Taliban celebrates trump's surrender...

How long should we stay in Afghanistan?

Also please educate me on how many of the 9/11/2001 attackers were Afghans or Iraqi?

Finally, seeing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan wasn't the true enemy Pakistan and not Afghanistan?

When are you going to grow up and learn that these terrorists have no nationality? Osama was kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and where he happened to breathe his last matters not.
If we have not advanced in 17 years there is something wrong. We need to win or leave. There is no American stomach for winning.
As you write about Putin laughing maybe you should realize how much it cost a country like Russia with it limited resources to prop up puppet governments in countries like Afghanistan and Syria and then realize that the money wasted by Russia will hurt them in the longer run.

Also Afghanistan was never the true enemy because like I wrote Osama Bin Laden was found in Pakistan where their government knowingly hid him, so why fight a war against a group of people that were not hiding Osama in the end?

The war in Afghanistan had two things:

1. Control of the pipeline from the north.

2. Opium trade.

Seeing the Taliban controlled the region the U.S. needed to remove them so the pipeline could go through under a puppet regime and losing the world supplier for opium was something our country could not allow.

Now as for Syria the reason why Bush and Obama wanted regime change there is for the other end of the pipeline to allow oil to flow oil rich countries to Syrian ports and having Assad in power was never beneficial for our country.

So as you write about how Putin is laughing, well he will not be laughing too much when dealing with the Taliban again in Afghanistan...

My God, did you drink ALL of the libtard Kool-Aid?

How long should we stay in Afghanistan?

Also please educate me on how many of the 9/11/2001 attackers were Afghans or Iraqi?

Finally, seeing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan wasn't the true enemy Pakistan and not Afghanistan?

When are you going to grow up and learn that these terrorists have no nationality? Osama was kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and where he happened to breathe his last matters not.

It matters a little. The Taliban is a Pakistani organization---
born and bred. Osama was protected by his like minded
sunni bretheren in Pakistan. Last I heard that man who betrayed his whereabouts (a Pakistani physician) is still in
jail for his "crime"

How long should we stay in Afghanistan?

Also please educate me on how many of the 9/11/2001 attackers were Afghans or Iraqi?

Finally, seeing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan wasn't the true enemy Pakistan and not Afghanistan?

When are you going to grow up and learn that these terrorists have no nationality? Osama was kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and where he happened to breathe his last matters not.

It matters a little. The Taliban is a Pakistani organization---
born and bred. Osama was protected by his like minded
sunni bretheren in Pakistan. Last I heard that man who betrayed his whereabouts (a Pakistani physician) is still in
jail for his "crime"

So I guess instead of executing McVeigh we should have just dropped a nuke on New York because that was where he was from?

You libtards are so conflicted with all your Butt Hurt…

It has got to suck to be a libtard clown...…..

MUELLER AND A DEM HOUSE....trump's downfall

Do you have any idea how stupid you are?

You tards and your lying media have been saying this bullshit since day one....

Trump is your Daddy...……..Get use to it...


It only took the USSR 10 year to discovered that Afghanistan is an sink hole that there is no wining in any form. We are too stubborn to admit because people like you think that Russia wants us out.
Russia does want us out – and again, Putin benefits from the US leaving the Region.

The failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake, getting involved in Syria was likewise a mistake.

And there are many negative consequences of those mistakes – among them the needless loss of American lives, the waste of money and resources, and absent American involvement, our enemies are at liberty to spread their influence throughout the ME.

Those who advocate the US leave Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria must understand that even though it might be the correct thing to do, doing so comes at a significant cost.

It is nearly certain that, due to trump 's incompetence....we will be back in each.
So what? Is staying there worth the $45b a year? No.
Who cares what the Taliban celebrate?
The Taliban are the AFG government's problem.
But, doesn't. that. mean. that. they'll. come. over. here?

Bush II taught us that we gotta kill 'em over there, before they kill us over here.

A good philosophy but occupation is not necessary in the modern age
Russia does want us out – and again, Putin benefits from the US leaving the Region.

In what way does Putin or Russia benefit from us leaving Afghanistan?
Asked and answered in another thread.

Here it is again:

'Russia may be the biggest beneficiary of an American departure, which would leave it as the major global power in Syria and restore its Soviet-era role as a player in the Middle East.

Mr. Putin’s praise for Mr. Trump aside, he is likely to use an American withdrawal to “tell the world that Russia’s won against the U.S. in this proxy war,” said Ms. Khatib of Chatham House. And with good reason, she added: “Russia will take advantage of the vacuum to set the terms for the trajectory of the Syrian conflict as it wishes. It paves the way for Russia to treat Syria as part of its virtual territory.”'

Syria Pullout by U.S. Tilts Mideast Toward Iran and Russia, Isolating Israel

How long should we stay in Afghanistan?

Also please educate me on how many of the 9/11/2001 attackers were Afghans or Iraqi?

Finally, seeing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan wasn't the true enemy Pakistan and not Afghanistan?

When are you going to grow up and learn that these terrorists have no nationality? Osama was kicked out of Saudi Arabia, and where he happened to breathe his last matters not.

It matters a little. The Taliban is a Pakistani organization---
born and bred. Osama was protected by his like minded
sunni bretheren in Pakistan. Last I heard that man who betrayed his whereabouts (a Pakistani physician) is still in
jail for his "crime"

So I guess instead of executing McVeigh we should have just dropped a nuke on New York because that was where he was from?

you should consult a competent neurologist
Not to worry, we all know Trump. Next month, he will say that the USA needs to send three million troops to Syria. Then they will conscript your ass too, and all by the arrangement and delight of aipac.
To fight 2000 ISIS fighters starving in caves..........yeah right.
The point is not about fighting Isis. For that you don't need a million troops. The point is that you die. As per globalist design. Happened before in Europe, so not new.
So what? Is staying there worth the $45b a year? No.
Who cares what the Taliban celebrate?
The Taliban are the AFG government's problem.
But, doesn't. that. mean. that. they'll. come. over. here?

Bush II taught us that we gotta kill 'em over there, before they kill us over here.


W and O were first class idiots. We should have obliterated and annihilated them in a year. It is amusing watching the lib neocons come out of the closet.
Not to worry, we all know Trump. Next month, he will say that the USA needs to send three million troops to Syria. Then they will conscript your ass too, and all by the arrangement and delight of aipac.
To fight 2000 ISIS fighters starving in caves..........yeah right.
The point is not about fighting Isis. For that you don't need a million troops. The point is that you die. As per globalist design. Happened before in Europe, so not new.
You have a problem now............explaining why we need millions of troops there......please continue with the specifics of that........

Russia does want us out – and again, Putin benefits from the US leaving the Region.

In what way does Putin or Russia benefit from us leaving Afghanistan?
Asked and answered in another thread.

Here it is again:

'Russia may be the biggest beneficiary of an American departure, which would leave it as the major global power in Syria and restore its Soviet-era role as a player in the Middle East.

Mr. Putin’s praise for Mr. Trump aside, he is likely to use an American withdrawal to “tell the world that Russia’s won against the U.S. in this proxy war,” said Ms. Khatib of Chatham House. And with good reason, she added: “Russia will take advantage of the vacuum to set the terms for the trajectory of the Syrian conflict as it wishes. It paves the way for Russia to treat Syria as part of its virtual territory.”'

Syria Pullout by U.S. Tilts Mideast Toward Iran and Russia, Isolating Israel

one more time...How does Putin or Russia benefit from us leaving Afghanistan
Not to worry, we all know Trump. Next month, he will say that the USA needs to send three million troops to Syria. Then they will conscript your ass too, and all by the arrangement and delight of aipac.
To fight 2000 ISIS fighters starving in caves..........yeah right.
The point is not about fighting Isis. For that you don't need a million troops. The point is that you die. As per globalist design. Happened before in Europe, so not new.
You have a problem now............explaining why we need millions of troops there......please continue with the specifics of that........


Okay, here is the explanation. The USA needs a million troops in Syria because we need 1 thousand to put Isis down and 999 thousand to die for the global socialist agenda championed by aipac in this assignment.
Russia does want us out – and again, Putin benefits from the US leaving the Region.

In what way does Putin or Russia benefit from us leaving Afghanistan?
Asked and answered in another thread.

Here it is again:

'Russia may be the biggest beneficiary of an American departure, which would leave it as the major global power in Syria and restore its Soviet-era role as a player in the Middle East.

Mr. Putin’s praise for Mr. Trump aside, he is likely to use an American withdrawal to “tell the world that Russia’s won against the U.S. in this proxy war,” said Ms. Khatib of Chatham House. And with good reason, she added: “Russia will take advantage of the vacuum to set the terms for the trajectory of the Syrian conflict as it wishes. It paves the way for Russia to treat Syria as part of its virtual territory.”'

Syria Pullout by U.S. Tilts Mideast Toward Iran and Russia, Isolating Israel

one more time...How does Putin or Russia benefit from us leaving Afghanistan
Perhaps a friend or family member can read the cited article to you in a manner you can comprehend.
Russia does want us out – and again, Putin benefits from the US leaving the Region.

In what way does Putin or Russia benefit from us leaving Afghanistan?
Asked and answered in another thread.

Here it is again:

'Russia may be the biggest beneficiary of an American departure, which would leave it as the major global power in Syria and restore its Soviet-era role as a player in the Middle East.

Mr. Putin’s praise for Mr. Trump aside, he is likely to use an American withdrawal to “tell the world that Russia’s won against the U.S. in this proxy war,” said Ms. Khatib of Chatham House. And with good reason, she added: “Russia will take advantage of the vacuum to set the terms for the trajectory of the Syrian conflict as it wishes. It paves the way for Russia to treat Syria as part of its virtual territory.”'

Syria Pullout by U.S. Tilts Mideast Toward Iran and Russia, Isolating Israel

one more time...How does Putin or Russia benefit from us leaving Afghanistan
Perhaps a friend or family member can read the cited article to you in a manner you can comprehend.

Are you really this stupid or are you just pretending?

Your article does not mention Afghanistan once.

Are you aware that Afghanistan and Syria are not the same country?

Are you aware that Russia has a strategic interest in Syria but not Afghanistan?

Are you aware of those things or are you really as stupid as your post suggest?
The Taliban has a lot in common with Schumer and the democrat Party
Some Democrats. Here is a Democrat that agrees with this move. The Soviet Union fell because of this place, trying to nation build there was stupid in the first place. Never worked in the past will not work in the future. I think you will find a great deal of democrats that agree with this move. This move is long over due. The blame game is getting old. There will be many on his forum that will take the opposite side because it was made by Trump. Both sides will blame the other for being there in first place. I say fuck the blame for the past it is long past time to get the fuck out of there. Not only should we get the fuck out of there but learn from the mistake of staying to long and not repeat it like we tend to do.
The Coward in Chief strikes again....

Wow, and if Trump had increased troops in the region you would be writing about how he is another war loving freak.

The war was and is pointless because you can not defeat the Taliban just like the Former Soviet Union learned...

Right the only way to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan is to hit them so hard that we would be criticized for it by the same people on the left who are now complaining about leaving. We cant defeat them with a police action , as we learned in Vietnam. There may be reasons to stay but there are also good reasons to leave.

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