Target - Moving Away from Gender Based Signs

........... (I'm posting nothing because I don't want to accidentally post what I was going to post, but, can't delete.... )
That reminds me when we went to SeaWorld… Anheuser-Bush did free beer tasting at that time (I don't know how it is now) There were long lines at the restrooms and the women's line was even longer. Finally I got inside and there was a guy standing around at the stalls with doors on them. Once one became available he was screaming blocking the doorway to the stall: "Honey, hurry up.." There was a woman bolting straight in and yelled: "I am not looking!" running into the stall. Some guy with great humor immediately replied: "But we are!"
That reminds me when we went to SeaWorld… Anheuser-Bush did free beer tasting at that time (I don't know how it is now) There were long lines at the restrooms and the women's line was even longer. Finally I got inside and there was a guy standing around at the stalls with doors on them. Once one became available he was screaming blocking the doorway to the stall: "Honey, hurry up.." There was a woman bolting straight in and yelled: "I am not looking!" running into the stall. Some guy with great humor immediately replied: "But we are!"

In Williamsburg (Busch Gardens) they had the same thing, a brewery tour and free beer at the end (awesome!) anyway.... never had or saw any bathroom incidents.... I have been with people that have walked into the wrong restrooms.... :)
........... (I'm posting nothing because I don't want to accidentally post what I was going to post, but, can't delete.... )

you don't understand... haven't you ever gone to quote a post, then, change your mind, but, everytime you come back to the thread, there it is in "draft" form????
........... (I'm posting nothing because I don't want to accidentally post what I was going to post, but, can't delete.... )

you don't understand... haven't you ever gone to quote a post, then, change your mind, but, everytime you come back to the thread, there it is in "draft" form????
Yes, I have…. I finally figured it out… I delete the whole "reply" field and then when it is blank I save the blank reply… try it… the quote and your reply will be gone...
........... (I'm posting nothing because I don't want to accidentally post what I was going to post, but, can't delete.... )

you don't understand... haven't you ever gone to quote a post, then, change your mind, but, everytime you come back to the thread, there it is in "draft" form????
Yes, I have…. I finally figured it out… I delete the whole "reply" field and then when it is blank I save the blank reply… try it… the quote and your reply will be gone...

I tried to make it happen again (where the draft won't go away, now I can't make it stay!)
If you delete the entire post, then "post reply" won't it post a blank?
........... (I'm posting nothing because I don't want to accidentally post what I was going to post, but, can't delete.... )

you don't understand... haven't you ever gone to quote a post, then, change your mind, but, everytime you come back to the thread, there it is in "draft" form????
Yes, I have…. I finally figured it out… I delete the whole "reply" field and then when it is blank I save the blank reply… try it… the quote and your reply will be gone...

I tried to make it happen again (where the draft won't go away, now I can't make it stay!)
If you delete the entire post, then "post reply" won't it post a blank?
don't "post reply"
Target is a Wells Fargo company both are slime.

i thought Turdget was French owned, so does that also make W.F. aFrench owned company ??
Wells Fargo has been known as Buffoons baby for a long time. You can go directly to their website and see for yourself its a WF company aka NW. Follow the old trails of Nerwest and it will lead you into the big Carg... and the big Mon..... (which was also always claimed to be a french company). NW had a whole lot of its people in London soon after it bought the WF name, from there they spread all over. The head auditor for WF went to Bay.. and also appointed to COD-X. When I awoke one morning in 2009 and the spirit said check out Monsa.... and Car... I thought to myself wtf do they have to do with WF. That trail led back to Auro..., Co. (a money trail of finances) which looks pretty familiar to (aka auro.....fine chemicals & college, it almost amazed the that a photo of the high command from back when and the CEO at the time of our take out looked almost like a match, possibly just a coincidence) and that last one leads directly back to the the European sprout aka the welcoming refugee area of high Merk.. I tried to keep track of it all for years but we spent years without Internet so I have not kept up. I used to keep the research in a yahoo account but that got trashed last year so I'd have to go back and get each and every link. I still recall where to look for them all though.

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