Target jumps on the transgender PC train rest room issue



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All to please a very small minority of the population ?

Companies like this are scared to death of the PC mafia.
They know if they don't get onboard, somewhere down the road they will be compared to Hitler and the nazi's if they dare take the opposing side.
They know how liberals work.

Does being compared to Hitler and the NAZIs hurt? Is it so horrible?
Strangely, it doesn't bother LibTards - the ones who deserve the appellation the most - in the slightest... speaks volumes about their (lack of) character.
Another Corporate Whore, chasing the Trend du Jour, if they think it will help their bottom line.

If America passed a law requiring that all Trannies must wear un-lockable chastity belts, they'd scramble to modify their Underwear Section for the new line of Hardware...

Corporate immorality, empowering perversion and degeneracy that has been mainstreamed... just another metaphorical hooker, using its metaphorical ass to make a living...

or they just realized that they've gotten all they can out of you nuts who worry so much about other people's genitalia.

You see, the thing is, in 2004, these same big corporations were perfectly happy to use your sexual insecurities to get George W. Stupid into office a second time. and lo and behold, Bush didn't pass your puritanical laws on the gays and the trannies. He did let his Wall Street Buddies loot the shit out of the middle class, though.
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...
Autogynephile Dennis “Allison” Woolbert served six years in prison for sexually repeatedly raping a child. Became a tranny when he got out of prison, in part to conceal his past.


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Another Corporate Whore, chasing the Trend du Jour, if they think it will help their bottom line.

If America passed a law requiring that all Trannies must wear un-lockable chastity belts, they'd scramble to modify their Underwear Section for the new line of Hardware...

Corporate immorality, empowering perversion and degeneracy that has been mainstreamed... just another metaphorical hooker, using its metaphorical ass to make a living...
Incoherent much?
Autogynephile Boyd “Fallon” Fox gets his jollies from beating the shit out of women.

Autogynephile “Colleen” Francis is an ex-military man who exposed his genitals to young girls in a women’s locker room, and blamed them for daring to complain


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Autogynephile James “Andrea James” Mead made pornographic, violent threats to the young children of a university professor


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Leftists suffer from an underdeveloped amygdala. The amygdala is your threat assessor, and since they have underdeveloped amygdalas, they lack the ability to assess potential threats and immediate threats properly as well as conservatives/rightists are able to. Conservative/libertarian/right wing individuals tend to have a fully to overly developed amygdala.

Thats why they (leftists)can't get past calling you a bigot and process the evidence brought to them concerning the possible dangers of not being "bigots" when it comes to this and pretty much any issue.
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Another Corporate Whore, chasing the Trend du Jour, if they think it will help their bottom line.

If America passed a law requiring that all Trannies must wear un-lockable chastity belts, they'd scramble to modify their Underwear Section for the new line of Hardware...

Corporate immorality, empowering perversion and degeneracy that has been mainstreamed... just another metaphorical hooker, using its metaphorical ass to make a living...
Incoherent much?
Nope... neither at-large, generally, nor here, specifically... if you're unable to glean the meaning from plain English, that's your cross to bear in life, not mine.

Was there anything else, before you're dismissed as another lightweight?
Dress like a woman and suck dick like a man..... but leave us the hell alone already.

We need a 3rd bathroom for all these social outcast as they are completely gross on so many levels

A real waste of 02

I boycotted Target years ago when buying beer. They asked to see my ID, which is OK even though I was 60 but then demanded to scan it into their system. I'd rather go to Walmart, they have the same shit and more in a bigger store.
The Homophobe's Pledge - "We will fight them in the bathrooms, we will fight them in the bakeries, we will fight them in the florist shops, we will fight them in the photo studios, until such time as we finally get over our insecurities and realize it is no big deal."
The Homophobe's Pledge - "We will fight them in the bathrooms, we will fight them in the bakeries, we will fight them in the florist shops, we will fight them in the photo studios, until such time as we finally get over our insecurities and realize it is no big deal."
This poster is a perfect example of a leftist with an underdeveloped amygdala.
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The Homophobe's Pledge - "We will fight them in the bathrooms, we will fight them in the bakeries, we will fight them in the florist shops, we will fight them in the photo studios, until such time as we finally get over our insecurities and realize it is no big deal."

You're so typical of the modern cliche liberal.
The Homophobe's Pledge - "We will fight them in the bathrooms, we will fight them in the bakeries, we will fight them in the florist shops, we will fight them in the photo studios, until such time as we finally get over our insecurities and realize it is no big deal."
This poster is a perfect example of a leftists with an underdeveloped amygdala.

Let him babble...he's basically harmless

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