Taliban condemn Pakistan Attack

Sunni Man, you are the most despised poster on the Board now.
A man who professes a belief in divinity who won't condemn the killing of children serves the opposite side.
Just condemn the principle of killing children in the name of religion or politics, asshole.
Condemning the IDF savages for killing innocent children isn't supporting the Hamas and the Taliban you freakin moron. ..... :cool:
You have in the past supported and continue to support Hamas firing rockets mortars and missiles at Israeli day care schools and stores. You openly support the Muslim terrorists killing children. As proven by your attempot to pretend that some how several hundred Pakistani terrorists were really Israeli .
The Hamas freedom fighters homemade bottle rockets do not have a guidance system.

So there is no way they could accurately target schools or malls or anything else. ....... :cool:
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Sunni should be paid for providing us with an insight into the mental retardation and depravity that Islam creates in the human mind.

Looks like Sunni has a problem with the accurate descriptions of Sir Winston Churchill, one of the greatest freedom fighters in history.


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