Taliban celebrates trump's surrender...

I'll wait for the parade. Oh, Will they have a parade like ISIS had in Mosul that Obama endorsed? I have included some pics to help you remember


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s Ninewa Division continues to crank out images of its conquest of Mosul and the surrounding province. Earlier today, the Ninewa Division released photographs of its forces seizing control of several bases, displaying captured military hardware, and executing Iraqi soldiers. Then, the Ninewa Division published a set of photographs of a military parade in the city of Mosul.

ISIS holds military parade in Mosul | FDD's Long War Journal



Liar....are you Russian or just stupid?

Putin wants US out of Syria....Check
Putin wants US out of Afghanistan..Check
Putin wants chaos in US Government...Check

There are many more examples of Putin plans being carried out by the Liar in Chief....

The Coward in Chief strikes again....

Wow, and if Trump had increased troops in the region you would be writing about how he is another war loving freak.

The war was and is pointless because you can not defeat the Taliban just like the Former Soviet Union learned...
I'll wait for the parade. Oh, Will they have a parade like ISIS had in Mosul that Obama endorsed? I have included some pics to help you remember


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s Ninewa Division continues to crank out images of its conquest of Mosul and the surrounding province. Earlier today, the Ninewa Division released photographs of its forces seizing control of several bases, displaying captured military hardware, and executing Iraqi soldiers. Then, the Ninewa Division published a set of photographs of a military parade in the city of Mosul.

ISIS holds military parade in Mosul | FDD's Long War Journal



Liar....are you Russian or just stupid?

Putin wants US out of Syria....Check
Putin wants US out of Afghanistan..Check
Putin wants chaos in US Government...Check

There are many more examples of Putin plans being carried out by the Liar in Chief....


Syria is not our war and I agree with Iran and Putin about keeping Assad in power because the alternative is worse but you will disagree.
I'll wait for the parade. Oh, Will they have a parade like ISIS had in Mosul that Obama endorsed? I have included some pics to help you remember


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s Ninewa Division continues to crank out images of its conquest of Mosul and the surrounding province. Earlier today, the Ninewa Division released photographs of its forces seizing control of several bases, displaying captured military hardware, and executing Iraqi soldiers. Then, the Ninewa Division published a set of photographs of a military parade in the city of Mosul.

ISIS holds military parade in Mosul | FDD's Long War Journal



Liar....are you Russian or just stupid?

Putin wants US out of Syria....Check
Putin wants US out of Afghanistan..Check
Putin wants chaos in US Government...Check

There are many more examples of Putin plans being carried out by the Liar in Chief....


Syria is not our war and I agree with Iran and Putin about keeping Assad in power because the alternative is worse but you will disagree.

Are you Russian or just Stupid?


So tell me troll why are you hell bent on killing innocent people?

Let Russia and Iran waste their resources in the region and fuck Syria!

Also are you ISIS or ISIL?

It seem you are more upset about your buddies losing their chances of defeating Assad...
The Coward in Chief strikes again....

Wow, and if Trump had increased troops in the region you would be writing about how he is another war loving freak.

The war was and is pointless because you can not defeat the Taliban just like the Former Soviet Union learned...

Are you Russian or just Stupid?

Is everyone Russian or Stupid when they disagree with you troll?

Are you Russian or just Stupid?

Neither but you are a troll!

1. You were never for the invasion of Afghanistan when Bush sent our troops there in the name of the War on Terrorism.

It has been wasted resources and the only reason why you are against the withdraw is because Trump want it but had Obama wanted us to fully pull out you would be applauding it while kissing your Obama doll.

2. Syria has never been our war and you supporting the wasted resources in the region make you another war loving troll.

The fact is Assad is worthless fuck but what you want is far worse seeing it would lead to ISIS taking over the region which would lead to mass genocide of Kurds, wait maybe that is your goal seeing you love war so much...

So answer me troll are you ISIS or ISIL?
Last edited:
As you write about Putin laughing maybe you should realize how much it cost a country like Russia with it limited resources to prop up puppet governments in countries like Afghanistan and Syria and then realize that the money wasted by Russia will hurt them in the longer run.

Also Afghanistan was never the true enemy because like I wrote Osama Bin Laden was found in Pakistan where their government knowingly hid him, so why fight a war against a group of people that were not hiding Osama in the end?

The war in Afghanistan had two things:

1. Control of the pipeline from the north.

2. Opium trade.

Seeing the Taliban controlled the region the U.S. needed to remove them so the pipeline could go through under a puppet regime and losing the world supplier for opium was something our country could not allow.

Now as for Syria the reason why Bush and Obama wanted regime change there is for the other end of the pipeline to allow oil to flow oil rich countries to Syrian ports and having Assad in power was never beneficial for our country.

So as you write about how Putin is laughing, well he will not be laughing too much when dealing with the Taliban again in Afghanistan...
I'll wait for the parade. Oh, Will they have a parade like ISIS had in Mosul that Obama endorsed? I have included some pics to help you remember


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s Ninewa Division continues to crank out images of its conquest of Mosul and the surrounding province. Earlier today, the Ninewa Division released photographs of its forces seizing control of several bases, displaying captured military hardware, and executing Iraqi soldiers. Then, the Ninewa Division published a set of photographs of a military parade in the city of Mosul.

ISIS holds military parade in Mosul | FDD's Long War Journal



Liar....are you Russian or just stupid?

Putin wants US out of Syria....Check
Putin wants US out of Afghanistan..Check
Putin wants chaos in US Government...Check

There are many more examples of Putin plans being carried out by the Liar in Chief....

He also wants back into Afghanistan...check
Wants NATO weakened....check
Wants to weaken The EU...check
you prove yourself to be ignorant of military history
like Vietnam, it is unwinnable in Afghanistan
....ever hear of a country called Russia? that did not win?? in a country called Afghanistan??!!
it's not a surrender--it's common sense--what we should've done in Vietnam long before 50,000 dead ---for NOTHING
etc etc

The Coward in Chief strikes again....

Wow, and if Trump had increased troops in the region you would be writing about how he is another war loving freak.

The war was and is pointless because you can not defeat the Taliban just like the Former Soviet Union learned...

Are you Russian or just Stupid?

Is everyone Russian or Stupid when they disagree with you troll?

Are you Russian or just Stupid?

Neither but you are a troll!

1. You were never for the invasion of Afghanistan when Bush sent our troops there in the name of the War on Terrorism.

It has been wasted resources and the only reason why you are against the withdraw is because Trump want it but had Obama wanted us to fully pull out you would be applauding it while kissing your Obama doll.

2. Syria has never been our war and you supporting the wasted resources in the region make you another war loving troll.

The fact is Assad is worthless fuck but what you want is far worse seeing it would lead to ISIS taking over the region which would lead to mass genocide of Kurds, wait maybe that is your goal seeing you love war so much...

So answer me troll are you ISIS or ISIL?

Of course you are lying.....like your Liar in Chief hero.....we needed to invade Afghanistan....that was where Bin Laden was.

We just had an American hero walk away from a clueless clown....named trump. trump could not carry Mattis's jock strap.

trump listens to all the wrong people....IDIOT....
Not to worry, we all know Trump. Next month, he will say that the USA needs to send three million troops to Syria. Then they will conscript your ass too, and all by the arrangement and delight of aipac.
Not to worry, we all know Trump. Next month, he will say that the USA needs to send three million troops to Syria. Then they will conscript your ass too, and all by the arrangement and delight of aipac.
To fight 2000 ISIS fighters starving in caves..........yeah right.

It only took the USSR 10 year to discovered that Afghanistan is an sink hole that there is no wining in any form. We are too stubborn to admit because people like you think that Russia wants us out.
Russia does want us out – and again, Putin benefits from the US leaving the Region.

The failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake, getting involved in Syria was likewise a mistake.

And there are many negative consequences of those mistakes – among them the needless loss of American lives, the waste of money and resources, and absent American involvement, our enemies are at liberty to spread their influence throughout the ME.

Those who advocate the US leave Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria must understand that even though it might be the correct thing to do, doing so comes at a significant cost.

Everyone here knows I have nothing good to say about the Orange Shitgibbon.

But that said, I really don't have a problem with him withdrawing from Afghanistan.

We've been there for 17 years now. We are no closer to defeating the Taliban then we were in 2002.

You can blame Bush pulling out to go invade Iraq or Obama putting rules of engagement in place that were too restrictive, but the fact is, we lost the initiative a long time ago, and the people we are propping up over there would be gone in a few months if we left.

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