to have a way that an individual, if you got in trouble with their law you can address it, you can get arbitration or see a court. This specifically denies that. So the minute this whole bill becomes a law it's beyond the reach of any citizen, forever. I mean, how would you...? As far as I can see --

RUSH: Wait. Whoa, whoa, wait just a second. I don't mean to be arguing or disagreeing with you, but I have seen a little segment on an appeals process in this. It's convoluted and it's not very strong --

CALLER: Well, I guess I haven't found that.

RUSH: There is something about an appeals process in it.

CALLER: Well, see, these three pages -- when you have the time to look -- from page 124 under limitations on review, it says specifically: "There will be no administrative or judicial review." Now, maybe it only applies to that section, but that means you couldn't take them to court, you can't get arbitration, and that might also mean that the Supreme Court will never see this. 'Cause as far as I know the Supreme Court only reviews a case. It doesn't just go out and look for things to worry about.

RUSH: Well, Obama's counting on the Supreme Court hearing a lot of this. But the Supreme Court... On illegal immigration, for example, the Supreme Court has already said illegals are entitled to citizenship services. They've already ruled that. So at least when it comes to illegals being covered under Obama's plan, the Supreme Court's already taken care of that. A lot of people have read the bill, Don, and that's why there are so many of them showing up at these town hall meetings to protest. But I'm going to have review it myself because I know there's a small section in there on appeals. You're talking about judicial review, meaning who do you sue, but there's an appeal. If you're denied some coverage or if you're denied this, you can appeal it. But remember who you're appealing it to. You're appealing it to the same people that run the Cash-for-Clunkers program. And your appeals... You're going to die before the appeals process is heard. It's all a moot point anyway.

Sorry...I could only read one sentence, and quit because it's just blather. This is what I'm talking about with you. Your a one trick pony, and your pony jumped the fence.

Edie....the gloves have come off. Look assbite...show me a post where I said anything about defending Rush. If you can't do it shut the fuck up asshole. Your a little man that has some kind of issue with Rush. Fine....but don't drag me in on this you little weasel. If this is all you got on politics your one stupid muther fucker.
Like I said, show me one post where I defended Rush. Now eat shit and die. :cuckoo:

See, just like DumbCon I have reduced you to nothing but insults, spiteful neg reps and playing dumb. Either that or you are so thoroughly brainwashed YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW when you mindlessly and mechanically defend your MessiahRushie.

If you remember, you defended him by saying the lies of his I've posted were ALL THERE WERE, when you know there are plenty more. Then you wanted me to give an example where he was "spot on" and you said more people would read my posts if I did. When I did exactly as you asked, YOU refused to READ it YOURSELF, at least you said you didn't read it, but everyone knows what liars CON$ are. You probably read it at least 10 times.

Better put your mittens back on. :rofl:

You couldn't come up with one could you fella?:lol: Then you try this kind of stupid deflection because you had an EPIC FAIL? Nice try...but when you lie about me...you get the neg. Try taking what I said in context sonny. I haven't said anything about defending Rush, and I stand by that. Go get a post where I defended Rush. I'm saying you can't do it. But what you always do is try to sell your one trick pony drivel on this board, and it's an old trick. :cuckoo:

Obviously you are rationalizing that your defense was soooooooo poor that it doesn't count. :cuckoo:

But you did TRY, so no matter how feeble it was, it still counts as a defense. :lol:

There is no sense in having an argument with a man so stupid he doesn't know you have the better of him.
- John Roper
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You gotta give LimpBoy credit, he never tires of lying. Gawwwwwd-da must be really proud of the return he is getting on his "loan."
And I've seen his sycophants stupidly parrot this one too! :cuckoo:
I won't be surprised if they avoid this lie and proceed directly to their programmed personal attacks.

Barack Obama is an Illusionist
July 20, 2009
RUSH: So here we go, trying to ramp up the crisis mentality. Parents can't afford checkups for their kids! They have to go to the emergency room. Parents can't afford this; parents can't afford that. There's nobody leaving this country for health care, folks, other than some that go to Sweden to dry out, but traditional health care, nobody leaves this country to get their kids treated. Except for the charlatan cancer treatments you find in Mexico and places, but you know what I mean. Nobody is leaving here.

Rush Goes On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Part One
July 24, 2009
RUSH: We've got the greatest health care system in the world. Nobody leaves this country for health coverage. Everybody in the rest of the world comes here.

Medical Tourism - one answer to rising health care costs?
Why spend $160,000 on heart valve replacement surgery in Boston when the same procedure costs as little as $8,000 in India or a $43,000 hip replacement in New York when it can be done in Thailand for about $12,000? And that includes airfare, luxury accommodations, US or British trained doctors and, English speaking staff, Ten years ago, the practice of traveling to another country for medical care known as medical tourism usually involved people getting breast implants or face lifts abroad. However, more Americans than ever are opting for significant medical and dental care thousands of miles from home, many taking these so-called “medical holidays” because they can not afford the high costs of similar procedures in the states when faced with rising health insurance premiums, high deductibles or no insurance at all.
According to the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, in 2007, an estimated 750,000 Americans traveled abroad to receive some kind of elective medical treatment with India, Singapore, Thailand, and Costa Rica as favored destinations.
And it’s not just individual patients considering overseas care. In the last few years, major insurers and employers have signed contracts with companies to cover a range of elective medical procedures performed at international facilities catering to medical tourists. Outsourcing of healthcare is a growing business.
In January of this year, Wellpoint, the nation’s largest health insurer in terms of enrollment included an India outsourcing benefit for employees of Serigraph, Inc. in Wisconsin. Healthbase Online Inc, a Boston based medical tourism facilitator is collaborating with Wellpoint on a pilot basis to provide global health care coverage to these employees. Those who choose to have non-emergency care in India such as major joint replacement or upper and lower back fusion have their deductibles and co-insurance waived as well as all medical costs and travel paid for the patient and a companion,
Blue Shield and Health Net of California offers its members care in Mexico. Aetna has a program for small businesses that allows immigrant workers to receive all of their care—not just selected procedures—in "network" hospitals in Mexico, through Vitalidad México con Aetna.
United Group Programs (UGP) in Boca Raton, Florida, a third party administrator, has targeted self-insured employers by promoting overseas surgeries to over 40 corporations. UGP claims its plan saves employers 50 percent in health care costs and cuts employee contributions to zero.
Companion Healthcare. an international subsidiary of Blue Cross of South Carolina, set up to manage all health and dental care delivered outside of the United States has signed alliances in the last few years with about a dozen hospitals worldwide including Bumrungrad International Hospital in Thailand, the first Asian hospital accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) the international arm of the organization that reviews and accredits American hospitals.
Aetna now manages a self-insured group of 27,000 members that introduced a medical-tourism benefit for hip and knee surgery for U.S. employees who want an option to reduce the $3,000 deductible on elective surgery.
Some US businesses are beginning to cover lower-cost options abroad. Last year, Hannaford supermarkets in Maine added an international option for hip replacement in Singapore where the cost is about $10,000 to $15,000, compared to more than $40,000 in the U.S. Generally, under the Hannaford health plans, the company pays 80 percent of an employee's medical costs -- until the worker reaches an out-of-pocket limit of $2,000 to $3,000. For an employee who goes to Singapore for a hip replacement, Hannaford will pay the entire medical tab; the worker won't have any out-of-pocket costs. In addition, the firm will pay for travel costs, including airfare and lodging for the patient and a companion, up to $10,000.
Blue Ridge Paper Products in North Carolina, is offering similar employees incentives to obtain major medical care overseas, providing up to $10,000 for undergoing expensive U.S. procedures in select hospitals in India.
Is this the future?
The medical tourism trend is clearly growing. The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions estimates that 6 million Americans will travel abroad for their care by 2010.
The primary driver for this growth has been cost savings. According to Victor Lazzaro Jr., CEO of BridgeHealth International, Inc.,a global medical travel network, “If only 10 percent of the top 50 low-risk treatments were performed abroad, the U.S. health care system would save about $1.4 billion annually.”
RUSH: This is getting comical. "The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for jobless benefits unexpectedly rose last week, a government report showed on Thursday, fanning worries of an anemic recovery from the worst recession in 70 years." This is incompetence. It's become a joke. Every economic report has the word "unexpected" in it. Whether the numbers go up or whether the numbers go down, it's unexpected. Who in the world could expect the numbers to get better? What in the hell has happened out there to make the numbers better? And I thought the recession was over. I thought we were in the rescue phase. I thought we're in the recovery phase. But now Reuters is reporting that worries are being fanned of an anemic recovery from the worst recession 70 years. "Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast new claims slipping to 550,000 last week from a previously reported 558,000." But the number is 576,000. It's up out there.

Now, a bipartisan conservative stimulus plan would have created jobs and sparked a robust recovery, but Obama chose to go it alone. This is a precursor for health care, what he's doing for job growth he will inflict far more harm than good and he'll do it without bipartisan support. Just wait for the summer to end. Seasonal jobs will expire, unemployment will unexpectedly jump again. Then imagine if cap and trade passes the Senate and if Obama takes over health care. You know, what business out there is going to hire anybody with these pending disasters on the horizon?
RUSH: Professor Richard Lindzen, MIT, says that "carbon dioxide is irrelevant in the climate debate." Lindzen, nobody disagrees with this man to his face. He has instant credibility, MIT. His work has been peer reviewed. He states, "We now know that the effect of CO2 on temperature is small. We know why it is small. And we know that it is having very little effect on the climate. All of this data leads to the conclusion that the United Nations IPCC models are not only wrong, they're so far off the mark as to be laughable." In other words, the whole bedrock, foundation of manmade global warming, CO2, this MIT professor, says the effect of CO2 on temperature is small and limited.
Carbon Dioxide irrelevant in climate debate says MIT Scientist

RUSH: Public Policy Polling. We talk about these people a lot. They're a bunch of libs in North Carolina. Here's their post from yesterday: "We were due for a New Jersey poll this week but we skipped it to do Arkansas instead. Here's what's coming from [Arkansas] this week" at Public Policy Polling: "Tomorrow we'll have numbers," that's today, "related to Barack Obama. A few hints to give you an idea of the landscape there right now: less than half of white Democrats support Obama on health care, fewer than half of voters overall think Obama was born in the United States, and," get this: Public Policy Polling has found that "64% of independents think Rush Limbaugh has a better vision for the country than the President" does. So here they're getting ready to run down the state of Arkansas. And, of course, this is the great state that produced great people like William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and Senator J. William Fulbright and a number of others. So they run down Arkansas: "64% of independents think Rush Limbaugh has a better vision for the country than the president."


RUSH: I mentioned this earlier in the program, and here I've got more details. I happen to own Arkansas, according to Public Policy Polling. This is a bunch of libs in North Carolina that do polling. "Arkansas is a very conservative state. That's not exactly breaking news but it's the overwhelming theme when breaking down the results of our latest survey there: 60% of voters oppose Barack Obama's plans for health care, with just 29% in support. Independents are arrayed against it 73-20. Even among Democrats just 54% say they're for it and among white Democrats it's less than a majority."

You know, this Obama approval number, I gotta tell you something, if it weren't for his solid 90% support in the black community, his overall approval number would be below 50%. He's never going to lose that support. He's always going to have it. But his support throughout the rest of the country is much, much worse overall. The 90% support he's getting in these polling samples that are weighted with Democrats and blacks is distorting the true extent of his popularity. "Fifty-five percent of Arkansas voters say they prefer Rush Limbaugh's vision for the country to Barack Obama's. That includes 92% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and even 18% of Democrats," say they prefer the Limbaugh vision for the country. That means they know what it is. "This is in spite of the fact that respondents on balance actually dislike Limbaugh, with 44% holding an unfavorable opinion of him to 35% positive."

I got higher approvals than Congress does in Arkansas, is the way to look at it and I'm just a powerless talk show host. I don't have any power over anybody. I can't raise anybody's taxes, send their kids off to war. I can't start investigating the CIA. I can't weaken our nation's national security. Well, this is fascinating. Forty-four percent have an unfavorable view of me and yet 55% in Arkansas like my vision of the country.


RUSH: Public Policy Polling has found that "64% of independents think Rush Limbaugh has a better vision for the country than the President" does.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.
RUSH: "Fifty-five percent of Arkansas voters say they prefer Rush Limbaugh's vision for the country to Barack Obama's. That includes 92% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and even 18% of Democrats," say they prefer the Limbaugh vision for the country. That means they know what it is.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
RUSH: [L]iberals can't win in an argument against anybody. All they can do is discredit and insult and try to literally destroy their enemies because ideologically they can't win.

RUSH: Whoopi Goldberg is a five-star imbecile, a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance. What Whoopi doesn't realize is that she's already a slave. She's a slave to liberalism. She is a slave to ignorance. She is an arrogant, condescending pseudo-informed and educated person who has no clue that she's already a slave. So don't worry about it, Whoopi. You're already a slave.

RUSH: They use all kinds of devices to discredit and to destroy political opponents because they don't dare come to the middle of the arena of political ideas and debate because they lose. So their modus operandi is to destroy the opposition.

RUSH: I did describe them unflatteringly, but accurately: Horse face, Grand Canyon neck, 51-year-old sex kitten skank, whatever I said. I didn't write these things down. They just kind of flowed off the tongue.
RUSH: [L]iberals can't win in an argument against anybody. All they can do is discredit and insult and try to literally destroy their enemies because ideologically they can't win.

RUSH: Whoopi Goldberg is a five-star imbecile, a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance. What Whoopi doesn't realize is that she's already a slave. She's a slave to liberalism. She is a slave to ignorance. She is an arrogant, condescending pseudo-informed and educated person who has no clue that she's already a slave. So don't worry about it, Whoopi. You're already a slave.

RUSH: They use all kinds of devices to discredit and to destroy political opponents because they don't dare come to the middle of the arena of political ideas and debate because they lose. So their modus operandi is to destroy the opposition.

RUSH: I did describe them unflatteringly, but accurately: Horse face, Grand Canyon neck, 51-year-old sex kitten skank, whatever I said. I didn't write these things down. They just kind of flowed off the tongue.
here he goes again
taking quotes out of context
what a fucking moron
RUSH: [L]iberals can't win in an argument against anybody. All they can do is discredit and insult and try to literally destroy their enemies because ideologically they can't win.

RUSH: Whoopi Goldberg is a five-star imbecile, a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance. What Whoopi doesn't realize is that she's already a slave. She's a slave to liberalism. She is a slave to ignorance. She is an arrogant, condescending pseudo-informed and educated person who has no clue that she's already a slave. So don't worry about it, Whoopi. You're already a slave.

RUSH: They use all kinds of devices to discredit and to destroy political opponents because they don't dare come to the middle of the arena of political ideas and debate because they lose. So their modus operandi is to destroy the opposition.

RUSH: I did describe them unflatteringly, but accurately: Horse face, Grand Canyon neck, 51-year-old sex kitten skank, whatever I said. I didn't write these things down. They just kind of flowed off the tongue.
here he goes again
taking quotes out of context
what a fucking moron

Right on cue with the programmed "out of context" whine!
Of course never saying what possible context I missed. :cuckoo:

So tell us DumbCon, how is the "context" not LimpBoy condemning "Liberal" insults to destroy the opposition while he "Liberally" insults everyone he hates?

Your MessiahRushie is a perfect example of my saying,
CON$ are just like Libs....,
Only MORE so!

CON$ are pompous hypocritical Libs. :rofl:

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