Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin.

I am no "libtard" stupid. I dare you to show me where I said what the officer was thinking...go on... make my day...sucker.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger.

Now, I know that you will deny this, but you can't deny you wrote it. You state the officer does not really think his life is in danger. So, you claim to know what he was thinking.

Now, pull a Bill Clinton and 'splain me how the words you wrote don't mean what you say they mean, and the real definition of your words really depends on the what the meaning "thought" is.


This:"Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger.

does NOT equate to this:"You state the officer does not really think his life is in danger."

You are assuming again. I don't see the words "does not" in my narrative ...why do you think you can add words like that to other people's posts and not be held accountable?

Thank you for a perfect impersonation of Bill Clinton lying. You are masterful.

This thread has devolved into racist bloodlust. Please move it to the badlands.

Nice one! You can't beat out the FACTS so you'll just take your ball and go home! Boo hoo, poah poah libtard.

Who wants to go home/ I want to go to a place where we can duke it out ...Let's get it on in the badlands.

So can you explain why cops kill more whites than blacks?
Hell yes, the same way your kind explains why Blacks are said to commit more crime than whites.... proportional statistics....
Yup. Young black males, about 3% of the population commit almost 50% of all murders. That's not just 'more', that's astronomical.

Young Black males may make up 3% of the population but the entire Black male population didn't commit murder in any given year, dumbass. And many of those arrested for murder are never convicted. Since all we have are the FBI "arrest"statistics to go by here is an example that I have given to you many times before...dumbass,

2010, blacks committed 8009 homicides, while whites committed 6877 homicides. As a percentage of the black population, in 2010, 8009 homicides represent 0.02 percent (2/100ths of 1 percent) of all blacks that year
Ya bitch! "playing" with a replica .45. Having 'fun' pointing it at innocent passbyes. Ya that's what fucking negroes call "playing". It's what White people call getting yourself shot to death.

Playing with guns is only scary when a white boy sees a black boy doing it. Besides, what kids plays with guns anyway?

Answer: All of them
And every one of those kids who point one at a cop will get themselves shot
WRONG!Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin. | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why don't you test your theory?

If you're white walk up to a cop and pull a gun let's see what happens
What theory? I linked you to 8 factual cases where White people , some with weapons...some having drawn down on cops,,,,were NOT shot. I didn't even mention the Bundy episode in Arizona... You can't win on that one... those are the facts....White privilege is alive and well...

8 cherry picked cases are statistically meaningless
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Young Black males may make up 3% of the population but the entire Black male population didn't commit murder in any given year, dumbass. And many of those arrested for murder are never convicted. Since all we have are the FBI "arrest"statistics to go by here is an example that I have given to you many times before...dumbass,

2010, blacks committed 8009 homicides, while whites committed 6877 homicides. As a percentage of the black population, in 2010, 8009 homicides represent 0.02 percent (2/100ths of 1 percent) of all blacks that year
A rare point of agreement. Violent crime among young black males is endemic to a thug culture. While you cannot blame Rice, it is clear that that culture is the root of all the violence it spawns. Look at Trayvon, Tamir and Big Mike, their environment and their parents. It is very seldom that blacks who have abandoned thug culture are themselves or their children victims of it.

This is a problem you can't expect for the prevalent culture to solve.

I'm assuming the reason he acted the way he did was partly fear and ignorance. I don't fault him for either. He acted within the limits of his job to ensure his safety and I suffered a minor inconvenience. No harm, no foul.
The first thing I have to say about your encounter is if someone had told me fifty years ago that law-abiding American citizens would be subjected to this kind of abusive attention by police, and if I believed the prediction were true, I would have begun looking into obtaining Dutch, Danish or Swiss citizenship. Because the situation you've described, in addition to a number of other equally oppressive developments, such as warrantless 3AM break-ins (which often are erroneous) and relentlessly increasing police militarism, are unmistakable indications of a drift toward totalitarian rule.


The objective reality of your experience is, while you had broken no law nor were you suspected of some violent crime, you were forced at gunpoint to lie face down on a filthy road, then you were handcuffed and searched -- all in the name of "officer safety." The fact that you see fit to graciously accept this violation of your civil and human rights is both amazing and offensive to me. Because the ultimate effect of your willingness to tolerate it lends support to such abusive police conduct and ensures it will become more common.

If your gun had been lying in plain sight on the seat next to you, and if your hand moved toward it while reaching for your documents, then the cop's behavior would be understandable and acceptable. But as it was you politely informed him there was a gun hidden in the console. That fact alone was clear assurance that you had no intention of harming him. Yet he behaved as if you did, which occurred as a grossly exaggerated manifestation of concern for "officer safety."

He could unholster his gun to establish advantage, then ask you to step out and move to the rear while he takes charge of your gun and ascertains lawful possession. Instead he put you through the entire abusive ritual with absolutely no concern for your civil rights and personal dignity. As regards "officer safety," no cop should perform a car stop without a partner. And if this seems impractical because of personnel demands, put an end to the utterly nonsensical, wholly counterproductive drug war -- which is an absolute waste of police resources!

What I described is just how it is in America. Partly due to liberal policy.

FTR I wasn't "abused", it was a mere inconvenience. Yes, the officer may have gone a little too far, but I would rather him take the steps he felt he needed to take instead of making it worse and it end with him shooting me.

It's better to be safe than sorry.
I am no "libtard" stupid. I dare you to show me where I said what the officer was thinking...go on... make my day...sucker.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger.

Now, I know that you will deny this, but you can't deny you wrote it. You state the officer does not really think his life is in danger. So, you claim to know what he was thinking.

Now, pull a Bill Clinton and 'splain me how the words you wrote don't mean what you say they mean, and the real definition of your words really depends on the what the meaning "thought" is.


This:"Now the death of Rice might have been justified if the officer really thought his life was in danger.

does NOT equate to this:"You state the officer does not really think his life is in danger."

You are assuming again. I don't see the words "does not" in my narrative ...why do you think you can add words like that to other people's posts and not be held accountable?

Thank you for a perfect impersonation of Bill Clinton lying. You are masterful.

This thread has devolved into racist bloodlust. Please move it to the badlands.

Nice one! You can't beat out the FACTS so you'll just take your ball and go home! Boo hoo, poah poah libtard.

You are boring dude. I don't have to lie , especially when everyone sees how you created this straw man of a distraction. The officers's behavior speaks for itself and the timeliness of it speaks as well. That is the core of the controversy surrounding the series of events that led up to the shooting. Hey, nice chatting with you. gotta go ...bigger fish to fry...stay cool.....

Yes, move along to twist more facts to your sorry lying hide!
Playing with guns is only scary when a white boy sees a black boy doing it. Besides, what kids plays with guns anyway?

Answer: All of them
And every one of those kids who point one at a cop will get themselves shot
WRONG!Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin. | Page 15 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why don't you test your theory?

If you're white walk up to a cop and pull a gun let's see what happens
What theory? I linked you to 8 factual cases where White people , some with weapons...some having drawn down on cops,,,,were NOT shot. I didn't even mention the Bundy episode in Arizona... You can't win on that one... those are the facts....White privilege is alive and well...

8 cherry picked cases are statistically meaningless
There are many more but due to time and space constraints I thought 8 would suffice for most people to get my point across. Y
Young Black males may make up 3% of the population but the entire Black male population didn't commit murder in any given year, dumbass. And many of those arrested for murder are never convicted. Since all we have are the FBI "arrest"statistics to go by here is an example that I have given to you many times before...dumbass,

2010, blacks committed 8009 homicides, while whites committed 6877 homicides. As a percentage of the black population, in 2010, 8009 homicides represent 0.02 percent (2/100ths of 1 percent) of all blacks that year
A rare point of agreement. Violent crime among young black males is endemic to a thug culture. While you cannot blame Rice, it is clear that that culture is the root of all the violence it spawns. Look at Trayvon, Tamir and Big Mike, their environment and their parents. It is very seldom that blacks who have abandoned thug culture are themselves or their children victims of it.

This is a problem you can't expect for the prevalent culture to solve.

You named three shootings, Michael Brown's death is the only one that could even remotely be identified as having a "thug" component to it.

Black victims bear the brunt of Black thug criminality. Once again you are off on a tangent of abject ignorance.

Law abiding Blacks are part of that "prevalent" culture you supremacist morons
want to hijack as your own. Good Black Christian citizens are just as American in their behavior as Joe Biden is or Earl warren was.

BTW, what kind of culture was it that spawned Slavery, Jim Crow and anti-Semitism? What kind of culture produced the model for "thuggish behavior" on the silver screen where people couldn't wait to see the next episode?

No your illusion of a prevalent culture is misplaced. But those who want to place a premium on their White skin are prone to such fantasies. Largely because that is often ALL they have.
What I described is just how it is in America. Partly due to liberal policy.
Political pressure applied to legislators by police union lobbyists is not "liberal policy."

FTR I wasn't "abused", it was a mere inconvenience. Yes, the officer may have gone a little too far, but I would rather him take the steps he felt he needed to take instead of making it worse and it end with him shooting me.
You don't consider being forced to lie face down on a filthy road and being handcuffed and searched when you've done nothing illegal being abused? You consider that a mere inconvenience?

Maybe I'm wrong, so I'll ask how many others here agree with you.

It's better to be safe than sorry.
It's better to not be subjected to that abusive nonsense when you've done nothing to deserve it.
To be fair here you folks seem to think that a young black man waving and threatening people walking down the side walk with a pellet gun is "playing"... I don't seem to have much in common with your opinion of "non-abusive" behavior...
To be fair here you folks seem to think that a young black man waving and threatening people walking down the side walk with a pellet gun is "playing"... I don't seem to have much in common with your opinion of "non-abusive" behavior...

You seem to think that a kid playing with a gun amounts to "waving and threatening people" only when the kid is black tho.
To be fair here you folks seem to think that a young black man waving and threatening people walking down the side walk with a pellet gun is "playing"... I don't seem to have much in common with your opinion of "non-abusive" behavior...

You seem to think that a kid playing with a gun amounts to "waving and threatening people" only when the kid is black tho.

Uhm no, if someone was waving around a gun and threatening people (by waving it in peoples faces) they could be florescent green for all I care, get them the hell away from other kids who might be /actually/ be "playing" in that park...
To be fair here you folks seem to think that a young black man waving and threatening people walking down the side walk with a pellet gun is "playing"... I don't seem to have much in common with your opinion of "non-abusive" behavior...

You seem to think that a kid playing with a gun amounts to "waving and threatening people" only when the kid is black tho.

Uhm no, if someone was waving around a gun and threatening people (by waving it in peoples faces) they could be florescent green for all I care, get them the hell away from other kids who might be /actually/ be "playing" in that park...

When you go to such lengths to describe playing with a gun as being threatening then you must one of those people who wants everyone to have a participation trophy and have long discussions on why recess is dangerous
You guys are probably the ones who got Slave Princess Leia banned from sales because of "sensitivity" reasons
To be fair here you folks seem to think that a young black man waving and threatening people walking down the side walk with a pellet gun is "playing"... I don't seem to have much in common with your opinion of "non-abusive" behavior...

You seem to think that a kid playing with a gun amounts to "waving and threatening people" only when the kid is black tho.

Uhm no, if someone was waving around a gun and threatening people (by waving it in peoples faces) they could be florescent green for all I care, get them the hell away from other kids who might be /actually/ be "playing" in that park...

When you go to such lengths to describe playing with a gun as being threatening then you must one of those people who wants everyone to have a participation trophy and have long discussions on why recess is dangerous

And when you go to such lengths to categorize waving a realistic looking pellet gun in someone's face as "playing", in addition to saying a 5'7" tall 200 pound "guy" looks like a "kid" you're stretching the truth for political reasons.

I'll compromise though; I'm 5'8" and 125pounds and I'm over 40, if I can get called a "kid" too I'll buy that everyone calling 911 and the police realized he was only 12...
The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Some one called it and told dispatch that there was a child in the park waving what looked like it might be a toy gun.

This information was not passed on to the responding officers. Rice's death wasn't the cops fault but it sure was someone's fault.
Did you see a photo of the gun? No one could have called that in as a toy. Let's hear the call.

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