Taliban Still Denies 9/11 Involvement, Says Was “Excuse” for War on 20th Anniversary

I understand your point that spreading out the killings over 15 years makes it “less impactful” if you will, but even with 400 million total Hazaras they are a targeted minority and always have been since Taliban’s inception at Kandahar from my current understanding. Is the Taliban’s hatred of Hazaras based only because they are a different ethnicity or are there multiple factors? I plan to learn more about the historical divisions among these ethnic factions but interested in your opinion.

I do not know what the basis of conflict is between Taliban and Hazaras, but I would suspect it is that the Hasaras speak Persian, so are actually Iranians.
But the reason the small number of dead makes me less wary is that they it could be that only armed fighters are dying.
And that is their own choice.
I would only be concerned if unarmed women and children was also dying, and I don't get that impression?
I do not know what the basis of conflict is between Taliban and Hazaras, but I would suspect it is that the Hasaras speak Persian, so are actually Iranians.
But the reason the small number of dead makes me less wary is that they it could be that only armed fighters are dying.
And that is their own choice.
I would only be concerned if unarmed women and children was also dying, and I don't get that impression?
I try to avoid coming to a conclusion based on a media report, bur there is something that has stuck in my mind about the “fighters not knowing how to treat women” and this was stated by one of the Taliban spokespeople recently. Al Jazeera has had several recent, live interviews interpreting their comments.

At first, I pictured the younger generation of sons of the original ‘90’s Taliban (filled to the brim with lessons from the Pakistan madrasah schools), however, conflicting reports reveal that many of the “new” Taliban government are the same members of the late 90’s government, or direct relatives of those men. So, not exactly a change of guard and solidly Pashtun. That spells disaster.
I try to avoid coming to a conclusion based on a media report, bur there is something that has stuck in my mind about the “fighters not knowing how to treat women” and this was stated by one of the Taliban spokespeople recently. Al Jazeera has had several recent, live interviews interpreting their comments.

At first, I pictured the younger generation of sons of the original ‘90’s Taliban (filled to the brim with lessons from the Pakistan madrasah schools), however, conflicting reports reveal that many of the “new” Taliban government are the same members of the late 90’s government, or direct relatives of those men. So, not exactly a change of guard and solidly Pashtun. That spells disaster.

My take on the Taliban, then and now, is that the country was lawless and out of control, with no police.
That lead to warlords, drug gangs, violence, kidnappings, rapes, etc.
So rather than try to create a police, court, and prison system, the Taliban was trying instead to just get everyone to be more careful.
The problem is that then all the effort is on the potential victims, not on the perpetrators.
There is no way around Pashtun control because they are the majority.
But they needed to write down rules, laws, procedures, etc.
It was too vague, and enforcement then became arbitrary.
They might to better this time, with some advice from people who have done these things as a career.
Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc....all one in the same

But guess what the common denominator is

That would be Bush,Obama,Cllinton and Biden doing the bidding of the new world order. Their hero is Hitler that is why these three long time friends all spoke those famous words that Hitler as well spoke of.Hitler was their hero.
Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc....all one in the same

But guess what the common denominator is

Totally and completely wrong.
The US created, funded, and armed the Pashtun Taliban as they were part of the Mujahedeen we created in 1979.
We also recreated al Qaeda, but they were Saudi Arabs, and never much under our influence in the Mujahedeen.
With ISIS, they are Iraqi Sunni we suddenly let all out of prison at the same time, and somehow they miraculously got all the weapons and new Toyota trucks they wanted.

So what is the common denominator?
They likely were all armed, motivated, gathered together, and funded by the US.
Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc....all one in the same

But guess what the common denominator is

They have actually been very consistent.

Personally, I do not believe that the Taliban were directly involved in 9-11, although I do not have all the necessary data...

What I DO believe is that the Taliban hosted Al-Qaeda operational bases both before and after the 9-11 attack...

What I DO believe is that the Taliban refused to eject Al-Qaeda from their soil and shielded them after the 9-11 attack...

So we went in there and stomped-the-$hit outta them...

OUR problem is that we were (once again) stupid enough to try Nation Building in a land where the primitive locals weren't capable of modernizing...

We should have been in-and-out of Afghanistan in six months, and we should never have taken our eye off-the-ball by thumping Iraq a second time...

Unlike the 1991 Gulf War, we failed to set achievable objectives and let it drag out forever... we forgot the lessons of Vietnam again... stupidity on our part...

If-and-when we have to "thump heads" again... we stomp our enemy, then walk away... no more nation-building with peoples too stupid to build one.
Regardless, the main reason for the muslim attack on america was their defeat on september 11, 1683. They wanted to take that date back and they have been largely successful. We have muslims in congress now who are against our own constitution and our own muslim state, minnesota.
Personally, I do not believe that the Taliban were directly involved in 9-11, although I do not have all the necessary data...

What I DO believe is that the Taliban hosted Al-Qaeda operational bases both before and after the 9-11 attack...

What I DO believe is that the Taliban refused to eject Al-Qaeda from their soil and shielded them after the 9-11 attack...

So we went in there and stomped-the-$hit outta them...

OUR problem is that we were (once again) stupid enough to try Nation Building in a land where the primitive locals weren't capable of modernizing...

We should have been in-and-out of Afghanistan in six months, and we should never have taken our eye off-the-ball by thumping Iraq a second time...

Unlike the 1991 Gulf War, we failed to set achievable objectives and let it drag out forever... we forgot the lessons of Vietnam again... stupidity on our part...

If-and-when we have to "thump heads" again... we stomp our enemy, then walk away... no more nation-building with peoples too stupid to build one.

We haven't really thumped anyone since our last declared war, ww2. We insert ourselves into third world dumps and then get run out by rice farmers and camel riders...........and we have the most sophisticated military in the history of man.
Personally, I do not believe that the Taliban were directly involved in 9-11, although I do not have all the necessary data...

What I DO believe is that the Taliban hosted Al-Qaeda operational bases both before and after the 9-11 attack...

What I DO believe is that the Taliban refused to eject Al-Qaeda from their soil and shielded them after the 9-11 attack...

So we went in there and stomped-the-$hit outta them...

OUR problem is that we were (once again) stupid enough to try Nation Building in a land where the primitive locals weren't capable of modernizing...

We should have been in-and-out of Afghanistan in six months, and we should never have taken our eye off-the-ball by thumping Iraq a second time...

Unlike the 1991 Gulf War, we failed to set achievable objectives and let it drag out forever... we forgot the lessons of Vietnam again... stupidity on our part...

If-and-when we have to "thump heads" again... we stomp our enemy, then walk away... no more nation-building with peoples too stupid to build one.

Negotiations with the Taliban about a gas pipeline across Afghanistan collapsed right before Bush invaded Afghanistan. ENRON was Bush's biggest campaign contributor.
Negotiations with the Taliban about a gas pipeline across Afghanistan collapsed right before Bush invaded Afghanistan. ENRON was Bush's biggest campaign contributor.

No biggie, the cia moved forward with a lucrative poppy business in the desert.
We haven't really thumped anyone since our last declared war, ww2. We insert ourselves into third world dumps and then get run out by rice farmers and camel riders...........and we have the most sophisticated military in the history of man.
I disagree.

We excel at "thumping".

We're great at winning the wars.

Where WE suck is at winning the peace.
A Zionist people fraud at the top

AQ - Col Tim osman
ISIS - Simon Elliot
Taliban - whoever is telling traitor Joe which questions he can and cannot answer

"Osama" "not a priority"
Flip off TNA and let Taliban win afghan civil war
Execute pat Tillman for telling his family that they were "just sitting there" with "no target," lie and blame AQ, then lie again about a bullshit friendly fire
Leave Taliban in full control with billions $ in free American arms

Anyone who still believes the "official version" is a complete invalid moron.....
Long since disproven and debunked.

there was no Osman and Tillman was killed by fratricide

The only morons are the ones clinging to your disproven bulllshit
Negotiations with the Taliban about a gas pipeline across Afghanistan collapsed right before Bush invaded Afghanistan. ENRON was Bush's biggest campaign contributor.
And you believe that that was the deciding factor in determining whether or not to attack?
You are a fountain of bullshit.

"Osama" never set foot in Saudi, which is why the Saudis told the FBI to fuck off on 913, and why your lying ass cannot show us a single photo of "Osama" in Saudi, because he was CIA/Mossad col Tim osman, and in 1980 he was involved in destabilizing the soviet occupation of afghan. That is why he is dressed as a rank and file Pakistani troop, but clearly is a close friend and associate of carter NSA Zbigniew.....
BIn LAden was not Osman your claim is a bald faced lie

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