Taliban celebrates trump's surrender...

Not sure which is more appropriate:
Liar in Chief
Coward in Chief
Instigator in Chief
Insulter in Chief
Dick in Chief
Racist in Chief
Asshole in Chief
Criminal in Chief
Pussy Grabber in Chief

I am not sure which is most descriptive of trump. They all seem to fit....
Might wanna to a little reading

William Lind explains our mad wars – and how we can win - Fabius Maximus website

Mattis thinks your boy is an idiot...Bone Spur trump..

How long should we stay in Afghanistan?

Also please educate me on how many of the 9/11/2001 attackers were Afghans or Iraqi?

Finally, seeing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan wasn't the true enemy Pakistan and not Afghanistan?

When are you going to grow up and learn that these terrorists have no nationality? Osama was kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and where he happened to breathe his last matters not.

It matters a little. The Taliban is a Pakistani organization---
born and bred. Osama was protected by his like minded
sunni bretheren in Pakistan. Last I heard that man who betrayed his whereabouts (a Pakistani physician) is still in
jail for his "crime"

So I guess instead of executing McVeigh we should have just dropped a nuke on New York because that was where he was from?

you should consult a competent neurologist

I have. He told me to avoid dumbasses, but this place is full of them.
Gee, when Obama pulled out of Iraq with no residual force, against the advice of the Pentagon and numerous Senators, you guys approved.

Um, yeah, because THe Iraqis didn't want us to stay and wouldn't approve immunity for US Soldiers or a status of forces agreement. And the pullout date was already agreed to by dubya.

We didn't want to stay and they didn't want us there... Still not seeing what your problem was.

If Afghanistan can't stand on its own after the trillions we have spent there and all the lives we have lost, then that's their tough luck.

I don't disagree.. just don't come whining to me when the next Jihadist Group sets up shop there.
America is not the worlds policeman, never will be, we need to retain the ability to respond quickly and decisively when called upon to do so. Its time for those that do care about freedom and opportunity to stand up and lay their lives on the line for what they believe.
How long should we stay in Afghanistan?

Also please educate me on how many of the 9/11/2001 attackers were Afghans or Iraqi?

Finally, seeing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan wasn't the true enemy Pakistan and not Afghanistan?

When are you going to grow up and learn that these terrorists have no nationality? Osama was kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and where he happened to breathe his last matters not.

It matters a little. The Taliban is a Pakistani organization---
born and bred. Osama was protected by his like minded
sunni bretheren in Pakistan. Last I heard that man who betrayed his whereabouts (a Pakistani physician) is still in
jail for his "crime"

So I guess instead of executing McVeigh we should have just dropped a nuke on New York because that was where he was from?

you should consult a competent neurologist

I have. He told me to avoid dumbasses, but this place is full of them.

oh good----so you're leaving. I learned about the attitude toward
the Taliban in Afghanistan-----from Pakistani neurologists working
in the USA during the 1980s and 1990s. The Pakistani people
thought, back then, very highly of them. They considered them to be idealists

It only took the USSR 10 year to discovered that Afghanistan is an sink hole that there is no wining in any form. We are too stubborn to admit because people like you think that Russia wants us out.
The Saudi's are sending troops to defend the Kurds
Jim is nothing but fake news

you got a link to "Saudis sending troops to defend Kurds" ???
When are you going to grow up and learn that these terrorists have no nationality? Osama was kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and where he happened to breathe his last matters not.

It matters a little. The Taliban is a Pakistani organization---
born and bred. Osama was protected by his like minded
sunni bretheren in Pakistan. Last I heard that man who betrayed his whereabouts (a Pakistani physician) is still in
jail for his "crime"

So I guess instead of executing McVeigh we should have just dropped a nuke on New York because that was where he was from?

you should consult a competent neurologist

I have. He told me to avoid dumbasses, but this place is full of them.

oh good----so you're leaving. I learned about the attitude toward
the Taliban in Afghanistan-----from Pakistani neurologists working
in the USA during the 1980s and 1990s. The Pakistani people
thought, back then, very highly of them. They considered them to be idealists
Oh.......they thought them to be die hard Islamic fighters........glad you cleared that up. Yeah.....they are pretty dang radical.

The Northern alliance hates them.......just as the Taliban hates the Northern alliance.........glad that's in the open now. geesh.
It matters a little. The Taliban is a Pakistani organization---
born and bred. Osama was protected by his like minded
sunni bretheren in Pakistan. Last I heard that man who betrayed his whereabouts (a Pakistani physician) is still in
jail for his "crime"

So I guess instead of executing McVeigh we should have just dropped a nuke on New York because that was where he was from?

you should consult a competent neurologist

I have. He told me to avoid dumbasses, but this place is full of them.

oh good----so you're leaving. I learned about the attitude toward
the Taliban in Afghanistan-----from Pakistani neurologists working
in the USA during the 1980s and 1990s. The Pakistani people
thought, back then, very highly of them. They considered them to be idealists
Oh.......they thought them to be die hard Islamic fighters........glad you cleared that up. Yeah.....they are pretty dang radical.

The Northern alliance hates them.......just as the Taliban hates the Northern alliance.........glad that's in the open now. geesh.

the link between educated Pakistanis and the Taliban is far
tighter than "they are 'pretty dang radical' " The Taliban is
made up of Pakistanis-----of the educated variety. -----school mates
and relatives of educated Pakistanis. ------weird but true. Taliban
is more like Pakistani invaders into Afghanistan----than Afghani
"redicals" <<<< that was circa 1990-------I don't know just how Afghani vs Pakistani the Taliban are now. An interesting glitch is
language. Urdu is, I think, the most commonly spoken language of
West Pakistanis-----a polyglot of hindi, some Arabic expressions and
"Pashtun"----which is close to Farsi. Pashtun is far more farsi than
is Urdu. ------hatreds can break down fairly easily in a population
so culturally linked and alliances can easily POP UP. There is also a considerable SHIITE minority in Afghanistan-----the possibilities of internal conflict and-----Iranian INPUT ---------and a real increasing mess is ENDLESS
So I guess instead of executing McVeigh we should have just dropped a nuke on New York because that was where he was from?

you should consult a competent neurologist

I have. He told me to avoid dumbasses, but this place is full of them.

oh good----so you're leaving. I learned about the attitude toward
the Taliban in Afghanistan-----from Pakistani neurologists working
in the USA during the 1980s and 1990s. The Pakistani people
thought, back then, very highly of them. They considered them to be idealists
Oh.......they thought them to be die hard Islamic fighters........glad you cleared that up. Yeah.....they are pretty dang radical.

The Northern alliance hates them.......just as the Taliban hates the Northern alliance.........glad that's in the open now. geesh.

the link between educated Pakistanis and the Taliban is far
tighter than "they are 'pretty dang radical' " The Taliban is
made up of Pakistanis-----of the educated variety. -----school mates
and relatives of educated Pakistanis. ------weird but true. Taliban
is more like Pakistani invaders into Afghanistan----than Afghani
"redicals" <<<< that was circa 1990-------I don't know just how Afghani vs Pakistani the Taliban are now. An interesting glitch is
language. Urdu is, I think, the most commonly spoken language of
West Pakistanis-----a polyglot of hindi, some Arabic expressions and
"Pashtun"----which is close to Farsi. Pashtun is far more farsi than
is Urdu. ------hatreds can break down fairly easily in a population
so culturally linked and alliances can easily POP UP. There is also a considerable SHIITE minority in Afghanistan-----the possibilities of internal conflict and-----Iranian INPUT ---------and a real increasing mess is ENDLESS
They supported OBL........they hid OBL...........fuck them.
Wow, and if Trump had increased troops in the region you would be writing about how he is another war loving freak.

The war was and is pointless because you can not defeat the Taliban just like the Former Soviet Union learned...

Are you Russian or just Stupid?

Is everyone Russian or Stupid when they disagree with you troll?

Are you Russian or just Stupid?

Neither but you are a troll!

1. You were never for the invasion of Afghanistan when Bush sent our troops there in the name of the War on Terrorism.

It has been wasted resources and the only reason why you are against the withdraw is because Trump want it but had Obama wanted us to fully pull out you would be applauding it while kissing your Obama doll.

2. Syria has never been our war and you supporting the wasted resources in the region make you another war loving troll.

The fact is Assad is worthless fuck but what you want is far worse seeing it would lead to ISIS taking over the region which would lead to mass genocide of Kurds, wait maybe that is your goal seeing you love war so much...

So answer me troll are you ISIS or ISIL?

Of course you are lying.....like your Liar in Chief hero.....we needed to invade Afghanistan....that was where Bin Laden was.

We just had an American hero walk away from a clueless clown....named trump. trump could not carry Mattis's jock strap.

trump listens to all the wrong people....IDIOT....

I am lying?

What country was Osama killed in?

It was not in Afghanistan!

So as you troll and lie it amazes me you refuse to admit the truth!

Also how I know you are a lying troll is for the damn fact I hate Trump and never once supported the fool but I will never lie like you!

The truth is I have countless threads and responses bashing Trump but alas trolls like you will ignore that because in your delusional mind anyone that point out your lies have to be a Trump loving fascist!

So the fact is Afghanistan was lost during Bush II era and wasting resources in the region is fucking pointless but you will side with wasting money just because of your hate for Trump!

Now tell me again what country did Osama get killed in where he was hiding with the protection of the Pakistan government!?!
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The Coward in Chief strikes again....

Wow, and if Trump had increased troops in the region you would be writing about how he is another war loving freak.

The war was and is pointless because you can not defeat the Taliban just like the Former Soviet Union learned...

Right the only way to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan is to hit them so hard that we would be criticized for it by the same people on the left who are now complaining about leaving. We cant defeat them with a police action , as we learned in Vietnam. There may be reasons to stay but there are also good reasons to leave.

You either mass genocide or forget it and I sat forget it

You libtards are so conflicted with all your Butt Hurt…

It has got to suck to be a libtard clown...…..

MUELLER AND A DEM HOUSE....trump's downfall

Do you have any idea how stupid you are?

You tards and your lying media have been saying this bullshit since day one....

Trump is your Daddy...……..Get use to it...


It only took the USSR 10 year to discovered that Afghanistan is an sink hole that there is no wining in any form. We are too stubborn to admit because people like you think that Russia wants us out.
Russia does want us out – and again, Putin benefits from the US leaving the Region.

The failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake, getting involved in Syria was likewise a mistake.

And there are many negative consequences of those mistakes – among them the needless loss of American lives, the waste of money and resources, and absent American involvement, our enemies are at liberty to spread their influence throughout the ME.

Those who advocate the US leave Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria must understand that even though it might be the correct thing to do, doing so comes at a significant cost.

It is nearly certain that, due to trump 's incompetence....we will be back in each.

The incompetence is all on the left tard side..

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