Talia's Boston: American Horror-Story [Failure of Capitalism?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Isn't it funny how TrumpUSA cynicism has 'colored' our sense of profiteerism-folklore?

How is this different from Reagan's America? How are we different from Oliver Stone, Michael J. Fox, and Wang Chung?


"Let me tell you about a Boston (Massachusetts) gone made because of capitalism gone awry. Sure, we've heard of Biblical concepts such as the 'Great Tribulation' and what it might mean for a city under moral danger because of the silent sins of 'capitalist citizens' neglecting everyday etiquette in favor of a lifestyle of deadly bravado. However, Boston is a city of many great schools/universities and pluralism traffic and great American culture so everyone expects a dash of intrigue, but when capitalism becomes a cauldron for daily subtle transgressions, a city can become a 'veil' for general unrighteous bubbles. Imagine if a psychotic urban gang called Black Mask started attacking cops with hatchets in Boston...no one would say, 'Boston is a haven for cops!' That's the real complexity that I, Talia al Ghul, will relate to you today in this parable about urban frailty --- a tale about quiet TrumpUSA 'humility'."


"Boston is the home of the mighty Red Sox, the winning Bruins, the legendary Celtics, and the region where the triumphant Patriots find legions of fans. There are many fans of TV and marketing in Boston, which makes it rather 'ripe' for all kinds of commercial vanities. Sure, people in Boston love Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise), but they also daydream about more modernism-apocalyptic symbolic films such as The Warriors, Dark City, and Sin City. Why? Perhaps it's because capitalism promotes gambling, and where there's gambling there's the 'aroma' of lifestyle intrigue. Whenever there's intrigue, there's a dash of urban nihilism, and that's what raises up the proverbial Beast (or AntiChrist) who tests Bostonians' faith in basic social customs. After all, isn't the city a pit for mass folklore?"


"Before our President (Donald Trump) tells you that the Bruins and the Celtics will promote Blu-ray sales of Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) this holiday shopping season, I intend to create an underworld 'dominion' called Leviathan --- devoted to Internet-graffiti (a modern art!), urban rallies (much cooler than the hippies!), and bank-robbery (before the Russian mafia destroys this city with 'imported socialism'!). The reason the press will say, 'Talia's Leviathan is to TrumpUSA Boston what Hoffa's Teamsters was to the earlier 'rendition' of capitalist-America since our nation is based on folklore(!),' is because I will give them what no politician can --- a cure to fashion boredom. Then all you social critics can evaluate if vigilantism (or some 'brand' of it) is more effective in treating new age urban sloth than revolutionary literature. You will all be 'yoga witnesses'."



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