Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin.

Ignorant racists like you make me think maybe all blacks kids should be armed - with real guns. Maybe the NRA could offer them free training.

There you finally have it! A libtard calling for guns in the hands of children.
You can say that a thousand times and a thousand times you'll be wrong.

"tyrone" typical white guy name. LMAO!!
you do understand the name Tyrone is Irish don't you white punk ? Tir eoghaim

no I am not wrong at all...it is quite documented that the punk who gunned down the boy had been deemed unfit

There's no blacks in Ireland?

Perhaps you should learn your history.

Since it's well documented then it should be easy for you to provide these documents.
sure Ireland is well know for its large Black population ...almost all them Irish are Black sure...you are right

Blacks have been in Ireland since the mid-16th century.
Who was walking back and forth on a sidewalk with a realistic toy gun (with the orange plastic indicating it was a gun removed), and pointing it at people's faces?

That's not normal.

That's behavior that would rightly scare the shit out of people. And did.

Here's the video:

Cleveland police officer shot Tamir Rice immediately after leaving moving patrol car

Take a nice long look at around 0.58 when Rice follows a lady as she walks down the street, pointing the gun at her head repeatedly. That's not normal behavior for anyone.
I don't think anyone has suggested Rice's behavior was either normal nor acceptable. In fact I believe any 12 year-old who does that deserves a beating he won't soon forget.

But what purpose do you think has been served by killing him? This is not Mississippi of the 1920s. While no criminal charges have been imposed on the cop who shot Rice you know as well as I do that the stupidly inappropriate behavior of these goon cops will cost the taxpayers of that city millions of dollars and will add substantially to the intensity of riots which such examples of police misconduct are sure to provoke.
Given the thug's behavior on the videotape and no one knowing whether the gun was real or not if you were a LEO and you pulled up on him and you could see the bulge in his waistband and he reached for the bulge would you stake your life that the thug wasn't going for his gun?
Thought not.
You can say that a thousand times and a thousand times you'll be wrong.

"tyrone" typical white guy name. LMAO!!
you do understand the name Tyrone is Irish don't you white punk ? Tir eoghaim

no I am not wrong at all...it is quite documented that the punk who gunned down the boy had been deemed unfit

There's no blacks in Ireland?

Perhaps you should learn your history.

Since it's well documented then it should be easy for you to provide these documents.
sure Ireland is well know for its large Black population ...almost all them Irish are Black sure...you are right

Blacks have been in Ireland since the mid-16th century.
Ya there's six negroes living in NI and about thirty living in S. Ireland. Metaphorically speaking. The Irish despise the negro almost as much as the Asians do.
You can say that a thousand times and a thousand times you'll be wrong.

"tyrone" typical white guy name. LMAO!!
you do understand the name Tyrone is Irish don't you white punk ? Tir eoghaim

no I am not wrong at all...it is quite documented that the punk who gunned down the boy had been deemed unfit

There's no blacks in Ireland?

Perhaps you should learn your history.

Since it's well documented then it should be easy for you to provide these documents.
sure Ireland is well know for its large Black population ...almost all them Irish are Black sure...you are right

Blacks have been in Ireland since the mid-16th century.
Ya there's six negroes living in NI and about thirty living in S. Ireland. Metaphorically speaking. The Irish despise the negro almost as much as the Asians do.

Making shit up doesn't help your case.
Who was walking back and forth on a sidewalk with a realistic toy gun (with the orange plastic indicating it was a gun removed), and pointing it at people's faces?

That's not normal.

That's behavior that would rightly scare the shit out of people. And did.

Here's the video:

Cleveland police officer shot Tamir Rice immediately after leaving moving patrol car

Take a nice long look at around 0.58 when Rice follows a lady as she walks down the street, pointing the gun at her head repeatedly. That's not normal behavior for anyone.
I don't think anyone has suggested Rice's behavior was either normal nor acceptable. In fact I believe any 12 year-old who does that deserves a beating he won't soon forget.

But what purpose do you think has been served by killing him? This is not Mississippi of the 1920s. While no criminal charges have been imposed on the cop who shot Rice you know as well as I do that the stupidly inappropriate behavior of these goon cops will cost the taxpayers of that city millions of dollars and will add substantially to the intensity of riots which such examples of police misconduct are sure to provoke.

The police rolled up and was immediately confronted by a person with a gun. They have to assume the gun is real and the threat is real and it is within their right to defend themselves. The Grand Jury obviously saw it the same way.

The grand jury "saw it" the way the prosecutor presented it.
The Pros. responsibility is to prosecute crimes. He knew there had been no crime committed by the LEOs. So being a man of integrity he was not intimidated by negroes who didn't care about the truth but just wanted revenge. You know like they do in their inner city filthy crime infested shitholes.
you do understand the name Tyrone is Irish don't you white punk ? Tir eoghaim

no I am not wrong at all...it is quite documented that the punk who gunned down the boy had been deemed unfit

There's no blacks in Ireland?

Perhaps you should learn your history.

Since it's well documented then it should be easy for you to provide these documents.
sure Ireland is well know for its large Black population ...almost all them Irish are Black sure...you are right

Blacks have been in Ireland since the mid-16th century.
Ya there's six negroes living in NI and about thirty living in S. Ireland. Metaphorically speaking. The Irish despise the negro almost as much as the Asians do.

Making shit up doesn't help your case.
2006 census RNI 1.06% were negroes.
NI: population of one million six hundred eighty five thousand. 1,136 were negroes.
That's not making up shit pal.:
Cops are supposed to "protect and serve" - not profile and murder blacks.
Ya bitch. The cops Were protecting innocents from being threatened by a fucking negro thug pointing a gun at them.
I hope a lot more fucking negro thugs point play realistic guns at people. Time to take out the stinking garbage!

Ignorant racists like you make me think maybe all blacks kids should be armed - with real guns. Maybe the NRA could offer them free training.
I would LOVE to see all negroes armed with AKs! Please oh please God could you make it happen? Please?
The fucking 'negro' problem' would be solved in a month.
Don't worry, Obama's gonna protect all the negro criminals from the dirty cops!

If black people really thought that "Black Lives Matter" then black women wouldn't be aborting so many of their babies, and black men wouldn't be killling so many black men.

Addressing the 31-year-old black man who posted earlier:


You have reached the age where you can be a father figure to black boys in your neighborhood, and teach them by example, the difference between right and wrong.

It is YOUR BUSINESS if your neighborhood is not a safe place for people to live, work and shop.

If you see black boys hanging around causing trouble, you need to approach them and kick their asses until they get the message.

You need to combine your efforts with other mature black men (and women) to turn this thing around.

YOUR COMMUNITY IS SICK. You need to be the man to fix it.

Stop blaming the police. They are doing all they can. You should not treat them with hostility.


Um 1st off how is a black person or a group of black teenagers doing something illegal my fault I can only reach out to people who want to listen and not force people to listen to my message.

2nd my neighborhood is quite safe with a mix of white,Latino, and Black people with modest incomes, so we don't get many drug lords or crime bosses here.

3rd most of the problems in the black community is the unconstitutional war on drugs that has wasted so many lives not only black people mind you but most people in this country as well as the cops. Why can't we be more like Portugal and decriminalize the drugs

14 Years After Decriminalizing All Drugs, Here's What Portugal Looks Like

4th I have no love for liberals they run most of the cities that most of the black on black crime is happening.

5th Anything else you want to blame this black person on
I'm white, and I have come to the conclusion that most of black people's problems are only made worse when white people try to help them.

I find white guilt to be outdated. The Civil Rights laws were passed 50 years ago, so the law no longer supports discrimination against blacks. I was born in the same year, so I have no memories of that time. If I have no memories, how can I be guilty? Answer: I am not.

We can all wallow in self-pity, or we can stand up and take responsibility for our own lives. If you are black, and think that all your failures are caused by white discrimination, then you are giving up.

If it takes more effort to succeed as a black person, then you must put in more effort. Don't ask for special privileges because that only makes matters worse. People will assume you were hired or promoted or admitted to college because you are black.

I'm black and I work and pay taxes....now do tell, exactly what the fuck it is you white mf's do for me, that I should be made aware of......while I wait, I want you to stop showing your apparent ignorance here in thinking that all black people blame you racist fucks for our problems in life...on the contrary....if your white mops would leave black men alone, your white teen fucks would stop trying to be like us and if the white man would leave us alone and stop dusting us off when they need a vote, a sale or a scam deal we nigga would do just fine....just sayin!!

It always somebody else's fault, ain't it?
There's no blacks in Ireland?

Perhaps you should learn your history.

Since it's well documented then it should be easy for you to provide these documents.
sure Ireland is well know for its large Black population ...almost all them Irish are Black sure...you are right

Blacks have been in Ireland since the mid-16th century.
Ya there's six negroes living in NI and about thirty living in S. Ireland. Metaphorically speaking. The Irish despise the negro almost as much as the Asians do.

Making shit up doesn't help your case.
2006 census RNI 1.06% were negroes.
NI: population of one million six hundred eighty five thousand. 1,136 were negroes.
That's not making up shit pal.:

1,136 blacks is quite different than your initial "six negroes" claim......pal.

I've had a similar experience once when I was pulled over and I informed the officer I was armed, you'd have thought I was a fugitive from justice they way he reacted. But, in the end it was all good.
Assuming you were legally armed, why did you see fit to inform the cop?

Please be more specific about the way the cop reacted to the revelation. And why do you think he behaved that way?
I am no "libtard" stupid. I dare you to show me where I said what the officer was thinking...go on... make my day...sucker.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger.

Now, I know that you will deny this, but you can't deny you wrote it. You state the officer does not really think his life is in danger. So, you claim to know what he was thinking.

Now, pull a Bill Clinton and 'splain me how the words you wrote don't mean what you say they mean, and the real definition of your words really depends on the what the meaning "thought" is.


This:"Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger.

does NOT equate to this:"You state the officer does not really think his life is in danger."

You are assuming again. I don't see the words "does not" in my narrative ...why do you think you can add words like that to other people's posts and not be held accountable?
Ya bitch! "playing" with a replica .45. Having 'fun' pointing it at innocent passbyes. Ya that's what fucking negroes call "playing". It's what White people call getting yourself shot to death.

Playing with guns is only scary when a white boy sees a black boy doing it. Besides, what kids plays with guns anyway?

Answer: All of them
And every one of those kids who point one at a cop will get themselves shot
WRONG!Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin. | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hopefully they won't gun down any more innocent people

Once he began pointing a possible gun at people he was no longer "innocent". When he reached for that can in the cops presence....he may as well have killed himself.

Yeah every kid who's ever pointed a toy gun at someone is guilty and belongs in the ground :rolleyes:

It's a tragedy called getting shot dead because you're a stupid, unsupervised kid.

Education and reasonable laws protecting the individual citizens right to own firearms.

And yes, I know... that means national data bases tracking the weapons industry in America.

Boo fucking hoo.​

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