Target jumps on the transgender PC train rest room issue

Which dad burn bathroom should a Hermaphrodite use? Naturally born with both male and female sex organs. They are opening up a can of worms.
How come all these companies all of a sudden celebrate diversity and inclusiveness? We're talking about a very small minority and some mental health issue weirdos. How about just selling your products and staying out of social politics.
The world is moving from darkness into light. Only the dinosaurs,those unable to cope, will be left behind.
How come all these companies all of a sudden celebrate diversity and inclusiveness? We're talking about a very small minority and some mental health issue weirdos. How about just selling your products and staying out of social politics.
The world is moving from darkness into light. Only the dinosaurs,those unable to cope, will be left behind.

Even the little dinosaurs, the ones that perverted dinosaurs prey on.
Some years ago Target made it company policy to refuse the VFW and American Legion permission to sell Buddy Poppies on their property, I never stepped foot on their property again. A Buddy Poppy does not have a set price and if you want to pay one cent it will be accepted. 100% of the donations go to hospitalized vets.

And they banned The Salvation Army. That did it for me, haven't been back since.
How come all these companies all of a sudden celebrate diversity and inclusiveness? We're talking about a very small minority and some mental health issue weirdos. How about just selling your products and staying out of social politics.
The world is moving from darkness into light. Only the dinosaurs,those unable to cope, will be left behind.

Nice attempt at spinning insanity. You managed to use a Star Wars reference with dinosaurs. I'll give you an 8 out of 10 on that one even though the content of your message (allowing men with peckers in the women's room) is seriously deranged.
How come all these companies all of a sudden celebrate diversity and inclusiveness? We're talking about a very small minority and some mental health issue weirdos. How about just selling your products and staying out of social politics.

Because they know what will happen eventually if they don't get on board. They know their name and brand will be dragged through the mud if they don't bend over and grab their ankles.
They know how the left works, they'll eventually be called bigots, homophobes, nazi's, Hitler, etc.
By coming out now with this policy, heads off the problems later from the PC mafia.

They don't care what you or I think, because they know we won't be holding signs in front of their stores screaming at their customers and calling them names.
The left on the other hand will if they don't get their way.
How come all these companies all of a sudden celebrate diversity and inclusiveness? We're talking about a very small minority and some mental health issue weirdos. How about just selling your products and staying out of social politics.

Because they know what will happen eventually if they don't get on board. They know their name and brand will be dragged through the mud if they don't bend over and grab their ankles.
They know how the left works, they'll eventually be called bigots, homophobes, nazi's, Hitler, etc.
By coming out now with this policy, heads off the problems later from the PC mafia.

They don't care what you or I think, because they know we won't be holding signs in front of their stores screaming at their customers and calling them names.
The left on the other hand will if they don't get their way.

I have an inalienable right to shop where I want to, usually driven by the cheapest price but I will shop somewhere else even if I have to pay a higher price.
Some years ago Target made it company policy to refuse the VFW and American Legion permission to sell Buddy Poppies on their property, I never stepped foot on their property again. A Buddy Poppy does not have a set price and if you want to pay one cent it will be accepted. 100% of the donations go to hospitalized vets.

And they banned The Salvation Army. That did it for me, haven't been back since.

The problem with letting the Salvation Army is equality. If they let the SA they have to let everyone which puts so many beggars outside the door that customers can't get in, have to battle the beggar army or give up and go home. It's everyone or no one.

Stores should be allowed to chase derelict away but that's too much freedom.
The bigots world is shrinking every day. Fantastic.
Think of it this way, Target will now be asshole free!
I love the way these idiots approach this from a standpoint of totally ineffectual fury.
I have no doubt that this company examined all the evidence before going public. They arent social reformers and there were sound business decisions behind their decision.
The bigots are a dwindling breed. Suck it up !
I'm kind of sorry we have had to be added to travel advisories, though, for foreign tourists. It's humiliating.
I'm kind of sorry we have had to be added to travel advisories, though, for foreign tourists. It's humiliating.
I wouldnt lose any sleep over it.
In many ways the US is ahead of the game and actually sets the standard for the world to catch up. Every country has enclaves that get left behind.
The bigots world is shrinking every day. Fantastic.
Think of it this way, Target will now be asshole free!
I love the way these idiots approach this from a standpoint of totally ineffectual fury.
I have no doubt that this company examined all the evidence before going public. They arent social reformers and there were sound business decisions behind their decision.
The bigots are a dwindling breed. Suck it up !

They know you guys will be screaming in front of their stores somewhere down the road, if they don't get on the bandwagon. You'll be calling them "bigots","Hitler", "nazi's", just like you are doing here, so they have caved even before you have a chance to complain.
They know how you guys work.
That's there "sound business decision".
The bigots world is shrinking every day. Fantastic.
Think of it this way, Target will now be asshole free!
I love the way these idiots approach this from a standpoint of totally ineffectual fury.
I have no doubt that this company examined all the evidence before going public. They arent social reformers and there were sound business decisions behind their decision.
The bigots are a dwindling breed. Suck it up !

You know nothing of Target. They're based out of commisota
I'm using the women's restroom. They are often cleaner than that men's restroom. It is so awesome to be free now. I am free to use the lady's restroom. Thank God we have liberals who fight for this because I was so oppressed before that. I couldn't use the woman's restroom like ever in my entire life.

Ladies, feel free to enter into the man's restroom. Please wear something sexy to.

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